Mononucleosis :: Spleen Pain?

I just started getting really bad pain exactly where my spleen is. Whenever I stand up or am sitting there comes a really sharp stabbing pain. I can't breathe on deep or eat alot, all I can feel is this pain. Someone said it's because they mono, I've had mono but I'm not sure what that has to do with your spleen.

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Mononucleosis :: What Would Be Considered An Enlarged Spleen?

I don't have mono but this was the best place I could think of to ask this question since an enlarged spleen is a common problem of mono. I've had pain in my upper left abdomen since March and finally had a CT done of the area. Lady I saw at the clinic originally thought I had mono from where my pain was and my fatigue, but test was negative. CT report I got from the hospital shows 12.9 cm spleen and I'm a 21 y/o female if that makes a difference. I'm in the process of trying to find a PCP instead of just random people at the clinic, so once I get that settled I'll make sure to ask them. Just wondering if this might possibly be the cause of the pain or if I should look elsewhere?

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Enlarged Spleen 9 Months After Mononucleosis

I've had abdominal pains for about 9 months now. At first, they were sharp, so I went to the doctors. They were all over my abdomen (upper left, lower right, lower left back, etc. [sometimes in my upper left chest]) Literally, anywhere over the core of my body. After an ultrasound, it turned out I had an enlarged spleen. From blood tests, they discovered that had mono.

6 months passed, I got another blood test. No mono, but I still had the pains. I got another Ultrasound, and still had an enlarged spleen.

Just a month ago, I got another huge panel of blood tests and they all came back normal. But I still had the pains. I then got a CT scan, and it again showed that everything was normal, except for the fact that I only had an enlarged spleen.

Could my spleen still be recovering from mono? My doctor told me not to be too worried, but it still worries me because I get them everyday. And how could my enlarged spleen (on the left side) account for pains all over my body?

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Spontaneous Spleen Rupture In Infectious Mononucleosis

Spontaneous splenic rupture in infectious mononucleosis. How will his body fight the infection without his spleen.

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Mononucleosis :: Pain In Spleen, Liver And Kidneys

Is it possible to have pain in spleen, liver and Kidneys with Mono. I have these issues on and off for 2 years now. I can't find any doctor that can help me resolving these issues. It's very frustrating and I am not sure how long i can handle these?

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Coil In Vessel To Cauterize Bleeding From Ruptured Spleen

I was hit by a drunk driver November 2013 on my motorcycle. I had a lot of injuries. My spleen ruptured (shattered) but they left it in. I have a lot of memory loss till this day and some things I wasn't aware of. Long story short I went to the chiropractor 6-19-15 and I got chest X-rays done and the doctor noticed a metal like wire in my body which I was unaware of. Come to find out I had a metal coil placed in my vessel to help cauterize the bleeding from the spleen. My question is that no one can seem to answer for me is, should that coil of been removed or is it in me permanently? I've been told yes and no...

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Spleen :: Enlarged Spleen - 15cm Normal CBC

i had my annual physical exam month ago. CBC was normal, but on ultrasound my spleen appeared enlarged, approx. 15cm. Month later my spleen was still enlarged, 14cm. I did a CBC + LDH blood test again. Again everything appeared normal on CBC and LDH was 200 (it said that under 330 it was OK). Doc told me not to worry but to have a new ultrasound and CBC (+LDH) in 6 months. I really do not feel like waiting that long. Sometimes during the day I feel extremely tired and sleepy. Any suggestions what to do next other than waiting for 6 months.

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Spleen Hemangiomas, How To Reduce The Size Of My Spleen?

Why is there NO RESEARCH being done on Spleen Hemangiomas? Are doctors making more money by just removing them and then dealing with the poor health thereafter? I want to know how to reduce the size of my spleen that is full of large hemangiomas. Anyone know anything about this. I also have them in my liver.

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Mononucleosis :: Recovering From Mono?

I am 52 years old. I just discovered that a recent blood test came back positive for mono markers. My doctor told me that I am RECOVERING from mono but I can't remember EVER having mono! I've been suffering from fatigue and body aches (along with shortness of breath) for 3 months now. So, how long is this going to last and how is it possible to be recovering from something I don't ever remember having?

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Mononucleosis :: EBV And Nerve Pain

I have recently been diagnosed with EBV. I didn't present with the "normal" symptoms. I first experienced joint pain, then muscle pain, followed by extreme fatigue and muscle weakness. That lasted for about a month, then I developed sharp electric pains in my nerves and associated muscle weakness and numbness that comes and goes in my arms and legs. The nerve sensations have lasted for about 2 months. I seem to be healing

As I haven't experienced as many sharp electric pains, just numbness and tingling. I have been to a neurologist and have had an MRI of the head and neck which came back normal. Has anyone ever experienced anything of this sort of nature? I've been experiencing symptoms from EBV for 3 months now.

It's also important to note I was tested for Lyme and other blood work was done. Everything was normal except the ebv (which showed I had either contracted ebv in the last 6 months or it was.

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Infectious Mononucleosis :: Recurring Glandular Fever

Living with Recurring Glandular Fever

Many people who catch glandular fever (Epstein-Barr virus) recover completely, but for a significant minority, like me, the virus hides from the immune system. I believe that this ability was discovered in the late 1960s. I heard of it in a BBC science programme in the early 70s, and immediately recognised my situation.

I caught glandular fever (without complications) in spring 1967 when I was a youth. Those who are affected by recurring symptoms, will recognise my case, where the symptoms receded imperceptibly slowly. It took about 9 months from being infected before I felt more or less normal again - for a while.

I pass on my experience of coping with this condition. There is bad news and good news.

