Inner Ear Disorders :: Perilymph Fistula - Similar Symptoms To Meniere's

I am diagnosed Meniere's but suspecting that I may have Perilymph Fistula....very similar symptoms to Meniere's but cause by trauma-induced leakage of the inner ear.

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Labyrinthitis And Dizzy Spells

After a few months of feeling dizzy and wobbly, (I'm thinking mine started after this horrid virus going around) I read that ginger tea is very good, I started drinking it about 1 week ago and can honestly say the symptoms have improved.. I also use peppermint and lavender oil behind the ears.. Just thought I would share this, as so many people suffering at the moment.. Definitely helping and feel much better now.. It's worth a go

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Symptoms ? Vestibular Neuritis? Labyrinthitis? Or Sinusitis

I have been diagnosed 5 months ago with Labrynthitis.. Not sure if it's actually what's going on because it was a pretty quick check up at ER. Extremely lightheaded, unbalanced and foggy headed is the major symptoms. Have noticed it gets a lot worse when I'm out in the cold for a period of time. Been going on for about 5 months now.. Back in September I had a really bad sinus cold. After those symptoms passed, a few days later I got an extreme wave of lightheadedness dizziness and was surprised I was still standing when I realized what was going on. Somehow I finished my shift at 11am then went to ER. Could barely even walk in there.. The only time it went away was when they gave me amox-clav pills and about 7 days in I felt 100 percent and the last few days of medication zero lightheadedness. After done with those everything came back a couple days later and never left. Was the amox clav pills just coincidence or maybe that tells me something? They said I had Labyrinthitis and sinusitis but it seems that the symptoms of vestibular neuritis relate a lot more.

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Labyrinthitis/ Vestibular Neuritis

Condition: Most likely labyrinthitis (In my 7th week now)

Background info:

2 months ago at uni when I was in the gym, I was exerting myself doing weights and felt something pop in my left ear. I felt really faint and headed back...over the next few days I had severe vertigo/dizziness/nausea. I also experienced my first anxiety/panic attack when i felt these symptoms, which to be honest felt worse than the actual symptoms. I went to the uni GP and she said I had labyrinthitis (though she did no tests). I also recall not having any flu like symptoms so I'm not sure how it could be viral labyrinthitis. Thankfully all symptoms vanished within 1 week.

Life was back to normal. However 3 weeks later, I was back home for the summer and had been back in the gym for a week or 2 when I felt really lightheaded and faint again. Sometimes I feel like this in the gym when I exert myself so didn't think much of it. I came home however and experienced another anxiety attack. The dizziness/vertigo etc was MUCH LESS severe than the initial attack 3 weeks ago at uni, however it has persisted for coming up to 7 WEEKS now.


Over the past 7 weeks, I have had good days and bad days...good hours and bad hours. I went to the local GP who once again said the symptoms matched labyrinthitis without doing any tests. He prescribed some stemetil (which I took only twice as it didn't help and also because I have read everywhere online that it only slows down the recovery from labyrinthitis).

I tried just walking around, passing the ball about with a friend to 'retrain' my brain. However, the symptoms were still in the background and didn't really seem to disappear. But I did feel much better then than I do now.

For the past week, everything seems to have gotten worse. I have spent more time in bed than normal as my friends are on holiday at the moment and I'm not sure if this is the cause? As I'm no longer carrying on with things as normal.

Other info:

Since day 1, I have also had a popping sensation in my left ear every time I swallow.

Head feels heavy. Neck aches. Feel a pressure within my head/ear.

Though I have had anxiety attacks a few times, lately it feels like I'm on the verge of one all the time.

I also have other normal symptoms such as feeling nauseous, tiredness etc.

Very recently, it feels like my vision is a part of the problem too. My eyes feel very heavy and like I cant focus on things. Also, the last few days, I see little flashes of lights which aren't actually there (this has only happened about 3 times in as many days)

Note: I have finally managed to get a specialist ENT appointment, which isnt for another 5 weeks unfortunately, but better than nothing. I'm sure at that point, they will confirm it to be labyrinthitis or something similar as the symptoms all match.


