Orgasm :: Precum After Ejaculation?

Latley when I ejaculate, my cum will be a yellowish color, but I've read that's normal because it veries from man to man but after I cum I clear sticky liquid comes out

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Orgasm :: Trouble Breathing After Ejaculation

I can't get a full deep breath after ejaculation and become winded very quickly during exercise thereon after. It generally takes two or three days to recover. I am otherwise in very good shape (23 yr old male) and normally experience no problems during/after intense exercise. It's gotten to the point where I avoid ejaculating during sex because of how much it messes up my breathing during future exercise. Is this normal? If not, any idea what's up?

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Orgasm :: Watery Thing Came Out From His Penis After Ejaculation?

So recently, my boyfriend and i making out. its not really a sexual intercourse. it's just some sort of making out. after he "fingered" me, he place his penis around my vagina, as in the entrance of the vagina. and he claimed that there's a watery thing that came out of his penis, but did not go into my vagina. so, could i still get pregnant? and by the way, what's that watery thing that came out of his penis? is it still a sperm?

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Acne As A Result Of Ejaculation During Intercourse

does ejaculation during sexual intercourse cause acne on the face?

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Link Between Masturbation / Ejaculation And Acne?

Don't Tell Me There is no links between masturbation or ejaculation and acne,i said that acne is not caused by masturbation but masturbation make it worse and i experience this. i had acne but no more than 6 pimples ok but everytime i masturbate it became 14 pimples or more than that, remember every time for more than 3 years, and just yesterday i had a clear skin and just few pimples "2 or 3" and today when i masturbate i get more than 15 pimples and oily skin and it take 5 or 6 days to get a healthy skin again, and there are some people said there is no link its crazy crazy crazy if there are no links why people always said in forums and networks that masturbation cause them acne if its not why they said that why. so for me i experience this for more than 3 years and the same thing happened every time i masturbate i need solution and please don"t say that there is no link between acne and ejaculation or masturbation ): please i need solutions please i spent more than 7000 dollars on acne products but no result.

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Men Issues :: Painful Orgasm / Discharge After Orgasm

I'm male 17 years old I masturbate very often and have increased recently, and after ejaculation I have this small stinging pain to the lower right of the abdomen, almost near my hip. This pain goes on and off sometimes during the day on it's own and I don't do anything to it. I do masturbate really often and after masturbating I get this discharge which I think is precum again that stains my underwear and bothers me about 5 mins after orgasm. I just wanted to confirm if this was normal or if It was dangerous.

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Pregnant Without Ejaculation - Pre Ejaculation

So yesterday my boyfriend and I were messing around a bit. I still had my undergarments on, and he was grinding against me (his penis was out). He didn't climax, but my panties kept snagging and I think he might've accidentally penetrated me a bit. I've never had sex though, so I have no idea whether he did or not. Would I have definitely been able to tell? Also he hadn't ejaculated in awhile, so his pre-ejaculation fluid couldn't have had any sperm, right? (I'm not even sure that there was any pre-ejaculation fluid.)

I know the likelihood is not high at all, I'm just scared. I'm really young and I can't talk to my parents about this without my life turning upside down. Is there any chance at all of me getting pregnant? Should I scrape together money for a morning-after pill?

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Hormones :: Spironolactone And Hives

I started taking 50 mg of Spironolactone November 1. Some time between Nov 14 and 18, I broke out in hives. I stopped taking the Spironolactone the week of Thanksgiving (around Nov 22/24).

I started Tri-Cyclen birth control on Dec 1. It is January 2 and I still have hives...

I spoke with a doctor, who instructed me to take Benadryl and Zyrtec. I spoke with my prescribing doctor of Spironolactone, who said he never had a case where someone broke out in hives due to Spironolactone. I think I'll be scheduling to see a dermatologist soon.


I'm sick of being drowsy every day, and I've gained 8 pounds in the last month and a half.

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Hormones :: 21 Years Old And Low Testosterone

I am 21 years old and have found I have low testosterone. About 5 years ago, I started having heart racing, extreme fatigue, confusion/mind fog, and erectile issues. The doctors I saw chocked it up to anxiety disorder, and never checked my hormone levels.

I finally found out about my levels a couple of weeks ago, and I just got the results back for my LH, FSH, and SHBG - and I wanted some advice as to what I should push my doctor to do next. Here are my levels:
LH | RANGE: (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL) | VALUE: 2.4 FSH | RANGE: (1.4-18.1 mIU/mL) | VALUE: 1.5 SHBG | RANGE: (14-48 nmol/L) | VALUE: 17 TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL | RANGE: (249-836 ng/dL) | VALUE: 203

I currently have Kaiser Permanente and I don't believe they have anti-aging doctors, only endocrinologists. I want to be prepared to tell my doctor how to proceed because she is only an internal medicine - and she has been consulting with one of her fellow endocrinologist practitioners for how to proceed.

