Sigmoidoscopy :: Second Sigmoidoscopy

I have had a second sigmoidoscopy today, and I just wanted all those

people who had such terrible experiences to know it does not have to be like that. The first one I had was horrific, the pain unbearable and I said I would never go back again. I begged them to stop, but they said I could not be in that much pain it was just discomfort. It was several days before I was back to normal. This time however the experience was altogether different.

Yes there was some discomfort especially towards the end of the procedure,but nothing unbearable. The nurses were kind and I was well looked after. I have had a little wind since but that is all. I think the first time my bad experience was because far too much gas was used. The Doctor I had this time certainly seemed more self assured and was very gentle. I do hope this reassures all the people who are too afraid to go back as it is a life saver.

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Sigmoidoscopy With Sedation?

Had an examination a few months ago but he couldn't go far because I was in so much discomfort. They found piles which they are going to band but haven't properly looked into the bowel because of the discomfort. I'm hoping the blood on toilet tissue is due to the piles

This time in having sedation. Will this knock me out completely or will I be awake during the procedure ??

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Too Scared To Have Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

After reading all the posts on here, it made me postpone my flexible sigmoidoscopy 3 times as i was so scared on how painful it will be..Today i went kicking and screaming to have it done, I nearly walked out the hospital on more than one occasion. To say i was petrified is an understatement..

The nurse came and spoke to me asking if i wanted gas and air or sedation, this made me hysterical and i said no i don't want any of it..they took my blood pressure etc ..this was starting to look scary to me.. I went into the room to have it done, stiff with fright..They started doing the flexible sigmoidoscopy and by the time they had reached the top of my left bowel, i didn't feel any pain whatsoever, they pumped the air and still no pain, they took biopsies and still no pain.. I would just like to say that those of you who are posting that it's like torture are either very pathetic or just plain attention seekers.. saying the things you are saying could affect people's lives with frightening them to death with these comments, And will cause people not to have it done..

I am glad to say nothing was found sinister and im so glad ive had it done..To all of those who are worried about having a flexible sigmoidoscopy, please don't worry it really honestly doesn't hurt., you have nothing to worry about i promise..and if you have it done please do comment on here to back up what im saying.

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Had Sigmoidoscopy - A Good Experience

it's not as bad you people think. I must admit I was fearing it a lot and this might be one of the reasons why I overreacted to the discomfort felt by the pumping of air to distend the bowels. There are no nerves in the bowels so you cannot feel any pain. Proof of this was when they did a random biopsy on me and ripped out samples of tissue from my bowels (as I watched on the screen). There was no pain at all apart from the odd sensation which felt like someone flicking a rubber band inside my gut.

It's always fear of the unknown which scares of most. After the procedure the only pain I really experienced was wind as they had probably pumped the world's gas supply into me (ok so I might have exaggerated a bit) but seriously, it's not all that bad and you'll feel ok right after one big release.

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Took 15 Minutes - No Sedation For Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

This evening I went for my flexible sigmoidoscopy & to say I was terrified was an understatement. I did not eat all day just in case I opted for sedation. On arrival the nurse showed me to my room & could see how nervous I was & she was so lovely & talked me through the procedure & said she really didn't think I would need sedation. I decided to go ahead without sedation & can honestly say this was the right decision. I could feel the air being put into my colon & the did have some slight pain very near the end of the procedure but it was bearable & I am quite a wimp. The worst part for me was when it was all over & I had wind but this only lasted for approx an hour. I am extremely lucky as there was nothing wrong which I am very happy about & the peace of mind is such a huge relief. I would certainly recommend having this procedure if you have any concerns. The whole thing lasted approx 15 mins.

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Good Experience Of Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

To start with, my pain tolerance is zero. I'm such a wuss that even with simple dental filling or cleaning I have to get anesthetic. I had a flex sig done 5 hours ago and in all honesty it doesn't hurt at all. I read a lot of negative reviews about it and decided to write my own to maybe help people like me who gets scared easily. Two weeks before the flex sig I always go online to research, read forum (which made me more scared). The worst part for me is the preparation. Clear liquid diet and the laxative. Which is two days before my sig test. Once in the examination room, I was so nervous to the point that I almost passed out, I anticipated the worst (probably because I read somewhere in this forum that it is worse than childbirth) and I was surprised that it doesn't hurt at all. Little background, I have internal and external hems, and reason for this test is because I had experience rectal bleeding (bright red blood) about a week ago. Going back to the topic, as the doctor begun to insert that camera tube that was the worst part. If I would rate the pain 1-10 and 10 being the most painful I would say this is easily a 2 just because of the pressure and 2 because I have external hems which is sore (because of the laxative last night). If I don't have external hem I would easily say this is a 1, walk in the park. Then came the camera inside and the air start blowing to expand my colon. This is another discomfort that I felt because it gave me a weird feeling in my abdomen. If I were to describe it, it feels like you're about to take a massive poop. Then again tolerable. It really is just uncomfortable. As the minute passes by I was just watching the monitor and taking a good look at my own colon which is pretty amazing. Then the first corner, they have to turn to the first corner and the nurse gave me a mothers tap like everything is going to be okay and it is. I didn't feel a thing. Honestly just the air and the weird sensation of trying to stop a poop of coming out and the abdomen cramp. Then they found two polyps which they needed to remove (biopsy). Removal of the poly, I didn't feel any pain. I'm not exaggerating this. I'm honestly telling the truth. Then it was all done. If I timed it correctly it took about 12 minutes. Now I know everyone's experience is different and again I decided to write this because two weeks ago I've made the mistake of going into so much forum and read the horror stories, and thought that this review might help balance the reviews. So if you're like me who's super scared, please don't worry too much. Go with the test, the peace of mind that you'll get after is priceless. I'm 28 years old by the way, male. As for the result, just the two polyps and the internal hem is the abnormality that was found. The biopsy they took (polyp) was sent to the pathology dept for further examination. The doctor said that he can almost guarantee me that the polyps are the innocent ones (not the pre cancerous ones). I wasn't recommended further testing like colonoscopy. One last thing, if I were to do this again, for peace of mind, I will certainly do it in a heartbeat as I already know that it is not that bad versus what I've read so far. And p.s I respect everyone's opinion and I understand that everyone's different. I'm just a guy who gets hurt easily with everything and can get easily scared with anything. But I did it, and I aced it.

