Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy :: Omeprazole - Stopping Before Endoscopy

I have been taking omeprazole 40mg daily for a suspected peptic ulcer for 2 months. The pain has now completely gone. I'm due for an endoscopy in 2 weeks to check everything. I came off omeprazole yesterday, as instructed by the hospital, but have started today with indigestion and excess saliva production which is affecting my sleep. Will this subside? Any more experiences out there?

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Upper Gastroscopy (Endoscopy) With Sedation

I am sixteen years old and had an Upper gastroscopy yesterday!

Firstly DON'T WORRY! Alls I did was worry and it really was ok.

I checked into the hospital, and waited in my bed for about half an hour. I was then taken to a pre-theatre room, where i was told to lie on my back. I had my throat sprayed and it numbed it instantly. I then had the sedation put into a vain in my hand. The doctor then told me to lie on my side, but I couldn't as I was already sedated (That's how quick it works!)

DON'T worry about the air being pumped into you, I didn't feel a thing!

The next thing I knew, I woke up and it was all over. The procedure only lasted for 5 minutes.

I waited around for about one hour for the sedation to ware off and then I went home with my mum and boyfriend.

Today I woke up with mild stomach pains due to the fact I had a BIOPSY took of my stomach, but as the day wore on they gradually got smaller.

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Upper Gastroscopy / Endoscopy Without Sedation

I can see a Colonoscopy coming my way.

Just wanted to say about 4 years ago I had to have an upper tract endoscopy (tube down throat) and was beside myself over it. I'm the biggest wimp going and very frightened of invasive procedures.

Anyway, circumstance on the day were that if I had sedation I'd have no one to drive me home afterwards but I wanted to get it over and one with.

So believe it or not I asked for it without sedation. The nurse tried to dissuade me but I stuck to my guns. I did accept the throat spray though. I calmed myself as much as I could and walked into the procedure room.

I'm please to say I managed it without sedation and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. No pain and only minimal discomfort. I did mumble about getting the endoscope out quick just before the end but by then it was nigh on all over. The examining doctor said I'd done so well to tolerate it. That made me doubly proud of myself because at the time I suffered from severe panic attacks (now thankfully gone).

Back in recovery all my fellow endoscopes who'd had their procedure before me were snoring their heads off. I waited there a while because I wanted the numbness the spray had caused to my throat to wear off. During this wait I heard other patients who had been sedated fighting, groaning, moaning and shouting during their investigation. I'm sure that would have been me if I'd been left with no control.

Now possibly got to face a colonoscopy and heading to that section to see what the score is on that front.

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Colonoscopy? After HIDA, Upper Endoscopy, Enterography And Pelvic Ultrasound

Long story shot. On October 11th I woke up and thought I had some sort of stomach bug.  I was more nauseous then I have ever been in my life. This continued on for months. I was vomiting a few times a week through till the end of December. I have since been on an upswing and feeling much better still have days were I don't feel great and I never feel quite normal, but I'm eating again and I'm about to get out of bed.

My GI set me up to do a Colonoscopy tomorrow. She wanted to rule out Crohns, but I have none of the typical symptoms of crohns. After doing some extensive research it really seemed unnecessary and, although the risk is very low, could possibly do more harm then good.  I can't take antibiotics so even getting something simple to treat like C-diff, a UTI, or yeast infection would not be an easy fix. She wanted me to do an MR Enterography IF the colonoscopy came back clear, but for some reason the nurse scheduled it for last Monday, the results for my stomach, small bowel and colon, "appear unremarkable."  And "There is no abnormal bowel wall enhancement, thickening or evidence of bowel obstruction."

I have also had a bunch of other testing done for this:  
Gallbladder ultrasound
HIDA scan
Upper endoscopy
CT scan with IV contrast
MR Enterography with oral and IV contrast
A LOT of blood work and repeated blood work
Urinalysis multiple times.
Extensive stool analysis for blood, bacteria, parasites, yeast, beneficial bacteria etc...
Pelvic ultra sound
STI testing
Pap smear
I feel like doing the colonoscopy won't show anything and I want to know what you guys think.  And what other avenues I might consider perusing?  I have an appointment with an OB/Gyn on the 31st just to see if she has anything to add.  I will talk to my GI when I get a chance and she can better explain to me why she thinks the benefits out weigh the risk.

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Endoscopy Experience Anyone?

I'm currently suffering with presumed acid reflux. But it's just that presumed. I've been suffering every day with bad heartburn, I've completely changed my diet, in fact I'm not eating much at all.

So my doctor has prescribed me lansoprazole but its giving me bad side effects.

So I think I need a referral but I'm petrified of having an endoscopy.

If you have had one can u please share your experience?

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Endoscopy Without Sedation

I had an Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy this morning. I didn't know whether I wanted to do with or without sedation until the last minute. I had read this forum and asked about every single person I know, and everyone said I was crazy to consider doing it without sedation. In the end, talking to the nurse, I decided to try without it. And I am so glad I did! I would be surprised if the endoscopy itself lasted longer than 5 minutes. It is very unpleasant, don't get me wrong, I did not gag or vomit, but there were a couple of moments where I thought I was going to have a panic attack, so I just concentrated on breathing deeply and keeping calm. When it was over I was up and out of the hospital in 10 minutes, which is great!

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What To Expect From An Endoscopy?

