Microscopic Hematuria With Negative Urology Workup

I am a 27 year old female who has been on oral contraceptives for 7 years. I've never smoked and don't take any other medications. As part of a physical in June, my dr found microscopic blood in my urine. They did several retests and kept finding it. I had an ultrasound, cystoscopy, and CT scan. All were normal. My blood pressure has always been perfect. I have been referred to a urologist and they took a lot of blood without really explaining what they are looking for. Can you provide me with some insight? The dr did say she noticed a very small amount of protein but not enough to really bother her. This process has taken months and I never know how worried I am supposed to be.

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Kidney :: Microscopic Hematuria In 3 Yr Old Son

My son is of 3 years old.

Last month he was having fever so doctor suggested me to go through CBC blood test and urine test.

The CBC count was normal except the wbc count was more.

In Urine test it found color yellow, protein present+, puss cells 9-10 and rbc 7-8.

Again doctor treated with some antibiotics. With the help of those antibiotics there was no fever.

Again after a week we went under urine test the result was same.

Till now 4 time urinalysis has been so far and the results vary from sometimes RBC is between 2-3 to 7-8, Puss cells between 1-2 to 9-10 and protein from trace to present+.

So my doctor referred to a Nephrologists.

Nephrologists asked to go for Abdomen test and the results were normal. This was done last week.

Today again we went for urine test still the results are same Color yellow, protein present+, puss cells 9-10 and rbc 7-8.

My Nephrologists told me that there is no problem as the protein level is low.

He told me to regularly do urine test every 3 months and keep a track of protein level.

He also suggested me not to go for kidney biopsy as it is not needed now.

So what could be the reason behind it and what should I do?

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Kidney Mild Hydronephrosis :: Microscopic Hematuria

Recently there are red blood cells in my urine every time my doctor tests it and my ultrasound showed that my right kidney had mild hydronephrosis. My doctor order me to have a CT scan (IVP protocol). I don't know if MRI scan is more efficient than CT.

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Urology :: Hematuria With No Apparent Cause

I found blood in urine yesterday (Saturday) So today I went to urgent care.

The following tests were performed:
"CBC With Differential"
"Comprehensive Metabolic Panel"
"Urinalysis With Microscopic"
"XR Abdomen AP."

Doctor said that everything appeared normal, but my GP may follow up with a CT scan. Why? I'm really scared about this, but I thought something really serious like a malignancy would show up in blood work.

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Urology :: Water Infection 61 Years Old

Having water infection every 6 weeks

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Tiny Microscopic Red Hairs With Mucus On Nose Blow

hi doc whenever i blow my nose i see tiny microscopic red hairs with mucus like 1 or 2. is this blood or fiber? i put peroxide on it to see if it would turn brown but it just stays bright red. what can it be?

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Kidney Transplant - Donor Had Hematuria

I'm posting here on behalf of my sister in law. She's 29 years and since 2 years she's in dialysis. We're looking at the option to perform a transplant.

Her mother is a potential donor and we did all the tests. Everything was fine except for Hematuria (that is Erythrocytes in urine). After the doctors reviewed the result they told us she can't donate. I feel that while she may not be the best donor, they didn't want to take any risk.

I wanted to ask if anyone did a transplant while the donor had Hematuria?

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Kidney Disease :: Hematuria And Protein In Urine

For the last five months I have been experiencing blood and protein in my urine. After a very thorough assessment from a urologist everything came back normal. I was referred to see a nephrologist to see if the blood is coming from my kidneys. my kidney panel came back normal except for lower than normal creatinine levels???? but my urinalysis came back all wrong. It's showing 3+ for blood, 100 mg for protein, 1+ bilirubin, urine color is brown, ph of 5.5.

The dr also order a ANA test to check for lupus, but it came back negative. I'm completely lost, can a person have kidney disease w/normal kidney function?or lupus nephritis w/negative ANA test?

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Women Urinary Issues :: Persistent Dipstick Hematuria

About a month ago, a random health check at work detected a slight trace of blood in my urine sample, by a dipstick. I went to my doctors a week later to check again and he found it. He ordered 5 different blood tests, sent my urine of to be checked and ordered an ultrasound. He said that if all was fine, then not to worry and its one of those things. All came back fine, even my urine was negative for blood which i did not understand. The doctor said that dipsticks are over sensitive and that the lab found nothing of any relevence. When i went back to a different doctor for scan resuts, which were clear, they did another dipstick which again showed traces of blood. Anyway, now i have been referred to a urologist and I don't know why. I am so worried that it might be cancer. But according the lab, i dont have microhematuria? I have no other symptoms at all.  

