Uterine Fibroids :: Natural Remedies? Esmya Didn't Work

Is there any natural medicine to cure fibroids?

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Vasectomy :: Pain - Natural Remedies

Around 15 years ago I had a vasectomy, which the next day hemorrhaged, requiring a second operation.

All was quiet down below until 9 years later from nowhere I had a nasty case of left side epidemiologist. 4 courses of antibiotics finally cleared that up, but left swollen epidermis and chronic pain. 18 months later the right side also became infected (you will know by the level of swelling).

Also at the same time I found that I had a mild bleeding disorder (hence the initial hemorrhaging), which meant I was banned from all NSAID's (Ibuprofen, naproxen etc)

After that period I had the all-to familiar chronic pain, for which I took increasing strength coedene and even tried acupuncture which did help a little.

All the same depressing story as other posts, except that 18 months ago I feel had a major breakthrough in life which I would like to share....

I knew that the main cause of the pain is inflammation, and given that I can't take NSAID's I researched what I could achieve by changing my diet.

The result has been fantastic, the pain is still there in the background but I don't have to notice it, and my swelling has gone down a lot. I have a very active sex life and still don't sink back into the abyss of pain.

If you are interested the following foods I would recommend in order of effectiveness.

1. High strength fish oil (buy the best you can afford)

2. Turmeric

3. Shiitake mushrooms

4. Broccoli

5. Green tea

6. Avocado

If I have a flare up every day I take a full dose of the fish oil, eat 60 grams of shiitake mushrooms (cooked with 1 tsp of turmeric). Also I will eat a whole broccoli a day & drink copious amounts of green tea. If is really bad I also include the avocado.

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Menopause :: Hot Flashes - Natural Remedies?

I was wondering what if anything natural has anyone taken or done for your hot flashes, please?

I don't smoke, drink soda or any type of alcohol. But I like to have at least one cup of tea in the morning. And, this perimenopause monster is trying to take even my cup of tea away from me.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Myomectomy Pain After 10 Weeks

I had a myomectomy and signed off work for 10 weeks.  I'm now fully back to work but still experiencing some pains in my tummy.  I know that one fibroid was left behind (I had 14, largest measuring 10cms) because it was small and in an awkward place and just wondering if anyone in a similar situation still gets pains? My pains are generally in the ovary area, each side taking it in turns to hurt. Last couple of days it's been my left ovary area and now Im making frequent trips to bathroom to pass not that much urine and also have strong back pain just above lower back

Feel like almost my fibroids could have come back with these pains i'm having.  Can they come back so soon? Or perhaps it's just my insides are still sore and healing. Is it normal to feel all this after this length of time?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Nerve Pain In Buttock That Goes Down To Leg

I've just come out of hospital, having been admitted due to chronic pain. I had MRI which showed 10cm fibroid, benign cyst and thick lining of uterus - I'm 53 and pre menopausal. I have been having sever nerve like pain in buttock and goes down leg. I assumed gyno consultant would put this down to fibroid pressing on nerve. However, she was adamant pain nothing to do,with fibroids and ordered MRI for back which orthopaedic looked at and said was fine. She was still certain the pain and my enlarged uterus were not connected so has referred me to physio and out me in Esmya, and I then left hospital with many pain meds. These get me through the day with a background niggling pain, occasionally peaks and I roll for a bit. She is away at present, but will see me when gets back, my husband has made a private appointment with consultant who is covering. I am so sure the two are connected as they began together. Is he likely to disagree with a colleague? I can't go on with this level,of,pain - when I was admitted to hospital it was via a&e due to pain, and I'm scared the pain may escalate again. Any views/thoughts welcome. 

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Herpes :: Taking Antivirals And Natural Remedies Together

Diagnosed via visual inspection and symptoms. Blood test negative. (i believe i have hsv 2, my dr agrees), i've been researching just like everyone else, and have come up with a few questions.

I'm currently taking l-lysine 3000mg per day, oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, garlic supplement, and ahcc internally. Ive successfully stopped the primary/initial outbreak, but still getting some very mild tingling....

Is there any harm in taking all those anti virals at once? can i take them for a prolonged period?

It would seem the issue with curing this virus is the fact that it hides in the base of the spine, in the nerves, is that the one and only place it hides?

can hsv 2 hide elsewhere?

does anyone know how much of the virus comes out of the spine during an outbreak? is it all of the virus? half? a quarter?

