Polymyalgia Rheumatica :: How Often For Blood Work / Tests?

Other than feeling ill/flare, is it recommended to have blood tests at any regular times?  I`m under my doctor, which I prefer...can't "work" with my Rheumy...but struggling with fatigue to get under 11mg....wonder if I should have  blood tests more often....probably had one a year ago.  Have had PMR 4 years now...(started on 15mg).

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Less Blood For Tests - Thickness Of The Blood And The Small Veins

Weekly blood removal was ordered by my hematologist.  Being needle phobic I knew it wasn't going to be fun.  Since being misdiagnosed since 2007 my iron levels were greatly increased.  After going for my first blood removal, I was concerned since after trying both arms, they were unable to get the 500 ml due to the thickness of the blood and the small veins,  I believe they were only able to get 50 ml  Has anyone else experienced this?  Or does anyone have any recommendations on how to get more blood out? 

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Blood Tests :: Vitamin B12 Levels

Had a blood test for this the other week and got my results back. It's says 200 but next to it says (180-900). Is mine low and need medical attention.

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Lupus Without Inflammation Showing Up In Blood Tests?

Is it possible to have Lupus without inflammation showing up in blood tests?

and ANA is high, he said 60 what ever that means. 1:60 I guess.

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome :: With Normal Blood Tests ?

I have recently been told by the doctor that I may have PCOS. However I have a few questions around my recent blood test results and therefore was wondering if anyone could help answer some of my questions.

To give a little bit of information on my background, I have suffered from back and chest acne since I was at high school. I also got it on one cheek on my face which has left scars. My chest and face cleared up by the time I had finished high school but my back acne was still severe and until this day it is still really bad. ( I am now 21). Obviously over the years I have been seeing a dermatologist who has given me many forms of medication and creams. NOTHING WORKED. I have also recently been on Roaccutane. HOWEVER... I have had problems with my cervix and bleeding and never got on with the implant that I had to go on whilst taking Roaccutane because I wasn't allowed on the pill as it cause my cervix to produce abnormal cells and bleed. I therefore was sent for tests and scans and it was then that the hospital sent over a letter to my doctor who said they suspected I have PCOS because of the cysts on my ovaries. The doctor however did not read this until after I suggested to him that as the Roaccutane did not work, maybe there is something causing my acne that we are missing, and it was then that he finally discovered the letter about them suspecting I have PCOS. (Roaccutane apparently does not work with PCOS).

Anyway... this leads me on to my question. I have had the blood tests which was meant to be on the 21st day of my cycle but I have come on my period late and therefore was wondering if this will affect the results? My results came back normal. I haven't had my 3rd day cycle blood tests yet though however. Can your tests still be normal if you have PCOS?

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Bipolar Affective Disorder :: Lithium Blood Tests

Are there any doctors out there that know exactly what gets checked during a lithium blood test. Do they also look at your full blood count? I know the usual things like thyroid and kidneys but I am just wondering if the normal things get checked too. 

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Health Anxiety - Hypochondria Of False Negative STD Tests

I recently got tested for all stds and stis, this includes swabs, blood work and pelvic exams. Things came back negative but I read online that tests can be false negative. Do I have any reason to keep worrying? I've called the doctors back and they said their tests are accurate and said I shouldn't worry. But I can't get over this. I have been with the same man for four years, and recently stopped taking my anti depressants and anxiety medicine. Do you think this that's why I keep worrying? I can't get in to see a therapist. And can't get this out of my mind.

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Chickenpox Can Affect Your Blood Work?

I recently did routine blood work and came up equivocal for type 2 herpes, twice. The tests were two weeks apart which I know is early but I am going back for a 3 one in three weeks.

Although, I was sexually active with someone right before they got chicken pox as an adult. Could Somehow chicken pox throw off or affect the blood

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Coeliac Disease :: Negative Blood Tests - Gluten Free Diet Helps

Basically I am 25 years old and as i've grown up I've noticed more and more that I was getting stomach cramps and bloating more and more often. It is very sporadic and I couldn't really say exactly what was causing it but I just thought it was normal. This was until the last 12 months when I started to think a bit more about it. I do a lot of exercise and play a lot of football. I was finding that I would get some form of cramp during a football game. Usually quite mild but sometimes worse. I also like to run and when training for a half marathon found that after a certain distance I would get pains. Almost every time after about 30-40 minutes running. It would normally be worse when running in the evenings. I started thinking about it and tried taking several things out of my diet. I am 95% certain I have a lactose intolerance as since cutting that out around 6 months ago I have seen an improvement. But I would still get pains.

