Mirtazapine :: Tapering Off Mirtazapine - Spinning Myself In Circles

For the first time in a very long time, I'm finally in a good enough place to make the step in coming off my Anti-depressant. I've been on Mirtazapine 45mg for the last 4/5 years and before that a string of various of medications.

Despite my anxiety been kind of excessive at the moment, after a discussion with my GP, he was happy to let me begin tapering down the dose. The problem is with my anxiety I feel it mainly physically rather than mentally so it makes me a little oversensitive to any changes that take place in my body.

I guess what I am searching for is some reassurance so I can stop driving myself up the wall, exhausting google search on mirtazapine withdrawal. 6 nights ago I started my first reduction so 45 mg to 30mg. In all honesty it's not been that bad, a few waves of nausea, headaches and random aches and pains. Those I was expecting so don't mind too much. The trouble is that for the last 3 days, I've found myself a little short of breath for most of the day. It's nothing that's outwardly noticeable at the moment, but it's there and is slightly concerning. Has anyone else experienced this when tapering?

I'm kind of freaked out a little because one of my fears that's arisen since the mirtazapine is the that i will develop random allergies and my brain is wondering if I've suddenly developed an allergy to my meds (ridiculous, I know!) The other thing is that the rest of my family has had either viral chest problems lately so maybe I've just picked up that and it's a coincidence? Or it could just be the anxiety.

I'm totally spinning myself in circles at the moment so any wise words are most welcome at this point. If I know it is just withdrawal and nothing that can actually hurt me then I'm fine with whatever effects it throws at me.

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Plan B Taken Within 72 Hours :: Blood Coming Out My Vagina?

I had protected sex with my boyfriend 10 days a go. I had also taken plan B pill after sex, but with in 72hrs. Since yesterday i find blood coming out my vagina. I am really worried for what I have done. What are the odds for me. It is making me worry and anxious.

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Mirtazapine Withdrawal - Tapering Off Tips / Advice?

I started withdrawing from Mirtazapine back in Jan of this year, from 7.5mg. I got the liquid version and tapered down by 0.5ml (.75mg) initially every week, but had to stop that and start by dropping a day a week as I got withdrawals etc. I have been doing very well and was able to drop back to dropping it over 4-5 weeks. I got down to 0.1.5ml and the withdrawals kicked in, nausea, anxiety, sleep problems, cramps, etc etc. I stayed where I was for a few weeks but as things didn't really improve I continued to drop down to 0.1ml. During this time I have had some ok days and some awful days. Yesterday and today have been awful, dreadful low mood, very tired, anxiety and horrid nausea again.

My question is, initially I was going to go down to 0.5ml then taper off that to nothing, but the thought of another 3 months before being off it completely terrifies me. I am thinking about starting to taper off 1 night a week, over the next 7 weeks at the 0.1ml, but wonder if the withdrawals will be worse than ever!

id appreciate some advice. I have done the taper so ridiculously slowly, that I am now just fed up with the whole thing, and want to get back to normal again.

i was initially put on it as in Feb last year I had the flu, and was left with anxiety, my GP then prescribed Propranolol which gave me insomnia, and so it went on from there! The Mirt only made me sleep in the first week on being on it. I started it in June 2013, so been on it just over a year and have been withdrawing from it since Jan this year.

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Any Insight To Coming Off Mirtazapine?

Can anyone give me some insight to coming off mirtazapine?

I've gone from 30 mg for 8 months to 15 mg 9 days ago to 7.5mg 3 days ago.

So far(touch wood) i feel fine but i'm concerned with all the bad experiences some people have had during coming off this drug.

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Mirtazapine :: Coming Off - Skin Crawling

Did a slow taper off 30mg Mirt. Had nothing for 5 weeks and feeling ok ish. Last couple of days my skin is crawling. Does anyone know if taking a antihistamine will help.

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Coming Off Xanax - Mirtazapine Is Helping

This is really an update I have cut back on the xanax to .25 down from .05 The mirtazapine sort of helps me sleep.I skipped 2 nights of the xanax and just took the mirtazapine slept ok then came back the next night with .25 mg of xanax with half of a 15mg Mirt. then Back to just the Mirtazapine so far i feel ok just some depression but it is not bad as i express these feelings in a journal form it helps me work them out. I am not feeling any issues

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Coming Off Mirtazapine And Weight Gain

I'm already taking Pristiq however was having episodes of anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia and so my doctor also prescribed me mirtazapine. In some ways it has been a miracle, as somebody suffering from severe social phobia it has helped me to open up a little to the outside world and even attending social outings which is not like me. I feel far less stressed as well. I WISH I could stay on it!

