Molluscum Contagiosum :: Treatment - Apple Cider Vinegar Works!

I am a 19 year old male in the u.s. who has had molluscum contagiosum for a couple of years. i have not sought treatment because like many of you, doctors had told me that they would go away (not to mention they didn't even tell me what the bumps were or that they were contagious) they haven't gone away on their own and today i decided to take matters into my own hands

From what i found on the web it seems that putting some apple cider vinegar on the skin will help, as this is the easiest and cheapest treatment i am going to give this a try and keep you updated on whether or not this works.

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Nutrition :: The Amazing Benifits Of Aloe Vera

Some months ago I started taking an Aloe vera gel with glucosamine for my joints, after a week I began to feel different, not in my joints that came later but in my whole well being, I feel more awake and alert throughout the day and general feeling. As i've read more on Aloe I have learned so much about this amazing plant and also how important it is as in many things to get the best, Have you found Aloe to help you ? and did you buy the best?

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Polymyalgia Rheumatica And Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

I was diagnosed last year with PMR and at moment have managed to get down to 7mg of pred, but I also have to take two calcium tablets daily and 1 x alendronic(?) acid tablet on a sunday, the one where you have to sit up straight for an hour, I experience usually about Tuesday a bad tummy but the dr says that is probably the alendronic acid

I have been in so much pain when walking that my doctor advised for me to go for an MRI scan, which is showing wear and tear on my spine and problems with my sciatic nerve, which is probably causing the pain when walking - I can only walk for approx. 5 mins(sometimes not even that) and the pain is so bad I find it hard to lift my feet one in front of the other and I get breathless - surely at 56 I should be fitter than that. I also find that going upstairs can cause the burning sensation in my leg and I have to sit down for a few moments until it eases As for housework well....................... I really enjoy cleaning my house ( probably because it is such a change from when I am at work sitting at my desk all day) but I find after about 10 - 15 mins I have to sit for a few moments and then carry on if I can it is so frustrating. My doctor after the results of the scan has now put me on Co Codamol and I have to take 2 x 15mg tablets four times a day. I only started them yesterday and cant say there has been any difference yet in my pain.

I have also got the "hamster" face from taking the pred and have put on a lot weight around my stomach area, my doctor has now told me I have to go on a very low carb diet. He advises porridge in the morning and then for the rest of the day just either salad, fish, lean chicken and veg. I am to have no extra milk(he says I will get enough calcium from the tablets) and no bread, potatoes, pasta(don't like it anyway!) or rice.

I have my breakfast at 5.00am every morning so by 9.00am I am starving and then it just gets worse throughout the day - although oddly enough this morning I had porridge instead of my usual two slices of toast and so far I am not terribly hungry.

A friend of mine says she drinks between 60ml and 120ml of aloe vera juice every day and she feels great - she hasn't got PMR or any illness for that matter but she says the juice helps with her weight loss and is entirely natural so shouldn't do me any harm. She also says it helps with inflammation.

Has anyone else experienced this juice that has had PMR and was there any benefits to it?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Aloe Vera Juice Bad?

I have ulcers, GERD, LPR and a large hiatus hernia. I just read this quote on a website and was wondering does this mean aloe vera juice is NOT good for LPR since pepsin is a cause of LPR? I've started the aloe vera juice thanks to reading about it on this message board and my stomach feels much better but now I'm wondering if it will make my LPR worse.....

a 1963 issue of the "Journal of the American Osteopathic Society" reported that aloe's effectiveness as an ulcer-healer may be attributed to its ability to stimulate the release of pepsin, a gastric juice enzyme that supports the digestive system.

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Aloe Vera Juice Helped Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Anyone?

In the book i am reading Kate took aloe vera juice and she said it helped her, i think i might give it ago as anybody any thoughts on this before i try it?

I am learning a lot from her, still have my panic attacks, like for instance i have been have funny feelings in my head, it does not hurt but now i am thinking twice before panicking and go back to her book for reference

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Tried The Aloe Vera Juice ?

Has anyone tried the aloe Vera juice ? Seemingly it has good reports and reviews for helping symptoms of ibs I've ordered some from Amazon hoping for a miracle.

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Ulcerative Colitis :: Aloe Vera Juice With Infliximab

Can anybody tell me if it is ok to take this when i am on infliximab?

