MUA After Knee Replacement - Pros And Cons

i had a total knee replacement 6 months ago.. I still have swelling around and behind the knee and also fluid on the knee.

my consultant has recommended a MUA and I want to know the pros and cons of this operation, the recovery time and could I be worse off than I am now.

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Menopause :: HRT - Pros And Cons

I am going through the menopause i have not had a full night sleep in months getting very snappy with the lack of sleep I have anxiety due to my mother having a stroke last year I am also her full time carer now also doing long hours I also gave up smoking a year old I feel like I have let myself go I don't bother dressing up anymore i am not sleeping due to waking up with hot flushes about 7 times a night I am not getting sweats just getting woke up feeling very hot I just don't feel like me a lot has happened in a year when I look back I never felt like this I was happy and now I'm not a happy person at all I have even to my doctors and spoke about HRT but due to the fact I don't take tablets for anything even a headache I am scared the doctor said he could give me a low dose HRT but I want to know if a low dose will help me ? And will it still have the same side effects ? Is Anyone on a low dose and how do you feel since taking them ?

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Newborn :: Circumcision - Pros And Cons

im expecting a baby boy in just a month! its the first boy in the family, so no one has had to make that decision before. thoughts on it?? pros and cons??

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Bronchiectasis :: Azithromycin - Pros And Cons?

Is anyone else either using AZ or have used AZ in the past. What experiences have you had, etc.

I have been on AZ for two months and am having many fewer infections, in fact none.. But of course I would rather not be reaping havoc on my GI tract and breeding SuperBugs.


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Arthritis :: Cortisone Injections - Pros And Cons

I am thinking about having cortisone injections in my feet for arthritis pain and I've heard 1 good and 1 bad report about the success of it. Can anyone who's had it let me know how it went.

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Sciatica :: Lumbar Discectomy? Pros And Cons

I'm a 29 year old father of two and a plumber by trade. I have suffered with two herniated discs for two and a half years and am now suffering quite badly and trying to stay in work. I have gone through physiotherapy and have had a nerve root injection with no avail. I have received my letter to go for a pre op health check etc for a lumbar discectomy. After reading other stories on here etc I'd like to try and shed some light on is this worth having or not?

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Pros And Cons Long Term - Gallbladder Removed?

basically after being in alot of pain and after having a ultra sound scan i was diagnosed with Gallstones.

My doctors has given me the choice whether i want my gallbladder removed or not.

What are the pros & cons long term of having the gall bladder removed?

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Tubal Ligation - Pros And Cons - Procedure And Pain?


(I'm only 23 but I'm very interested in this method opposed to other options)

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Pregnancy :: Breastfeeding Pros And Cons / Reviews / Feedback ?

Being a first time mom, I'm trying to get all of the input I can. Every post I see on here about breastfeeding is positive. With everything, there are always 2 sides. My question is, who planned on breastfeeding but didn't continue and why? Is there anyone who is unsure or doesn't plan on breastfeeding? Please don't give abrasive responses about how breastfeeding is the only way. I just want to see this aspect from all, unbiased points of view.

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Pregnancy :: Natural Labour Or Epidural Shot - Pros And Cons?

I'm a first time mommy and will be delivering my first baby August 21. I'm scared..I hear it's one of the worst pains a woman goes through, yet worth it :) but my question is "would it make a difference if I get the epidural shot? I heard it just numbs the lower part of your body but not that much. Than I hear others that it does." I also hear from my mom and mother in law that I shouldn't and I should do it natural. I don't know what to do. I kind of don't wanna do the shot just because I also heard it causes back pain later on in life and plus every time I've gotten shots to numb me (example dentice) it never numbs me or works. It is probably way different than the shot they give you for labor but I just need some help and suggestions. I wanna hear from other moms that have gone through this I'm kind of scared too...

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Restless Legs Syndrome :: Gabapentin For Years? Pros And Cons

I'm just starting Gabby and if it works for my RLS.  Potentially I could be on it for years. Have anyone here been on Gabapentin for years? If so how is it for you? Pros and cons

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Hallux Rigidus - Minimally Invasive Cheilectomy (keyhole Method) Pros And Cons?

I have moderate hallux rigidus and am interested in investigating having cheilectomy surgery done by the minimally invasive, keyhole method. I don't normally have pain whilst walking but the lump rubs up against shoes, aches and limits the sort of footgear I can wear.  I should love to be able to wear heels again but do not want to end up in a worse situation post op.

2 questions:

Does anyone have experience they can share of the pros and cons of this newish method of operating  ?

Are there centres in Somerset / South West who offer this treatment?

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Sertraline :: 50mg Dose To 200mg Dose - Pros And Cons?

I have been on Sertraline 50mg for 6 weeks, I saw my therapist and she asked how I felt, I told her I did not feel any different, she contacted my Dr. and the Dr. upped my dose to 200mg, this has frightened me, a leap from 50mg to 200mg, has anyone had this outcome, and what were the pro's and con's of this sudden higher dose.

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Total Knee Replacement - Developed A Knee Effusion And Pain After 2 Years

I have now developed a knee Effusion and have tremendous pain.  Put onto Celebrex.  Do I use crutches again or strap knee?  Doctor says i need to rest it as much as possible

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Dent In Knee :: 21 Weeks Post Total Knee Replacement

hi I seem to have woken up this morning with what looks like an indent on the right side of my new knee.  It was completely round last night but now has a dent in it.   I am nearly 21 weeks post TKR.  Anyone had anything similar and  why this is?

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Clicking Knee On Bending After Total Knee Replacement

It has been almost 14 months since my TKR, and it is making a clicking noise when I bend it,and straighten it.

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Knee :: 5 Days Post Op For Partial Knee Replacement

It's day 5 I'm home and in a fair bit of discomfort! Main problem is at night and knowing what sleeping  position to get into? I want to lie on my side but not sure this is ok ( about the only question I didn't ask physiotherapist ) also finding I'm very tearful today and extremely tired is this normal? 

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Knee :: Physical Therapy After Partial Knee Replacement

I am 42 yrs old and had a Partial Knee Replacement done on Jan 6th...outpatient...went to first PT the next morning. Wasn't too bad...2nd was a little rougher and I was in more pain. 3rd visit had a different therapist and she pushed me beyond what I thought I was ready for. She basically forced bended my knee and forced straighten it..said it's to keep scar tissues from interfering with recovery...this was extremely painful. I am curious to if this is normal protocol on your 3rd visit of PT..which was 7 days post op...I was in soo much pain I could not go to my next PT. Plus I have bruising on my ankle from her force bending with her body weight...I figured I would go back on Monday when my normal Therapist will be there....I have made progress with bending and straightening and don't think I should be rushed like that...I am still in alot of pain but am able to walk around house without crutches. I have been icing and elevating along with doing my homework PT.

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Knee Braces Helpful After Total Knee Replacement

I am a 31 year old female about to have a TKR due to severe arthritis caused by PVNS. Currently I have very weak quads and calves in my bad knee from major loss of knee extension. I've heard that it's really hard to go into replacement surgery with weak muscles. I was wondering if I should get a knee brace for after surgery to help with some support until I get my strength back? Has anyone tried these webbing braces and if so do they help? I know some of the immobilizing braces actually cause atrophy.

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