Sore Throat With Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)

i was diagnosed with LPR in December 2013...the ent did an endoscopy of my throat and it showed arytenoid cartilage symptoms started on November 10th 2013 after a viral infection...earlier the symptoms were very severe and i could hardly eat...i was prescribed Rabeprazole 20 mg (PPI) for 6 weeks , and called for f/u after 6 weeks...the ENT said there was not much change and i needed to continue with the PPI for 6 more weeks...

my main symptom is sore throat that is nagging me a lot...i have gone into severe depression and i m on anti depressants...sometimes i also have pain in the ears and neck...when i look in the mirror i feel my throat is all granular and red...

can someone please help me with any suggestions as to what helped your LPR symptoms especially sore throat

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Laryngopharyngeal Reflux :: Throat Clearing, Hoarseness, Swallowing Difficulties

I was initially diagnosed with LPR for my symptoms, which were constant post nasal drip, hoarse voice, and a click when I swallowed.  I have since figured out it wasn't LPR at all, and that all the protocols for LPR only make things worse. 

I came here to hopefully help others who may have been told they have LPR when really, they have something else.

The symptoms of LPR are exactly the same as the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies of B vitamins, vitamin A, and iron.  

In particular, a riboflavin deficiency will dry out the soft tissues of your throat so that you feel every tiny drip of what is actually normal mucus.  Riboflavin is a B vitamin that is not stored in the body and you must eat it every day.  Dairy products, something many of us with mucus are told to avoid, are very high in riboflavin, and one of the best sources.  Stress, illness and certain chronic conditions can increase the body's requirements for riboflavin, causing deficiency symptoms, like a dry, post nasal drip in the throat.  (In my case, I became deficient due to an undiscovered thyroid issue.  When the thyroid is not functioning properly, you do not metabolize riboflavin.)  Mild riboflavin deficiency will also cause dry, itchy or burning feeling of the eyes.  

Other B vitamins which affect the throat are niacin and folate.  Iron deficiency causes tongue and throat swelling and can even cause webbing of the esophagus.   Vitamin A and zinc also affect the mouth, tongue and throat.  Iodine is essential for the salivary glands.  

Certain health issues can affect the metabolism of nutrients.  You can be deficient even though you get plenty of it in your diet.  Your genetics, your diet, and your current health conditions all affect your nutritional status.  

Proton pump inhibitors and acid reducers can make things worse by reducing your absorption of nutrients.  

If you want to try some vitamins to see if they will help, start with the water soluble B vitamins.  I recommend taking coenzymated sublinguals which melt under your tongue, so that you don't have to worry about whether you are digesting and metabolizing them properly.  

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Acid Reflux :: Tightening / Sore Throat

Several nights ago I woke up from sleeping and felt my throat closing, like tightening up and I couldn't get a lot of air through. Since I had eaten a lot right before I slept (rare for me), I thought this was acid reflux. I took a Zantac, and this seemed to help a little. Since then (for the last 3 days) I have woken up every morning with a sore throat and from time to time the throat tightening is still happening. No other symptoms, and I don't smoke, rarely drink, and am otherwise healthy 31 y/o female. Could this all be from the one case of acid reflux 3 nights ago? How long will the symptoms continue for?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Sore Throat?

When I get sore throat, a sensation of something is swollen on my throat, and it is painful when I pass saliva, I gargle with drinking water 10 times or more. That soften the very sticky mucus on my throat, and after that I can spit it out, and NO MORE PAIN!

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: How To Soothe A Sore Throat?

Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions to soothe/heal a sore throat from acid reflux?

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GERD (acid Reflux) :: Chronic Sore Throat - LPR? LSN?

I have had a chronic sore throat for 5 months now. Initially thought it was strep, but test came back negative. Was tested for allergies, negative. Have had 3 ENTs scope my throat and all say it looks completely normal. Have been to two GIs who weren't particularly helpful, though one prescribed Nortriptyline thinking it might be a sensory neuropathy -- have been taking it for 2.5 months with no help (was at 20mg and ENT had me start raising by 10mg per at 30mg, and tomorrow will begin 40mg). Was at the ER twice -- CT scan normal, blood tests normal. I have also restricted my diet to the Kaufman diet to little avail. After I eat I do notice that I'm a little "burpy" and can taste bile sometimes, which makes me think LPR (though the ENTs say there's no sign of it in the scopes). I also have an occasional chest pain that I think is an esophageal spasm, again making me think LPR/GERD. I was on PPIs for about ten years and slowly weaned myself off after a few months of this since they didn't seem to be helping. Have been off the PPIs for over a month taking H2s (40mg Pepcid 2 x day) . Oh, and I've also tried DGL..not much help.