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Hormones :: 17 OHP Went Down In Response To ACTH Stim?

I'm a new member to the board but I have found it very useful reading as I have been trying to understand my own hormone imbalances. I was diagnosed with PCOS but I am not done ruling out everything else, yet.

I took the ACTH stim test (high dose) recently to test for NCAH. These were my levels:

Cortisol Levels:
Base: 11.9
30 M: 29.7
60 M: 32.6

17 OHP levels (luteal):
Base: 124
30 M: 112
60 M: 91

In all of my research, healthy women and women with PCOS get elevated levels of 17 OHP during the ACTH stim test. Mine, on the other hand, went down. At an earlier point, during my folicular phase, I took a base 17 OHP that showed me at 35. And another serum cortisol (AM) was at 10.9.

If anyone knows a reason why my 17 OHP would go down so much in response to ACTH, I would really like to know. Also, I've taken several hormone tests before this, so if there are other levels you think are relevant, I might be able to tell you.

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Hormones :: Clomid Stopped Working

I have been using Clomid for the last 5 month to try and repair my low test levels. I have been having to self diagnose and medicate as my doctor will not take me seriously as my levels just scrape the normal range, I know myself that my levels are not right. Before going on Clomid I had no sex drive, no morning wood, ever!! tense and irritable and lethargic. A week after I started on Clomid my sex drive was back, morning wood every day really felt back to normal. unfortunately the positive effects have slowly diminished over the last few weeks to a point that I feel as bad if not worse than before, morning wood gone, no energy and feeling pretty miserable.

I am wondering, does anyone else have this experience of Clomid working for a time and then just stopping all of a sudden?

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Hormones Affecting My Marriage - Severe PMS

I am taking Prozac for Depression/Anxiety, I have endr. and Severe PMS.

I had my bloodwork done and the OB nurse said my Thyroid was in normal range, but my endroil level was low. It was -20? Last year it was 90's. I have absolutely NO SEX drive what so ever! It hurts and I could care less, and this is NOT FAIR TO my husband at all. I have been married 22 years this coming December, and I know he is frustrated about this.

I am worried. I am tired, still depressed and no sex drive what so ever, what can I do, or buy? Is there a medication for woman that can help? I am 46 and was told I am not in menopause, but let me tell you I think I am permi. Last month's period was all the same PMS systems, but was very light flow and black/brown in color. I am worried all the way around and don't know what to do? I am running out of options. I don't want to lose the love of my life, and want to feel better.

Please anyone. I need some help, advice, etc. This is not fair to him, and I need a better quality of life, even with all the stress in my life with my mother who has dementia, and a handicapped brother. I just can't take much more, and my Husband has been my best friend through everything with me, especially my fathers death, I wa a daddy's girl, and would not of made it without my husbands help. I am a very weak person when it comes to stuff like this.

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Hormones :: Low Testosterone, Incomplete Puberty

I am 28 years old, male, and was currently told I had Hypogonadism and incomplete puberty upon physical examination and blood results due to low testosterone. I went to see a general physician due to being symptomatic (Lack of body hair, balding, Gynecomastia, very sparse facial hair, underdeveloped sexual organs, Tired, Moody etc). I have been symptomatic since around age 12 so it has been ongoing for quite some time. I had 3 doctors all tell me that there was nothing wrong and the issue would correct itself. They chalked it up to a hormone imbalance.

My current doctor is running some more blood work and wants to do a karyotype to rule out genetic problems like Klinefelter's. I suppose what I'm trying to determine is if pituitary or thyroid complications can be ruled out by blood results? My doc says that it doesn't seem to be pointing to thyroid or pituitary issues but that the only way to determine truly is by doing an MRI for my brain and having a karyotype to rule out xxy.

He did mention that my testosterone levels are abnormally low for my "age group" and that I am underdeveloped and have incomplete puberty or lack of secondary sexual characteristics for my age. I do look quite young. I do recall having a stroke and facial paralysis when I was 2 years old, maybe I have some brain/gland damage. They never were able to determine what caused the stroke and paralysis. I recovered for the most part and have about 90% function on the affected area of the mouth and face.

