Lichen Sclerosus :: How To Use Aloe Vera Gel, Coconut Oil, Witch Hazel

I have been diagnosed with LS in February this year, although looking back now with more information at hand, I have been suffering from this for nearly five years, but had always been misdiagnosed. I cannot begin to mention all the vaginal creams and tablets that I have been prescribed.. all to no avail until the biopsies were done. I am now using Dermovate and was using it only when needed, until I watched Dr Goldstein's webinar a few days ago. I picked the link up from this forum. Since then I use it everyday, after soaking for 15 minutes in warm water and then rubbing in the ointment for 90 seconds. In May of this year I was also diagnosed with Lichen Planus. I follow the same procedure with the LP but I do not seem to have as much success here. Patches still coming out all over especially in groin, thighs right down to knees, underarms, under the girl, arms etc. Is there anyone who is using something other that Dermovate for LP and with what success rate? I see on this forum that numerous mention is made of coconut oil, witch hazel and aloe vera gel. I have managed to get hold of coconut oil and 97% aloe vera gel. Is the 97% good enough? In what form does the witch hazel come... is it an essential oil? I have looked around but have not found manuka honey yet. Does anyone in RSA know where I can find this? Then lastly, how do I use the above.. do I mix them all together and put on (how many times a day?) and what is it for? Does it help the itch, scarring, LS itself??? Quite new to this so not sure how to use these.

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Fusing Labia - Coconut Oil / Baking Soda Helped

I have suffered for 33 years with this disease.  I am 76 yrs old. LS is an autoimmune disease and a health person told me for a true autoimmune

problem is that you had to have 3.  I have arthritis, Ls and thyroid.  Jus over a year ago I had to have the thyroid removed (cancer) . That is okay now. But listen to this, The unbearable constant burning itch has all but disappeared.  There is still some very mild discomfort around the anus.  The fusing was so complete that I lost the clitorus first and than the labia minora and the labia majora was starting to disappear.  But with the regular use of coconut oil and spraying after bathroom use with water and baking soda I now have rather normal looking labia and normal colour.  i was white, gray, purple and bumps. Only the clitorus has not been uncovered but sensation is still there.   I am just very slightly  white at the entrance to the vagina both front and back.  I wish i had Known about these treatments years ago. 

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Coconut / Olive Oil And Sylk Vaginal Moisturizer Didn't Work

I'm not sure if anyone else experiences this? I tend to find something will work for me down there, then it does not. For example: coconut oil has been quite soothing in the past, lately it just irritates me no end. 

I tried Olive Oil but it wasn't that great. The Doctor prescribed Sylk vaginal moisturizer and that can either be Okay or not. 

Has anyone else got other 'comforters' for LS? Mine gets sore and stingy as opposed to itchy.

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Bladder Infections And Antibiotics Experience

Lichen Sclerosus :: bladder infections and antibiotics .... share your stories here

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Yeast Infection :: Coconut Oil To Cure?

Has anyone had success with this? I am 42 and have been having recurring yeast infections for the past 6 months, right after my ovulation, no idea why they keep coming back. I'm thinking hormones must be out of whack. I've never had one before, ever, and I take all the usual precautions to prevent them, but they come back month after month at the same time. Thankfully, diflucan seems to cure them as I get them. Anyway, I was wondering about applying coconut oil to my vagina as a cure. I already use it on my vulva to help alleviate the irritation and itch.

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Recurring Yeast Infections, Is Yeast A Normal Thing?

I am 27 years old. Have had 1 sexual partner for the last year and a half. I've had yeast infections before, probably 1 a year prior to him coming along. in the last 6 months I've had a few yeast infections, and the worst vaginal irritation, including severe swelling, dryness, itchiness, etc. Sometimes I sit in the tub for an hour, and its even gotten to the point where I ice my vagina to decrease the swelling. My doctors have told me irritation is just part of having a vagina. How does that help me?

I'm a very healthy person. Have no std's. Eat basically Paleo and gluten free, and exercise on a daily basis. I stay away from sugars because I fear they will cause the yeast to come. I'm getting worried that the yeast is a sign of something much worse. Then, I read web articles, which talk about immune deficiencies, diabetes, LBS, etc. and get scared, which just stresses me out.

Is yeast a normal thing, or am I justified in being worried?

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How Do I Prevent Yeast Infections?

How do I prevent yeast infections?

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Pregnancy :: Can Diet Cause Yeast Infections?

My 1 year old has a bad yeast infection. She has already been prescribed nystatin and it seems to work, but the infection is not going away. The doctor did not answer my question when I asked him what caused yeast infections. He said they just happen. If they just happen how come every baby girl does not have them. Does anyone have any more useful information about what could cause a yeast infection in a 1 year old? I don't believe we were just unlucky.

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STD :: Bacterial Vaginosis And Yeast Infections - Can't Get Rid

So I wanted to give an update on my post I made a few months back, on the "i can't get rid of BV!

All those remedies never worked for me. I tried the apple cider vinegar douche and the H2O2 douche. I even tried the diet thing,(candida diet) where you can't eat anything basically. Needless to say that didn't last very long, I think I did that for about 3 days because it was just waaay to hard for me. But anyways as I was trying that out I also stopped taking my birth control pills. I had been taking Lutera for about 3 years. (Which is around the time all my symptoms started to happen)

Long story boyfriend told me to do one or the other. And since I had already stopped taking my BC (and that candida diet sucks!) I decided to just eat what I want and see what happens with everything going on down south. Well A LOT of my symptoms went away!! I've even had sex about 5 times with no bad reactions afterword(which before when I had sex with my bf, almost immediately after or the next morning the symptoms would be so bad sometimes I would cry).

