Orgasm :: Hard For Me To Reach Climax During Sex

I'm a 20 yr woman and It's very hard for me to climax DURING sex, in fact I haven't at all. i mean i've done it plenty of times on my own when i masturbate, just not during sex. What are good ideas for foreplay for my boyfriend and I to try so that I can have a better sexual experience.

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Sexual Stimulation :: Bleeding After Clitoral Climax

ok so a day ago i ended my period. today i masturbated again whatever. but i only masturbate with my clitoris. after i climaxed however i noticed something wet. it could have been my semen but i usually don't orgasm every time. so i look down and there is a pool of blood. it was everywhere i know its gross. im seriously concerned because i am still a virgin.

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Vaginal Bleeding After Orgasm / Bleeding For 4 Weeks

I am a 24 year old female. 5"3 and 15 stone.

For the last 5 years my periods have been very irregular, at one time I didn't have one for 3 months and assumed I had PCOS. I lost weight and all was back to normal. That was 4 years ago but now for the last 4 months I have had light spotting in between periods which then developed into heavier bleeding and now I have been bleeding for the most part of 4 weeks. I have noticed it is usually brought on after Orgasm (non penetrative). It is always bright red, clotty and I would say a Moderate bleed.

I have been with the same partner for 5 years and we always use protection. I had a smear 8 months ago when the spotting initially started and all was normal. What could this be as it is really getting in the way of my life and I am scared of becoming anemic because of this.

I have developed some facial hair and have real trouble with my weight (which I am now trying to lose) so I just assume it is PCOS but I don't associate PCOS with excessive bleeding, especially for a month straight?

I can't get an appointment with my GP for 3 weeks yet so any advice on what this could be would be very much appreciated.

P.S I have never taken birth control, I am not on any prescription medicine.

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Orgasm :: Swollen Vagina After Sex

I'm 25. I am sexually clean and so is my partner. We wear non latex condoms, when I wore latex condoms with my previous partner I would get horrible utis. I stopped using latex and they stopped, I figured I was allergic. My new partner is larger then my previous one, he also likes sex multiple times. This is not a problem with me other than right after sex the first time my vagina opening starts to swell. The top wall (when laying on my back) swells and is VERY painful, and will stay painful for at least a day after wards. Not to get to graphic but you can't even put a finger in. And it is only the opening if I finally get him in (usually the day after he is fine inside till he goes to pull out or push in. I've tried many positions and it still hurts. I am sure he is stretching me, but he is not tearing there's no blood after sex. Any ideas on how to stop it or heal it faster. Also lube I do not think is an issue. We tried that last time and it was still swollen.

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Vagina :: Direct, Strong Clitoral Vibration Lead To Orgasm?

I had had a lot of trouble orgasming.

One thing I have tried is holding a vibrator on my clitoris. This causes my legs to shake like crazy and I feel like I'm going to scream. It isn't painful, it just feels so strong, and I end up feeling overwhelmed, and pulling it away. I kinda worry I might lose control with screaming and moaning. What I wonder is what would be likely to happen if I continued? Would it lead to a massive orgasm? Or could it do damage to my clitoris?

If I hold the vibrator near my clitoris, such as on my labia or clitoral hood, it just isn't satisfying enough, if I leave it there for ages then it feels kinda good, but it doesn't really lead to any kind of build up, and I want it to be more intense. After about 10 - 15 minutes, my labia just feel numb and uncomfortable.

If it would likely lead to an orgasm to keep it on my clitoris and not pull it away, I wonder if i should use a strap on vibrator or clit-pump with vibrator so that I can keep it on and keep my hands away from it?

Or, what should I do? I'm really frustrated and I really want to be able to have orgasms, particularly given that I will eventually want to be able to enjoy sexual relationships without having to worry that I cannot orgasm.

I'm 25 by the way, a virgin.

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Intercourse / Orgasm :: Bleeding During Sex (not First Time, Though)

My girlfriend and I recently started having sex. She was a virgin. During our first time, I found it a little odd how easily I penetrated her and also that she wasn't in pain and didn't bleed, but I understand that all girls are different and so that's not so unusual.

We'd probably had sex around 6 times or so by last night, and we didn't do anything differently (we had been rather rough before and I had gone all the way in quite easily), and she wasn't in any (or at least very little) pain, but when we finished and turned the lights on she had been bleeding. She does not have her period.

Just sounds like I've broken her hymen but it seems a little unusual that it would have broken so late, when we really hadn't done anything differently this time to what we'd done previously.

I should also bring into the situation the fact that we had both basically just recovered (maybe 95% recovered) from what we had presumed was thrush (symptoms being slightly red/blotchy head of penis beneath foreskin, itchy/sensitive, no discharge as far as I noticed but she said she had experienced it and had had thrush before and it seemed like it).

I suggested the bleeding could have somehow been related to inflammation inside her vagina from the thrush but she insists that she is past the point in healing where inflammation would have been an issue - plus it shouldn't have made her bleed like that anyway.

