Permanent Calf Muscle Pain - Treatment Options?

For 11 years I have suffered with this condition. The 1st diagnosis was claudication, 2nd arthritis, 3rd peripheral artery disease, 4th nerve interference from protruding spinal disc , 5 6 7 8 9 10 etc. I have taken every known treatment . Where would you suggest I try next ?

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Undiagnosed :: Muscle Cramps With Stinging Pain In My Calf And Legs

For the past couple months I experience sharp, stinging (or maybe burning) pain in my calf, usually right leg but sometimes left too.

I've been walking long distances my whole life and never had cramps before. Been doing some reading and so far symptoms fits cramps.

I have lately been walking really long distances on occasion.

I have the pain happening at night. I wake up with badly aching leg (calf muscle) and need some time time for it to lessen, sometimes I fall asleep seconds later and when I wake up the muscle is stiff and painful. It's also bit painful/sensitive at touch on other days too.

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Lyme Disease :: Calf Muscle Pain - Mepron And Cefuroxime

I am currently taking two antibiotics.   Mepron and cefuroxime. And have been on antibiotics for about a year now.   Having more light cramping in calves than before.   Honestly, I haven't been good taking supplements and drinking a lot of water.    Could be my reason right there.   Has anyone experienced this and is there a way to get rid of cramping and restless leg syndrome?

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Calf Muscle Stiffness, Sense Of Slight Tearing And Pain Around Achilles

A year ago I got hospitalised for a gunshot wound a couple of centimetres above the knee. I didn't stay long in the hospital, although I've almost lost all my blood. I had excellent care, doctors and nurses were sincere and dedicated.

After I got out my calf was swollen, and painful, I had a splint to support my leg because a major vain in my leg was ruptured and the doctors "fixed it" :) . Of course there were a couple of openings in my calf for the drain, and I got these wounds cleaned and checked regularly. After four weeks I removed the splint, the wounds had crust over them and every thing was relatively ok, and the pain remained.

Over the following weeks the pain decreased gradually, only one spot caused me slight pain, and that is just around the achilles tendon just above the bulging bone above the foot. An area of 15 X 5 cm in the superficial flesh, the pain isn't deep that's why I wrote around the tendon not in it or the like. This area felt very stiff, not swollen, but stiff and painful when pressed.

Also for the calf in general, there was slight stiffness without pain except in the area I aforementioned, this stiffness worsened with walking or effort, and in my hip just right under the bullet wound - behind my knee - there is still a slight sense of tear.

During my time in the hospital, I had antibiotics added to the IV solutions, I still don't know what were these antibiotics until now. But I had augmentin and ceftriaxone prescribed for four weeks, I developed allergy and re-prescribed for ciprofloxacin 500mg triple a day for the rest of the period.

Sorry for the lengthy intro, now to the question matter.

I had the flu a couple of weeks ago, it was bad, I began taking nigella "black seed" oil capsules 400mg triple a day, as I read it kills the virus, and I took vitamin c effervescent tablets. But It didn't work so I took ciprofloxacin 500mg twice a day with it, the flu began to feel better, BUT also the pain in my leg, the sense of tear began to feel better. This got me really alarmed, cause if the pain felt better with antibiotic supported with immune booster  supplement, this means there is a resistant infection there. And this is causing me horror actually.

I'm going to see skeletal muscle specialist - don't know what's the word for it - tomorrow, but also I need another opinion.

What could be the pathogen that causes these mild symptoms? Why is it resistive? and is it dangerous/fatal?

also after the flu symptoms cleared, I stopped the antibiotic for a couple of days. The pain and the stiffness in the area I aforementioned came back, but weaker and the slight tear just under the gunshot wound - behind my knee - began to travel upwards my hip, so I continued both nigella oil capsules and ciprofloxacine back immediately.

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Muscle Disorders :: Generalised Stiffness And Right Calf Muscle Wasting

When in bed at night I struggle to turn over or move as I feel so stiff and sore. Once out of bed and moving I am much better. I initially find it hard to become upright after sitting for any length of time. About 2 years ago my daughter noticed my right calf was much smaller than my left one. I cannot raise my self onto my toes on my right leg due to loss of muscle/strength in the affected leg. 

