HIV :: Oraquick Swab Touched My Finger While Lifting My Gum

When using the oraquick test I lifted my gum up with my finger to correctly swab, however the pad briefly touched my finger. Does this jeopardize the test?

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Birth Control :: Reliability Of Mirena IUD?

I've had the Mirena IUD since October last year and up until now my boyfriend and I have been using condoms as a second form of birth control. We are both monogamous and have been tested for STDs and STIs so I was wondering if not using a condom and relying 100% on the Mirena for preventing unwanted pregnancies was a option?

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Men's Health :: Questions And Doubts After Circumcision

I'm a 17 year old male who recently underwent a circumcision due to bad phimosis reasons. I went under full anesthesia and the operation and hospital process all went fine. I was just happy it was over with because I'd been struggling with it for so long. But now I face a new problem. When I left the hospital the same day, my doctor provided me with nothing but the bare basic information: remove the bandages after 24 hours and after that you're allowed to shower again. Nothing else. Me still stoned from anesthesia and desperate to get out of that place didn't bother with any other questions and at that time, everything felt fine.

But a couple of days after the operation I began to have my worries and doubts. First of all, I was left with a pretty nasty scar at the top of my frenulum right under my urethral opening, which has turned into a hard scab that itches like hell. It also fell off twice and regrew. It's also quite weirdly coloured, a kind of yellow white with the occasional blood colour. The surgeon never discussed with me what he exactly did to me, which quite frankly, I do blame him for. He for example never pointed out that he stitched the foreskin to the base of the penis (with water dissolvable stitches). Secondly, I have a pretty swollen ring just behind the corona to which the foreskin is stitched that itches like heck. A few stitches seem to have already gone sort of loose (and I don't know if this is already supposed to happen on the 5th or 6th day) and often I find a tiny little bit of dried up blood near these stitches. It's not much blood at all, most of the time less than a drop. Overall the whole business is very uncomfortable right now. Other than that I feel fine. No sign of fever or anything else, the wound isn't too bad either so I don't think it's infected. But I'm still kind of worried and it's really exhausting me because it's on my mind 24/7, even now I'm back to school (with jeans and bicycle which is going alright).

I'm just looking for people with experience or who can answer some of these doubts in general. Maybe I just needed to get my story on paper. Anyone with similar healing experiences? What can I expect from the future?

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Arm/Wrist/hand :: Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy Questions

I am scheduled for an ulnar shortening osteotomy next Friday, and I am having panic attacks about the procedure so I figured I would ask others to share their experiences and maybe someone could answer some questions for me.

First, I am having this procedure due to my winning the genetic lottery and having an abnormally long ulna. This didn't start giving me pain until about a year ago. I woke up one morning and my right wrist hurt like I had slept on it wrong. When the pain didn't go away I went to a local urgent care to see if I possibly sprained it - I had been doing a lot of yoga at the time. They took x-rays, said it must be a strain or pulled muscle, gave me a splint and sent me on my way. For the last year I wore a brace on and off when my wrist gave me pain. The pain has never been constant, it comes and goes. The most disturbing thing about it is that when I rotate my wrist there is something in there that snaps and cracks - probably the TFCC, I learned from my research. I finally decided to see an orthopedist about my wrist as I figured it might be carpel tunnel from my office job. My ortho showed me the long ulna bone in the x-rays, which there is no denying - the ulna is visibly longer than the radius, even to an untrained eye. My MRI shows that there is wear on my TFCC, but no tear. I am developing cysts on my lunate bone, which is from the pressure from my long ulna. My doctor said that the way to fix this was the ulnar shortening osteotomy, which is coming next week.

