How To Differentiate Between Herpes, Cyst And Folliculitis?

How to I differentiate between herpes, cyst and folliculitis?

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Herpes Or Folliculitis - Scrotum Dry, Irritated And Red

I was naked, she was in active wear shorts. We grinded a lot and then she told me she has herpes. The next day I go training in sweat pants without underwear and thought I started to chafe. It's been 2 weeks and the skin on my scrotum and just above my pelvis seems dry, a little irritated, reddish. No bumps but I get tingles at times, pinching and sometimes a testicle with throb for a second. It doesn't look bad at all but it feels kinda crappy and the timing couldn't be worse. Today I noticed that the smell from my scrotum was kind of sour, dunno if it's from the skin being dry and irritated.

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Herpes Or Folliculitis? Bumps Around My Anus Area

I discovered these irritating bumps around my anus area that soon developed into tender ulcers.. so I went to the doctor to have them examined and she told me she couldn't really tell if it was herpes being the fact the bumps were scattered and they are each at the base of a hair follicle... so she swabbed them and sent them off for a lab test and I'm currently waiting for my results by the end of this week... I've never experienced anything like this before and the only symptoms I have is itching and I do believe I can feel my lymph nodes in my groin are swollen... has anyone else ever experienced anything like this and what does it sound like to you?

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STD :: Folliculitis Or Herpes -bumps But No Discharge And Itching

I had unprotected sex Saturday during that night I noticed bumps on my pubic hair region on sunday i went to the ER and they said it doesn't look like herpes it looks more like folliculitis they gave me oral antibiotics to take for it . now its monday 5:30 pm notice the pimples in the bumps went away but the bumps are still i have herpes? no discharge no itching on the penis only the pubic hair region.

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Herpes Or Folliculitis Or Ingrown Hair After Shaving

I was shaving one day with a razor, then two days later i noticed a couple of bumps by my grown. two of them had a white head and i popped them.. just once though. it's kind of crusty... i don't know why, maybe because i tan and my skin is dry? but i haven't been sexually active, and have had one parent the last year, that i know doesn't have anything...they do not itch, hurt, burn, or anything... i did have some vaginal discharge but it was white and clear milky kind of, just leak out of me for a second or so.. i don't get burning sensations when i pee or anything. but sometimes i do get itchy but not only on my vagina... when i get an itch down there i just itch it for a second and get itchy somewhere else like my back or something.

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Vaginal Health :: Is It Herpes Or Folliculitis? Bumps On My Labia

I have been with my current boyfriend now for 4 years. I have never had any symptoms of herpes, not even a cold sore on my mouth. My boyfriend has also been clean. About 6 days ago I noticed a two small bumps on my labia majora right in the hairline then there was another small bump down on my labia minora again in the hairline and on the same side as the one on the upper part of the labia. I of course began freaking out. I've never had a STD scare before and I immediately thought the worst. The bumps were slightly itchy, red, and it looked as though they had a white, almost puss filled, kind of top. I went to the health clinic 2 days later, the soonest I could get in, and the nurse told me it didn't look like any herpes case she had seen before, but she swabbed me to do a culture just in case. I'm still waiting for the results and the waiting is driving me insane. I've read every article I can find on herpes and how I could possibly have contracted it since both me and my boyfriend have been faithful to each other, and before I was with him I was with the same man for 5 years who I know was clean. I know it is possible for the disease to lay dormant for years, but still it just seems odd that it would wait this long to appear and my current boyfriend has not had any bumps or cold sores since we’ve been together.
I stumbled upon the condition folliculitis and I’m wondering if it could possibly be that. I do shave down there regularly. I’ve had razor burn before but nothing like this. Currently the two bumps that were on my labia majora have turned into a hard lump underneath the skin and the one on my labia minora has also turned into a lump under the skin. I’ve never had a cyst or boils before so I’m not really sure what I’m looking at. There is no puss coming out of anything, but they are painful when irritated. I am able to go without underpants once I am home, but during the day I have been wearing cotton underwear and I sit at a desk. I think this irritates the one on my labia majora because of where it is located so it is normally sore.
I have no other symptoms of herpes. No burning urination, swollen lymph nodes, or any sickness. I’m also not in a great deal of pain or anything like that. I’m just really unsure of what is going on and the symptoms of both herpes and folliculitis sound so similar. Folliculitis makes more sense to me, but then again that’s because I really don’t want to have herpes. There is one other issue I’m having that I can’t find online at all. It’s kind of hard to explain, but there is a white area in the fold of my skin that is above my clitoris. It’s not puss and it doesn’t hurt. I cannot find any pictures or descriptions of this online. I’m not sure if it could be caused from the large hard lump that is near it on my labia majora or not.
I’m not able to find out my results for at least another 4 days and I’m going to make a appointment with my gyno for next week as well, but I’m looking for any opinions or advice as I’m currently driving myself crazy with wondering and researching.

