Ramipril :: Dizzy Spells And Tiredness

I have been taking ramipril for about a year and I have started getting dizzy spells and tiredness. I feel I don't need them anymore and want to stop

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Ramipril :: Dizzy, Pain In Left Arm And Tingling In My Face

Been on 2.5 for the last week, my side affects are dizzy, pain in left arm ,and tingling in my face , and burning in my chest so not going to take any more , here's a good 1 as well my son of twenty who is diabetic has just been given ramipril 2.5 his blood pressure before taking them was 150/90 after 2 weeks it is now 175/130 ....

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Dizzy Spells

I had stuff to do today that I could not leave. I have since had several dizzy spells. I get these  when I do the school run. Has anyone fully passed out?

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General :: My Sweat Smells Like Rotting Fish

I thought i'd post here before I see my Dr, it started on Wednesday morning, I went to college, sat in the class and everyone could smell like rotting fish, I didn't know where it was coming from but later found out it was from my arm pits, I haven't been back to college since. I ate haddock on Tuesday night...

Also my diet has been lower in carbs than normal and I have read it could be that, but that's more of an ammonia smell, any help appreciated im freaking out a bit.

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa :: Sweat Gland Removed?

I am a 27 year old female who has suffered with HS for more than 5 years, i have been put on alot of different tablets by my GP and Dermatologist, the last meds i was put on was Isotretinoin which i was on for 5 months which was last May, my HS is in my Groin, around the breasts and top of buttocks, my groin being the worst and most painful. On 4th June this year i had a large abscess which needed to be drained, this was done in day surgery, i went to my GP the following day for it to be re-packed and re-dressed. My GP told me that it was looking good and didn't need to be re-packed so he would prescribe me dressings and i could wash it following his instructions and change dressings on a daily basis. My leg has still not healed, the last month i have been to my nurse every other day having it checked and re-dressed, i did about a month and half ago have silver nitrate put on it due to granulation and im having it done again tomorrow, both my GP and Nurse think i have another two abscesses coming underneath my wound and i also have a sinus tract. I have an appointment with the surgeons on 4th September and im going to ask about having my sweat gland in groin area removed. I'm so fed up in last 3 months i have been on antibiotics for 5 weeks not at same time, i have no life, no boyfriend and don't wish to as embarrassed about all my nasty scarring. I am just after some advice about having sweat gland removed, has anyone had this done? have any information about this? or other procedures expect more tablets. thank you

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Vaginal Health :: Bad Smell Near My Vagina After Sweat

I have a bad odor coming from my vagina when I sweat.  It makes my pants smell in the crotch area.  Sometimes it happens when I'm not sweating.  I use a feminine wash and spray, but no change (good or bad).  I asked my dr and she doesn't have an answer for me.

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Chronic Fatigue? Short Of Breath, Fatigue, Muscle Weakness And Low Energy

This adventure started about 9 months ago. Instead of my normal routine of get up, eat, hygiene, off to work (I was a remodeling contractor), I started falling back to sleep after breakfast. I must pretext this by saying that I take 40 mg of Adderall in the am and the afternoon. First it was 1/2 hour and eventually 3 hours. Then it was an afternoon nap also, Then an evening nap. This was not every day but most days. About eight or so weeks ago, I developed a blood clot behind my left knee and several in my lungs (as a result of being on my knees for long periods of time installing floor trim we figure). After I got out of the hospital, I started a slow but sure incline in my energy level. Then on October 23 (my 40th birthday) I got short of breath, disoriented, incapable of making clear decisions. eventually I called 911 and when the EMTs got here I had a blood O2 level of 89%. They took me to the ER in a bus and I have never been the same since. I have experienced no increase in my energy level, I have a sore throat most of the time, flu like symptoms, muscle weakness, Most days my mind is still strong but not all, I am functioning at about 25% of what I used to be capable of, I have problems pulling the proper word out of my brain (sometimes 8 or more times per day), I feel run down especially the day after I over do it, at least 4 people have recently tried to talk to me about conversations that I have no memory of, my allergies are not only out of control they are the opposite of what I usually experience (instead of a dry nose I now have a constantly runny nose and I sneeze 50 times per day. I did test positive for Epstein-Barr exposure at some point in my life. I have 6 of the eight symptoms for diagnosis and like 25 of the 35 or so that people with CFS report. We have not yet ruled out MS, Lupus, and all of the kinds of cancer that are required for a CFS diagnosis, but I am almost positive it is CFS. Thoughts?

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Genetic Testing To Rule Out Causes Of Fatigue?

I am just wondering whether anyone has had genetic testing to rule out causes of fatigue? Myself and my brother both suffer with extreme tiredness and I'm wondering if it's worth asking for it to be investigated down the genetic route.