My concerns about doing the surgery are varied. I am terrified of how much pain I might be in when I come out of the surgery. I know I will have painkillers, but I really don't want to stay on those for any longer than is necessary. I have read other boards about this and it seems like some people had more pain after the procedure than others. I am afraid that this will not be beneficial in the long run. I mentioned earlier that I enjoyed yoga, but my wrist pain has prevented me from doing yoga for the last year. Ultimately, I would like to be able to return to yoga, but since this surgery is essentially breaking my arm for me and then putting a plate in to hold it together, I have doubts about ever being able to return to yoga after this. I am also wondering if this is absolutely necessary. Like I said, the pain is not constant - it wasn't bothering me at all last week. However, since it's degenerative I imagine that this is not unusual, and that if I wait it will progress into being painful more often and that eventually my cartilage will tear. I am 31 years old, and while I don't consider this even close to being "old," it is also easier to bounce back from surgery the younger you are.

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Spread / Symptoms / Treatment Questions

For the last couple of days I have been extremely itchy. The itching is mainly towards the bum and at the vaginal opening. I do 

have a white patch at the vaginal opening but towards bum it is mostly red and feels bumpy. The itching is keeping me awake at night. I take baking soda baths, apply coconut oil and have a cream made up of 3% steroid and canes tan .  I am not on clob. Or Dermovate. So questions

What else can help the itching?

When LS is under control do symptoms stay away for a day, a week, or a month?

I was diagnosed in Oct 2015 and have issues almost everyday since when I have a day when I feel 'normal'. I could sing, fly jump with joy for the relief 

Does clob help the itch?

Does LS spread more if it's not treated?

if it is treated will it stay more in one area.

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Herpes :: HSV 1 Swab Positive Means Western Blot Positive?

I have read that in 99% of cases people who swab positive for hsv1 show positive for western blot. Does that mean wb is 99% accurate for hsv1 3 months after exposure ?

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HIV :: Is Oraquick Really Reliable?

Had a possible exposure in January 2015 ...... Took a home test Oraquick on April 29 2015 and test was Negative. I was still feeling paranoid so in November 2015 I decided to go out and buy another test. Took it and it was once again Negative. So that means I tested Negative at 3 months post possible exposure and then again at 10 months post possible exposure.

The reason i'm so nervous is being I recently had an Endoscopy done and was diagnosed with Esophageal Thrush. Just about everywhere I turn to on the internet mentions HIV as a big culprit. However it also says there are other causes like diabetes and asthma medicine. I don't use any of those, but i am a big sufferer of GERD.

I'm wondering how reliable these tests are. Should I seriously quit being so paranoid?

I have not engaged in risky activities since January 2015. I've read that the test is pretty much "dummy proof" and built much like a pregnancy test where as long as you get a line on the Control line then you know it's working right.

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HIV :: 9 Week Oraquick Is Accurate?

I had unprotected vaginal insertive back on11/28/2015 and 12/2/201 with the same girl. On 12/08 I was treated for Chlamydia AND LATER FOUND POSITIVE FOR IT. After a round of antibiotics it was presumably gone. However the Doxycycline caused me to experience all the ARS symptoms. After a week or so of being off they were gone. Reading over and over again about symptoms I told the girl to test and she kept saying she was negative and finally went and bought an Oraquick test at her 8 week post exposure to her ex who gave her the chlamydia and it came back negative. I was only at 4 weeks and so the wait was on. After my 9 week exposure I went and bought an Oraquick Swab test from CVS and it came back negative. I am now going on week 10 and still feel like garbage. Can I assume that my 9 week Oraquick is pretty accurate?

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HIV Prevention :: Oraquick At 4 Weeks

I had an unprotected exposure, therefore I took an in home Oraquick HIV test, at 24 days and at 30 days after exposure both were negative. I plan on taking a 6 week and 12 week HIV test as well. How likely is it for my test to change to a positive? Has anyone seen a four week HIV test done with Oraquick oral swab change by week 6 or later?

