Menopause :: Bleeding Bright Red Blood After No Periods For 2 Years

I am 47 years old and haven't had a period for at least 2 years. However, i starting bleeding bright red blood about 3 days ago, and this has been quite heavy as i am normally only very light.It isn't like period blood. This has happened before in this 2 year period and it was bright red then too. i've been on warfarin since last december due to a pulmonary embolism in my lung. Is it necessary to see a doctor, i don't want to feel like i'm making a fuss.

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Ovarian Cyst :: Ruptured 3 Years Ago - Unbearable Pain

I had a ruptured cyst on my ovaries nearly 3 years ago now during the summer and was in hospital for 2 days. The hospital staff couldn't have been worse and that is literally the only information I know, that I had a cyst and it burst. I never have any follow up appointments, my GP wasn't informed or got in touch so I thought nothing of it. 3 years later I have the most horrendous pain mainly after and something during sex. I have ovary pain throughout the month which becomes unbearable come mid cycle. It feels literally like someone is squeezing my ovaries. I struggle to use the toilet when at its worse. And overall I know there's more to it but doctors have always dismissed me and just told me I have bad periods and to take pain killers. I take 50g codeine that doesn't move the pain only slightly dulls it and makes me feel really ill and sick. It affects my work and sex life massively. I'm 21 and have had issues from being 18. Has anyone had continued pain after a ruptured cyst?

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Ovarian Cysts Rupture Due To Sex? Bleeding With Clots

heavy bleeding with clots

this has never happened before, i had my regular period on 25 may it was over by 30. then on 2may i suffered postcoital bleeding.

it was initially just a little. but by the time i showered i found clots leaving my body. the bleeding became worse hour by hour. my husband called the emergency and i was admitted to the hospital. Dr. had to performed a d and c to stop the bleeding.

the reports of the Dand C came today as normal.

i am worried? i do have an ovarian cyst of size 5 cm will this rupture due to sexual activity?

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Ovarian Cysts :: Lot Of Lower Back Pain, Side Pain, Abdominal Pain

I recently had a CT for another issue, however the CT showed a 6 cm cyst on the left ovary and a 3 cm cyst on the right ovary. I have had a lot of lower back pain, side pain, abdominal pain and constipation. Should I be concerned??

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Menopause :: Can't Sleep Due To Hot Flashes For Last 9 Years

I have had hot flashes day and night for the last 9 years, had no sleep in 9 years either as the hot flushes wake me up. I have spent hundreds of pounds on herbal remedies but none work. I cannot have hrt as my dad died of breast cancer at the age of 58 so doctor won't put me on it.

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Onset Of Menopause? Heavy Bleeding Big Clots

I am 43 years old and I have been on my period for the last 10 days. I haven't been in any extreme pain as far as cramping goes no more than normal. But I've had periods of real heavy bleeding and some pretty big clots. Is it the onset of menopause or is something major going on.

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Ovarian Cyst :: Do Simple Ovarian Cysts Of 4cms Ever Dissolve By Themselves?

I'm wondering whether anyone has had a simple cyst which dissolved by itself without medical intervention.

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Back On Norethisterone After 4 Years - Awaiting Menopause

Well here I am back on Norethisterone again after a 4 year break. I didn't want to take them again because I put a lot of weight on but it is necessary because I can't stop bleeding. The distress of constant bleeding which in itself causes anxiety, the tiredness and not been able to go out. Sometimes you have to give in, get yourself right to start again.Unfortunately there seems to be nothing else. Apparently at 53 I am too old to have a Hysterectomy so I am anxiously awaiting menopause.

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Menopause :: Very Heavy Bleeding Large Blood Clots

I have been bleeding now for past 4 weeks. The last week has seen me lose giant blood clots and I mean lots of them. In fact I've had to stay off work these last few days as I need to be near a loo. I feel a bit shaky but I put that down to the amount of blood I've lost. I'm really worried I'm going to need a hysterectomy. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Ovarian Cancer :: Complex Ovarian Cyst And Agus Pap

Just received my abnormal pap agus no hpv and I'm really scared. I have Further testing next Wednesday and I feel like I've just been given a death sentence. I'm 31 and a mother of four. I don't have any additional info im here just to vent I suppose.

