Sexual Health Men :: STD Like Symptoms With Negative Results

Iam 25 years old and have been dealing with an irritating soreness in the shaft of my penis for quite some time. In 2008 i was diagnosed with chlamydia,(its now 2014) i was treated and all test since have been negative. Here's were it gets tricky, i also infected my girlfriend, she was treated and also currently negative in all categories. Now, this unidentifiable soreness in me, from her doc is being labeled as BV but evidently men cant get BV so here i am searching for answers. I noticed this is actually common which isn't comfortable because everyone seems to have no clue on how to fix the problem. Hopefully i can offer some insight being i've been dealing with this for over 5 years. Since the initial infection i've been issued antibiotics over 5 times and once an anti-inflammatory steroid that worked well but seemed more like an aspirin to a headache and when off it had no real presence. Also, my lymph nodes are swollen, i'm not afraid for the simple fact i've been tested for everything and haven't had any new partners but this just needs to end. Another thing i notice is my girlfriend gets a scent, yea & also a taste, a metallic scent and a chalky taste almost like sweat but different. She gets BV antibiotics and that "solves" her problem, i'll take doxycycline and we have protected sex for a while and everything is seemingly cool. But the minute we decide on unprotected sex we're back at point A. Should we give it time? What is IT? First i thought maybe some rouge bacteria made it from the initial infection, maybe we were offset with our meds and not fully clear. I don't know but im at the point now were my doctors refuse to give me antibiotics because they just cant find anything wrong. To me it feels like i still have an STD, minus the constant pain, discharge and stuff, i basically do. I even sometimes get a flash of burn like irritation throughout the penis just out of the blue, whats that about? My next step is a cystoscopy, i'm not looking forward to that but in a sense i am. Im retiring from unprotected sex for the next year to give everything time to completely heal and questioning the importance of sex completely until then. Honestly im more interested in getting the metallic scent issue figured out because i've basically been cured of this soreness but there's something my ladies doc is overlooking. Maybe its the anti-inflammatories, im not sure but if anyone out there knows what im talking about don't hesitate to talk to me. Lets get this **** figured out. Be safe, be responsible and if your sore at all just wrap it up. Gods blessing.

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Chlamydia :: Tested Negative But Having Symptoms

A little over a month ago I had unprotected intercourse with a girl at the small school I go to. Then I heard about a chlamydia outbreak among the athletes at the school and she was one. After I found this out, which was about 2 weeks after it happened, I went and got tested even though I had no symptoms. The results came back negative but after I got tested symptoms like a very slight irritation here and there. About 2 weeks ago I woke up with a lot of eye discharge but that went away and now the past week I have had very very slight clear and kind of sticky discharge. I didn't know if the test could have been wrong? If not, could this be from a lot of stress about it?

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Advice On Chlamydia And Gonorrhea?

I have a girlfriend, about a month ago I had sex outside my relationship with an escort.  The condom broke. I was worried about chlamydia and gonorrhea immediately. Although I never got any kind of burning sensation or coloured discharge.

few days after the encounter I saw my GP and asked him for treatment, without testing. A positive test result cold potentially have devastating effect and word would get out believe it or not. So the doctor gave me a course of azithromycin for 5 days along with a course of doxycycline for a week.

Two weeks after that I found our that the medicine he gave me does not cure gonorrhea only chlamydia. Also at the same time I was told by my girlfriend that she thinks she has a yeast infection. to be on the safe side I treated her and myself again with cefixime 400 for 1 week and 1 gram of azithromycin on the first day followed by 500mg the second day.

We are now a week on from that treatment, and I still have doubts about myself. My girlfriend's "yeast infection" has cleared up almost completely. But for me I have a weird feeling in my penis, almost like a slight itchiness inside. Also I feel as if there is always a drop left that I need to squeeze out, and when I do squeeze it I get the teeniest drop of clear fluid that comes out, also my testicles feel itchy (not sure if this is related). At first I just thought it was my mind overthinking and me worrying that was doing this... but now I'm quite sure that things are not normal

I dont want this to ruin our relationship as we have two children together, and I need any treatment to happen in secret. I can get my hands on any medication that is required quite easily.

1- What do I do about myself? Is there any additional meds I need to take? Do I need the intramusclar injection of Ceftriaxone??

2- Do I need to do anything about my girlfriend? especially since I cant tell her what has happened for the sake of our kids!! Is she fine if she is symptom free? Could she be cured with the course of antibiotics I gave her?  Please note she also took anti fungal meds at the same time.

Would really appreciate any advice I could get.

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STD :: Chlamydia And Gonorrhea For A Year

I have had both of these diseases for about a year and i am going to go get treated, is it too late for me to be treated? my only symptoms are irritation and i recently started to break out down there.