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Sigmoidoscopy :: Pain And Terrible Cramping - Why Not Sedation?

Had Sigmoidoscopy yesterday and would need to be dragged kicking and screaming before having another! The hospital staff were lovely, I was given an enema before the doctor came to speak to me about what he was about to do. He was very nice and reassuring so up to then, all was going well. Then I was taken to the treatment room where I was asked to lie on my left side on a bed which had sides on (to prevent escape ha ha) and the procedure started. Boy oh boy, the pain I experienced was terrible cramping all over my abdomen like I had never experienced before (even child birth wasn't as bad as this). The nurses kept reassuring me and asking me to take deep slow breaths but this did not help and eventually having been unable to cope with it anymore, the doctor agreed to stop but did take two biopsies. However, because it was too painful for me to allow him to go any further, he said he was 20 cm short of where he wanted to see. Now here's the question. Why on earth don't they just put the patient under total sedation? This way no pain is caused to them, the doctor can look at the area he needs to see and all in all, every one happy. It seems a waste of time to me to put people through such agony when there is a simple solution. The doctor is unable to perform a full examination because it is too painful for the patient so its not cost effective, its cruel and it's a waste of everyone's time!

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Had Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Today - Polyp Removed From Rectum

Had the much dreaded Flexible Sigmoidoscopy today. I was determined that I would be sedated after reading the posts on here.

As it turned out, sedation didn't happen and I can honestly say that it wasn't as bad as I had feared. Yes, it was uncomfortable and it was weird seeing my insides on the screen.

I even watched the consultant remove a polyps from my rectum - no pain felt at all.

Probably the worst part of it all was the wind pains afterwards, which fortunately didn't last too long. I have no idea just how much air they pumped in, but it felt like a lot came out!

I guess I just want to give some reassurance to anyone having to go through this procedure. It probably won't be as bad as you fear.

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Orthopedics :: Hurt Rib

I have had a chronic cough for 4 weeks now and still coughing. Just yesterday after I coughed, my right side rib was hurting alot. It hurts to move, breathe, and cough. The pain also goes to my back on the right side and up to my armpit. Is it possible that I have cracked a rib from coughing too hard?

Thank you,

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Pregnancy :: Does It Hurt When You Get Induced?

Does it hurt when you get induced?, I'm just curious.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Does It Hurt To Be Induced?

So I'm a first time mom... I'm 38 weeks today... I'm thinking of being induced at 39+1 days pregnant... does it hurt when they induce you and how do they induce you?

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Testicles :: Hurt On Walking

my testicles hurt. it only hurts when i walk but it doesn't hurt a lot. when i just in my chair or bed it doesn't hurt.

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Hurt And Bleeding After Having Sex First Time

i had unprotected sex and lost my virginity since after i have light bleeding every time i go to the loo. what is it?

i finished my period on a friday and forgot to take the pill i then had sex on the sun morning am i covered or can i still get pregnant? He didnt cum inside me and it only lasted a min cos it hurt too much.

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Top Of My Uterus Hurt When I Sit Or Stand?

For a while now (today I'm 35 weeks) when I stand longer than 20/30mins, the top of my uterus hurts. I don't know why. And past 2 days I've had a sharp pain that lasts seconds on the top of my uterus when I sit or stand or try to stand up. Why?

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Pregnancy Age 35+ :: Does It Hurt When You Lose Your Much Plug

Hi im 35 weeks with my second pregnancy first pregnancy my water didn't break neither did I lose my mucus plug,I was induce.. so I have a curiosity in knowing does it hurt when you lose your much plug?

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Pregnancy :: Ribs Hurt (35 Weeks)

35 weeks and all up in my ribs!

Anyone elses baby putting pressure on your ribs?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Walking - Can It Hurt The Baby?

Can it hurt the baby? I went walking on The National Harbor & it was a fairly long walk... sort of, idk. But, I just want to make sure nothing is wrong. I felt little pains near my pelvic area, but I think I also feel some kicks so maybe everything is fine.

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Gestational Diabetes Can Hurt Your Baby

So I went to see the specialist today and let me say first off I was devastated when I found out I had it last week Wednesday ftm @33wks bc it doesn't run in my family and I never had it before. But listening and talking to the specialist it's not that bad and my scoring wasn't bad at all either just by a couple points but I realize that if you just go by the diet and that the things they give you that everything will be ok. But I didn't realize that having high sugars can literally make the babies heart stop at no matter what week you are she's seen it at happen to a lady at 38wks :( that hurt my heart. Bc I don't understand how mothers to be can't follow and do what they have to do for the time being of your pregnancy in order for you  and your child to remain healthy . But I pray daily so I have confidence . Everything will be ok !

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Years Of Masturbation Can Hurt Fertility?

I am a teenager and I started masturbating a year ago. I want to quit because I feel guilty and most importantly it goes against my religion. I was wondering if I quit would it hurt my fertility in say about 10 years?

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