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Intermittent Gross Hematuria - No Pain And Frequent Urination

I've been avoiding going to the Dr's for a while now, as I'm very scared.

Every few months, I have a day or so where I urinate blood. Also some blood clots. No real pain.

Then it will seemingly disappears for a few months, and will then return for a day or so.

I'm assuming it's something terrible.

Other symptoms seem to be frequent/weak urination.

Sometimes a mild/dull pain in one of my testicles.

Has anyone experienced this? WHy would it be every few months like this?

I plan to call my GP tomorrow as it happened again a minute ago for the first time in a few months and i'm plucking up the courage.

I'm petrified of the cystoscopy. (pain and embarrassment)

I had my urine tested for an unrelated issue a while ago, and it was apparently 'clean' (even though this was only a day after i'd been urinating what looked like almost pure blood)

How can this be?

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Kidney Disorders :: Hematuria With Pain And Left Side Face Numbness

Please guide me with available informations for Hematuria having dysmorphic red cells ,pain,left side face numbness.

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Women Urinary Issues :: Dipstick Hematuria But Urine Test Normal

I am a 17 year old female.

For about four months now I have been experiencing problems with fully emptying my bladder and had trouble with leakage, even wetting myself completely once.

I went to my GP who tested my urine with a dipstick and found traces of blood. My GP also sent off a urine sample to the lab but this has come back negative for blood which confused me.

I have been referred to a urologist and have been booked for a kidney and bladder ultrasound in a couple of weeks.

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LPHS - Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome - Blood In The Urine With Horrible Pain

I am French. I’m 28, it’s being 2 years and a half that I have blood in the urine with horrible pain.

I had 3 ureteroscopies who have given nothing and now the professor who follows me told me I have the loin pain hematuria syndrome, and there was nothing to do. The only thing I can do is to wait till it’s going better. He refuses to make a biopsy and told me to take aspirin.

I wanted to know if you know doctors who offer other drugs. I've heard of self transplantation and kidney innervation;
I've been in different hospitals and doctors tell me that the pain is bearable and advised me to consult a shrink. I do not think my pain is psychic. I wanted to know if U.S. medical research is more advanced than the French one.

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Urology :: Recovering From TUIP

I'm only 27 and had an appendectomy a few weeks ago for perforated appendicitis with peritonitis. Following removal of the catheter, I couldn't urinate. They said it would get better, but three days later I went home with a catheter. 1200ml urine was drained. The surgeon suspected urethritis with a spasm of the bladder sphincter.

I was hospitalized 2 days later, and a Urologist told me to wait a few more days. We waited 4 days and there was not much improvement following catheter removal. Further diagnostics were performed. Urodynamics showed a severe obstructed flow and bladder outlet obstruction. CT showed a mildly heterogeneous prostate: prostration and urethritis.The Urologist concluded I had a stricture considering I was having a split urine stream for as long as I could remember and an epididymitis episode 3 months prior.

Cystoscopy was performed and a small incision was made at the bladder neck. I was catheterized for 5 days and after it was removed, the flow was much stronger than I can remember. I had some bloody discharge for the first 10 days. That was followed by lots of bleeding and clots in my urine for the next 15 with burning upon urination. I was given antibiotics. Bleeding stopped at 4 weeks. I have had two wet dreams so I don't have retrograde ejaculation which was a big concern.

Now my only worry is erections. I had really strong nocturnal erections in the first few days (even with the catheter). However, erections were painful in the sense my urethra felt like it was on fire. These erections woke me up several times at night.

The pain at night subsided but now I find that my morning erections are not rock hard. Sometimes, when I touch my erect penis, the burning pain stings. I get erections through stimulation too. But sometimes, especially when I touch my penis it hurts. I really haven't tried to achieve a full blown erection because of this fear. This burning pain occurs when I'm flaccid but that is rare. Sometimes, I also get a dull pain in the tip of the penis. In fact, my whole system feels "sore" as if I had sex only a few hours ago. It's been almost 5 weeks. I had contacted my GP when the pain first started and Urologist a few days later but they don't think much of this. I can't seem to find anything about this online.