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Menopause 2 Years :: Crazy Itching On Boobs Sides And Armpits

I'm on meno and no period for 2 years. Out of the 37 meno symptoms sort of have 25. I'm GAD diagnosed and feel like i'm losing my mind. For the last 2 weeks i'm itching like crazy especially under/on my boobs sides and armpits. I'm a DD and it is summer here. It gets worse when i sweat but yet there is no rash or redness only redness when i scratch which i know i shouldn't. Its so embarassing. I tried coconut oil and fungus ointment which helps a bit but still itching.

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Ovarian Cyst :: Gone But Now Getting Similar Pain

Just over 2 months ago had ovary and tube removed and recovered well. However, this last week been getting the same kind of pain that I had way back when I had my ovarian cyst and in the place where the ovary was???  When upright the pain is more in my tummy but when lying or sitting down the pain seems to gravitate to my groin area.  it is not there all the time but comes on now and again and once or twice has been really acute and very painful for a few seconds, then goes. It's like somebody squeezing the ovary - only there isn't one.  Somebody said could be infection but I have no other signs, somebody else mentioned scar tissue.  Any help/advice at all gratefully received and has anybody had similar?

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Menopause :: Clear / Pinkish Discharge After 4 Years - Gayne Tests Under Anaesthetic?

I am now, however, shaking like a leaf because I have just been to see my GP - expecting him to reassure me also that it's nothing to worry about at this stage - and he looked extremely worried and has referred me to a gynae, saying that it will need looking into within the next two weeks.

In short: I hadn't had a period since 28th June 2011 until about  3-4 weeks ago when I had the preamble - clear discharge followed a few days later by sore breasts, followed a week later by a couple days of very slight pinkish bleeding. Before the one in 2011, I hadn't had a period for a year. Before which time, they had been extremely heavy for a few years.

What has freaked me out is that the doctor seemed to think this was very urgent, and says "in these cases" they would want to see me within two weeks. He is referring me today to the gynae and says that they may want to have me into hospital to do tests under anaesthetic!

I asked him if this would be general or local, and he said I would need to discuss this with the gynae.

I am almost in tears :''(  I am terrified. I have never in my life spent time in hospital and I have never before had a general anaesthetic and am terrified of this. When I was 8, I had a lot of teeth out under gas and ever since I am terrified of being put to sleep.

Does anyone have any experiences of gynae involvement and what tests they might do, and how invasive they are? both in terms of literally invasive and of types of anaesthetic that can be used.

I do know/feel sure that I have fibroids but have never actually had this diagnosed, because of the same fear of hospital procedures - as soon as I knew that it would involve putting on a hospital gown and being poked around in some way, I didn't pursue investigating this via the doctor.

Another thing I haven't yet mentioned on this forum - and had to mention to the doctor, which might be why he freaked out and treated this so severely - is that I have never in my life had a successful smear test. Every time they attempted one on me, years ago, I would tense completely and seize up (it's psychological, not physical) and they were unable to get deep enough to get a good scraping. The only time they managed to get any scraping, they came back to me with the result that it wasn't enough sample to get a good testing and they would need to repeat the smear test. And I bottled out of course at that point, having pushed myself beyond my limit to try to relax enough for them to get that sample. It was like I had made my supreme effort and it still wasn't enough...

The doctor today said that in view of this history of being unable to relax in order to have a successful smear test, this is why he is referring me forthwith to the gynae and why he said they might recommend going into hospital and having anaesthetic!

I had hoped that he might have a better solution as to how I could be relaxed enough for them to do a smear, but such a solution was not forthcoming today.

I don't know what to do because I simply cannot bottle out this time, as he seemed to think it was urgent as it might possibly be serious (he said it "might be a problem with the cervix" but I can't explain how terrified I am about the hospital involvement of this.

I don't have any option but to go ahead and see this gynae. But does anyone have similar experiences who can tell me more of what I might expect to happen next? or suggest what I might ask the gynae to do or not do, in the way of tests etc?

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Endometriosis :: Killer Ovarian Pain - About To Explode

October of 2014 my primary doctor discovered that I had endo after 6 years of painful periods. I had a laparoscopy on may 13th to gain a better idea on how bad it was. they found fluid floating around from a cyst that was on my right ovary that had ruptured. my left ovary was huge, filled with fluid and its also completely attaches to my bowel. now my GYN said that they just cleaned up the fluids and did not want to remove my left ovary because i am so young (20yrs old). she put me on a BC, camrese to calm the endo and I started taking it on may 17th. for a few days now i have been having symptoms like when I am about to have my period. since yesterday I have been feeling nauseous and both of my ovaries started to hurt. By today the pain has gotten worse. it feels like my ovaries are about to explode. I notice that when I urinate or move my bowel, a little bit of pressure is relieved. the pain is getting unbearable and I don't even have an appetite. I still have 32 more active pills until its my break week. anyone have any idea what could it be? I am scared that its something serious.