I'm just thinking whether I should go see an endocrinologist or continue with this doctor. This doctor seems to want to put me on testosterone therapy which I've heard terrible things about. He feels that I would benefit from it. I'm really shooting in the dark here as I have no idea what to do next. Below are some of the results back from the blood work, Don't know what to specifically look for so I'll write what I see or think is related to the subject at hand. Could this be Pituitary or thyroid related? Does blood work accurately help determine pituitary and thyroid disorders?
LH 4.4
TSH 0.90

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Hormones :: High Total Testosterone (LH Of 25 And An Fsh Of 6.6)

I'm a 22 y/o female. I have always had an irregular period, but it's now been almost 4.5 months without one. I had an LH of 25 and an Fsh of 6.6. My doctor at student health says this is normal, but after doing some research that appears so only if I'm about to have my period. It has been 7 days and no period. I also had low fasting insulin serum and a total testosterone of 103 (normal 8-60) my free testosterone was normal though at 1.1. My prolactin was 13.3 and my TSH was low normal.

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Hormones :: Low Testosterone And Dropped Cardio

I have been diagnosed with Low T. I have been very fatigued over last couple months. My question is can low t affect your cardio? I am a runner and just completed a half marathon a couple months ago. Over the last month my cardio has dropped drastically. I can barely run a couple miles without having to stop. I have to walk for a while and then start running again. Could this be caused by the low t?

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Premature Ventricular Contractions Due To Emotions/hormones?

I have had blood work and an EKG that determined I have nothing of concern (spoken to a number of doctors...)

But when I get scared/nervous/highly stressed out, I feel like a fish is flopping in my chest! They don't really last long and they don't occur every single time I am experience high emotions (but often), I get maybe 3-4 in a row at worst (beat, beat, skip, beat, beat, skip, ...etc). I have had a doc listen to it when I was very nervous during an appointment and she blew it off as changes in my blood pressure as I became nervous and adrenalin. When I relax, they go away.

Of course, sometimes the cycle goes: Nervousness, pvcs, more nervous because of pvcs, more pvcs...

I have also noticed during ovulation they occur and during menstruation, particularly when I am resting. I have also found other triggers like drinking alcohol (big huge no-no!), too much caffeine, being overtired, and too much carbs. I also noticed sometimes certain positions can create them (again, sometimes but not always), shifting my position makes them go away during those times.
Side note: I have never felt lightheaded, breathless, or any pain during these occurrences. Also, I do have an anxiety disorder but not on any meds by choice (trying to get pregnant).

My question is, what can I do besides avoiding triggers to ease them? I am afraid that if I get SUPER scared or whatever my heart will just stop (ok, that's exaggerated.. but still they are scary..)!

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Yeast Infections Related To Fertility Hormones

My co-worker takes fertility hormones. When she first started one hormone I noticed a change in my cycle. she recently started a new hormone (a couple months ago) and I've been having chronic mild yeast infections. Could there be a correlation? Could my body be affected by the hormones my co-worker is taking?

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Perimenopause? Current Anxiety Is Linked To My Hormones

My periods have been irregular and ridiculously heavy for about a year now. I work away from home a lot and often stay in hotels so this had become a real issue for me. I have suffered with bouts of anxiety and depression for about 20 years but had been symptom free for many years thanks to Citalopram (SSRI) .. however in november the stress of work, heavy periods and being away from home took its toll and I crashed into a frightening bout of hideous anxiety. I am used to the symptoms but this was something else.i felt so desperate at times I didn't know what I would do and I was scared. I am convinced my current anxiety is linked to my hormones and am now thinking I may be perimenopausal. I am desperate to find a solution as i've now been off work for 11 weeks and am dreading going back. I've had a few good days but then I crash again and it all feels so hopeless. I feel physically sick and am struggling to eat.i deliver training on mental health so feel really useless that I am struggling to manage my own. Is this all down to my age?

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High Blood Pressure Due To Hormones (perimenopause)

Since Dec I had some drastic change in my body, prolonged bleeding but found out that I have polyps and my uterus is thick so I had uterine curettage and polypectomy, after few days my BP shoot up, lightheaded (severe-had presyncope n went to ER)and had some palpitation, holter showed 11 perc of time 120's, had some NSVT, had episodes of ST w/ rate of 150-160's, made me sleepless and my cardiologist started me on lopressor 100 mg once a day. It did help lower my BP and my HR having a peaceful heart....However, I noticed that 2-3 days before my period my BP would shoot up giving me headache,but then my BP would decrease/normalized on the 2nd day of my period. I just turned 39 by the way.Since my curettage my period is not that heavy anymore. Now, is there a relationship of hypertension and hormonal changes?....could all of these body changes part of perimenopausal changes? I shared my story to my co-workers and surprisingly lots of us went through the same body changes.

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