Post-Traumatic Stress? Losing My Mind

I think I am losing my mind. I am a 37 year old female firefighter married to a firefighter. I have been doing this type of work for nearly 18 years. This morning, I got my 3 older kids off to school and came in and started reading the news. Long story short, I heard mayday calls from Boston's 9 alarm fire and I think I had a panic attack from there. I had problems hearing initially, everything sounded like it was far away. I was cold, chattering teeth shortly after, then I threw up. It has been a downhill spiral since. My husband thinks this is all related to a ceiling collapse I went through in November. He think PTSD is at play. But I really have never felt any anxiety over that after getting out. So I'm not sure. I don't know what to do but every minute is longer then the last and I feel fear that is making it hard to breathe. I don't know what to do.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? After Sexual Assault

I am too scared to ask my psychologist about this, i have been having flashbacks for a long time now of sexual assault when i was much younger (ages 3 to 5 most likely). they can be triggered by events or come out of nowhere. i am feeling a bit better now, but for about a month it felt like i was having non-stop back-to-back panic attacks because of this.

i can remember the event but i still have a lot of doubt and feel like my mind is tricking me into thinking that it's real. i've told my psychologist, but i don't want to right out ask if this is ptsd. i really just want something to call this.

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Post-Traumatic Stress :: Hydroxyzine For Anxiety And Prazosin For Nightmares

After years of trying to deal with this on my own I finally got help with a diagnosis of PTSD. I was prescribed Hydroxyzine for anxiety and Prazosin for nightmares. I have not taken either yet as I am wary of taking anything...even when the doctor says it will help. Has anyone tried either of these medications?

My trauma stems from very violent situations a few years ago that are so difficult to talk about I can barely breathe when I even try and get the words out of my mouth. It has left lasting scars both physical and mental that seem a daily reminder or like having a giant necklace of rocks hung around my neck constantly pulling me down.

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Do I Have Post-Traumatic Stress? Tired, Mentally And Emotionally Drained

I feel like I'm on the outside of everything. I don't feel much of anything, most of the time, and I always just want to be alone because I feel I have to pretend in front of other people. I've been through awful things during my life, the most recent being the loss of two beloved pets within 4 months of each other. Yes, I consider their passing to be awful. I've been through cancer, abuse, abandonment, etc. My earliest memory is witnessing my mother being beaten by my father.

I'm not a miserable, unhappy person, normally. Lately, I just haven't been able to feel or care about much. I'm tired. Mentally and emotionally drained. I have zero energy for other people, which saddens me deeply. Often, all I want is to be left alone to stare at the wall or bury myself under the covers.

Maybe it's depression, but the reason I suspect some kind of PTSD is because my brain feels as though there's a block that prevents me from processing any new experiences. I don't know how to explain's like wanting to run from the room, covering my ears with my hands to keep from hearing any bad news or having to deal with anything unpleasant.

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Difference Between PTSD And Complex-PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

I was recently diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The difference between C-ptsd and PTSD is that Complex happens over an extended period of time, and usually originates in childhood. Whereas PTSD is typically a one-time traumatic event (such as rape, war, etc).

After spending my entire life in pain, confusion, and emotionally abusive relationships, I finally have an answer. While it is a big relief, the process of recovery is not easy. I feel like there are two versions of me: The chameleon who has put on a good act and adapted for the sake of everyone else, and the real me, who has been hidden all these years. I'm just now starting to get to know the real me.

This is a relatively new diagnosis, and it didn't make it into the new DSM, but I read where someone said that Complex PTSD is at the core of a great many mental health issues.

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Oral Lichen Planus :: Erosive Variety

I was diagnosed with this 18 months ago. I was referred to hospital for biopsy which was traumatic. The doctor held my tongue and stuck needle straight in. The pain was so severe I passed out. My gp commented that he thought my treatment was brutal and unacceptable.

I was then referred to a different local hospital (we live between the 2) and was treated with kindness. I had further biopsy which was painful but bearable. Unfortunately this doctor now wants to refer me on as steroids are not sufficiently effective in controlling my OPL.

I have an appointment this week at Bristol Dental Hospital and am terrified of yet another biopsy. I am also frightened of being experimented on by students (not in general but in this instance).

has anyone any experience of this hospital? 

I don't know anyone else with this disorder and feel quite isolated 

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Trying To Get Rid Of Laxative Abuse

I'm really struggling at the moment i have been dependant on laxatives for years and made a decision to stop taking them 6 months ago! since that day i have gained 2 stone i hardly ever go to the toilet and i'm so depressed! the bloating is unbearable i can't cope anymore i feel like a can't go on like this any more it's too much, my aunt suggested maybe taking laxatives on the the weekend just to keep things moving and to take only senokot not dulcolax ( i was taking 12 a day before i stopped).