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If Not Treated, Gonorrhea / Chlamydia Can Lead To HIV?

After this infection i stopped having sex but masturbating 1)if we have any infection like gonorrhea chlamydia do we get hiv if not treated if u dont have sex also.2)if any std is given Wrong tablet does it convert into hiv

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Gonorrhea From Oral Exposure Only? Chlamydia?

Has anyone here ever gotten positive gonorrhea after unprotected oral sex ?

There seems to be conflicting information. For chlamydia and trichomoniasis it is said that these bacteria do not survive in mouth. Gonorrhea affects the back of throat and can be acquired more easily with deep-throat only.

So my question is , has anyone here caught gonorrhea from oral exposure only ?

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STDs :: Gonorrhea Or Chlamydia - Pain And Burning While Urination

i'm having right testicle and vas deferens pain from 2 months. i went to the doctor he had given me antibiotics.

after taking the medicine for 1 week, now i'm feeling Burning during urination, this used to happen some time in past to months occasionally but now it always burn while i urinate.

my left lower pains a lot. occasionally i'm getting blood stool also.

i'm not getting any type of discharge from my penis

Is this gonorrhea or chlamydia.

kindly let me know what type of urine test should i have to get.

i'm already on antibiotics, if get tested will the test negative because of antibiotics.

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STDs :: Gonorrhea/Chlamydia? Testicle Pain, Urge To Urinate And Watery Ejaculate

I keep on urinating and I have some random pains in my pubic area, hips, testicles. The pain is very mild, like just pushing your thumb on your hipbone.

I keep on urinating, especially after drinking to glasses of water. In less than five minutes I have the urge to urinate. No pain and no discharge but my ejaculate is watery.

I also have this sore throat, my throat feels rough when I swallow on nothing but it doesn't hurt when I swallow food.

Is it possible that I got this from a handjob I got from a prostitute more than a week ago?

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STDs :: Gonorrhea After Fellatio (oral) Symptoms?

I received fellatio 11 days ago, and after about 2 days, intermittently, I would feel a slight sting at the end of my penis, and then  in the last few days, it has become a bit worse when I urinate.. Not unbearable, mind you, but very noticeable..

I also noticed tonight a little bit of white discharge.

I have researched symptoms to death, and I cannot seem to find any answers to questions like:

If you have burning when urinating (as some people are asymptomatic) does it burn

a) every time you urinate?

b) if you aren't drinking enough water, and maybe it is more acidic? (Sometimes it doesn't sting at all, I mean, until this morning, I was 24 hours without symptoms

c) for the duration of the pee? (for me it just happens at the end, and for a little bit after)

If there is discharge, is it constant, or could it perhaps just happen a few times a day?

Every site also says that it should be treated ASAP to avoid complications.. exactly how long does this mean? It causes problems after 2 weeks? 2 months? None give a time frame.

A doctor prescribed me 250mg Ciprofloxacin 3x a day.. I am on day 3, but it seems to be getting worse..

- Even though the clap is indicated for this, many sites also say that due to resistant strains, this stuff is pretty useless..

And the big question - is it possible to have a strain, which is simply not treatable, for the rest of my life? (or is just just a matter of bombarding my body with more and stronger medications until it goes away?

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HIV Prevention :: 12 Weeks HIV Negative But Still Symptoms

Approx 3 months ago I had brief unprotected sex with a casual sex worker when the condom broke ... 1 min tops ... 3 days later I started getting tingly & wave feelings through my body accompanied by derealization headaches , feeling hot but no temp & nausea ... And just feeling unwell in general since then I have had full std test at 6 & 12 weeks all negative ... But still suffer from ongoing body ache , nausea & headaches & tingling feet ...

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HIV Prevention :: Test Negative But Have All Symptoms

MY Story started 2 years ago . I met a wonderful girl and we had both vaginal and anal sex. It wasnt until I finished we realized the condom has broken . After we found out she started crying and told me I needed to get checked . I ran away from relationships and sex life for 2 years because of fear because every 3 weeks or so it seemed I had another HIV symptom. Well I met an amazing girl got a test done professionally oraquick. Came back negative still scared but figured I tested welllll after the window period can I trust this can I live my life ?.is therw anything else it could be

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Herpes :: Symptoms, But Negative IGG At 7.5 Weeks