Is there anyone else in a similar situation as me? How are you dealing with it?

I have done some generic VRT exercises, but it doesn't seem to help too much. Thoughts about VRT?

What triggers your symptoms? For me it's been hot weather, shower, loud noises, bright lights, dim lights and more (nothing specific).

My anxiety seems to be triggered by anything that I think is abnormal, e.g. sudden tingling somewhere on my body, sudden temporary noise in my ears, sudden temporary dizziness etc etc. All of which is probably normal, but they seem to trigger anxiety when I feel like this. Does this also happen to anyone else?

Are there any tips to control the anxiety? I swear its a lot worse than actual dizziness.

Are there any tips to control the dizziness? Such as VRT or others. Is it better to stay active and feel worse for a short while or should I just stay in bed?

Any other useful information?

WILL THIS EVER END?? I have read some success stories, but will it really take months to years??

Is it also true that even if it goes away, it can come back any time in the future? This is what scares me the most as it seems there is no permanent cure.

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Labyrinthitis Back After 7 Years

Told it was a virus. Now it's back again. Anyone ever gets labs a second time?

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Labyrinthitis - Tips / Techniques To Cope With It?

Anyone out there got some good coping techniques? Positive thoughts? Feeling alone with this....

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Travelling With Meniere's

I had my first attack last April/May when I had to have two weeks off work and since then I have had 2 more that resulted in me having two weeks off work for the first one and three days for the second. I am going on holiday to Goa for a week very soon, and I am worrying that I might get an attack on the day we are leaving. I have been told by the insurance people that it doesn't have to be declared to them but I need to know if I can claim our money back if I have to cancel on the day. Is there anyone out there who has had this problem? Can you advise me?

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Meniere's Disease :: What Are The Tests?

I have been told I have MD but had no tests what are the tests diagnosed just by my symptoms

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Meniere's Disease :: Chocolate?

Have been diagnosed with meniere's 2 years ago limit salt no coffee I now it seems silly compared to crippling attacks but is a tiny bit of chocolate a problem. I mean like a half a chocolate chip cookie?

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Meniere's Disease Without Hearing Loss?

In Jan 2016 I experienced minor episodes of vertigo on a near daily basis, which I believed was remnant of motion sickness during a traumatic sea crossing! I noticed they continued weeks after and seemed to correlate with instances where I was feeling stressed. During this time I moved to the other side of the world and began a new job. I was previously living at 2800 m and spending my weekend’s alternating between the high Andes and the beach (involving lots of air travel). I am now living in the humidity at sea level and wonder if this could have provided sufficient trauma to initiate these attacks. 

After a night of moderate drinking I had my first and only severe episode of vertigo, which left me violently vomiting and unable to walk. After which, I experienced a month or so of very mild vertigo attacks, lasting 4-5 hours at a time. I felt unable to exercise and spent a lot more time at home. Throughout this time I always felt unbalanced and even a drop of alcohol would exaggerate symptoms. 

A hearing test came back fine, to my surprise, and I was treated for vestibular neurosis and given Betaserc for almost 3 months. I had no vertigo whilst on the medication but have had two or three minor episodes since coming off it (during yoga classes, playing football but also when lying in bed). The first specialist was happy the vestibular neurosis had been treated and any imbalance etc. was a product of my body overcompensating or lasting damage. I continued to turn to the extreme right when trying the Unterberg test. Now, my symptoms are fullness in my left ear, which occasionally proves painful and some mild tinnitus. The persistent fullness led my GP to refer me to another specialist, concerned it sounded like MD. Another hearing test and a pressure test both came back fine. I would suggest my hearing is more muffled but could this just be a sensation I notice because of the fullness? I am adamant my hearing suffered immediately after the vertigo attacks (before being treated) because I remember it being relatively distressing. I have been given Vinpocetine to try and hasten recovery of what the specialist believes is just a viral infection and to help with the tinnitus but I have seen no difference. I feel largely like I am not being taken seriously. It is coming up to 6 months now and I am desperate for some resolution or diagnosis that I can work with to try manage these symptoms. I am really active and travel a lot. If I should expect vertigo symptoms to return, I feel I would need to adjust or review my lifestyle as to not take unnecessary risks. Any one else in such situation? Or know anything about altitude and ear issues? Any advice or opinions are very much welcomed. Specifically, I was searching for information on whether it is possible to have MD but without suffering hearing loss? I am only 24 and so had wondered if my hearing could have been affected but remained within the so-called ‘normal’ range?  