I'm really running out of ideas i have tried everything i can i really have, does anyone take laxatives on a weekly basis just to keep things moving?

does it help?

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How To Get Rid Of Depression / Stress

The best and most foolproof way to remove stress is through laughter. Find something you enjoy, spend some time with a loved one, or walk around the block with a neighbor. People, love, and laughter always do the trick!

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Substance Abuse :: Crying All Day

Emotional. I ache.

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Stress :: How To Deal With It (besides Eating)

i've been REALLY stressed out lately. when i stress out i break out then i stress out even more and i don't know what to do.... any ideas on how do deal with stress (besides eating)?

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Overeating Relation With Stress

I am glad I am retired, no more stress eating.

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Pregnancy :: Stress Due To Abortion

I have recently really been going through a tough time. I found out I was pregnant last week and decided I have to go through with an abortion. I did not plan on a pregnancy hence my use of contraception which failed me. I'm 21 and still live with my parents and in school so I don't have the right time to be having a child. Not only is it the fact that I am getting an abortion (something I never thought I would have to do), but the fact that the man who has a part in this as well is no longer in my life. We just started dating maybe for 2 months, and just a few days ago I caught him lying numerous times about women which is just something I cannot handle. To top it off he has not tried to contact me either knowing that I am going through a tough time with this pregnancy.My days seem to get harder and harder and it's really weighing down on me. I really don't know what to feel or how to cope. Has anyone gone through any tough times regarding an abortion?

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Driving Stress And Anxiety

I have been driving now for 1 year and 2 months and find myself constantly stressed and sick. Its getting to the point I am sat in work and feel like I need to be out in the car. The thing that makes me so stressed is my own driving, I can be fine and then come up to a roundabout for example, get ready to move off again and if my car jolts even a little bit (bringing the clutch up to fast etc) I will be stressed for the rest of the day. It sounds ridiculous I know but it frustrates me so much. I now find myself analysing everything I do when I am in the car which I think is making me worse as I am even more concentrated on it now when driving should be something you just automatically do. I am stuck in a viscous circle and my over thinking is getting to the point that I feel physically sick with constant headaches and worry. I've looked up how to stop over thinking but nothing seems to work.

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Excessive Sweating Due To Stress?

stress may cause excessive sweating. I am a stressful person so do you think my constant sweating may be caused by stressful personality?

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Anxiety :: Xanax Or Stress? What's Better?

Quite simply, what's better for a persons physical and mental health? Stress or Xanax?

I can make it through most days without Xanax. Note "make it through". It's work... Allot of work. Everybody deals with stress differently. Mine is usually, headaches, high BP/BPM, dizziness, and an inability to relax and enjoy the present. I have been dealing with anxiety for about 2 years now. Tried SSRI's. Not for me, to say the least.

Xanax works quite well for me. But I HATE that I take it. I want to be free from any pharmaceutical drug as long as I can. But sometimes I just don't want to put up with the struggle of the day.

What do you guys think? Is it better on the mind and body to struggle by with stress, or to use Xanax. I should state that I understand it doesn't have to be a "all or nothing" situation. But I guess I'm just curiouse about what's actually worse for a person in the long run.

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Stress :: No Exercise On Xanax

I was doing exercise on Xanax and after 3 months my body fell apart. Heart hurt w/ palpitations, could no longer digest properly, breathing became difficult and labored throughout the night and day. Esophagus problems. Saw MANY doctors, no one could help me! I thought I was dying. I found the cause to be 0.25MG of Xanax! I thought I was going to die with all of the symptoms my body was displaying. Cost me $40,000 dollars for all the specialists I went to see. No one could help me. When I got off Xanax my body slowly came back. Do yourself a favor and stay away from XANAX. This is a very dangerous drug!

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Stress :: Daily Anxiety

So this is my first post and I figured maybe someone could help me on this because I think it's getting ridiculous and I'm just tired of feeling like this. I started college on the 26th and have been anxiety free for pretty much all of summer. Starting around Tuesday I had mini anxiety attacks that would come once a day but would literally be episodes of max 15 seconds. Thursday I had a big one, but instead of being a very quick and heavy anxiety attack that lasts just mere seconds, it turned out to be slowly building and started with me feeling uneasy, and restless, and then numb around my body. The numbness was most notable in the lips and hands. The same thing has been occurring daily since then but I would say that I am dealing with it a bit better every time but the symptoms are no less present. Does anyone else feel this way? I'll try to explain in greater detail my symptoms and a few extra ones to finish up:

Numbness of lips and arms. Heaviness in arms, especially right arm and wrist. Rightness and pressure in head. Weakness in upper body mostly. Elevated heartbeat. Neck feels weak occasionally.