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Ruptured Ovarian Cysts :: Unbearable Pain

I am 40 years old & I had a hysterectomy in 2011, I only had one ovary removed. Since 2013, I've had several occasions when I've had to go to the er because I had unbearable pain due to ruptured cysts on my remaining ovary, the pain I deal with is horrible to say the least & each time I was just sent home with pain meds. Has anyone else gone through this after having only 1 ovary removed? & should I consider having the remaining ovary removed?

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Ovarian Cyst :: 7 Cm And 6 Cm - Bloating And Severe Pain

I was told I had 2 cysts on my right ovary. Measuring 7 and 6 cm last year.

I was down for an urgent operation in April that still hasn't happened due to miscommunication of one hospital and the other.

Today I've woken up and my stomach has double in size in bloating and the pain from my cyst is unbearable. I can sit and be comfortable. If I cough or sneeze I get pain and pressure where I imagine the dust to be. I'm constipated and feel sick when I eat.

Are these normal signs from the dust as they have happened suddenly and I've never had them before?

Do you think the dust could have grown which is why the pain is worse.

I'm so fed up of being passed around from pillar to post I feel like no doctors are taking me seriously.

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Flank Pain Connected To An Ovarian Cyst?

I have had intense pain in my right kidney area, but kidneys show as clear on ct scan.  But I have a 6.5cm ovarian cyst on the other side. Has anyone had anything similar as going out of my mind with the frustration of getting it treated.  Should see a gynaecologist within a fortnight

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Ovarian Cyst :: Extreme Chest Pain After Rupture

I'm 22 and had a cyst rupture two weeks ago which hemorrhaged and left me in the hospital for 4 days due to blood loss and infection. The week before the rupture I fainted randomly and felt fine afterward. When I went to the ER after my BP fell to 75/44 and my h/r was at about 130 for days. Now, two weeks later, I'm tired from the blood loss but my main complaint is extreme chest pain on my right side (where the cyst was). I had chest and shoulder pain which was excruciating and worse than the abdomen but the shoulder pain has subsided while the chest pain hasn't gotten better. The stabbing pain makes me scared and then the pain gets worse. Has anyone experienced this?

Also has anyone experienced fainting and feeling fine afterwards as a symptom of a cyst that hasn't ruptured yet? It came out of nowhere it was probably only 30 seconds from when I started feeling off to when I actually passed out.

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Ovarian Cyst :: Ruptured - No Treatment Done, Pain Intensifies

About three weeks ago after an exercise test where we had to do 35 curl ups a cyst I had apparently ruptured.

My doctor said it was constipation and after It didn't fade and only worsened, we went to the ER. They wanted to give me a Pap Smear, it would be easiest, but I had never used tampons only pads, never had sex, never stuck anything up there so the doctor out of courtesy for the could be painful hymen tearing had to go the long route with an Ultrasound that showed nothing and a CT scan that showed the ruptured Ovarian cyst.

They told me my body would work itself out, I was young, these happen to a lot of women, the pain will stop in a few days, and to schedule an after appointment with my doctor and Gyne.

I put both off because I was annoyed my female doctor did not consider a young woman would possibly have an ovarian cyst and didn't want to clear my schedule for Gyne.

The pain keeps getting worse. It started out with occasional sharp aches, now it feels like something sharp keeps pinching my sides constantly. I don't feel like eating, I keep getting small fevers and sensations like I will vomit, and a firey pain that surges through my lower abdomen that I've only found the way to stop it is to down an ibuprofen and as much water as possible. I've now developed fatigue and shortness of breath that onsets with my morning bike rides and I can hardly stay awake.

It hurts on both sides--originally only the right side and I'm on birth control. So I shouldn't be developing a second. (Started birth control after the emergency room visit and after my period had started).

I don't know what to do. I don't want to trust my doc again and emergency room visits are costly. Is it the ruptured cyst doing this? How can I fix it? I don't think it's working itself out.

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