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Meniere's Disease :: Significant Hearing Loss?

i have had Meniere's for well over 20 years. In the early years the attacks were horrendous and frequent but gradually settled down to one or two a year. More recently they have returned with avengence. This is not the normal pattern of the disease from what i have read. Also my hearing remains almost perfect despite having suffered with tinnitus daily from the onset of this disease. Obviously i am grateful for this but was just wondering what pattern the disease is taking with others? Has anyone noticed significant hearing loss? 


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Meniere's Disease :: Menopause - 57 No Periods For Two Months?

I'm 57 years and I'm just wondering if anyone else has just stopped bleeding about two months ago I'm confused I don't know if I'm starting MP or is God playing games with me I get bad pain every month now like there coming again, have I started or not or do I have to wait a whole year with out a period, I do have signs hot flushes cry a lot, really bad back and ankle pain and to top it off I have meniere disease   

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Meniere's Disease :: Stem Cell Therapy?

what about stem cell and the story of dana white cured 100% from meniere's is that true?

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Meniere's Disease :: Cold All The Time And Have Pain In My Knees

Diagnosed with md all usual symptoms but I am cold all the time and have pain in my knees and upper legs anyone else have this problem

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Meniere's Disease :: Driving In The Dark Increasingly Difficult

I have Meniere's Disease and I find driving in the dark increasingly difficult.

Can my employer grant me time to leave work early so I can travel home in daylight?

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Meniere's Disease :: Alcohol - Incredibly Dizzy, Nauseous

Can you have meniere's but be dizzy/lightheaded,floating/nausea rather than experiencing the whole room spinning? My ENT believes I have menieres.

Also: I went on a 100 mile bicycle ride yesterday all through the night, so i am very fatigued. Today I had one glass of wine and it has made me incredibly dizzy, nauseous, and when i move me head I feel like I'm going to fall over. Does this sound like Meniere's?

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Meniere's Disease Of Right Ear After Sinus Cold - Surgery Or Medication?

Recently told I may have Ménière's disease of right ear. Any medications or surgery has helped for you? Symptoms are constant dizziness(at times have sensation of falling or floating when really bad), lightheadedness, very unbalanced, foggy headed, at times ear pressure and constant headaches. All started after bad sinus cold in mid last September and hit me really hard a few days after cold and has never left. The only time I had relief and felt 100% percent was when they gave me antibiotics and prednisone.

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Meniere's Disease :: Entire Left Side Numb And Tingling

I was healthy and happy then got a headache so bad that 6 migraine excedrin did not touch it. Went to bed and woke up in middle of night with my entire left side numb and tingling.

Went to er they told us i had a bad migraine. Over the last month symptoms have worsen. Pain in left back of head hurts all the time, left side is pain, and spells of dizziness.

Two mri later, going for a third, clean blood work, eeg, many trips to er and no answer

After talking to an aunt found out she has meniere's-disease so we are going to a ent next.

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Meniere's Disease :: Computer / Phone Screen Triggers Vertigo Episodes

Recently diagnosed w/menieres. Does anyone find that things like a computer screen or phone screen triggers vertigo episodes?? Is there anything that can be done to help this? I have to work on a computer all day. Also noticed driving causing issues from time to time.

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