I had unprotected sex with a girl who had no obvious symptoms of herpes. She also claims she doesn't have it, which doesn't mean anything since she's never been tested. This happened about 2 months ago. I never developed any symptoms until maybe 5 weeks after the exposure. I started getting slight balanitis (redness around the ring on the head of my penis). About a week and a half or so later I developed a small bump on the base of my shaft, I poked and prodded at it and it went away within the same day. This bump was accompanied by pain in my right leg. I remember poking at it then going to the clinic to get it checked and when I presented my unit, it was so small that I couldn't find it, but I eventually did (it was maybe 1/4 the size it was originally). Anyways, the next day I developed a small bump on the underside of my shaft that was just plain red. I poked at it and pinched it to see if it would pop but it didn't. It scabbed because I made it bleed (I think, I'm not 100%). I then got ANOTHER bump the next day on the left side of my shaft that when I popped it white pus came out (so i believe it was just a pimple, this has happened before but its insanely rare for me to get a whitehead on my penis). Once that was gone about 2 days later I got another bump at the same location as the pimple which when I popped it, clear liquid came out with a little bit of white, but mostly completely clear liquid. I had weird feelings on my penis for about 3 weeks while this was happening also, like stabbing pains and twitching. Fast forward about another week and another bump pops up where the pimple was, this time I am smarter and decide to watch it without popping it. It shrinks to nothing in maybe 2 days. I should mention none of the bumps have ever itched, tingled, hurt (not even the slightest) or scabbed (maybe because I popped them all), except for the one where I believe only scabbed due to the pinching. All of this happened in the span of 4 weeks, about 4.5 -5 weeks after the possible exposure. I had a herpes IGG at 7.5 weeks which came back negative. I should also mention that I have very dry skin on my penis, which I've now been moisturizing. I also do still have slight balanitis, it was never itched or hurt and is only represented as redness on the rim of my penis. And not matter what, I'm going to get another IGG test at 13 weeks (I would do 12 weeks but I'm insanely busy that week with multiple midterms).

My questions are:

1) Is an IGG reliable at this time given my symptoms?

2) Do these symptoms sound like Herpes? I just don't know what else it could be.

3) Wouldn't the antibodies in my blood be detectable since I had been having symptoms for over 3 weeks before I got tested?

4) If I'm negative at 13 weeks, does that rule out herpes as the cause 100%?

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HIV Prevention :: 3 Month Negative But Still Having Symptoms

Recently i had protected vaginal sex with a csw for 2-3 minutes in Thailand, & i had shaved my pubic region just before 2 hours of having intercourse.
Though i am sure condom did not break, i am fearing that shaving super facials cuts may transmit HIV to me even though after shaving there was no visible cuts / broken skin.

After this incident, i had rapid blood HIV tests at 8, 10,weeks &  3 months (88 days) which were all negative, but still after 10 weeks i am having mild sore throat, a little white tongue & diarrhea problems for more than 10 days.
please answer my question.

1) Have you heard of any person got hiv due to shaving pubic hairs before having sex?

2) Do you consider my 88 days HIV negative test conclusive? or i have to test again?

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HIV Prevention :: Negative 8 Weeks Still Having Symptoms

Risk: unprotected cunnilingus and protected vaginal sex (my oral health jacked up missing teeth and cavities )

Symptoms: flu sore throat, white dry skin, black rash on arms, lymph nodes neck groin and armpits, white tongue, oral thrush, burning sensation back stomach lips groin and face, loose stool, dark colour urine, weight loss..

Test: 6 and 8 weeks antibody and antigen.. negative results

How accurate is hiv test at 8 weeks, I'm scared results would change when I test at 12 weeks because I'm still having a lot of symptoms including lymph nodes it driving me insane

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HIV Prevention :: Positive Symptoms But Oraquick Negative

I just want to start by saying I'm an 18 year old female and have made some mistakes. In mid July(almost 5.5 months ago) I had brief unprotected sex with someone I did not know (huge mistake). It was less than 30 seconds and he did not ejaculate inside me. I felt fine until around October where I began to get worried about having an STD. I went to the doc and they cleared me of any sti but would not do any blood work because I had tested negative 3 months ago. I tried to explain to them it had been exactly 3 months since the encounter so I wanted to be retested but they refused, even though there is a lab on site. So I went home and in November bought an oraquick oral swab test at Walgreens. At 127 day past the encounter I took the oral swab and it was negative. I was eating a little before the test so three days later I bought another at 130 days and it was also negative. After this I felt way less anxious and I was able to enjoy my thanksgiving and felt like my normal self again. About a week later I feel a swollen lymph node on the side of my neck. It's still there, and not painful. No sore throat no fever. I seem to be experiencing loose stools though. So 141 days post exposure I took another oraquick test and it was negative. This time I followed the instructions to a t. Still worried about lymph nodes took another at 147 days and it was negative as well. I just can't relax because of the swollen lymph nodes. The reason I haven't been back to the doc is because I go every 3 months for a depo shot. My next appointment will be 6 months after encounter and any blood work would be definitive. I know this is a long post, but I can't help it I feel so anxious and depressed. Is there any way these tests are not picking up the antibodies? Why swollen lymph nodes if I haven't been infected.