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Chronic Fatigue :: Supplements For Fatigue And Energy

None of the medications that I have taken are helping with fatigue and energy, and are causing a lot of side effects. So I'm thinking about going on Dr. Teitelbaum's protocol for fibro and CFS: D-Ribose, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Co Q10 and 5-HTP. Has anyone tried these supplements and did you have any results (good or bad)?

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Ramipril :: Best Time Of The Day To Take It

Can anyone tell me the best time to take Ramipril.

I am on one 5mg tablet per day.

I take this last thing at night but am wondering if it would be better to take in morning as I feel a little unsteady on my feet when I am out in the day.

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Ramipril And CHF While Also Having COPD

I have COPD along with CHF. My blood pressure is normal. Have only 20% use of mitral valve. ( Cardiomyopathy). I was put on 60 mg of Furosemide (Diuretic) then 2.5 mg. Then after 2 months I am now at 7.5 mg.

My question is I have a constant cough, pulling up mucus. It starts with a real itchy throat and then the coughing. There is no relief. It goes on for anytime 7 to 15 minutes stop and then starts again. At night it is worse.

I am afraid that my COPD will get worse. Please let me hear from you if you have the same problems.

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Ramipril And Headaches

have been on 2.5mg for 9 tablets, 1 a day taken in the morning - and in the afternoons over the last 3 days have developed severe headache - cannot find headaches as a side effect - anyone else had this?

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Ramipril :: Side Effects

I am a 47 year old male (right weight for height) and reasonably fit running three times a week who has recently had to visit the doctor (first time in years) for severe neck pain caused by strenuous gardening work -so called leisure.

However my blood pressure was checked over the past few weeks and has found to be continuously very high ranging 190/115 to 150/90. My GP has decided to put me on ramipril starting with 2.5mg increasing to 5 mg and then 10mg over six weeks. On reading the comments about side effects I am really concerned which has now possibly increased my blood pressure further - really concerned on what to do, should I get a second opinion through my private medical before starting this treatment?

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Ramipril :: Dreadful Cough

I have been on ramipril for about 8 months now. Have had a dreadful cough which has got worse the longer I have taken them. I also have asthma and the cough has been put down to that as it has triggered severe asthma attacks, which have caused me to go into hospital with blue light flashing. Not once has any doctor said this is down to Ramipril. I will be changing this medication before it kills me. BE VERY WARY IF YOU ARE ASTHMATIC!!!!!

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Ramipril :: Very Tickly Cough

I wrote on this sight about a month ago, declaring that i dont really have any problems with ramipril, other than contracting a couple of nasty colds with very tickly coughs since starting on it. How wrong was I. Every bug going has got me, I ache pretty much all of the time and constantly feel as though im about to undergo an attack of the flu. The tickly cough has stayed, sometimes keeping me awake at night! Ive just finished a course of antibiotics for a chest infection and was amazed when my doctor told me that the ramipril worsens any kind of cold, cough or virus! the scary part is though, my bp has been higher than usual and my doctor is monitoring it with the intent of highering my dosage if it doesnt come down.

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Ramipril And Dizziness And Cough

My elderly husband has taken ramipril 5.0mg for many years with apparently no or minimal side effects. But over the last two years he has suffered increasingly from dizziness in the morning. I think he also coughs a great deal more than he ever did.

I've been measuring his blood pressure regularly recently and the diastolic measure is consistently on the edge of 'low' (around 60). The systolic is just into 'high' and it creeps up a bit if he forgets the ramipril however. I wonder if a reduced dose of ramipril might still control the latter with less risk of hypotensive dizziness. Does that make any sense?

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Hypertension :: Indapamide Is Better Than Ramipril

have been on Indapamide a few months and so far so good, feel so much better since coming off ramipril! I am also warm all the time which is such a change, I Was always cold when my bp was so high! I just wanted to say something positive about a drug as I find it very good with little side effects apart from tinnitus but that's nothing compared to previous side effects. I spoke to a nurse who uses this drug and she says it's fairly new and quite expensive so not used a lot but anyone struggling for a good drug, I think it's okay, don't know if it reduces bp as still have phobia but feel great!

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Terrible Dry Cough With The Ramipril

I was put on Amlodipine for severe hypertension and the first night i was in terrible pain with my chest and that brought on a anxiety attack, stayed on it for a week and still had spikes in my high blood pressure and chest pain, went back to the doctor and told her and she looked at me like i was lying, changed my medication to Ramipril and the chest pain and anxiety went but i have got a terrible dry cough with the Ramipril so need to come of them too, my blood pressure was very high and i was told it may lead to a heart attack or stroke so now i am in trouble as i don't trust any medications because of the side effects.

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Ramipril :: Taken Off - Blasted Cough

Just spoken to my GP who has taken me off Ramipril because of the blasted cough. I'm now on Candesartan, which I've never heard of. Anyone out there have any experience of this drug?

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