Since the virus can be killed when it leaves the spine, one would think that if you caused outbreaks on purpose, over and over, intentionally, for a prolonged period, or until the triggers stopped causing the outbreaks, while on a high dose of antivirals, that maybe a way to actually eradicate the virus and cure it? has anyone explored this? its an interesting thought to me. Everyone wants to stop the outbreaks, i'm wondering if we are doing this backwards??

does anyone have experience with the dmso stuff? or does anyone have any documented stories of anyone, anywhere, curing this virus?

also, what's the official stance on proving you are virus free? no outbreaks rights? that's pretty much the only thing we can check, cause the antibodies will stay in your blood, right? after a positive blood test, it will always be positive, right? is there any other tests?

anyone have any new news on new cures, or vaccines? from some quick searching the best case scenarios i think i saw, were a vaccine for women in maybe 2 years, and maybe a cure in 5? that might be wishful thinking though... seems like there are a few teams trying to figure this out.

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Natural Cure / Home Remedies For Worms?

I am pretty sure that I have a parasite infection. The simple truth is that I feel bad about it, and don't want to turn up at my doctor's office with worms. I think that there must be some natural cures, or herbs around for worms? What do you think is the best way to cure worms naturally?

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Raynaud's Phenomenon :: Cured With Natural Remedies

Let me tell you I had full blown Raynaud's. I'd need roughly one hour recovery from an attack. Blue fingers white fingers, pain - the lot. I've got low blood pressure so I can't take medication. I have to go to hospital for a week for iloprost infusion. Anyway let me tell you what cured me. I take 3 pills. Butcher's broom, odorless garlic and gingko biloba. I had been taking just Gingko (which didn't work) but I was advised to take Butchers Broom in Holland and Barrett, they also said buy fish oil but I didn't like the thought. Anyway, it's only been 5 days but you could describe me as having bad circulation now but not Raynaud's. I've washed my hands with cold water, gone out without my mittens and I'm ok. I went to an event and minutes after entering I was shaking hands. My hands were warm!! You cannot imagine what it feels like to not have cold hands anymore. I was ready to saw my fingers off. This 'spring' has been awful but now I'm no colder than anyone else . Please buy these natural remedies, it'll change your life.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Myomectomy - First Period, Worse Pain

It was 2 weeks yesterday since I had my open myomectomy and this morning I woke with the worst period pains ever!

My tummy hurts so much particular at the sides of my scar and my back....if it hurt before, now it's seriously hurting!!! Is this normal??? Did anyone else experience this? Is it a one off because my op is still fresh or will my period always be like this from now on? I'm in agony and keep bursting into tears.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Myomectomy, Still Feeling Pain 3 Weeks After

It's 3 weeks today since I've done my myomectomy. I'm still a little swollen and I get either sharp shooting pains or what feels like cramps in the area. I think maybe it's my bladder that's cramping ? because I feel a slight discomfort when I pee. I still get tired very easily, even if all I'm doing is walking around the house. I lost 1.3 litres of blood and my blood count's lot less than what it should be. Is that the reason why ? I was supposed to do a blood count on Monday 23rd but I didnt go because I wanted the boyfriend to come with me to bolster me. My biggest fibroid was almost the size of a football and the second biggest was the size of a grapefruit. I got lots of rest last week but I still feel tired..I don't understand why. I'm feeling just as awful as I did after the surgery. I thought the tiredness and pain would be gone by now. I have to go back to work tomorrow but my doctor said 6 weeks. I don't want to lose my job. My boyfriend says I'm fine. It's week 3 now. Also,my left lymph gland/groin hurts sometimes. I'm back to feeling the same discomfort as I did after the myomectomy. The scar area is a mixture of numbness and pain. Is this normal ? My sides and back hurt too. I've been using my abdominl muscles to get up, which I didn't do before, (I was using my hands to push up and my boyfriend would help me to get up), so now my abs feel sore. Is that okay ? My doctor had said that if my blood count doesnt go back up to normal I may have to do a blood transfusion. I don't want to do that. I've stopped taking the pain medication Voltaren, because I don't want to get addicted.

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Genital Herpes Simplex :: Natural Remedies Or Vitamins?

What are some natural remedies or vitamins can you take that help with OB's or in general? Does anyone have any stories or luck w anything?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Post Open Myomectomy - Tenderness Like Pain

I am in Australia (this website is fantastic by the way) and have just finished my first week of recovery after having an open myomectomy to remove a 15x11cm fibroid.

The fibroid was on the outside right hand side of my uterus.

I feel like I am recovering quite fast (have been able to get up and active during the day). However, I have a constant tenderness like pain on the inside on the right hand side. I have been sleeping on my sides at night because I can't stand lying on my back for too long! I feel like this may be irritating my insides though, do you think I could do permanent damage by lying on my side?