The bad news is that the symptoms recur throughout life - that is for those who have difficulty clearing the original infection. A cure might emerge, but I am assuming that this will not happen. The good news is that, in time, the symptoms become gradually less of a problem.

The bad news is that one needs to adapt one's lifestyle in order to deal with this. The good news is that one can live a normal life. There are many with other lifelong conditions, who are far worse off.

Any virus illness (cold, 'flu) will trigger the symptoms. Something as common as catching a cold runs as follows. One feels unwell (exhausted), with no symptoms. About 2 days later, the cold symptoms start, accompanied with swelling of the glands in the throat and/or cheeks. The swelling is not very noticeable to others. One has a slightly raised temperature, and feels quite ill. After 4 to 10 days, the cold symptoms and swelling subside, but the feeling of exhaustion remains. This can last 4 to 6 weeks, or 6 months after a bout of 'flu.

How can you cope? There are a number of measures.

1) Smoking exacerbates the symptoms. If you are a smoker, you will be one of those who find stopping smoking relatively easy. You will soon learn to avoid smoke-filled places.

2) Should the symptoms start, treat as for a cold, or 'flu. You will feel exhausted, and a good thing to do is to get a lot of sleep.

3) It is worth getting a 'flu vaccination, if you can.

4) Exercise - you won't feel like exercise, and it is wise to rest while the cold symptoms are there. Once they are gone, and the feeling of exhaustion remains, that is the time to resume vigorous exercise. I think it might be the raised body temperature which helps to fight off the symptoms. In the case where you go to the gym, you will have to force yourself against the feeling of exhaustion for the first time, and even the second time, but by the third time, you realise that you are much fitter. The exhaustion will go. Regular exercise helps ward off the problems, and the fitter you are, the better you will manage.

5) Avoid catching colds. You will find that you have become especially susceptible to colds. There are many things involved here, from a good, varied diet, a daily multivitamin/mineral tablet (don't overdose), cough sweets in the bus/train etc.

The best advice, and perhaps the most difficult and lifestyle threatening, is to follow what (great) grandmother told you, "Wrap up warm!" Think how she would say, "Put on your sweater/scarf/hat/woolly socks before you go out!" You think. "It is not cold outside". You know it isn't "Cool", and you don't want your friends to laugh at you.

If the summer weather is really hot, you can get away with fashionable wear. Otherwise, the bad news is that keeping warm maybe "uncool" but if you ignore this, you will suffer. Ideally, you should keep on the verge of perspiring, and if the surrounding air is fresh and cool, that is the ideal. Avoid stuffy environments. Avoid becoming too hot, sweaty and wet, and then getting chilled. However, if you can arrange to change into dry clothes and not become chilled (as when you go to the gym), all well and good!

I found these lifestyle adaptations very unwelcome. You will have to find your own way to cope. Thinking of these matters will help, and you can lead a normal life, with bouts of extreme exhaustion from time to time. Take comfort in that these will become less severe, and maybe less frequent as the years pass. Otherwise, you are quite normal. You can achieve what you are capable of intellectually, and physically. Face up to the occasional difficulties, and be determined to succeed with your life. Epstein-Barr will not prevent you.

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Mononucleosis :: Can Your Blood Test Come Back False Positive For Mono?

Are there diseases that can sort of "mask" as mono, yet be something else? Can something else other than EBV test you positive?

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Symptoms Of Ruptured Cyst?

Symptoms of ruptured cyst?

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Tendon Injuries :: Ruptured Achilles

I ruptured my achilles tendon 5 weeks ago. I was advised not to have it operated on. I have been in plaster since I did it. The cast has been put on so my foot is pointing down. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it's going to heal ok. I have read all the stories about re-ruptures so i'm abit worried I should have gone for the op now?

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Discharge With Ruptured Ovarian Cysts?

When a cyst ruptures can you have discharge?

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Any Solution For Follicles That Aren't Ruptured?

What is the solution

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Achilles Tendon Ruptured - Surgery Or Plaster?

While playing Cricket i ruptured my right foot achilles tendon,i had x-ray and ultrasound, doc advised me its not into two pieces but broken more than 50%. They gave me two options Surgery or Plaster.I opted for plaster.

So what you guys think how much time will it take to heel and would i be able to play Cricket in next 2 months?

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Ruptured Ovarian Cysts :: Unbearable Pain

I am 40 years old & I had a hysterectomy in 2011, I only had one ovary removed. Since 2013, I've had several occasions when I've had to go to the er because I had unbearable pain due to ruptured cysts on my remaining ovary, the pain I deal with is horrible to say the least & each time I was just sent home with pain meds. Has anyone else gone through this after having only 1 ovary removed? & should I consider having the remaining ovary removed?

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Ovarian Cyst :: Laparoscopy And Ruptured Removal?

I have been very ill and in a lot of pain since August, going backwards and forwards to my doctors, even got admitted to hospital in August with suspected appendicitis but got sent home.

However last weekend I got rushed into hospital with awful sharp pains in my right side of pelvis and ended up having a laparoscopy where they found a cyst that had ruptured and leaked fluid all around my ovary so they had to cut me lower down to clean it all out and remove the sack! I was in hospital for 2 nights being sick and in pain.

I came home last Tuesday night and have had horrific shoulder pain from the gas and I can't manage to walk more than a couple of mins without getting shooting pains where I've been cut and being exhausted after.

I've been signed off work for 2 weeks, I'm a nursery nurse so a lot of lifting, sitting on the floor and getting up and down is involved! I'm worried I won't be better by next week and will need more time off, how long was you off work for with this or similar procedure? Any tips to speed up my recovery?

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