I have had blood tests, nerve stimulation tests and a muscle biopsy. My CK level from my blood tests was slightly raised, my nerve study tests were abnormal and my biopsy only showed minimal change. 

I now cannot raise my arms above shoulder level to the front and if I walk at a quicker pace my lower back feels like I have no support and I get pain around my lumbar region. 

I go spinning 4/5 times a week and cope with this very well. It's as though once I'm warmed up my stiffness diminishes. I am 51 and have only one period every 3/4 months , I have been to the dr's re the menopause but have been told all my blood tests are normal.

i have been referred to a neurosurgeon and neurologist  with ? A form of muscular dystrophy but now my muscle biopsy result has not shown the expected result. 

i struggle going up and down stairs often. I feel so fed up with my inability to do what I want to do as I have always been an active person. I have put weight on and cannot motivate myself to control my diet.

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Back Pain :: Extreme Lumbar And Leg Pain

I am a 41 year old girl with Chiari Malformation and Back Pain and I have Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (not really related to my question issue here). For quite awhile I have had back pain (upper/cervical) and lower. I tried to tell the doctors but they always told me it was nothing. Then it got severe one day. I don't know how to explain it but it felt like something happened in my lower back area. The pain was in my back and leg (left side) and it was not in my butt at all. Some days the pain in my leg felt like a stake was being driven in it. Otherwise most of the time it was just plain pain (don't know how to explain it - it was 2 types of pain). Well I finally called my doctor and I had an appt and he got me a couple of MRI's and said that I had a herniated disc and that a chunk broke off of it (he gave me copies of my reports as well)and the chunk was lying elsewhere. Well to make a long story short, he sent me to an Ortho Neuro who ended up doing a surgery...he was like you can do PT (which would mean I still had to live with it), Live with it or surgery. I didn't want to live with it. Well, it took awhile but after so many months/weeks I ended up having PT after the surgery.

Well during PT my pain went from being bad to worse! I cried during PT and after my sessions. I had a couple of weeks here and there I had it put off because of my neuro appts out of state, but it was not long periods of time. Anyway, my PT told me I needed to stop my PT sessions and contact my doctor because they could tell that I was having a ton of pain and I was not getting better - only worse. I did let my ortho know and waiting on my appt I let them know that on some days the pain would spread (it was kind of like radiating) to my right side. Apparently they assumed I meant it was on the right side. During my appt after my MRI, he kept saying the right side - that my results showed nothing about the right side and he left it go at that. I kept trying to say it was on the left but spread to the right (radiated on some days). He did not listen to me. I let him know that my leg was weak and I kept falling. Still didn't listen. My appt was directly after my MRI so he read it and didn't have the radiologist results. I was so devastated as I had no idea what was going on. I decided to obtain my results and after I did I had an appt coincidently with my regular doctor and I told him about my appt and showed him my results. He seemed concerned and told me that I needed to contact the ortho and ask them to explain my results and go over them with me. He said I had a right to have them explained to me. He didn't because he was not the one who ordered them and it is not his area anyway.

I did again and they said that the results got misfiled/lost in a folder somewhere. They called me back a week later and set an appt up. I explained to them again that it was my left and it had just radiated to my right. It has always been my left said. I explained I was falling and my leg is now like a noodle and it is scaring me. I am so afraid I will not be able to walk one day. I am afraid to go anywhere by myself due to the risk of falling, as I have fallen stepping out of the car and just walking about a few feet or so. My leg just gives out on me. The pain is excruciating as well. Well I went to my appt and they cancelled it on me and I am scheduled this week. As usual I am sure they will say there is nothing on there (as they have before - every doctor is different it seems telling me what could be). Well, one thing my regular doctor was concerned about was other than my disc is herniated again, is that it has something on there he does not know what it is supposed to be is that it says: enhancement noted in the left erector spinae musculature. That is the concern. Anyone ever see this before or know what it could be?

The last thing is that again my disc is herniated and compressing the sciatic nerve. The rest is not concerning as it is normal they said: Enhancement in the surgical bed as well as along the left side of the thecal sac and encasing left S1 and S2 Nerve Roots. Although it has been 9 or 10 months since my surgery on my lumbar area, they said that is normal to have.

