Epilepsy :: Seizures In A Relationship

I've had epilepsy all my life. I find the stress has really brought my seizures on a lot. Relationships has anyone had problems with their seizures in a relationship.

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Relationship Between Masturbation / Sex And Testosterone

I am really started to wondering about the what can testosterone does to human body. the more i learn about the more i started to wondering.can anyone give me clear idea on testosterone and masturbation. i read in a article masturbation does not considered as a sex, but in many people are arguing it is sex. how much testosterone does a 25yr old men need to have muscles growth. how much testosterone can an 25yr old man can produce ?

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Relationship Between Sjogren's And Water Retention?

Has anyone noticed any relationship between Sjogrens and water retention?  It seems like, since Sjogrens attacks moisture, they wouldn't go together.

But I have noticed that when I am about to have a good week without a lot of symptoms, it starts with my body getting rid of excess water (I urinate large volumes regardless of how much I am drinking and then am about two pounds lighter).  I am just wondering if flares can cause you to retain water.  I don't eat a lot of salt so I don't think it is diet related.

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Developing Raynaud's Phenomenon For Both Partners In Relationship

My partner got this the same time as me.  Is this something that normally happens?

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Bipolar Disorder :: Selective Memory Loss In Relationship

Been in a relationship with a bipolar disorder person ( i believe) and after a while into the relationship , she has the notion of hurting me in the situation when she is very much emotionally involved with me as in romance etc. Seems like she loses herself and starts scratching me . i kind of ignored earlier but when i wake her up kinda thing she completes looks puzzle and asks me dis she hurt me kinda thing. She also did mention lets breakup coz its gonna get worst then this but i must admit i was adamant and was sure i can find a solution for this and we can be happy together. Then came a point whereby she went through the same episode and woke to ask me did she stab me and when realized no, she went on saying this has to stop kinda thing since next she will go to suicidal mode etc. She also went on i just cant be as normal anymore to you since my mind has already shutting u down. That evening when i got in touch with her , she told me that its happening and she was somewhere alone in her office not sure what she was trying to do neither any recollection how she got there. She was infact awaken by the cleaner lady thankfully she said. She said "i love u more then my life" to me and that's the problem . The next day when i got in touch with her , she acted as though she has no recollection of what we had in between and she seems to have memory loss on all the places and events that she has been and was with me. She even started calling me by my real name instead of dear or darling how she used to. She is also doing her studies now, and i'm confused to whether to help her to recall things that we had in the past or let it be as not to distract her from her studies and help her to recollect once she is done with her studies and then seek medical help so that we can be on track again.

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Relationship Between Heart Rate (at Rest) And Blood Pressure?

I would be interested in your views on whether you believe that there is a relationship between heart rate (at rest) and blood pressure? My bp monitor always gives me my heart rate, which I guess is standard? But I got to thinking (my wife says this is dangerous for me!) why do bp monitors register heart rate unless there was a link to bp? I have "googled" it and can't find anything that is definitive. My resting heart rate hovers around 60 BPM which is quite good apparently. How much attention do you all take of the heart rate readings on your monitors?

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Stress / Anxiety :: Repetitive Negative Thoughts (toxic Relationship With Husband)

Okay so, I'm 20. Um okay so, i keep having thoughts about my ex.. Me and him have been in a very toxic relationship for years since high school and I feel as though it was just so toxic that it didn't allow us to grow or to really be who we truly are.. But.. Yeah we weren't together anymore and all he wants now is just sex from me.. And I'm so attached I dream about him with other girls and I constantly think about the arguments we had things he has said things I have said just constantly playing back things and now I'm starting to talk to myself like I my head I'm starting to be nicer to myself and allowing those thoughts to just come and go and I am constantly forgiving myself and telling myself that I cannot control any of those situations and I tell myself that or worrying and overthinking will not resolve anything but just makes matters worse... And I have repetitive thoughts about anything that I feel so insecure about, I've started praying and asking God to help me.. Is there anything else I can do? I've also started meditating I don't do much like I just started getting back into school consistently everything that I do is inconstant. Everything so I'm starting to be better at things

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STD :: Fertility After Chlamydia?

