Omeprazole :: Sore Chest Both Sides Of Stomach
past few days after been out saturday night drinkin my stomachs been in agony both sides hurting, fort it was my kidney then i went to the docs today he's giving me omeprazole i've been waking up with a cough sore chest both sides of my stomach hurting like a burning sensation? sore back and a general loss of appetite anybody know what may be up with me?
View 2 RepliesFrequent Urination - Stomach And Sides Are Painful
I have been experiencing higher the normal need to urinate lately. Sometimes going with very little flow but more frequently feeling the need to.
I have been feeling quite heavily bloated but last night was really bad when my stomach was causing me chronic pain. I passed both urine and stool ok. No blood and no smell from urine. Neither hurt either when going to the toilet it just seems frequent.
I have been to doctors and apparently slight bacteria from urine test but nothing identifying where an infection could be.
My stomach and sides lower down are incredibly painful and uncomfortable.
Pregnancy :: 20 Weeks - Quickening - Normal?
I'm 20 weeks today with my first. I'm not sure of I've felt time move yet. Is that normal?
View 3 RepliesPregnancy :: Ache In My Groin Both Sides
I just found out I'm pregnant, baby #2 i'm currently 4 weeks and 4 days. I've been having a very dull ache in my stomach since Sunday and now I've got an ache in my groin both sides. I got my bfp on Tuesday. I was just wondering if anyone else had these aches and pains and everything was alright?
View 4 Replies(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Can't Sleep Horrible Contractions Down My Sides
im so excited to go to sleep right now but I'm keep Getting horrible contractions down my sides to my hips and in my lower back....
View 4 Replies(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Legs Cramped - 31 Weeks And Can Only Sleep On My Sides
I'm 31 weeks and can only sleep on my sides. But my legs are oh so cramped up and everything hurts what do I do?
View 1 RepliesPregnancy Age 35+ :: Lost A Tiny Bit Of Mucus And Pain In Both Sides Of Thighs (38 Weeks)
38 weeks pregnant lost a tiny bit of mucus plug and sometimes feel pressure in pelvis/vagina area pushing down when im sitting and when i walk for i get pain in both sides of my thighs feels like a nerve is pulling which makes me bend. Im also getting hard stomach with no pain and i get light lower back pain. What is this? Please help.
* will i be dilated now that im having pressure? I went for a check up a week ago and midwife said my cervix is closed. What does that mean too?
(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: My Heartbeat In My Stomach
is it normal to feel my heartbeat in my stomach or is that the baby's heart beat I'm feeling
View 3 RepliesPregnancy :: My Stomach Is Really Small
I had gone to the doctor and my stomach was only measuring 27 weeks when I was almost 32. So I had to go get an ultrasound to check baby growth. My ultrasound was yesterday but the tech said he's not allowed to tell me what I'm measuring at and that I'll have to wait to talk to my doctor to get the results, however he told my baby's approximate weight is 4lbs 4oz. Does that sound about normal? My stomach is really small and people are constantly commenting on how tiny the baby must be.
View 3 RepliesPregnancy :: Stomach Is Moving Up And Down Constantly
36 weeks along ftm... my stomach is moving up and down constantly... like if the baby is inhaling and exhaling very fast... could it be her hiccuping or her heartbeat ? I'm confused that's all
View 2 RepliesPregnancy :: Stomach Aches As If I'm Hungry
I just found out I'm about 5 wks pregnant and have stomach aches as if I'm hungry when I'm not... Is this normal and if it is, any tips to ease the aches?
View 3 RepliesPregnancy :: Chocolate Hurts My Stomach
I'm only a month, but everytime I eat chocolate my stomach hurts ! Is that normal?
View 1 RepliesPregnancy :: Cramps At The Bottom Of My Stomach - Contractions?
Been Having Really Bad Cramps At The Bottom Of My Stomach Right Above My Pelvic Area All Day And Everytime That Happens My Back Hurt Really Bad Could It be Contractions? 35 weeks
View 1 Replies(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: 35 Weeks Back And Stomach Cramping
I just turned 35 weeks yesterday . I had the same cramping last week with back cramping and stomach cramping that lasted for an hr the doc didn't say much. I took Tylenol abt an hr ago for a headache then the cramping started 30 mins later. Are there still my Braxton hicks contractions? ?
View 3 RepliesPregnancy - Hydrops Fetalis :: Did Your Baby Have Ascites (fluid In The Stomach)
Did your baby have ascites (fluid in the stomach) as well?
View 19 RepliesPregnancy :: 8 Weeks - Throwing Up, Backache, Neck Pains, Stomach Pain
I was wondering am I the only who gets sick constantly. Such as throwing up, back ache, neck pains, stomach pains, and always feeling like I can't do anything. I feel so helpless
View 11 RepliesPregnancy :: Baby Movement 30 Weeks - Bottom Of My Stomach And Towards Private Area
I am 30 weeks pregnant and I feel my baby all the time- but her kicks are only ever in the same place and very low down. At the very bottom of my stomach and towards private area. It can get very uncomfortable. I hear people all the time that say their baby is constantly kicking them in the ribs and very high up and I have just never experienced this!
View 7 RepliesRed Peeling Skin On Sides Of Nose
I have been suffering for months now with a bright red nose more to the sides and more on the side where I used to have a piercing. It always looks red raw and appears like the skin never heals and seems bumpy. It's constantly a combination of oily and dry flakes but these are really visible and make it look awful. I was diagnosed with acne rosacea 2 years ago as always have flushed cheeks and the doctor prescribed me metronidazole cream but this does not seem to help at all on my nose area?I have tried all types of different creams from rosacea creams to Have enough dry skin but get married next year and getting to my wits end now as even putting makeup on it looks flaky.
View 1 RepliesTrigeminal Neuralgia On Both Sides After Dental Work
I have TN on both sides which was cause by hospital dental work (i still need some teeth pulling) someone has just upset me so much.
They said that because i have it both sides that an MVD operation would not work as there is a compression of the nerve and this is much less likely to be the cause of bilateral TN.
'm so upset i just don't know what to do apart from ending my life, that's the only way out from this.