Ah, I should also point out that it's not a weird STI or anything since she was a virgin and I have only ever been with one other person who was ALSO a virgin, so nothing could really have been passed between us (as far as I know?). I know that STI's can be passed on through oral sex and stuff as well, and my current girlfriend had never done it before me but had given handjobs and had been 'fingered'.

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Intercourse / Orgasm :: Bleeding After 3rd Time Sex

Me and my gf have had sex three times now.

1st was short as she started to bleed so we stopped.(didn't want to get caught and i was quite freaked out by the blood)

2nd time was for a good 3 hours no bleeding and was no pain at all.

3rd time it really really hert her and she was almost in tears and she has been bleeding a little ever since.

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Orgasm :: Bleeding During First Time Intercourse

I never had sex , what's the remedy that my pennis penetrate properly in her vagina. and what is to be done immediately if we both bleed on first night

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Intercourse / Orgasm :: Bleeding After Fingering

I'm 19 and fairly new to sex. I've had sex multiple times, but we mostly just do foreplay kinds of things. I've never had an orgasm, which I've read is normal for my age so I'm not too concerned. Although, when he fingers me I feel like I'm going to pee. I can't relax enough to enjoy it, because I'm terrified of peeing on him. Almost every time he fingers me TONS of liquid comes out. Like a small water balloon has burst. Is that normal even though I didn't orgasm? And last time he fingered me really hard and with 3 fingers and I bled during and after. Should I be worried?

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Bleeding And Pink Discharge After Orgasm - No Sex

I have never had sex and me and my boyfriend are always very careful during any intimacy, but today i experienced bleeding and light pink discharge after orgasm. My period ended 4 days ago, should i be worried?

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Intercourse :: Bleeding Penis After Orgasm During Anal Sex?

I was having anal sex with my BF and i felt a little discomfort in my ass. when I came everything was normal until blood started to come out of my penis. IT was not mixed in with the semen it came after. Not any pain after and when i peed it didnt have any blood. 
Does anyone know what this could be ? 

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Vaginal Health :: Bleeding After Clitoral Orgasm

Okay so I'm 18, i lost my V card when i was 15 and well i don't know how to put this but for like the past 2 years every time i have intercourse i bleed and have symptoms of UTI like having to pee every 5 seconds and when i do it trickles, and not being able to hold it, i went to the doctor and they tested me for uti and it came back negative. But i figured it could be tearing, what really worries me is when i masturbate, when i masturbate i just use my vibrator on the clit till orgasm, but every time i do i bleed and it's not like i'm on my period bleeding it's more like spotting and its not bright red more like a red with a hint of brown but u can still see its red, and i have short nails so there's no possible way i could have scratched something. I would go to my doctor but that's like a 2 hour drive, and this has happening for about 2 years.

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Sexual Stimulation :: Bleeding After Orgasm With Vibrator

I am not a virgin and when I have sex I dont bleed. BUT when i use a vibrator only on my clit I will bleed after an orgasm. I am not going to a doctor about this and don't have anyone to talk to since I find this to be embarrassing.

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Hymen Damaged / Broken ? Bleeding After Clitoral Orgasm

I'm 17 years old and when i orgasm by clitoral stimulation i bleed from my vagina, the blood is bright red in colour. I'm a virgin so i'm worried that my hymen may have gotten damaged or broken.

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Clitoral Stimulation :: Bleeding After Orgasm - Depo Shot?

Everytime i masturbate through clitoral stimulation i bleed. It's not a lot. But i'm worried because i don't know what it is wrong with me. I've been on depo for almost two years could that be the cause?

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Bleeding After Rubbing Vagina

me and my girlfriend had sex yesterday. i have only rubbed her vagina . She is virgin. almost after 45 mins she started feeling pain in her stomach and she is bleeding from almost past 14 hrs now. what can be the reason for this.

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Bleeding Vagina With Itching And Burning

For the past week or so, my vagina walls, close to my rectum have been very raw, itchy, and bleed when I wipe, I also have a clear mucus type discharge every time I go to the bathroom. Like it it being produced to "protect" the walls. It burns when urine gets on it. I have been putting baby diaper rash cream at night after my bath. Also, about 3 weeks ago, I had a fungal infection in my groin, that ended a few days before this started. I had prescription cream my mom gave me to put on it-that's what cleared it up. I'm 17, virgin and on no medication.

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After Fingering Inside My Vagina Is Bleeding Heavily

After getting fingered by my boyfriend (not a virgin) inside my vagina is bleeding heavily. What's going on ?

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Men Issues :: Painful Orgasm / Discharge After Orgasm

I'm male 17 years old I masturbate very often and have increased recently, and after ejaculation I have this small stinging pain to the lower right of the abdomen, almost near my hip. This pain goes on and off sometimes during the day on it's own and I don't do anything to it. I do masturbate really often and after masturbating I get this discharge which I think is precum again that stains my underwear and bothers me about 5 mins after orgasm. I just wanted to confirm if this was normal or if It was dangerous.

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