Pregnancy :: Are You Able To Get Dental Work Done

Are u able to get dental work done during pregnancy

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Pregnancy :: Bad Toothache - Dental Work

Has anyone got dental work done while pregnant? I know it is best to get it in the second trimester and the will use minimal local anesthetic but it still makes me nervous. I have a bad tooth ache and I am almost positive it is a cavity but I am nervous to get work done.

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Pregnancy :: Abscessed Tooth - Dental Work - 1st Trimester

I have an abscessed tooth. :( hurts so bad i just want it gone. If i cant get my mouth numbed tho i don't want any work done (heard u can get work done after your 1st trimester. Best to do in your second) but will they be able to numb my mouth?? I heard that medicine can cross the placenta. Anyone had work done ??

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Knee :: TKR And Dental Work?

Can someone please tell me what to expect when having dental work done?

I'm 3 months post TKR and have just found decay, which may need filling or extraction (its quite bad) ... What happens if it gets infected and how would that affect my prosthesis?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia On Both Sides After Dental Work

I have TN on both sides which was cause by hospital dental work (i still need some teeth pulling) someone has just upset me so much.

They said that because i have it both sides that an MVD operation would not work as there is a compression of the nerve and this is much less likely to be the cause of bilateral TN.
'm so upset i just don't know what to do apart from ending my life, that's the only way out from this.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia - Quite Possibly The Result Of Dental Work

After many dental visits and x rays, I was referred to a Head,Neck and Ear clinic where the doctor believes I have Trigeminal Neuralgia-quite possibly the result of dental work. He has referred me to a neurologist and am awaiting that appointment. I was issued an rx for pain management but have decided to wait and see the neurologist for further info and treatment, as I react to so many drugs.

Anyone else suffering from this? And if so, can you please relate your experiences? Am in somewhat of a fog right now, trying to wrap my head around how this can come from dental procedures.

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Temporomandibular Joint :: Dental Work - Improper Bite

I have suffered from TMJ in the past but it always cleared up when the bite was adjusted properly. My latest dentist changed my bite with a filling on one side and then ground down the opposite side so it would match. The side he ground down was the "good side" as the other had been ruined and ground down previously because of a root canal. The result are teeth that are much to short and a bite that is all over the place. The facial pain is intense even after I went to another dentist who further adjusted me. It seems as though no one really knows what they are doing...everyone tells me I'm "ok" now and shuffles me off. I honestly feel like a don't have teeth on one side and all the natural ridges have been shaved off ALL the bottom teeth at this point. Frustration does not even cover what I am feeling. Does anyone know how on earth to fix this mess or what type of dentist can best alter the bite for the better. A month ago I was perfect..pain free for over a year and now I feel like a zombie who cannot talk or eat or do anything without extreme facial pain. I'm hoping someone clever can build it up properly or maybe do crowns or onlays ( all very tricky when you have tmj). One dentist offered me the little mouth guard ( the one who messed me up) I felt like yelling fix what you messed up and stop trying to sell me things I didn't need before you touched me. Just wondering if anyone ever suffered from the "too short ground down teeth" dilemma and if anyone was able to fix it. I've been living on pills that have done little to help for over a month.

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Dental Health :: Gum Is White - Temporary Crown And Build Up Work

I had an old filling that the tooth brook wednesday. No pain. so friday went to dentist. He said it hadn't reached the nerve so he could build it up and put a crown on it. Went yesterday to have the build up work and the temporary crown. as soon as the anesthetic wore off i started hurting. i have been taking 400 mg of ibuprofen all day. I just took a picture of the inside of my tooth where it hurts the most and the gum is white around the tooth. is the throbbing pain and the white gums normal? will this go away?

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Pregnancy :: Does Castor Oil Really Work? Has Anyone Tried It?

So I have been reading that castor oil is safe as long as u don't take it before 37 weeks.  So has anyone ever tried the castor oil method.  Does it work.  Is it safe? Any side effects

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Pregnancy :: How Does The Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Work ?

How does it work did u just buy the tea already made or do u do it homemade and if so how is it done ....

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Pregnancy :: Nausea - Ginger Gum Doesn't Work For Me

So I find that  these sea bands work. This is our fourth pregnancy and so far it's miserable.  I can't eat anything and I stay nauseated. My husband and I own a business and have several dinner date with clients.he says my sea bands are in formal. I agree people tends to ask questions about why I have bands on my arms. I am only 8 weeks and ginger gum doesn't work for me. The nauseating  feeling is horrible. Is there any other thing that works especially when I am on these formal events?

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Pregnancy :: Does Raspberry Leaf Tea Work To Start Labor?

Ok ladies i'm 38 weeks and want my baby out already I don't see anything wrong with it being 2 weeks before my 40 weeks so has anyone heard of this tea jump starting labor?

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Dental Abscess :: Dental Abscess - Antibiotics Or Root Canal?

Diagnosed by dentist yesterday as abscess. Put on antibiotics. Given choice...root canal treatment @ £850 (Cannot afford) or extraction. Is this really necessary...will the antibiotics not clear up problem.