So I'm stumped, and so are my docs. I really like and trust my current ENT, and he is genuinely trying to help. After a few more weeks of increasing the nortriptyline he is going to refer me for the acid testing where they put the probes in your throat.

So, does anyone have any brilliant thoughts on what might be going on? The pain is significant (some days are worse than others), and it feels particularly bad after giving presentations, which I do frequently. I can't stand the thought of this lasting a whole lot longer, and at this point worry that it could be something more serious.

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Sore Throat And Mouth Ulcers

has any one had a really unbearable sore throat and mouth ulcers i have suffered with htis for 15 months and finding it unbearable, as i cant enjoy anything, and am fed up of docters and a and e.It feels like the ulcers are in my esophacus and i have a horrible wheeze when i lie down.I have had 2 cameras through the nose and had a barium swallow today.My stomach is very bloated all the time and i feel shattered all the time because the pain wakes me up the camera didnt show any cancer thankfully awaiting the results of barium swallow. I take omeprazole and gaviscon.

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How To Diagnose Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (silent Reflux)

My 6 year old has had chronic sinusitis, recurrent pneumonia, lots of infections, tonsillectomy and adenoids removed @ 3 yr. because the tonsils were so infected. We had a scare in July where he was believed to have either a very serious infection or leukemia (due to blood work being so off and neutrophils dropping way below normal levels). We have been through the ringer with him since he was 6 months of age!!! He's had CF tests done, bone marrow biopsy, tons of chest x-rays, immunoassays etc. He's never had a CT of his sinuses but will soon. Now that he's been cleared from everything we are thinking it's laryngopharyngeal reflux, aka Silent Reflux, w/o heartburn. Anyone have a child with this that can help me? Should I push them to test him or just go along with the diagnosis w/o testing.

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Sore Throat :: Swollen Tonsils, Lump In Throat, Clear Mucus, Sore, Headache

My tonsils have been swollen for over a month, until last week they were painless, but now I have flu symptoms. Its quite scary, it affects my swallowing and I have a very very dry mouth, even when I drink loads of water all day. Hasn't affected my breathing as of yet, but feels like a lump in my throat is blocking it off.

This has been going for three days now.

Doctor said I need a blood test for glandular fever, which is next week.

I mentioned that I think I can feel my epiglottis swollen, and she laughed and said that is all the way down by my adam's apple and would have a job feeling that... even though i've seen many cases online where it's visible above the tongue and often can be felt.

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Laryngopharyngeal Reflux And Early Pregnancy

Has anyone experienced suffering LPR on daily basis and finding out pregnant on the way? How do you handle if you are prescribed to take PPI everyday to alleviate symptoms.


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LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux) Disproven - Still Having Symptoms

I've been suffering from what I believe is LPR reflux for 16 months now, and I honestly can't take another day of it. I've been through everything to try and cure it from day 1. This includes all sorts of PPIs/H2 blockers, Gaviscon Advance, 3 different diets, 3 different antidepressants, alkaline water, raising the bed, vitamin d3 (1000-5000 IU a day) and more besides. Nothing works at all, and I'm not a candidate for surgery. I've had all the tests which are expected to come back negative too; the endoscopy, barium swallow, gallbladder scan, ENT throat scope all came back clear. I also have no new allergies, and my vitamin D3 levels are high enough to satisfy even the "new" research. Personally, I think the whole D3 thing is a hoax, but I digress.

I've also have a number of "Peptest" spit tests throughout the year. In total I have collected 18 samples, and only a single one has come back positive. It was the first one I ever collected, and it was only just in the "low" bracket of pepsin detected. That's just 1 positive sample in 17 though, and I've collected samples right after serious symptoms, or even when I thought I burped up vomit. RD Biomed, the ones behind the test, are questioning my self-diagnosis of LPR, but still my symptoms continue. They include:

- Constant Post-Nasal Drip. It doesn't wake me up in the night but the moment I wake up it affects me all day.