So I saw my GI doctor today. Did a rectal exam, went over all of the testing I had done. She does not think my symptoms are anything serious (yay!) but she does want to do an endoscopy on Monday to see if there is an ulcer or anything.

I am SCARED! I have never had any sort of sedation or medical procedure. Anyone been through this? What can I expect? I have classes the next day and I am hoping I will be able to function fine the next day. Any input helps

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After Endoscopy? Bad Gas, Bloating And Abdominal Pain

So I am scheduled to have an endoscopy done on Friday. I have read all the bad things that happen after having the procedure. How often do you have really bad symptoms? Bad gas, bloating, abdominal pain, etc after the procedure.

I am really tempted to call off having it done right now. The pain that I have is not daily and doesn't last long. It is something that I can live with and wait out a few months if need be.

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Barrett's Oesophagus :: Pain Ever Since After Endoscopy

I had an endoscopy in February to assess why I had a lump sensation in the throat and some stomach pain. Prior to the procedure I had no chest pain whatsoever. 

After the endoscopy, I was diagnosed with silent reflux and Barrett's Oesophagus and have had chest pain ever since.

I told the consultant about this a few days ago and he wants to perform another endoscopy to find out why I have had chest pain since the initial procedure. I'm a bit hesitant as I'm not 100% sure that he didn't cause the problem in the first place. Would anyone else go ahead or get another consultant to have a look?

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Sharp Pains During Eating After Endoscopy

i had an endoscopy on Monday afternoon and ever since I've been having these sharp pains during and after eating. Is this normal? The pain sometimes radiates to my back or over my whole chest area making me panic and think I'm having a heart attack. I have a heavy set girl and keep thinking I'm going to die!

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Panic Attack (anxiety) Due To Upcoming Endoscopy

i'm going to do endoscopy tomorrow, i'm so panic i cant sleep, its like im getting panic attack one by one, im terrified if i have a stomach cancer and im panic about risks of endoscopy if someone had cancer and if i use dat instrument of endoscopy i will have cancer too oh omg n list is going i know they r realy stupid thought but still they r on mind i'm 24 years old how was your experience?

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Normal Endoscopy But Nausea And Blood In Stools / Vomit

Doesn't make sense. Just sending back to original doctor. Anyone else? If so what was the cause?

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Swollen Upper Arm

My left upper arm just above the inside of my elbow is swollen, I can notice the difference and it feels like the muscle although it's been like it for a couple weeks.I've recently been to the doctor as I had some breast pain she checked for lumps and checked my armpit and round nothing but I forgot to mention the swelling. She obviously didn't notice it but I'm away on holiday now and it's playing on my mind. I can't do anything for 2 weeks.

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Bladder (UTI) Infections. Upper UTI?

Has anyone had an upper UTI infection before? - I just got a UTI last night around 1am, burning while peeing, sluggish, etc, but later tonight I started feeling tenderness around my flank area underneath my rib cage, nothing painful, but I can feel it. I'm not sure if that's just natural gas or what. I've been drinking 100% pure cranberry juice for the past 2 hours with lots of water, so I'm wondering if that helps at all?


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Liver Enzymes Twice The Upper Limit

I was recently informed by my primary care doctor that my liver enzymes are nearly twice their upper limit.

I scheduled to get repeat blood work done, but I was given the impression that those enzymes are most commonly elevated by binge drinking or large doses of Tylenol.

I am a young man and have not had any alcohol in the past year (and nothing more than a glass of wine in the past 4 years) and have not taken any Tylenol (or any pain killer) for the past 6 months.

I do take allergy medication daily (Zyrtec, occasionally Benadryl), but that has not changed since my last round of blood work, in which my liver enzymes were fine.

1) Besides disease, why could my enzyme values be so high?

2) What other tests/steps would have to be preformed to determine whether or not I have an illness?

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Frozen Shoulder :: Upper Arm Pain?

I've been dealing with FS since Fall.  That's when I noticed the dull achy pain that I thought was from a new bra strap digging in.  In December I started having the zinger pain that would shoot down my arm with sudden movements.  I saw a Ortho doctor in February who gave me a Cortisone shot and sent me to 6 weeks of physical therapy.  Very painful, still can't raise my arm all the way, but I haven't had that zinger pain in a while so I believe I might be starting to see the light at the end of this long tunnel.  

What I'm experiencing now is an almost constant dull aching pain in my upper arm, like where you would get an injection.  I also have a lot of tenderness in the area around my upper back behind my armpit.

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Herpes :: White Spots Outside Of My Upper Lip?

Yesterday, I noticed a grouping of tiny white spots on the outside of my upper lip located close to the inside of my lip. They are about the size of the tip of a pen and there are several grouped together. They become very noticeable when I stretch my lip out. Does this sound like oral herpes?
Also, a co worker shared some tic tacs with me on Wednesday and after she handed them to me and I ate them I noticed what looked like a cold sore below her lip. Could it have been transmitted this way?

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Throat :: Hollowness In Upper Oesophagus

Hollowness in upper oesophagus?

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Lump On Upper Inner Labia Majora

Last week I noticed that a small bump was on my inner labia majora towards the top section, rather than the vaginal opening. Last morning the bump has turned into a slightly hard, but movable lump that hurts when touched. What's going on? Who should I see about this? Help please

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