This all resulted in me going Gluten Free and I finally experienced what it feels like to have a normal stomach. I was relaxed and could do whatever I wanted without any fear. So I decided for my own health I should get tested for celiacs disease and after 7 weeks of eating gluten again had the blood tests. Today I had the results and they have come back negative. I feel so deflated and just angry. What do I do now? I just feel like going back to Gluten Free and living like that self diagnosed. The weird thing I find with my disorder is it seems to be worse when i'm up and about. If me and my fiancee have gone out around town and have lunch it is often worse when walking around afterwards. I don't always get blinding pains either. It is often just severe constipation or stomach cramps just making me feel uncomfortable.

Really disheartening now and just want to know but can't carry on for much longer and really don't want to keep eating Gluten when I know I feel good when I don't. Any advise?

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Haemochromatosis :: Normal Blood Tests But Iron Fists, Fatigue, Skin Discolouration

Just when I thought I understood the condition I was surprised when someone I know with classic symptoms of Haemochromatosis was told by their doctor their blood test was normal, in fact bordering on anaemic.  Could an ignorant GP misinterpret the results?  What else could this be?

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Dizziness, Nausea, Light Headed And Weak - Normal Blood / Urine Tests

Hi, for the past 2 weeks I have been getting these symptoms, dizziness, nausea, lightheaded, weak, headaches, neck pains, and tired. It is getting severe and im worried. I have had urines tests and blood test, they are all negative. Its constant and all day, it never goes away although some hours are worse then others. I have been on a medication called pristiq which is an antidepressant for almost 2 years, I tried increasing the dose in case that was causing it but it didn't work, can anyone help me please? Thank you

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Anemia - Blood Work :: How Bad Is My Iron Deficiency?

I initially found out I had mild iron deficiency about 6 months ago and the GP didn't tell me to take anything. I've been taking floradix on/off (finished a bottle) and redid my blood work with a new GP. The results seem to have gotten slightly worse, but this new GP also just recommended to take a multivitamin. Neither doctor seemed concerned. Anyway, here are the latest results (this new doctor didn't test ferritin; my old result 6 months ago was a 3)

Hemoglobin - 11 (low)
MCV - 78 (low)
MCH - 25.2 (low)
RDW - 15.6% (high)
TIBC - 538 (high)
UIBC - 480 (high)
Iron Saturation - 11% (low)
Iron Serum - 58 (normal)
Vitamin B12 - 348 (normal)

Anyone know exactly how bad my case is? I am located in NYC; if anyone has a good doctor that takes iron deficiency more seriously, can they recommend the doctor?

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Blood Work :: Is This Iron Deficiency Anemia?

These were done during a regular physical exam and my regular dr. said I was definitely anemic, but she never did do an iron panel. After thinking back on my symptoms, I had several..headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, rapid heart rate with exertion, and shortness of breath with exertion. Three weeks ago I was started on iron supplements. Here are my abnormals or near low normals from 3 weeks ago:

RBC 5.45 (4.00-5.36)
Hgb 12.5 (12-16)
MCV 74 (81-98)
MCHC 30.9 (31.2-35.2)
RDW 24.2 (11.0-14.5)
anisocytosis present
hypochromasia present
ovalocytes present

She determined that my anemia was due to menorrhagia and I then made an appt. with a GYN.

The GYN looked at these labs and said this is NOT anemia. She then ordered an iron panel, which she said was normal:

Iron 142
TIBC 356
Ferritin 14

She called today and again said this is not anemia, but some other blood issue must be going on. She mentioned thalassemia and suggested that my regular dr. refer me to a hematologist. I am so frustrated and confused. I can't see my regular dr. until Mon. but I'm thinking it's still anemia?