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STDs :: Herpes Or Fordyce Spots

I'm a male, 25 years of age, who has braces, so I chronically get some ulcers in my mouth due to the braces and drinking and such. This past week I drank an abundant amount of alcohol. I also smoked some dabs (very concentrated form of marijuana) which I normally never do. During the week I drank out of multiple random beverages that people had drank out of. I also kissed a girl/ she gave me oral sex, which happened about 2 days ago. I messaged the girl asking if she had ever come into contact with any STD's. She said no. I have an ulcer or two in my mouth and on my tongue that I chalked up to heavily drinking and the braces (figure I may have bit my tongue being so drunk). They looked fairly normal compared to any other ulcers I had received in the past and began healing as usual. I noticed some small white bumps or spots (because they aren't really bumpy) on the upper part of my lips and in the corner of my mouth (still on my lips). When I do research on the bumps they closely resemble the pictures I see for Fordyce Spots. They don't really resemble the pictures for oral herpes.  They aren't posing any problems of pain either. I was heavily exposed to the sun this week (almost everyday) and didn't really possess the best hygiene. I went to the doctor today and he really wasn't much help because he didn't even really look at my lips. Just asked if I had been sexually active, I told him yes and what happened. Then he automatically assumed it was probably herpes and prescribed me some meds. Then said to come back in two weeks and get tested. I plan on getting tested this week and then again in two weeks as well, but I'm not sure if it's Herpes or the Fordyce Spots or just me being paranoid. Or if it could be something caused by smoking the marijuana and heavily drinking. I also don't know if it's an allergic reaction of some type. But I'm freaking out.

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Folliculitis :: Hair Removal?

Does anyone know if hair removal is available on nhs for Folliculitis?

Suffered with with this for nearly 3 years and nothing works. Suffer with it on my genital area which is now spreading to my inner thigh. Ive been prescribed washes which don't seem to help and umpteen amounts of antibiotics. Antibiotics help for short while but then just comes back. Sick of this horrible condition which leaves me in a lots of pain as well as intense itching. In process of using pure tea tree oil which seems to have helped on a few of the spots but not on others. Would really like an end to this condition but have been told there is not much else i can do. Doing lots of research online has told me that laser hair removal is very effective for folliculitis but ive also found out it can be quite expensive. I hope one day i will be rid of this condition but until then i guess i will just have to suffer and battle on.

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Scalp Folliculitis For Few Years

I have had this condition for a few years & tried most treatments with little success. in the last couple of weeks i have tried putting a little antibacterial gel on moist hands & rubbing them on my scalp, for whatever reason it seems to be helping,whether it is a coincidence i don't know but i am going to keep on doing it for a while. i also take a low dose 300 mg tetralysal daily. you only need a small amount of gel on moist hands. i can't see it doing any harm.