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Diverticula :: Is Aloe Vera Good?

Has anyone heard of Aloe Vera helping diverticular problems?

I saw a very convincing article on the computer about its benefits for all gastric and diverticular etc

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Oesophagitis :: Aloe Vera Is Good For Reflux?

So I have read a lot of research saying aloe vera is good for reflux. I bought some at GNC last night. Does anyone have any luck taking that and how do you take it, morning or at night? Also, what exactly does it do to help the reflux? Any suggestions or doses would be helpful. Like how many ounces do you take.

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Kidney Stones :: Lemon Juice And Vinegar Will Help?

Spent hours yesterday at ER to be diagnosed with a 6 mm stone in my left side. This will be my 4th episode with these things. My last one was a 5mm which I passed after around 2 months of knowing it was there.

So far I have been drinking lemonade and water constantly to keep hydrated and try to flush it out. Hoping the lemon juice will also help to break down the stone a bit so it will be easier to move. I have also taken this morning and evening 1 glass of 2 ounces of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 tsp. baking soda and mixed it with water. Have read that will also help to break down/dissolve the stone.

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Allergic To Apple Juice?

I've recently started suffering from a series of sore throats and tongue Ulcers. This is strange, as I am healthy mid 20's male - i run 4/5 times a week, i have a very healthy diet, and I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. It got worse last week when i developed a little under 30 ulcers on my tongue, and had an exceptionally sore throat. It died away almost as soon as it started, some 24 hours later. I went to the doctor, but beyond the usual reasons (stress, stopping smoking, acidic food) he could think of no reason for them.This afternoon, I had a drink of apple juice, and within 10 minutes, my throat was closing and felt really sore. It occurred to me that over the past two weeks, I could link all of my outbreaks/worst days to days when i had drunk fresh fruit juice that may have contained apple juice - I usually drink a fruit juice with two or three fruits in it, and they use apple juice to thin the mix of pulpier fruits (such as mango, banana, papaya etc), or to make juice go further (cranberry, raspberry or pomegranate for example). I think i'm fine with orange based fruit drinks, or at least i don't recall Is it possible to be allergic to apple juice?

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Diet / Nutrition :: Best Fruit To Make Healthy Juice

can you tell me, list best fruit to i make healthy juice?

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Aloe Vera Gel For Shingles Rash?

Is anybody aware of any drawbacks to using Aloe Vera. Gel on their shingles rash? I am in the midst of a bad attack of shingles and the itch and burning has been driving me mad! A friend brought me some Aloe Vera Gel to try instead of the calamine cream prescribed and already it feels slightly less

painful. Would like to continue to use it if no drawbacks to it.

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Aloe Vera Gel For Ulcerative Colitis?

I have recently started working in a salon and we sell the Aloe Vera range including a gel which is supposedly good for colitis? Has anyone tried it and seen improvement? I am on mesalamine oral tablets and mesalazine enemas - only been diagnosed a few weeks.

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Acne :: Aloe Vera Gel For Dry Skin?

Hi, I have read that really dry skin actually helps acne get worse. I used this cream to exfoliate and the next day my face was real dry, so i applied aloe vera gel to my face to stop my skin from being so dry. Does aloe vera gel help the skin on your face from being so dry and does that in result help acne from breaking out?

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Fitness :: Is Aloe Vera Healthy ?

My friend show me a website with lots of aloe products,and ask me to buy with her but i wonder if aloe vera is really healthy?

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Aloe Vera Gel Or Rinse For Swollen Gums ?

anyone using aloe vera for gums ? I have a strange swollen feeling in my gums after a tooth extraction ( 4 weeks since the extraction ), dental x ray is ok, sinus ct scan is ok, everybody is telling me I'm a slow healer. I'm tired of listening to that !

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Aloe Vera Gel Or Tablet?

Which is better for my reflux the liquid aloe vera or the pill. Does anyone take this to help their acid reflux. I also take omeprazole (10mg) once a day but also saw in the book Dropping Acid that aloe vera was good. I just don't know what form to use.

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Aloe Vera And Zinc

I am wondering whether anyone has tried these for GERD, I have been recommended them for diverticular but upon reading up about them, they may help my GERD as well.

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