Found A Blister Where My Pubic Hair Grows

Okay so I'm 18 years old female, a few weeks ago I found a blister where my pubic hair grows, this morning I went to the doctor - he told me he was unsure whether it was a genital wart as there is just one singular wart for the past few weeks. I really don't know how I could've caught this and I have had one sexual partner who I have had sex twice with using condoms carefully each time. We were both each other's first sexual partner. I am confused as to how I may have an std and I am very scared and embarrassed!

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Shingles On Scalp With Headaches

Had shingles on my scalp last summer, still getting headaches no pain today on my shoulder blade got a hot sharp stinging pain can't see anything but feels like a rash is starting & area is tender , is this the start of new outbreak ??

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Prone To Eczema Over My Scalp, Face And In My Ears

Is there a successful treatment for this?

I have heard of laser treatments, but don't know much about this.

Since I was about 11, I have struggled with a weird type of dandruff. Pieces of my scalp flake off and hair falls out when this happens. I can't call this dandruff, as the pieces are bigger than flakes. Does anybody struggle with this? I have never been able to do anything about it.

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Allergy :: Redness Itchy Bumps On Scalp

Started three days ago, I can feel that I have several redness bumps with itchy sensation spread around the scalp and majority are at occipital and temporal bone area, and two on the right and left frontal hairline. They stated from inion and back of both ears then go up. These bumps are really itchy and moderately swollen. I never had this kind symptom before. I have dandruff since I was litte until now, sometime it is seasonal. I eat unhealthy sometimes, I live outside so.

My wife and I thought these bumps are allergic reaction for some reason, but we could not figure it out where it come from. I took one pill for allergy last night, and they are smaller when I woke up today. Kind of smaller, but I am not sure will it come back or something else. So, recently I ate a lot healthy food. Oh, I forgot to mentioned that it is all happened after I eat a lot mung bean soup about three days ago. So, we thought it is maybe some metabolic reaction for part of the reasons. But that's weird to me, there must be something wrong.

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Itching, Pimples, Burning On Scalp With Hair Loss ?

what causes the condition above and is there anything i can do to stop it,can't hide my hair anymore because i think the covering also increases the itching.

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Neurology :: Hair Loss With Scalp Pain And Normal Labs

My hair has been falling out for 4 years and I also have scalp pain. It feels like someone has been pulling my hair.

Out on the occipital area. The pain comes and goes. I have had a biopsy by a dermatologist,  which was inconclusive.

I had an MRI, that was normal. Does anyone know who I should see or what to do? All labs normal!  

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Shingles :: Swelling On Face And Eye Area

I was diagnosed with shingles yesterday and I have started taking Valtrex as prescribed.

I went to the walk in clinic 4 days ago because my throat was sore, and my glands in front of my ear and behind my ear were super sore and swollen. He prescribed Amoxil and said I had a sinus infection (and I do have cold symptoms). I also had the rash at the time, but not as bad as now. I actually had spots on my forehead before all of this..but I assumed I was breaking out in acne or something.

It is on my face!! All on the right side of my forehead, making my right side of my face swell as well as my right eyelid and under my eye is swelling! I look horrible.

I did go to the eye dr today to have it checked out, and my eye is fine and there isn't any corneal nerve involvement.

What can I do for the swelling?! I am a 29 year old female with two young boys to look after!

The pain of the shingles isn't that bad for me, I just feel like my hair is in a tight pony tail on that side.

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Shingles :: Bright Red Spot On Face - After Effects ?

It is now two months since I had an attack of facial shingles. Although I am almost totally recovered, I still have bright red spots on my face which are not blisters and are not crusting over. They show no sign of fading and still (rarely) itch. Is there anything I can use to get rid of them? I've tried calamine lotion and am currently rubbing an ointment containing aciclovir on them. I'm worried they may be permanent - I have sensitive skin and can't use make-up to conceal them.

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Shingles On Face / Head :: Swelling On Eyebrow And Jawline

I was diagnosed as having Shingles on Friday at the doctors. I started itching on my forehead Tues night and by the next day my forehead had all red marks on it? I didn't realise you can get shingles on your face? 

I have had horrible pain on/off since, swelling on my eyebrow and jawline near my ears?

Anyone else had this? How long will it last? Also should I be off work with it?

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Little Pimples Over My Shoulders, Face, Neck, Back - Shingles After Effects

I am 27 years old and I had chicken pox when I was 2. When the shingles came out, it took me down like nothing else. It has been almost a month since I noticed the rib pain. It started with sharp rib pains that hurt really bad and thought it was my spleen. Then about 4 days later I noticed a round sore right under my breast where the rib pain was occuring. Then a couple of days later, it showed up on my back, directly across from the other ones. I had no idea what this was... I waited to go to the hospital because I thought it was poison ivy! I waited about 8 days to go to the hospital. Had I had known what it was, I definitely would have gone immediately. Oh, the pain was excruciating! Ibuprofen did not even touch it. I was prescribed Acyclovir, Prednisone, and a cream that did not help. I was also prescribed Dilauded for the pain and Promethazine for nausea. It has been a week since I finished all of the medication. The shingles are almost gone but there are about 4 really bad areas and they do not look like they are healing. Since last week, I have developed little pimple like things all over my shoulders, face, neck, back and buttocks. I have no idea why they are there. Did anyone have the same reaction? They will not go away! Please help!

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How To Clear Hair On Body?

How i can clear hair on body forever without laser and such kind things.