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HIV Prevention :: Oraquick 5 Weeks

I had encounter with a CSW 4.5 weeks ago. I did not have intercourse with her but we did partake in mutual masterbation. I never touched her; however, she did touch herself and then me. She did put a condom on me but I am worried she had vaginal fluids on her hand before she did it. I can't stop worrying about it. 1.5 weeks ago at the 3 week mark I had back pain and back of my knee pain and aching and I was also very tired for about two days. The pain has somewhat gone away but now I have some in my upper chest arm pit area. I don't feel any swollen lymph nodes and no fever. I took an Oraquick at the 3 week and recently 4 week mark. Both were negative. Is this a good indication of my status or am not out of the woods yet? I have read multiple pages saying that Advanced Oraquick is within 2 days of a Rapid Gen 3 Blood test now which usually detects at 3 weeks. However if my symptoms at week 3 were ARS would it have tested positive at week 4? 

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HIV :: Oraquick At Home - Reliable?

I took an oraquick in home oral swab test 6 months after unprotected vaginal sex .. I took three of them all negative . Are these test good enough to move on. I did blood test antibody at 11 weeks but I was not sure if that was good enough.

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HIV :: Oraquick At Home Conclusive?

So I had an exposure a little over a year ago. I started off protected anal but the condom for some reason was taken off and the last couple minutes were unprotected. I ejaculated inside. I have taken 2 oraquick in home tests and both resulted in negatives. Are these conclusive and can I move on? No matter the symptoms I am thinking I have

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HIV :: Oraquick Test At 5 Months

I had a possible HIV exposure 5 months ago (unprotected anal sex I was the insertive partner). I took two Oraquick home tests today, both came back negative. Am I in the free and clear or should I get additional blood work done?

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HIV :: Oraquick - Kit Was Used And Stick Had A Little Blood On It

I just purchased oraquick test after 3 months of unprotected sex with a female, I think that the test was used and the stick had a little blood on it. Can I get infected if there was a little of blood on when I swabbed?

Results came negative though, I'm worried that I could get infected from that.

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HIV :: OraQuick Accuracy At 6 Weeks?

I am a 21 year old female and I recently found out that my boyfriend has been unfaithful. He and I had unprotected sex (vaginal, oral) on January 1st. When I found out he cheated, I immediately freaked out and became overwhelmed with the thought that I maybe contracted an STD. I made an appointment at Planned Parenthood and was given an OraQuick oral swab. Now it's been just under 6 weeks since my possible "exposure". I tested negative, which relieved me to a degree. How accurate is this? I know there is the 12 week window, but I'm hoping to get some further relief. I have zero symptoms of any kind of disease, and I don't really think my boyfriend has anything either. He agreed to be tested, too.

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Oraquick At 5 Weeks Reliable ?

Is a 5 week HIV test too early to test? I received a negative, however how often does these test results change?

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How Long Is Too Soon And Too Late For Oraquick Test?

3.5 years ago I had unprotected vaginal sex w a male of unknown status. I tested in a clinic at 89 days w oraquick and it was negative. I tested myself at 3 years twice w at home test. Is this conclusive? I worry that the 89 days was too soon and three years was too late for antibodies.

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HIV :: Oraquick - Accuracy And False Negative?

Before Aug 19th 2015 I had an exposure (oral sex without condoms and also I had shaved my genital and I felt some liquid coming out from the girl on me). I got tested with Oraquick on Dec 18th 2015 and Dec 21st 2015. Both results were negative.

My questions are:

1) Is Oraquick accurate in this situation?
2) how could I understand the accuracy of 91.7% for false negatives?

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HIV :: Oraquick - 1 Out Of 12 False Negative Rate

I've practically done it 3 times and I'm trusting my status and life with it, but check this out; If it has a 1 out of 12 false negative rate, then why the hell do they sell it? and Why the hell do people say a false positive is more likely even though the percentages of that happening are quite lower than negative? I had brief unsafe sex with a high risk girl for maybe around 1 minute and a half and then I withdrew because I knew I was being stupid, I've been tested using oraquick at 10, 11, and 12 weeks after and all negative, on forums and stuff I've seen terrible posts of the test not picking up the antibodies well after the window period but people are saying 8 weeks after exposure in nearly certain of you negative result with THIS test. So basically im very lost, any input?

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