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HIV Symptoms But Oraquick Negative 6 / 12 Weeks AND 6 / 12 Months

I had a exposure with HIV and tested like you are suppose to but now I quest if I used the right test. I tested at 6 weeks 12 weeks 6 months and 12 months all negative using Oraquick oral swab test.

In the past year I have had many infections that I normally don't get and had a rash and sore throat for about 12 past 8 days after the incident.

Now I have 2 cuts that won't heal after weeks. I get canker sores constantly and I never got them before and I don't have a appetite and lost 12 pounds over the last 6 months. Everything points to hiv and I wonder if I am one of the people that don't have enough antibodies to detect in my oral fluids area for the test.

Do I need another test or is this true? accurate at 1 year.

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3 Oraquick In Home Test Negative But Still HIV Symptoms?

I never been sexually active in my life (Never had sex before) except THESE BIGGEST SINES I EVER MADE in my life, I know I'm dumb and stupid, I'm too scared I need some conforte here please:

First time in my life I had sex (unprotected) was 8 months ago (August) with an escort girl. Second exposure was 5 months ago (December), I met a girl offered me massage she was a transsexual. she rubbed her penis on my back and anus (I think with no condom) cuz she ejaculated on my anus and back. (No penetration) Third time with the same transsexual in March with condom but also (no penetration).

I saw the ad for (Oraquick in Home Oral swab) on TV and the internet so I decide to get tested. I had tested for other stds as well Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia they were all negative. I tested for HIV (Oraquick in Home Oral swab) up to 8 months after First Exposure. I tested for HIV (Oraquick in Home Oral swab) and 5 months after Second Exposure.

I followed the instructions, and tested after 3 months exposures "ALL NEGATIVE".... I'm not gonna argue with you about my persistent symptoms (Muscle and joint aches, my both knees are red and aching my legs and some twitching and stabbing pain arms, neck and shoulder.) that's starts 5 months after the first exposure and still occurring till now they come and go. I know you don't discuss symptoms here.

1) What are my risk assessments regarding my exposures described above?
2) Do I still Need to test or get a different type of testing?
3) Are my persistent symptoms related to HIV?
4) Are my oraquick tests I took reliable and accurate???
5) Am I conclusively Negative do Not have HIV?
6) Can I MOVE ON with my life with 100% no worries?

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Herpes :: Negative IgG But Outbreak Symptoms Match HSV2

I had an encounter with a CSW Feb 2015 that involved unprotected oral (stupid I know) but protect vaginal sex. The next day I had a strong itch on my groin and the following day (2 days after encounter) I had a blister cluster of about 6-8 blisters in that area. The blisters went away without any scabbing within 1 or 2 days and never reappeared. I have had a almost near constant itch/tingling in my crotch in the same area ever since.

I had assumed this was a HSV-1/2 outbreak from what I had read, and I was unable to visit a clinic at the time. 13 months later, I get the IgG test and my results are:

HSV1 <0.1 negative
HSV2 <0.1 negative

While initially relieved, I'm worried that this <0.1 on both tests could possibly be a mis-test? I have seen many other tests here come up with number registering (example 0.27 or 0.5). Should I just retest or go for a Western Blot to settle this?

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Herpes :: HSV2 Symptoms But Blood Test Negative

I'm pretty sure I have HSV 2 (herpes) but I never got a culture, never had noticeable recurrent outbreaks, and have had a negative IgG blood test so I'm a little confused and want to know others opinions.

Almost exactly 2 weeks after unprotected intercourse I got:-

-3 hard red bumps/sores in a row in my pubic hair region (about the size of a pencil eraser)

-A few days later: extremely itchy vaginal area and thick, yellowish smelly discharge which lasted a couple days

-Possible "flat" sores on labia minora area (white circular discoloration, did NOT look like typical herpes sore clusters)

-The red sores on my pubic area seemed to crust over/come off (became flat, smooth, and whitish) after about a week then went away. I never noticed any fluid in them or oozing.

I never experienced any swollen lymph nodes, flu-like symptoms, or clusters of white pimple-like sores. I have never noticed any re-current outbreaks. I have no history of HSV 1.

Two years after possible initial outbreak I finally got a blood test: HSV 1 & 2-Specific Ab, IgG; Venipuncture

HSV 1 IgG: <0.91 Negative
HSV 2 IgG: <0.91 Negative

(index: 0.00-0.90, Equivocal .91-1.09)

I know there are lots of cases of people not producing antibodies, so I'm wondering if it's worth getting a Western Blot? Do you think the only explanation for my symptoms is herpes?

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