I have recently been diagnosed with chlamydia, but don't know when i have contracted it, it could be up to 4 years ago and i need to know how to go about finding out if it has caused major damage?

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Chlamydia? Can I Still Get Pregnant?

I lived in Spain for a couple of years when I was 14 and I had a drunk one night stand at the age of 15 with a spanish boy, I wasn't sure if it was protected but when I found out about a year later that I had chlamydia I presume that it was unprotected. Ever since I have moved back from Spain, I have a boyfriend who I have been with for 16 months, the day I found out we both went straight to the clinic to get it treated. Even though it was only just me who came back positive for it, my boyfriend took some pills for it too and he also did a test, and for some reason came out negative. I stopped taking the pill about a month ago, I am nearly 18 and me and my boyfriend want to try for a baby, but I have always had a fear that I cannot get pregnant due to the fact i've had chlamydia.Please can somebody put my mind at ease and explain if I can or cant get pregnant and if I can, how long will it take on average?

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Chlamydia :: How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of It?

i have recently found out that i'm infected with chlamydia and i'm so embarrassed and i feel so disgusting. im so mad just the fact that i might have had gotten it from my ex.because i have just been with him and one more person and i barely started being sexually active.

i hate him because when i found out which was today i called him i just told him to get checked he just replied that it wasn't from him it might of been from the other guy. he was being ignorant. i was telling him because his dirty he has sex with any stranger and plus i had sex with both guys almost around the same time so he should have it .

i just recently find out i was infected why is that they told me i had to get an ultrasound even if i know im not prego.

how long does it take to get rid of it? should i tell my mom? how would you know if u got the bacteria in your mouth?

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STD :: Chlamydia - Sex During Treatment?

Just recently, me & my boyfriend were diagnosed with Chlamydia. I got treated one week before him...on a Tuesday & was told to wait 2 weeks before having sex again. I did. He got treated a week or so after me but we ended up having sex (with a condom) during the 2 week period he was taking his medication. Is it possible that he could still have the disease? Im afraid now because since then, we've had sex again (with a condom) but we also gave each other oral sex.

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Chlamydia :: Would Affect My Infertility?

I found out i had chlamydia about a year after a had contracted it but id met my boyfriend around 3 months after contracting it..so we both ended up having chlamydia and both got treated for it.

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Advice On Chlamydia And Gonorrhea?

I have a girlfriend, about a month ago I had sex outside my relationship with an escort.  The condom broke. I was worried about chlamydia and gonorrhea immediately. Although I never got any kind of burning sensation or coloured discharge.

few days after the encounter I saw my GP and asked him for treatment, without testing. A positive test result cold potentially have devastating effect and word would get out believe it or not. So the doctor gave me a course of azithromycin for 5 days along with a course of doxycycline for a week.

Two weeks after that I found our that the medicine he gave me does not cure gonorrhea only chlamydia. Also at the same time I was told by my girlfriend that she thinks she has a yeast infection. to be on the safe side I treated her and myself again with cefixime 400 for 1 week and 1 gram of azithromycin on the first day followed by 500mg the second day.

We are now a week on from that treatment, and I still have doubts about myself. My girlfriend's "yeast infection" has cleared up almost completely. But for me I have a weird feeling in my penis, almost like a slight itchiness inside. Also I feel as if there is always a drop left that I need to squeeze out, and when I do squeeze it I get the teeniest drop of clear fluid that comes out, also my testicles feel itchy (not sure if this is related). At first I just thought it was my mind overthinking and me worrying that was doing this... but now I'm quite sure that things are not normal

I dont want this to ruin our relationship as we have two children together, and I need any treatment to happen in secret. I can get my hands on any medication that is required quite easily.