The problem I am having is I've put one a huge amount of weight in the month or so I've been taking it. I've put on at least 7kg but probably more by now, I am visibly much fatter, and being a bit overweight in the first place (and wanting to lose weight) means this far outweighs the benefits. I suddenly have a huge appetite and I cannot control my eating, it is becoming a real problem. I've read people say to get over it and simply control your eating but it isn't that easy, before I even try a strictly healthy diet, I need to get off these pills and give my body a chance to get over these cravings.

My first question is, if I were to stop taking mirtazapine, or even start taking one every 2nd day to eventually taper off, can I expect any awful side effects? I have big exams in a week and I don't want to risk nasty side effects, however I'm really worried I will just keep stacking on the weight even in that short week, I want to get off them ASAP. I haven't been on them all that long so am wondering if I will experience anything bad if I cut back on them. My other antidepressants cause me vertigo if I miss a pill.

Second question, has anyone had any luck with other anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication that helps with general/social anxiety, that does not cause weight gain? I know everyone reacts to medications differently but I'm just interested to see if there is an alternative to mirtazapine without this one (seemingly very common) side effect. 

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Tips / Experiences - Coming Off Mirtazapine

I have been on 30mg mirtazapine for four years. I tried to come off them a couple of years ago and failed miserably, returning to my full dose after 10 days of awful anxiety and insomnia, as well as migraines and nausea. I had cut my dose to 15mg for a week and then dropped to zero.

This time I read every thread on here about mirtazapine withdrawal and started off really slowly, cutting down by just 3.75mg for two weeks. Then by a further 3.75 mg. At the same time I started taking a lot of inositol. I take a huge heaped teaspoon in my tea every morning. I had only slight nausea when I first started dropping my dose but I think that was me getting used to the inositol. Once I was down to 22.5mg of mirt, with no withdrawal symptoms, I figured I could go a bit faster and dropped my dose down to 15mg. I had no withdrawal symptoms after ten days and so have now dropped my dose to 11.25mg. I use a simple pill cutter from ebay to cut my tablets. So I am now on three quarters of a 15mg tablet. Mirtazapine had pooped out on me and so I already have terrible insomnia. I take temazepam some nights and benadryl on others to help me with that.

I will post my progress here. Who knows, I may fail miserably, but whatever the outcome, I hope it will help others. I was terrified of coming off mirtazapine, but now I am excited by it. I think the key is to take it really slowly and work out the pace your body can cope with. The smaller your dose goes, thee smaller the decrease in your dose should be. Good luck everyone, and please post your own experiences here. I know some people have really suffered despite coming off mirt very slowly. Everyone is different and I think everyone's experience can be a real help to others.

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Mirtazapine Withdrawal - Anxiety Coming Back

I have been taking 15mg of mirtazapine for 6 months for sleep problems and anxiety.

It has helped me sleep and feel more relaxed. But have struggled with word retrieval and foggy head. I decided to come off it and have been on 7.5 mg for 4 weeks, I have been doing ok but the last three days have had problems sleep waking after 3 hours and my anxiety feels like it coming back! Is this just withdrawal or am I going back my old ways?

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Fatty Liver :: What To Eat (diet Plan)?

I was just diagnosed with fatty liver disease and told I need to eliminate all sorts of foods. I do not know what to eat now. Also I heard that a liver can regenerate itself but others say it does not?

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Plan B - 3 Weeks After Surgical Abortion

My procedure was 3 weeks ago (Dec 3). 11 days later I had unprotected sex but took plan b the next morning. That fri (16th day mark) I had symptoms of ovulation - discharge, light cramps. I hadn't bled in about a week. This past Monday (19th day mark) I started heavier bleeding bleeding cramps again. I went through 1 tampon a day and now have fatigue with cramps.

Anyway, I'm thinking out loud here:

Could I have ovulated around the 2 week mark (just after plan b) and the bleeding is caused by my ovaries adjusting? Would plan b still affecting my hormones 10 days later and is the culprit behind my bleeding/cramps? Finally, is it possible an egg has been fertilized (pregnant) although I've bled semi heavily since then?