I am really worried about the pain and the falling - the fact that my leg is like a noodle and only getting worse. I am so off balance and more. I have a ton of symptoms but they say the other stuff is neurological and related to my P.O.T.S. I have been more nauseated and throwing up more than ever (although it is not causing me to lose weight, because I don't walk as much because of the problem with walking and the pain from exercise (as found out in PT). I assume the nausea and vomiting is from the extreme pain. I am so tired of being ignored by the doctors. I don't think my regular doctor would tell me I need to go back to the ortho if he didn't think something was wrong too. I feel like crap and I just want to feel better. I may never get better from the P.O.T.S. or the Chiari/Cervical pain, but there is hope that someone can fix my back problems. My walking is important to me because I love to take walks with my family and I love walking in the snow, etc. I want to be able to do more things. I can't go see the specialist (for my neuro stuff) until I get this taken care of, as they are out of state.

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Pain Management :: Nucynta To Opana - No Effects, No Pain Relief

I was switched from Nucynta 50mg to to Opana 5mg (OxyMorphone) by my Pain Mgt doctor and I have a total different experience. I don't know if they messed up or what, but here's the issue.

While I was on Nucynta, I would take it, and eventually feel the effects, i.e. the lightheadedness, the "high" feeling, and also the pain relief. The reason I was switched was that Nucynta gave me migraines. Bad enough where I got ill and had to run to bed with all lights off.

Onced I was switched to Opana 5mg, things were different. I took 3 last night, my very first dosage, and took the first. No effects, no pain relief, no "high" feeling, nothing. So, about a hour and fifteen minutes later, I took another one. Still nothing. So I wait again, same amount of time, took a third pill...... Nothing.

So, when I saw the doctor originally and was switched, I was told that Opana was an equivalent to the nucynta. So, if it's an equivalent, why did I go from 50mg to 5mg? I'm just curious. I know they are different drugs and probably manufacturers. Can anyone shed some light on this bizarre issue?

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Pain Management :: Pain In Bruised Ribs After Accident

I was in a car accident about a week ago and 4 days after the accident I started having pain on the left side of my ribs right under my breast when I take deep breathes, yawn, sneeze, ect.  It a little swollen but doesn't hurt to touch. what could this be?

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Pain Management :: Xanax And Right Side Pain

I have excruciating pain on my right side almost constantly and when I take a 1mg xanax, my pain goes away. Why is this? A Lot of people question this when I tell it but in all honesty it works. I wouldn't be telling it on here as telling it on here doesn't benefit me at all. I would just like to know why a xanax will stop my pain on my right side. Any ideas?

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Sjogren's Syndrome? Pain On First Bite - Neuropathy, Blurry Vision, Muscle Pain

I came across this syndrome when searching the Internet about extreme pain I have when I take the first bite EVERY time I eat and sometimes drink. That this could be a symptom of this syndrome but I don't know. I do have some of the other symptoms, i.e. neuropathy, blurry vision, muscle pain, fatigue but these can also be associated with Type 1 Diabetes which I have. Also, came across parotid/salivary glands are affected which also can cause the jaw to ear pain I'm having. Has anyone heard that the Coxsackie virus can have anything to do with it? How do you know for sure if it is Sjogren's and what type of doctor do you see about it - a primary?

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Hysterectomy :: 5th Week Post-op - Waist Muscle Pain And Upper Abdominal Pain

I am on my 5th week post-op TAH (removed uterus, cervix and Fallopian tubes). I was recovering well in the past few weeks with reducing pains.

Of all sudden, I had a painful swelling abdominal and soreness/pulling pain around waist yesterday coupled with giddiness and headache. Is it normal having a regression during recovery period? Any remedy members could share esp. now I still can't exercise. I put on an abdominal binder now to ease the pain slightly.

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Doxazosin :: Horrible Mouth Pain, Muscle Pain, Anxiety

I was put on doxazosin after a period of great stress (xmas), and although it's lowered my BP, I've had horrible side effects. 

I've had the racing heart, swollen ankles, breast pain, chest pain (muscular), sore throat, sore jaw, headaches, anxiety, etc.

I was on 4mg for one day and my right leg gave out from under me, so I went down to 1mg. 

Since then, I haven't had that the leg caving thing (thank God!), but I feel very unwell.