1- What do I do about myself? Is there any additional meds I need to take? Do I need the intramusclar injection of Ceftriaxone??

2- Do I need to do anything about my girlfriend? especially since I cant tell her what has happened for the sake of our kids!! Is she fine if she is symptom free? Could she be cured with the course of antibiotics I gave her?  Please note she also took anti fungal meds at the same time.

Would really appreciate any advice I could get.

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STD :: Chlamydia? No Sex Over A Year, Just Kissing

I found out two days ago that I had chlamydia but I haven't been with anyone in over a year besides this new guy and we haven't done nothing but kiss. I don't know how I got t but how do u know if the meds are working? I never had symptoms. My now ex thinks I'm nasty when I didn't know about it. Could they mess that up for a uti cause I grew up having uti every day of the week. Confused on how this could happen and why he would not want anything to do with me. I got tested over a year ago and had nothing but now I do. Could he have given it to me from kissing me?

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STD :: Chlamydia And Gonorrhea For A Year

I have had both of these diseases for about a year and i am going to go get treated, is it too late for me to be treated? my only symptoms are irritation and i recently started to break out down there.

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Chlamydia :: How Long Does It Take To Be Cured?

When I went in for a routine pelvic exam, I tested positive for Chlamydia. I immediately received treatment, and informed my partner that he needed to be tested and treated as soon as I was able to, which was 5 days after. Of course he wanted to have sex (even after I told him the news) and I finally agreed, but only with a condom on.  He then got treatment the following day. We were informed by our health clinic to abstain from having sex at least 7 days after receiving treatment, but of course like the absolute idiots we are, we didn't.  Because I am the big idiot that I am, I had to receive a second round of antibiotics which meant him and I both took them the same day following intercourse with protection. Not sure what our issue with being celibate for 7 days is exactly, but we had sex this past Tuesday with protection, but only a day after taking the antibiotics. I felt a little bit of discomfort when urinating afterwards, but assumed it was due to having sex. Just this morning, he prompted me to have sex again, and we did with protection, but afterwards he continued to try to have sex this time without a condom. I don't need anyone to tell me how idiotic it was to allow him to have sex with me without a condom, but I can't change what happened now. After having sex a second time, unprotected, this morning I had the most excruciating pain while urinating. I wanted to cry it hurt that bad. My partner has also experienced some discomfort while urinating after having sex this morning. I guess what I would like is some guidance, answers, suggestions, possible diagnosis? I am currently assuming the worst that him and I have indeed re-infected ourselves, but just wanted to throw my predicament out there for some outside opinions.

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Chlamydia :: How Long Does It Take To Recover

How long does it take for chlamydia to be cured after taking your prescription?

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STD :: Will Chlamydia Make You Infertile?

I Recently found out that i tested Positive for Chlamydia and I AM taking Doxycycline Hyclate 100mg tablets Twice a day for 10 days...


1) I just started Menstruating and was curious if it was safe to wear Tampons? I know they don't expect us to just bleed all over the place, but is wearing a tampon a safe thing to do? will it lower my chances of getting rid of it?
2) Does the Doxycycline ALWAYS get rid of Chlamydia or is there a chance that it will NOT get rid of it?
3) I know that Chlamydia can lower your chances of Fertility and i was curious as to how long it takes to make a woman infertile?

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Chlamydia By Giving Oral Sex To A Woman?

I've several questions regarding oral sex and the spreading of STIs. (i) If a man can catch an STI like Chlamydia by giving oral sex to a woman, does the STI live in his throat and, therefore, is the only way he can spread Chlamydia by action involving his throat - kissing, giving oral sex etc? In other words, could a man have Chlamydia in his throat and be "clear" in his genitals? (ii) For a woman to catch an STI from giving oral sex to a man, does the man have to ejaculate in her mouth? Or is the act of simply taking his penis in her mouth enough for an STI to spread to her?

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