- Throat clearing, usually a result of the above.

- A burning throat sensation. There's no pattern with food, it has even happened when I drink alkaline water.

- Sinus headaches, fatigue and ear pressure.

- Nausea and constant burping.

HOW CAN THIS NOT BE LPR?! I have serious anxiety about my health, and the thought of having LPR scares me to death, to the point I have sought assisted "self-harm" to end my suffering. I refuse to live a full life with a chronic, painful, incurable illness, because it's the one thing I've ever been afraid of having. I'm just not strong enough to cope with it. In my desperation, I keep trying to prove if stress can cause all my symptoms. It does not, cannot and will not ever be the cause. I've been told to "stop deluding myself into thinking I'll ever get better" by some people, and told it's "all in my head" by others. Nobody truly believes I'm suffering at all.

Who should I believe? Will I ever recover? What kind of conditions are similar to LPR? Please help me. I want my life back.

A last, important note. I recently stopped taking Mirtazapine after hearing they have anti-acid effects. I refuse to be on drugs for life; I want to cure my illness, not mask it. Since stopping the Mirtazapine my Post Nasal Drip has significantly worsened. I'm not sure if the two are linked, but I've made sure to take another set of Peptest samples to check for LPR, and they're still all negative.

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Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LRP) - Ears Are Blocked

I have LPR and have noticed lately that I have a sensation of blocked ears, well actually just one ear, but it alternates. I have had them checked and there's no wax of blockage. I have read on the forum that LPR can cause blocked ears but does anyone have any recommendations of how to clear them ?

I drink alkaline water, eat the correct foods, knock Gaviscon Advance back like it's going out if fashion( which does help), but I have just noticed the ear blockage.

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LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux) Disproven :: Still Symptoms Getting Worse

I just received the results of my rapid spot tests, manometry and impedance tests all at once. They're all clear, but my LPR continues and is worsening greatly. I figured out something important. My symptoms can change in a matter of minutes based on whether or not I use Gaviscon Advance. They're equally distressing, but I keep bouncing between them, I just have no idea why:

With Gaviscon Advance:

- Extremely tight throat (much less mucus)

- More burping

- Hurts/hard to swallow

Without Gaviscon Advance:

- Thick, heavy amounts of post nasal drip

- Difficulty breathing

- Tight chest

- Some difficulty swallowing (no pain)

A single gulp of alkaline water can bring in the mucus/tight chest/breathing problems on in seconds, but Gaviscon Advance sometimes takes a few uses to make things change. Why would 2 things reknowned for LPR treatment make me worse in different ways?!

Also I wake up perfectly fine in the morning, until I swallow, which kick-starts the symptoms. No clue why, especially since the evidence says I don't have reflux.

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Sore Throat :: Sore Throat, Overall Ill Feeling No Diagnosis

sore throat,fatigue, pain, no diagnosis Posted 10 minutes ago I'm sorry for the long post but I really need some help. I am 25 years old,female from Bulgaria. Everything started after 2 shots of progesterone done by my gyno. I had high prolactin levels and somewhat low progesterone and my period stopped so that is why she gave me shots. After the second shot I woke up with very bad pain and burning sensations in my sinuses,my whole body was in pain.And there it all begins.For 2 weeks I wasn't getting better, I had a fever (not very high),sinus pain and sore throat. Finally I visited a ENT doctor,she said that there was nothing wrong with me,everything-ears,nose throat looked fine but I asked for a sinus x-ray-it was also fine. Then my gyno advised me to culture my throat and nose. The results were staphylococcus aureus in nose and Moraxella catarrhalis in throat. I was prescribed cefpodoxime (due to antibiogram) took it for several days and I wasn't feeling any better,then my dr switched me to Cefuroxime,it did help at the beginning,I was feeling better but by the time I was taking my last pill all the symptoms returned. My sinuses didn't hurt anymore but my throat was on fire,muscle and joint pain,feverish feeling but no actual fever this time. So I was put on unasyn (Sultamicillin) on IV drip.I was getting no relief and was just feeling very sick from that med,so we stopped it. The I went to another ENT doctor and he told me there was nothing wrong with me, my throat looked fine and I had a little wound in my nose with blood. I had no runny nose. So I did a culture of my throat again and it happened to be Candida Glabrata ( may be because of all those antibiotics) I also had e.coli in my urine.I took one dose of Fosfomycin for my e.coli and it cleared up and I was put on IV  drip again with fluconazole for my candida.I also had candida in my vaginal results. I started to get better on fluconazole but again it lasted 3 days and in the end of the treatment I was ill again. My ears started to hurt very badly,all other symptoms continued.I waited 2 weeks after the last antibiotic and did a nose and throat culture again in two different labs and there was no infection found, I also did a vaginal and urine tests again and the urine was fine, had some enterococcus faecalis but in small amounts from my vag microbiology. My gyno said that it is better to not treat it for now because of all the meds I took for those 2 months. Yes,it's been two months and I am only getting worse, my whole body is in pain,I am very fatigued,have the flu feeling sore throat, ear pain,lymph and joint pain,I feel very very ill. And the tests say nothing. On my blood test the only thing that was abnormal was my AST  (antistreptolysin-titer) levels were high 310 (from 200 being the norm).Went to a 3rd ENT,he also said everything looked fine, my ears and throat are not inflamed and he said that it wasn't my ears that hurt but my face joints. So I am here,desperate for ome help, not getting better,not knowing what to do now.I started having very bad panic attacks because I think I am dying and no one can find what is that illness. Can it be some autoimmune response to the progesterone shots? I don't know anymore. It's a struggle to get out of bed really.