Once I can get pain-free rock hard erections, I'll be much happier to have had the surgery since my urinary symptoms have improved. I had never considered a slowish split stream to be a problem before.

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Urology :: Lactobacillus In Urine?

I am a 32 year old female. With Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and otherwise very healthy, except for a recent issue this summer with C.Diff/Clostridium Difficile after being given Augmentin antibiotic for bronchitis back in May. It killed all my good bacteria.. and have been on Flagyl and Vancomycin to treat the c diff damage Augmentin did. Back on Vanco a 2nd round.

Anyways, a month and a half later after the cdiff started, I developed this weird "burning" sensation around and inside my urethra. I had no idea what it was. Never had a UTI before that I know of. Then, I noticed these little "specks"/particles that looked like teeny little skin flakes in my pee and sometimes its cloudy with it... and weird little "bubbles". there were 4 occasions.. where something that resembled a shred of lettuce, very small, but looked, like.. lettuce, even the little veiny lettuce leaf things... came out during urination. oddly, i had lettuce the day before 2 of those events. I am pretty sure it came out with my urine, as the toilets were perfectly clear beforehand... and it happened at my work toilet and at home. and i did not do a #2 during any of these incidents. these were all in afternoons/evenings. and i normally only have BM's first thing in the morning. even with cdiff. i never saw such a thing in my pee before. then again, i never exactly looked all the time at my pee. until the burning thing started... then yeah, i was paying attention.

So, I do not have insurance, and was under the care of a Gastroenterologist at the main city hospital for the cdiff and he was letting me see him for free for 3 appointments as a courtesy thing. So, I told him how I thought I had a UTI, and if I have a UTI, I am in BIG trouble because that means I would need an antibiotic.. and I cant be on any other antibiotics as it would cause me to have a major c.diff setback or even kill me.

So, he ordered me to get a Urinalysis by Microscopy and Urine Culture test at the lab downstairs to their office. The urinalysis came back all normal/negative.. except trace ketones and trace mucus. everything else was fine. Urine culture came back and no Leukocytes, etc. BUT... it had 3 bacterias.. but within "normal limits". it just said "#1.. gram negative rods 2,000 count #2. gram neg rods 3,000 #3 Lactobacillus species 50,000. colonies per ML. Lab paper just says most likely sample collection contamination due to the mixed bacterias found. repeat if they wanted to. and that was it. doc said they don't treat unless its over 100,000 colonies. and they considered it a non-UTI. is this correct?

So... question is... is this actually even an "infection"??? The burning went away for several days, actually.

BUT I am currently taking probiotics.. for the cdiff treatment. LOTS and lots of Lifeway Kefir...which contains.. lactobacillus.........

so, could this be that its somehow getting into my urine? or... vaginal contamination how i did the sample collection? just funyn how it happens to be.. just that bacteria.

I know docs thought perhaps I may have IC back in 2007, but was never tested for anything. That was after I was having chronic urination... im talking 20-30 times a night. AFter they ruled out other problems and diabetes.

Also, can baking soda help fix this "problem"?

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Urology :: Pain While Urinating

feeling lot of pain while urinating most frequently. Sometimes the pain is less sometimes very high. i had habit of masturbating. One day after masturbating the pain started and is continuing now. Please can u say any remedy for this. any medication.

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Urology :: My Pee Smells Like Asparagus But Didn't Eat

My pee smells like asparagus but didn't eat any, can something you eat cause this besides asparagus?

About two weeks ago, I noticed a pain in my back together with the asparagus smell, I took an antibiotic for a few days, the pain cleared within a day but the asparagus smell did not clear.

Two years ago my pee smelled like asparagus too and since I was convalescent from a physical injury and had antibiotics I took them and the smell cleared. Am a celibate person with clean health habits so it could not be an std, and I don't have any of the symptoms of a uti. Can something you eat besides asparagus cause this?

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Urology :: Anyone With PBNO Or TUIP Experience?

I've had PBNO - primary bladder neck obstruction and been self cathing for 6 years.

anyone with any experience with PBNO or the recommended TUIP?

I just spent an hour writing a post and but disappeared when I tried to preview it so this is the abbreviated version.

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Urology :: Blood With Protein In Urine

Few, weeks go I had routine urine test. Doctor told me that I have proteinuria and hematuria. I feel well I don’t have any other symptoms. Doctors recommended me a physical examination and urine testing once or twice a year. Do I need kidney biopsy? Is this serious?

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