What are your experiences 1 week in post op?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Sudden Pain Almost 3 Weeks Post Myomectomy

Hi just wondering if anyboy else had sudden pain 3 weeks after open myomectomy? I was recovering well and beginning to feel almost back to normal other than some pulling pain at the sides of my incision scar and being slightly uncomfortable sitting up normally for longer periods. I also feel less bloated and although my stomach is still a bit swollen it is back to being flatter without the pregnant bump look.

I didn't have a general anaesthetic opting for a spinal anaesthetic and sedation instead. Initially after the surgery I had some issues with pain relief due to not being able to take certain medications and also going to the toilet. My GP gave me some morphine and strong laxatives and all went back to normal. I stopped taking the morphine about 8 days ago and was able to cope with the pulling pain. The skin around the scar is still very sensitive and tingle.

Since yesterday I have a sharp pain almost in the centre of my belly but slightly to the left and it is very painful to press on that side. I should add that I've been doing quite a lot round the house as my husband is unable to do much due to hurting his hip while I was in hospital and is therefore on crutches. I have been trying not to carry anything and I feel that I am still very weak so not sure if I might have pulled or strained something. 

I have an appointment booked with my GP tomorrow anyway (actually to discuss something else) but was wondering if this was normal?

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Uterine Fibroids :: Laparoscopic Myomectomy - Lower Back Pain

Hi I am 3 weeks post laparoscopic myomectomy. Few days after surgery I started noticing my lower back ache. The pain is in the middle, by the tailbone. Pain can sometimes also travel to my right leg. And also the pain is a lot worse when I walk or sit for over 5 minutes.

Unfortunately I can't take anti-inflammatory because I get a lot of diarreah from just 200mg. So I've been using a heating pad and just sitting.

Anyone had the same experience? What is causing this? Will this go away? What can I do to make the pain subside?

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Menopause :: Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes? Red Clover And Black Cohosh?

I am pretty sure I am in perimenopause. Had 2 periods in a year and the last one was Sept. 47 years old and lately been feeling the heat BIG time for about 2 minutes a few times a day. My sleep pattern is changing and I feel exhausted after work but pick up after a 30 minute nap in the evening. Libido is low but that may be due to the "dryness" making "intimacy" quite uncomfortable. 

Otherwise I feel fine. Been looking into natural remedies but worried about the oestrogen type supplements (red clover and black cohosh)- I thought they would be ideal until i read about increase risk of women's cancers;-( Now I am just confused. I don't know if I should take anything but I just started Menopace to see if it helps.

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Hytrin / Generic Terazosin To Help Urine Flow? Alternative/natural Remedies?

Got a couple questions for the board; have any of you been prescribed Hytrin or the generic Terazosin to help urine flow?

My Uro calls my condition bladder neck dysfunction and want to do a TRUP (send chills hearing that...yikes) to alleviate the weak urine flow I've had for about 3 -4 years.

The meds (Hytrin) does help but it makes my heart pound. I don't want to be on meds for this my whole life and I do NOT want to have surgery! I'm trying everything under-the-sun before going that route!

I'm 53 and eat vegan, otherwise good health, not overweight, work out 3 times a week and drink lots of water...well try to.

Considering acupuncture...but hoping for some tried and true other solutions?

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Swollen Varicose Veins In My Legs - Natural Remedies Or Painless Surgery?

I have varicose veins in my legs and both are swollen. I feel itchy and got purple coloured on lower side. I am afraid of operation or any painful treatment. Please tell me about any painless surgery/treatment or naturally method.

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Uterine Fibroids :: Esmya For 3 Months To Shrink Fibroids

I have not yet had my pre-op as the hospital seem to be slack, I wondered how long after taking esmya do the fibroids start to grow back? If they do? How long after finishing the 3 months course did people have to wait for there op? My period stopped while taking them, will it start again and will it be as heavy as before? My op is just to remove the 2 large fibroids that i have, as i would like to have another child. I am 42, so with time not on my side, you can see why I am getting impatient with the hospital!

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Uterine Fibroids :: Stopped Esmya - Womb / Ovarian Pain And Night Sweats

Stopped the esmya after 3 weeks due to night sweats ,hot flushes,severe womb pain,ovarian pain,chest pains like I was having a heart attack,etc.Have 20 plus fibriods,tried the mirena( uterus too bulky),uterine embolization( lining grew back),zoladex( severe migraine) so hysterectomy in sept.I had 4babies with fibroids the third was painful due to baby kicking on them,the fourth was a breeze.My doc says am the rare type who seem to get no problems getting pregnant with fibroids on the walls of my uterus and outside.

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