Menstruation :: Irregular Period - No Set Cycle - Two Periods A Week Etc

Since I was 13, I have never had regular periods. It is “normal” for me to miss a month here and there, I don’t have a set cycle length and even for a few months last year, I had periods every two weeks. I am now 19 and have not had a period since November and there is 0% chance of me being pregnant. Is it likely to still be just puberty or should I go to my GP?

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Menstruation :: YAZ - Abnormal Menstrual Cycle And Sex

I am 19 years old and was taking yaz (which worked very well in regulating my period). I happened to loose the pack of pills with two weeks remaining. Since then, I have had sex with him ejaculating and my menstrual cycle has not come in 6 weeks? Is there a possibility that i may be pregnant?

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Infertility Connection With Irregular Period Cycle

i have an irregular period cycle Some months it comes the same date as the last month and sometimes it will come before and my period only last 4 days does this mean. i can't become pregnant ?

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Abnormal Bright Orange Color Periods

My period was a week late and now I spotting like a bright orange color. It is like red orange. It isn't all the time though like only when I go to the restroom and wipe myself. I wear a pad just incase I start bleeding but nothing is on the pad. I don't know what is wrong with me I am scared. The one thing I want is a child, but I think that something is wrong with me and I won't be able to have one.

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Abnormal Periods Since Stopping Birth Control Pills

I'm 23 and have been trying to conceive for almost a year. I’ve had abnormal menstrual periods ever since I stopped taking birth control pills – since 4 years ago. During first 15-16 months, my periods came every 3 months, but now it got closer to normal - every month or so, and sometimes even after three weeks. Moreover, during my period I experience intense pain and heavy flow. There is a history of endometriosis in my family so I’m worried that I may never be able to conceive. I had all kinds of tests by now and the doctors told me I would become normal again within six months to a year but that did not happen and now they don't know what to do with me. Could anybody here suggest something?

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Abnormal Pink Color Periods After Birth Control Pills

I have started to take birth control pills two months ago. During the first month of taking pills I was bleeding every day, it was like spotting, and it stopped after the period had ended. This month my period lasted less than before, it lasted only 3 days. I’ve noticed abnormal menstrual color, it was light, almost pink. Are these changes caused by pills or something’s wrong with me?

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Abnormal Periods Pain - Ovaries Hurt For Past 2 Months

For the second month I am experiencing abnormal menstrual pain. the area of both my ovaries hurt ... I took some painkiller to stop the pain and it helped, but usually this is not the case with me. Usually I feel pain the first 2 hours when I get period, and the pain is not so strong... I just have to lay down and I feel better. But for the past two months, the pain so strong I had to take painkillers and it is lasting more than 3 days. What does that mean?

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Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding? Heavy And Clots - 2 Periods A Month

In this month of April I had a period that began on April 6th with semi heavy bleeding, and ended April 14th. April 29th I began a second period with heavy bleeding, and now I'm also having blood clots ranging from the size as small as a dime to as big a half dollar coin. What could be the cause of this abnormal menstrual bleeding?

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Contraception :: Taking Jolessa, For The 91 Days Cycle - Diarrhea

Im on birth control for about 10 days (I'm taking jolessa, for the 91 days cycle). Last night I had unprotected sex, but my boyfriend told me that he didn't cum inside. I had diarrhea last friday (I think it affects the birth control pills), and I took one pill one hour late. Should I take the morning after pill or am I fine?

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Menstrual Cycle :: Dodgy Periods

Ok so last month my periods were a week later than usual, does this mean my periods will remain late all the time now? Or should they go back to normal?

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Menstrual Cycle :: Periods Every Day For Last 7 Months

I've been on my period for about 7 months now. However I've been on my period once before for a entire year. I don't remember when I started or when it stopped, considering remembering things isn't on the top of my to do list. I'm 20 years old and since I started 7 months ago, I've only had one day without a period. Since then, it's been a constant heavy flow.

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Menstrual Cycle :: On My Periods For 12 Days

I've been on my period for 12 days. I've been on birth control for 4 months now and the previous 2 months my period has come a week early, so I've just keep taking the pills as usual (so the first week of my period I was taking the birth control and the second week were placebo pills). This month it was a week and a half early and I'm still having heavy bleeding and clotting. What could be going on and what can I do?

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Menstrual Cycle :: 8 Periods In 3 Months

I was wondering if anyone could put my mind at ease.. Since the 25th of march til today (2nd of june) i have had 8 periods. I'm 20 years old and have always had my periods pretty regular so this is very unusual. 

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Menstrual Cycle :: Have Had No Periods For 3 Months

I have had no periods for about 3 months now and recently been diagnosed with an overactive bladder about a week ago. I have had a lot of pain and been in and out of A&E several times in the last few months.

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Getting Pregnant? Sex Before OR After The Periods / Menstrual Cycle?

I'm confused about if your pregnant from the sex before or after your last cycle. I had unprotected sex a couple of days before my last cycle so would I be pregnant from that sex or from the sex that was a couple of days after my cycle? ?

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Periods :: Hot Flashes - When During The Cycle Do They Occur?

I guess the answer could be "any time", but are there times when they are more likely to happen? I suffered from night sweats last night, and it was my second day of my period. Before all this, I would sometimes experience night sweats in the week leading up to my period, but they never happened during my actual period. Today - day 3 - I've had some face flushes even though I was not in a warm place. My stomach has been pretty erratic too, and I've been tired.

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Can I Still Get Pregnant? Irregular Periods

I had unprotected sex twice with my partner we knew what we were doing there was no mistakes about any of this... I had unprotected sex roughly about 10 days before my period actually came. I am regular with my periods always the 30th or 31st give or take a couple of days I'm fairly lucky to be that regular... I have had my period but I am wondering if having my period means that I am not pregnant? Does implantation take a few weeks? I have been stupidly tired over I'd say the last couple of days with a dull headache that won't shift! Bloated with back pain and breasts seem to look a little larger than normal?

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A Virgin With Irregular Periods

So, I'm 15, never had sex or done any type of foreplay or even touched myself and I started my period a week after I turned 11. I've NEVER had a regular period and I just started charting it to see how many times I skipped, however charting it all I'm REALLY messed up.

August: 2 days of going to the bathroom whipping once and getting a very light pink/red clear vaginal fluid on the toilet paper, but only once each day.

September: 3 days of going to that bathroom whipping once and getting a very light pink/red clear vaginal fluid on the toilet paper, but only once each day.

October: 2 days of going to that bathroom whipping once and getting a very light pink/red clear vaginal fluid on the toilet paper, but only once each day. On the 3rd day I got a bit more of a red colored clear fluid when I whipped once, but that is all.

I have told my mom and she said she'd take me to a doctor, but I know she's too busy for me. I'm really sad, scared, and angry.

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Trying To Get Pregnant With Irregular Periods

Hello, I am 18 and I start my period when I was 13 it has always been at different times, here lately its came about every 4 months. My husband and I
have been having unprotected sex and want to get pregnant, however it hasn't happened yet. Any advice on what we should do?

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