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Recurring Shingles :: Small Patch On My Forehead Pain Radiates Down On Face

I am 40 years old and have been suffering from recurring shingles since I was 25. They are always a small patch on my forehead and the pain radiates down one side of my face. The nerve pain lingers for several weeks and sometimes months after the blisters are healed. I have been told the vaccine is only given to individuals over 50 and I have also been told that since I get shingles frequently the vaccine would not help me.

I typically get them several times a year and the sun is the worst trigger for me. Since I get them on my forehead it is a bit difficult to prevent.

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Menopause Or Allergy? Itching, Blisters And Red Bumps All Over Body

I haven't had a period in nearly 3 years so am obviously well into the menopause. For the past few months I have been coming out in itchy spots that are gradually spreading over my body. Some are like blisters, some are small bumps and some are in red patches. All are itchy and driving me crackers and are really bad at night when I get hotter. My doctor is very non-committal and says it's allergy or stress or an infection. I have the suspicion it's those old hormones running riot. Has anyone else got this problem? it may not relieve the symptoms but it will hope to know that it's another menopause "thing" to deal with.

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Little Bumps On Genitals :: Hair Follicles Or Herpes?

Notice this i have never had sex. It was hot all week and i was hot and sweaty tell i took a shower. One night after exercising i was shaving in my genital area i got in the shower and noticed there were little bumps that looked like acne. It doesn't itch. Is it herpes or hair follicles. 

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PCOS - 7 Miscarriages - Massive Hair Growth On My Face And Pregnancy

So, to being, I'm 25. I've had seven miscarriages so far and I really don't want to lose this one. I've finally found a stable enough relationship with my fiancee who has been super supportive through all of this. Also, I have an advanced case of PCOS that causes massive hair growth on my face and other parts of my body, so I have an overproduction of testosterone.

About a week or so ago, I found out I was 3 weeks pregnant. I had my usual period but then the bleeding wasn't stopping so I called my doctor, they asked me to take a pregnancy test, it came out positive. They had me follow up with another one the following day and it too was positive. They had me come in and do blood draws.

The first draw returned HCG levels of 103. That was Wednesday of last week. On Friday last week, I went in for another blood draw and the HCG level was at 150. So it is increasing, but I am still bleeding. It's not the normal implantation blood which is darker in color, it's a brighter red like a period.

Sometimes it's heavier than others on some days and other days it's lighter. Even throughout the day it changes how heavy or light it is. I'm so confused and it's causing me undue stress which is not good for the baby.

I've only had one day where there was tissue passed and that scared the ever living daylights out of me. I really want this baby and I'm trying everything I can to keep it. I've been taking prenatal vitamins every morning, I quit drinking caffeinated drinks all together, I've been drinking more water, eating more fruit everything you're supposed to do to help the baby grow strong.

The doctors tell me not to worry but because of my past history, I can't help but. I'm going in for another blood draw today and I'm worried as all hell that it's going to come back even lower and that they will tell me I'm going to lose this baby.

Anyone else experience anything like this where the bleeding increases and decreases throughout the day?

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Early Puberty At 7? Breast Budding, Pubic Hair And Body Odour

My daughter is 7 yrs old and has had symptoms of breast budding, pubic hair, body odour and hormonal mood swings (really difficult in managing her distress) since she was 6. I had to attend GP 3 times before he would refer to Paediatrician. Waited 5 months for that appointment to be told yes she all the symptoms and come back in 3 months and we will monitor. I was told not to make a fuss and tests will be undertaken when they deem appropriate. I am really concerned that she displays PMT behaviours 3-4 days every month (same time each month) and is distressed herself as she says she cant help it, but doesnt want to be angry.. is any other parent experiencing this? I have now got school on board and awaiting advice/support from school nurse. I am also going back to GP.

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Dermatitis / Eczema :: Merging Spots/lesions Over Face Ears, Hair, Ankles And Arms

A large number of individual and now merging spots/lesions over face ears, hair, ankles and arms. They are terribly itchy and have tried all sorts of creams etc. Gp says its scabies, have had medication for it, definately not as keeps recurring. I cannot go out, have been to a dermatologist who gave me pills which actually made me hallucinate and feel very ill?

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HIV Prevention :: Nude Body To Body Massge With Anus Fingering?

This might be Anxiety, but I am wondering if nude body to body massage with the masseuse vagina rubbing on my penis outside (no penetration/intercourse) but defo fluid exchange, no condom and she put her finger in my anus, would that be a risk of HIV?

I have been to the same masseuses and I have done test and they all negative after but the last time I went for the massage is after my last negative test so I am just being very worry?

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HIV :: Body Ache, Night Sweats, Hot Flashes Throughout The Body

I am 31 years old and had a vaginal sex with a girl of unknown HIV status using two condoms at a time. It was my first sexual encounter. I ejaculated twice and both times I used double condoms as I changed after first ejaculation. Both times the condoms seemed to be intact and I could see my semen inside the condom. It's almost over 28 days now and since the past couple of days I have developed almost all symptoms like pain in the back (I have a history of L3 compression and pelvic hairline fracture in 2007), cough with something in throat, body ache, night sweats, hot flashes throughout the body, had stiffness and pain in the back of neck, not visible swollen lymph nodes , had two time kind of diarrhea today.

Since the day after this exposure I was panic stricken with stress and anxiety and cannot sleep at all with insomnia like features and wake up at 2 or 3 or 4 am in the morning due to all sorts of weird thoughts.

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