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Substance Abuse :: I'm Surviving ROA Correction

To everyone who has given me support and advice, I have not insufflated any of my pills since Wednesday.  I had planned to do my pills intranasally for the last time Tuesday, and start the withdrawal process Wednesday, but I had too many necessary errands Wednesday, so Thursday, yesterday, was my first day not insufflating my pills.  I have only gotten two hours of sleep, can't think straight, am not even driving, have the chills, fever (and then my temp goes below normal), sweating, cold and hot, very loose bowels, but so far no serious nausea or vomiting.  I am experiencing the burning in my neck, arms and upper back (which may be a symptom unique to me due to my history with shingles?).  Though the burning may be a common withdrawal symptom, I don't know.  I definitely have insomnia.  I have been taking Benadryl and Tylenol PM for the cold symptoms.  So far, I haven't gotten the shingles again.  I did get some little blisters on the fingerprint side of my index finger, and other skin reaction on my hands, like stress--induced eczema.  Stress causes skin reactions on me, like hives, etc.  I know I'm a lightweight, and others may handle this better--after all I am swallowing three pills a day, I didn't go cold turkey, like others, but I know my body and knew I wouldn't be safe to even drive.
I got a cervical steroid epidural Monday, which I thought would help, and it does help big-time with pain. However, where the steroid injections usually trigger a slight manic reaction with me (I have been diagnosed "hypomanic" and "manic depressives manic type"  and "ADHD, hyperactive, impulsive type" and PTSD) this time the injection seemed to put me in a mixed state.  I was really, really agitated and anxious, to the point I thought I might need to get some anti-anxiety medication.  My cousin brought over a Xanax and a joint, and a bottle of vodka.  For some reason, I just don't feel like adding more chemicals to my poor brain.  And since I haven't wanted a cigarette since I quit insufflating pills, I slapped a nicotine patch on Thursday, and haven't smoked a cigarette either.  I want to remember all of this torture so I am never tempted to insufflate another pill.  All the years my pharmacy gave me the Endo tamper resistant silicone encased Opana pills I was never tempted to try the tedious procedure of preparing them for insufflation which I read about online.  People actually go thru a lot of work to insufflate or even inject the tamper resistant Opanas.  I read about a lung disease from doing so, and a blood disease from injecting them. And what I read horrified me.  Then, within a matter of months of receiving the generic Opanas, oxymorphone pills, I started insufflating them.  I was in a lot of pain, knew insufflation raised the 10% bioavailability significantly, so I did it, telling myself just this one time.  I am no different than the other people trying to relieve their pain.  I have to be honest with myself.  I have displayed addictive behavior, and played fast and loose with my life.  It doesn't take a genius to figure out that doing pills intranasally that are made to be swallowed puts one at risk for lung infection or worse.  I need to be honest with myself, address my addictive behavior, and not sweep it under the denial rug (so to speak).  If members of my immediate family knew, I would be in a treatment center so fast my head would spin.  As VICourageous or Vic595 said: "We are only as sick as our darkest secrets" and I remember that term from AA.  Also, I thank Gnarly_1 and Vic595 for pointing out I had crossed the line from dependence onto addiction when I started insufflating my pills.  I am sure I would still be telling myself I am only dependent on my pills and they just crushed themselves and flew up my nose, because they could, and it helped my pain more.  Yeah, love myself to death, literally.
I know I will feel worse before I feel better, but I am doing the right thing.  I can't think straight enough now to quote Gnarly_1, but he said something about getting completely off pain medication to assess my real pain level, etc. and I will be re-reading that too.  I know I have been rambling.  My head is hurting, but this discomfort won't kill me like the path I was on.  Thank all of you.  God sent me to Med-Help.  Maybe some day when I can think clearly I will be able to help someone else too.  I will be back.

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Substance Abuse :: Hydrocodone For Many Years

I have used hydrocodone for many years as well as abusing them. I lay in bed all night and most of the day. I plan on getting off and will be doing so with the help of my doctors. I gave my parents my medication so I wont abuse them. I just had carpal tunnel and bone fusion surgery. I was given percocets for pain. I took one and my heart rate is very fast and been so for hours. This has happened recently before when I was abusing. Why is it happening when I only take one and is there concern? When I abused the medication I also had problems with breathing, that is why I gave up control. Im not having problems breathing now but if I have pain and take another I might. What can I do?

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