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Breastfeeding :: How Does It Work Exactly

Im a first-time mommy to be and im confused on what usually happens when breastfeeding do most women breast feed for the entire first year and then swtich over to regular instead of formula ? Any advice you ladies can give me is appreciated

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Stapedectomy Did Not Work - Day 41

Now at day 41 and stapedectomy still not working. Hearing was no better when packing was removed at 2 weeks. Surgeon said it will still be fluid. Climbing the walls counting EVERY single day. Waiting for something to happen. Just had a weeks course of steroids, no difference. It feels as if i'm in a goldfish bowl and everybody around me is on the outside, i feel like i'm in a deep hole and can't get out. I'm sure there's still fluid there as i can feel it when i swallow, and also on several occasions each day when i swallow, mainly listening to music, i get a one split second burst of loudness which after reading the internet makes me thinks it's my tube blocked? But it doesn't hold open for longer than a swallow. I also get like a thumping on my eardrum when i belch, as if a blast hits it? This also wakes me in the night with the banging. Not that i sleep much as EVERY waking moment of my life at the moment is consumed by it. I've had 6 weeks off work until now, due to go back in tomorrow. My unsteadiness had cleared for about 10 days but came back with avengence a couple of days ago. Not vertigo dizziness, but like the quick movements dizziness. I do still get crackling and clicking in my ear. Spoke to surgeons secretary last thursday who is going to get a message to him this tuesday, as that's the first time she will see him apparently. Has anybody else had fluid for this amount of time, or can give any advice or anything to make me feel it'll still work and that i can get my life back?

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How Long Does Trimethoprim Take To Work?

I'm currently suffering from a Uti that causes me to Urinate litres of water and I was given a seven day course of Trimethoprim when the doctor found bacteria and blood in my urine. It been 48 hours since I started and I have had 5 of the tablets. There has been no difference, should it have already started? I'm male, which may mean that it takes longer to work than say a women in this situation.

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Oxytetracycline Will Work For My Acne?

I am 20 and have been suffering with a bad experience with acne since I was 14.....the main area i have acne is on my shoulders and really brings me down and stops me from ever wanting to take my top off! I have also lost a lot of confidence as i think ppl will look at me in a bad way if i take my top of as ppl tend 2 think if someone has spots they must be dirty!

I have used many different creams in the past which were prescribed by my doctor but none of them worked! since october 2009 I have been taking Oxytetracycline, I take 4 pills a day, since taking the drug i feel like i expect my skin to clear up quickly but have had no luck....I have good days and bad at times I can have very BIG spots on my back, giving me trouble when trying to sleep at night. I am no unsure if i need to give it time or is the drug just not working for me? I have been on them for more than 3 months.

It is more annoying as I have a holiday booked for July and want to be able to take my top off an go swimming but if my acne remains the same i will have no choice but to stay covered up or cancel my holiday.

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Depression :: Phobia Of Work?

I am 25 years old and feel like my life is completely screwed.

I have suffered from major anxiety and depression since I was very young (before elementary school) and have fought it ever since.

School was a horrible experience from me, my anxiety would cause horrible stomach issues so I was sick all the time, then that progressed into the fear of getting sick. Panic attacks were the norm and still are many days.

I think I have a phobia of work and I cannot figure it out or get past it. I had my first job when I was sixteen and loved it, I had to quit due to school but then got another job after I graduated high school and worked there for about a year. As time went by I grew extremely bored and almost aggravated at the job. I started feeling sick again and started to always look for ways to miss days.

Another job came and same thing happened.

Then I found a part time job I enjoyed as it fit my one and only true passion, I worked there for six years on and off, last year I decided to bust my butt to impress the higher ups to possibly ensure more work, only to have days cut and treated in my opinion like anyone else. I was mad and once again started the calling out, getting sick, etc. I was also put on Prozac which was HORRIBLE.

I had a very hard time the past five years or so finding a real full time job. Nobody would hire me. I applied everywhere and only had one interview, I even had a background check ran for myself to make sure nothing was on it.

A few months ago I was hired to work for a company from home. It was a fantastic opportunity because it got rid of my getting sick at work fear, paid well, and had potential to move up. I got married, life was good, my future was bright.

I ended up losing the job because I couldn't figure half of it out. It wasn't even hard, it was just customer service type stuff. This murdered me in the head and now I can't stop thinking what I lost.

I have ZERO motivation to try looking again because I know how hard it is and don't trust myself. I hate almost everything, I have one passion and I consider it my only opportunity in life to go anywhere but it cannot be done without money. So I'm in such a bind I can't figure out what to do.

I sincerely feel like my whole life I've had a phobia to work, I may like a job for a few weeks, then hate it, one week may try to miss the whole week, it's almost like more of a phobia to commit to doing anything. Whether it's fear of how I will feel, failure, I have no idea.

I am not on any medicine now, it made things worst. I'm just completely lost in life and quickly falling. Has anyone else dealt with similar issues? How did you overcome them or did you?

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Mirtazapine Doesn't Work On Everybody

I would like to know why there is an opinion that if mirt works for you ,you are naive.for every person it doesn't work for there must be a person it works for.

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