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Vaginal Health :: Diagnosed With UTI And Folliculitis

I went to the ER because I was having really bad pain down in the bag area. I was diagnosed with a UTI, and folliculitis. I'm not quite sure if they diagnosed me correctly because I'm having really bad pain down there for about a week now.. I thought it was a yeast infection at first but it turns out its a urinary tract infection. And its very very painful. Not only does it burn when I pee but it hurts so bad I can barely wipe down there. The whole vagina area is red and sore. And as for the follicles its all around the lips of my vagina. I can feel about 15 of them, and they hurt bad. When I try cleaning it hurts when I shower it hurts so bad. I put vagisil down there and it doesn't seem to work that well. The bumps hurt when I walk or sit. I switched to 100% cotton loose fitting underwear, I been taking urinary relief pills from Azo and prescribed macrobid but it doesn't seem to get any better. If anyone has this type of problem please let me know what you have done to heal it faster.

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa With Folliculitis On Back/chest?

Has anyone experienced folliculitis on back/chest? I have small raised dots all over the areas where i sweat during workouts i shower after a workout of course, i've had them for 3days now they seemed to ease off yesterday morning but i had a workout last night, showered then went to bed, this morning they are worse and itchy to boot. I've not had any nodules/abscesses in a week which is unusual for me.

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STDs :: Folliculitis? Red Bumps With White Heads

About a week ago I had sex with some random woman. We did use protection and it didn't break (I checked). A little less than 24 hours later I noticed red bumps all on my pubic hair. Some have white heads... They don't hurt or even itch that bad. I have no other symptoms.. But a week later it seems to spreading a little to the other side... Is that even possible die Folliculitis? Or could it just be some of the hair follicles weren't as irritated and didn't show up for like 4 days... I went to the doctor and they put me on dicloxacillin and I've been using bacitracin. But don't really see results... Could a std show up that quickly and with no other symptoms?

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Women's Health :: Pubic Folliculitis - Virgin ?

I'm a 17 year old girl and recently I've noticed that I have this red bump thing on my pubic mound that looks kind of like a pimple, but I've done some research and I think it's folliculitis? It's a little bit sore and I'm scared to try to pop it, it also seems to have a yellowish puss inside of it.  Is that what it is? Or is it something else? Either way what should I do to treat it without going to a doctor? I'm terrified because of this, its worrying me to death. Also, I've never shaved my pubic hair before and I'm a virgin if that makes a difference.

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Folliculitis For A Year - Bleach Baths, Clindamycin Foam - Nothing Works

I have had folliculitis for over a year.  I get these bumps under my skin on the topside of my arms by the elbow area that eventually turn to whiteheads. They are scaring my arms all up. My Doc gave me Azithromycin for 3 months and it seemed to clear it up, but as soon as I stopped the antibiotic it came back.  Im starting to think it's more of an allergy than a skin condition.  I tried the bleach baths, clindamycin foam nothing makes this go away forever. I am having one cultured today and i'm sure it will change nothing.

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Herpes :: Asymptomatic Gentintal Herpes Transmission To Mouth By Oral Sex?

Recently found out that I have genital herpes. It's scaring me because I'm a lesbian and I feel like I will never be able to have sex again. I have a couple of questions.

I'm in a relationship with a woman, would she contract herpes by giving me oral sex when I don't have an "outbreak"? Can she contract the virus orally?

What's are the risks and probabilities?

Can you have herpes 1 in your genitals or is it only herpes 2 in your genitals. What does this really mean?

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Penis :: How Fordyce Spots Look Like?

I have a weird cluster of bumps on my penis. I have always had this and never thought much about it, but i just want to be sure. I researched a bit about it and it looks like fordyce spots. I want to know what is exactly is and why it has appeared. Is there a way to show you what it looks like?

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Accutane Will Clear Fordyce Spots

Will accutane clear fordyce/sebaceous prominence, how much and fur how long should I take accutane for my chronic fordyce condition?

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Penis :: Fordyce Spots Treatment?

I have FS before 7-8 years and i am 17years old. I don't like to see this...i need some treatment..

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Penis :: Does Fordyce Spots go Away In Time?

i'm 18 years old, i have Fordyce Spots few years i think since i was 14.

Does Fordyce Spots go away in time?

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