I feel heady, like I have a very bad cold. My nose hurts, my throat hurts, my teeth hurt, my ears hurt, and the roof of my mouth hurts. 

The anxiety the drug induces is magnified because of the side effects, and the side effects increase the anxiety. The anxiety raises my blood pressure, and the cycle goes on, ad infinitum.

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Urology :: Extreme Pain While Urinating

Extreme pain while passing urine, how do cure

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Hip Replacement :: Extreme Pain Still After A Year

My mother has done surgery for a total hip replacement 1 year ago and is still in extreme pain.

I personally think she has two problems. First with her wound/scar and second with the hip itself.

The first because her scar/surroundings of the wound is still extremely painful and sensitive. Even looking at it already hurts and this makes it almost impossible even wear clothes. This problem I suspect must be related to nerves maybe encapsulated by the scar tissue or something. I am not sure.

The second problem must be her hip or the prothese or something related. She has extreme pains which start in the morning. While still lying in bed, she is almost without pain but then getting up and even walking to the bathroom is enough to invoke the pain again. Then during the day active or inactive the pain worsens till a point where she canĀ“t do anything anymore. Sit, walk, stand it all hurts. Riding a bike is still best for her and walking small distances also but sitting is terrible. So why if in inactive state in the morning is she ok and when she starts moving the pain incurs? This must be because of the hip or prothese which must invoke the pain. Either the replacement is too big, wrongly placed, causing whatever. Right? I am not sure but still after 1 year no one, even a second opinion was able to shed some light on her state. No one is able to find a cause of the pain nor for the wound nor for the hip.

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Calf Muscle Tightness After Running

I've just recently started running. At first it went fine, and I began to gradually increase my endurance and speed, really happy, etc. etc, until recently, I've been struck down by a mysterious malady.

While I run, my calves tighten up, and it becomes nearly impossible to finish the run. It's not plantar fasciitis or achilles tendonitis (no swelling, for one thing), but I can't consult a real doctor because I'm living in Japan and have no insurance and a very limited command of the language.

I did purchase new and good shoes, but no dice. I've consulted numerous of my track-involved friends, who offered various bits of contradictory advice. One person advised about 20 minutes of stretching before and after a run. Another said to not stretch before running, and stretch each calf for 3 sets of 30 seconds each. Those are the two extremes, and most suggestions fall somewhere in the middle. I make a point of doing a couple minutes of stretching (basic calf and thigh stretches), but nothing extensive, and I'm not sure what alterations I should make to my routine. I also took some time off, and just walked for my exercise, but when I started running again the problem returned.

Please help, any assistance would be appreciated. I'm just starting to get into running and just starting to get into shape, and I'm afraid that if this affliction keeps on going I will lose the motivation I've managed to fire up.

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Can't Straighten Leg In Morning Due To Extreme Pain On Knee Top

Starting about a year ago, sometimes when I wake up in the morning my leg is bent and it causes extreme pain at the top of my knee to straighten it. It generally takes several minutes for me to straighten it out. But once I get it straight I can bend it again and straighten it again with no pain or stiffness. I sleep on my stomach so I always thought it was blood loss in my knee from sleeping at an odd angle. But i have injured my knee before (strained) and arthritis does run in the family. It only happens with the one knee. Is this something I should see a doctor about?

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Erection Problems :: Extreme Pain After Ejaculation

I'm 29 years and I am really hoping to get some help or at least some idea of what is going on with me because I have been to a few doctors done a few tests and I still haven't found any solution.For a few years now, anytime I ejaculate I experience extreme pain in the shaft of my penis. It is very uncomfortable and very painful, especially when I have another another erection after i ejaculate. I've done a few tests and it is not an std/sti thankfully.I really hope someone can shed some light on what is happening to me, what I have to do.

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Pain In Calf And Foot Numbness

I don't always have this pain in my calf. only after i've walked a little while, but when this happens i get a pain in my the middle of my right calf and a numbness in my foot. My foot actually loses all color too and gets cold. almost like it's getting no blood flow. any ideas?

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Restoration Of Calf Muscle - How Long It Takes?

How long does it take for the calf muscle to restore to normal following calcaneal surgery / immobilisation?

I've been going swimming, but can't use the ladder to climb out of the pool (had to climb out on my bottom!) was told it was because the calf hadn't redeveloped.

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