I'm not saying I don't have this anymore because I think I still do, I still have a white milky discharge, that dries on my panty-liners a sort of yellow-brown color, and it smells a little, not fishy but I don't think it's good lol. But i no longer have that severe itching that i use to get, which was the absolute worst!!!!!! TMI but i could probably sit there and scratch for like literally 5mins straight with out any relief, just a flared up vagina! ugh its sucked sooo bad!

But I'm just nervous to go to the doctor to get tested positive a for BV or yeast infection and have her put me on an antibiotic that might just make my symptoms worse all over again. Should I go to the doctor or try an OTC for a yeast infection??

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Reverse Fusion?

When I received my diagnosis a month or so ago, I spent a lot of time reading this forum and learned an overwhelming amount of information. One post that stood out was someone who had managed to somewhat reverse their fusion with a baking soda spray treatment. I can't find that post, or remember what thread it was posted on, and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. If there is anyone else who has managed to reverse their fusion.

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Low Sweet Intake

just been reading some of your comments and diet was mentioned, I try to have a healthy diet , don't eat a lot of spicy foods, I always buy fresh veg and only eat fruit like bananas that don't have much acid in. I must admit to having a sweet tooth and do like sweets and I have noticed more flare ups if I have lots of sugary foods. Try to keep my sweetie intake to a minimum which is hard because I think if you suffer from LS you need the occasional treat to cheer you up.. Maybe my fairly bland diet is helping to keep the LS stable

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Pain When Urinating

My Mother suffers from Lichen Planus, which I know is not exactly the same as Lichen Sclerosus. She has recently found urinating really painful. She has today found a convenient way to make things a bit easier. She fills a sports drinks bottle with warm water, and squirts this against herself when she urinates. It is soothing and also cleanses the area each time. hope this may help some people?

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Lichen Sclerosus :: How Does LS Affect Pregnancy?

I was diagnosed last year. I also had an early menopause as a teenager so we are looking into IVF to have a baby. I am struggling to find info on how LS affects pregnancy and birth if we are successful? Also thinking that the steroid cream can't be good for pregnancy?

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Clitoris Restoration?

I have questions about the clitoris being buried. My first LS breakout was about 7 months ago. Have had a couple less severe ones since. I've gotten tremendous relief and healing with the hydrogen peroxide/saline spray, and Caprylic MCT oil (derived from coconut oil) Didn't even know what the heck it was until I found this forum. Have not been to doctor but will make an appt. Noticing as I examine myself that area that my clitoris may be "disappearing" behind folds. I've been reading on this forum and wonder: does the steroid cream reverse the fusion a bit? Enough to free it again?

I had a friend who had a procedure to "free" her clitoris -- not an LS sufferer, but her architecture was such that it was covered up & couldn't climax with her husband all their married years. She finally did some research and found a doctor who specializes in this, and he said "you're 100% covered up". With a minor procedure, she is now normal down there and able to be satisfied with her partner.

I was just wondering if the steroid cream or perhaps this procedure could restore my clitoral area as well. It's been such a short time and my sex life was very satisfying just months ago! I'm 53, btw.

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Anaesthetic Gel Before Biopsy

I'm going to have a biopsy done in few weeks time. I was advised by the dermatologist to get some metope (sp?) gel and apply it 1/2 hour before the procedure. However, I look at the instructions and you have to put an air tight covering over the area once you've applied the gel - something like cling film I think. But how will that work on my fanjo?

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Lichen Sclerosus :: CO2 Fractional Laser And PRP

have any ladies had the CO2 fractional laser for LS? The reason I ask is that my dermatologist has finally given me the name of the laser they have suggested for my treatment as I'm struggling with the steroids/HPV warts cycle. They have suggested having the CO2 fractional laser followed a couple of hours later by PRP treatment. The dermatologist said they see the best results with ladies who have this combination on the same day.

over this last week my left labia minor has disappeared 😟 Completely and I have struggled to keep the itch at bay. Although the white patches have diminished. in the last week I had to use the Betnovate but after a day the itch/pain was so bad and not subsiding, that I used the dermovate, this I think was the only thing that helped with the itch eventually. But as I struggle to use these creams I have to be very careful as they induce warts. 

Hence the doctor has suggested I undertake the CO2 laser and PRP combination next week.

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Lichen Sclerosus Seems To Be Autoimmune Disease?

Does that mean that we women are more susceptible to viruses, respiratory infections, etc.? Do most follow  a certain diet ?

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Lichen Sclerosus :: Clitoris Tightness?

Was diagnosed a few weeks back and steroid cream helped loads but tonight I have what can only be described as a tightness to my clit ( sorry tmi) almost like it's being pulled back ...

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Lichen Sclerosus :: No Symptoms But Clitoris Going Away

I have NO symptoms and I do know how lucky I am not to suffer the way most people do. My inner lips just turned white and despite diagnosis and being given Dermovate they completely disappeared in around 2 years. And now my clitoris is going too. No itching, no fusion or adhesion. It is horrific to have nothing I can do simply watch helplessly as it goes. Has anyone else experienced anything like me? I feel quite the freak and so alone.

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