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Reflux Oesophagitis :: Acid Reflux/Heartburn - Throat Itch And Deeper Voice

I am a 22 year old male. Along with my other issues I also suffer from the above. My endoscopy showed (Mild G1 reflux oesophagitis and minor duodenitis. Some bile reflux in stomach). I am currently taking Esomeprazole 40 mg per day which I believe is not helping. Everyone has said how my voice sounds much deeper and different than before, and the top of my throat is always itching. My teeth feel really bad, I know over time Acid can make them really bad. I have had several appointments cancelled by the Gastroenterologist at my local hospital and I am due to see him in September. I have tried all remedies etc but nothing seems to help.

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Acid Reflux :: GERD? Throat Spasm, Lump In Throat, Lungs Feel Tight

I have been suffering with this for two weeks and I have no idea which symptoms may be connected to my newly acquired TMJ or my flare up of GERD.

Two weeks ago after a heavy meal and a few days after damaging my jaw I woke up in the night with a weird throat spasm and feeling like I had something stuck in my throat. Then over the weeks I started to get the lump feeling through the day with difficulty swallowing. I lost half a stone due to being unable to eat.

Now I have developed a tight chest, dry throat and lungs, feeling like my lungs are blocked, constant throat clearing with little mucous production, breathing difficulty and I'm still having these nightly throat spasms and lump feeling. I had some of my sons ventolin inhaler as I had asthma as a child and thought the reflux could be causing this but it did nothing.

I have been to A and E lots of times with it and also to my GP who has referred me for an endoscopy but its only in february.

I am going out of my mind. The breathing issue happened after a load of acid came up my throat a few nights ago and it felt like my throat and lungs were dried out by it.

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Ankylosing Spondylitis :: Flare Ups Of Sore Throat And Sore Oesophagus

Does anyone else have flare ups of a sore throat and sore oesophagus, the Dr thinks it's acid reflux, ppi's aren't doing anything, now being tested for h pylori bacteria, but can't help thinking that it may be connected to my ASR

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HIV :: Two Boils And Sore Throat

Two to three years ago i spent the night at a hotel with my boyfriend and in the morning i took a shower after i came out of the shower i dried off with the towel that was placed there, after finish using the towel i noticed that there was a stain on it that what looks like dried blood. Am i at any risk of getting infected with hiv? One month back an HIV infected person at work touched my hands and two days after i got a sore throat and two boils towards my throat am i infected?

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Sore Throat Due To Hyperthyroidism

I have what feels like a sore throat but further down my throat. It comes and goes but it's more late afternoon when it comes on. I don't want to eat as it feels like my food is stuck or talk because it's so sore but when I wake up it's ok? I went to doctors Last week they reduced my beta blockers because I was so zapped out. I mentioned my throat but he wasn't concerned and barely looked. He seemed miffed that the specialist mentioned I need to be careful about sore throats due to thyroid med and white blood cells. He was annoyed about having a blood test. Dr hasn't rung back so I guess that's ok but is my throat normal problem for overactive thyroid.

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