I'm aware having an abortion will throw your body out of wack for some time- so the plan b on top of it makes for complete hormonal/uterine chaos.

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Birth Control :: Plan B, Does It Work After Ovulation

My last period started Sep 5th 2014 and ended the 9th. My period calendar says I had ovulation the 17th. On the 19th I had protected sex then the condom slipped and some semen came inside of me. (my calendar also says I was fertile that day too and my last fertile date was the 20th) An hour and half later after the mishap I went to CVS got Plan B and took it. So it wasn't like I waited 12 hrs or a day to take it. So my question is will the pill work even though I already ovulated. They say the pill is 95% effective when taken within the 24 hour time frame. I did feel dizzy and nauseous the morning after taking it and I was also very tired. I also felt some minor cramps the other day and lower back pain as well. So do you guys think I have a slim chance of getting pregnant even though I ovulated and took it 3 days after I ovulated?

And I mean why would they sell the pill if it only prevents ovulation because some girls don't even know when they ovulate or when they are most fertile.

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Birth Control :: Precum Plan B Efficiency?

Had sex 2 weeks ago condom broke before he came bit possibility of precum? Took plan b less than 24 hours later am I at risk of pregnancy?

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Birth Control :: Precum And Plan B Still Virgin

My boyfriend and I are both virgins. But today, messing around he tried doing it anal and it went in a little only for a few seconds because I told him to stop but were not sure if the precum might have gone into my vagina , so we immediately went to go buy the plan B and I took it between 1-3 hours right after the whole incident , am I going to be okay?

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Birth Control :: Taking Plan B While On Pills

I have been taking Birth control pills for 7 days now. Today my boyfriend and I had sex without a condom and he came inside of me. Since I haven't been on birth control for very long should I take Plan B? I was told by my doctor that it will be fine to have sex with no condom after 7 days of taking the pill, but I was reading that sometimes it takes more than 7 days for the pull to fully kick-in.

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Birth Control :: Plan B In Combination With Nordette?

My partner and I had unprotected sex during my period (on 3rd/4th day). I'm to start using birth control pills for the first time on the 5th day. My period usually lasts 7 days.

Unfortunately I'm in a foreign country and pharmacies are closed till Monday which will be about 60hrs later when I can take plan b, and by then I'll be taking birth control pills.

Should I take plan B in combination with the birth control or should I simply go ahead with the birth control pills.

I am aware that what happened was irresponsible and unfortunate especially as I had already planned on being safe. Help and advice would be much appreciated.

If it helps, the Birth control brand name I am meant to begin using is Nordette. Doctor said I can start having unprotected sex once I begin using.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome :: Probiotics And Diet Plan

I just recently found out I had IBS, I've started probiotics and I started a completely different diet plan. For three weeks I was in pain and had diarrhea but before this I was always constipated, so this diagnosis makes sense. But the weeks before going to the doctor I was actually dry heaving after every meal, sometimes I would even throw up the meal I just ate. Now starting probiotics and changing my eating habits I am still throwing up my food. Should I wait a few weeks and see if anything changes? I've read that vomiting isn't a normal symptom of ibs. Does anyone else have this issue? I don't know if I'm puking because the pain is making me physically ill or if it's because my body can't digest the food I'm eating properly. Does anyone have any tricks on how to stop the pain or make it better?

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Hepatitis C :: Harvoni Feedback / Reviews? 12 Week Treatment Plan

I just received my first shipment of harvoni in the mail. My dr is starting me on a 12 week treatment plan. I was excited to hear about this new medicine that has little side effects and a high cure rate. But now that I actually have the medicine in my hands, I'm extremely nervous. If there is anyone out there that has tried harvoni can you please share your experience?

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Mirtazapine :: Weight Gain On Mirtazapine 30mg

I have just started on the 30m Mirtazapine and it's my 3rd night taking them ans i have read up on a lot of different forums that there are patients gaining weight off these? well i would like to know what the odds are of gaining weight because i have always had problems with weight gain, i can never put on any weight, no matter how much i eat, i have a fast metabolism and i am wondering, will the mirtazapine surpass my high metabolism. also in some cases i've heard it slows your metabolism down too..   but it would actually be a benefit for me to gain some extra weight.

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