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Iron Deficiency Anemia? Here Is My Blood Work

Here are my lab results:
WBC 6.6 (4-10.8)
Ly 25.8 (20.5-51.1)
Mo 9.7 (1.7-9.3)
Gr 64.5 (42.2-75.2)
Rbc 3.74 (4.2-6.1)
Hgb 10 (12-18)
Hct 30.3 (37-52)
Mcv 80.9 (81-99.9)
Much 26.8 (27-31)
Mchc 33.1 (33-37)
Rdw 14.5 (12-15)
Plt 218 (130-400)
Mpv 8.2 (5-10)

My iron and ferritin were normal (don't have a copy of the results, just was told they are normal). Also, b12 and d are normal.

What kind of anemia does this look like? I DO have a history of iron deficient anemia, but my ferritin was like a 3.

Below are my symptoms. Saw the doc about a week ago, and symptoms are much worse than then. I am on an iron supplement.

Extreme exhaustion
Shortness of breath
Chest pains
Extreme lightheadedness/dizzy spells/near syncope

Basically I am hardly functional. I have gone home early and missed a couple days of work, because I literally couldn't do it. I have had to spend almost whole days in bed. Very small things wear me out. I was placing items in a box (that was on my lap) at work today and got weak and short of breath.

Does this not seem crazy for a hgb of 10?? I have been in the 8 range, and while I felt really, really bad, I was not this dysfunctional.

Also, I have been having the dizzy spells/lightheadedness/near syncope and some actual syncope for over a year. The drs are still trying to figure this out. They are a good deal worse right now.

Any thoughts or advice?

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Enlarged Liver And Spleen With Normal Blood Work?

I went to the doctor for burning when I urinate. She said I had high WBC in my urine. She sent off for a culture. It came back neg for infection. She sent me to kidney doctor to check for stones and ordered a CT scan. The kidney doc said I still have high WBC in my urine and checked my prostate for infection which hurt really BAD. No infection there. The CT scan showed an enlarged spleen and liver. I have been having a low grade temp and pain in my left and right side and low energy. My blood panel came back normal but the doctor is sending me to a liver doctor for a biopsy. She thinks my liver is causing me problems for my spleen. My question is with normal liver blood work how can my liver still be enlarged and causing me problems?

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Hemochromatosis :: Blood Work - Hemoglobin Low But Iron Is High?

I am 53 and have 600 ferritin 71% iron saturation. I have done phlebotomy 2 weeks in a row. hemoglobin is now 132 . Therefore I could not give blood. Why is my Hemoglobin low when my iron is high. By the way my ferritin dropped to 475

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Infertility :: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - Blood Work Normal But Inflammation

From 4 yrs i have been suffering from severe pelvic pain with lots of inflammation in both hips. all blood works come normal but mri does show inflammation. Doctors cannot find what it is, can it be my ovaries or fallopian tubes inflammation or infection which is causing this, plz somebody help. I want to get pregnant but my pain in pelvis which is that worse that I limp many time is not allowing me.

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Hypochondria :: Health Anxiety Of Having Cancer

I'm looking for someone who understands who can give me reassurance and support as I constantly believe I am ill more so I'm scared to death of getting cancer and every niggle or pain sets off alarm bells. I have had health scares in the past such as breast lumps, abnormal cells on cervix all were treated and were ok. I have had several family members get cancer some who have died not close enough family members to be considered for genetic testing though. I am currently having problems with my kidneys the pain was unbearable I thought the worst but an ultrasound revealed a stone stuck in my ureter. After hanging on to see specialists etc I am finally having a CT scan tonight, (my worst fear) this is to see clearly the stone to determine course of treatment but of course I'm petrified that this CT is going to find cancer somewhere in my body. I particularly worry about cervical cancer although all my yearly smear tests have been ok this is an area of most concern and pains that I'm experiencing in my groin (most likely kidney stone related) worry me. This anxiety is crippling I get reassurance for one health issue then other symptom appears. So between pains from minor health issues and symptoms im probably creating myself from my anxiety my head is well and truly mashed. I hate going to the doctors for fear of what they might find. I have completed CBT which did not help so to hear from someone who is living the same hell as me would be comforting although I wouldn't wish my symptoms on my worst enemy. I have a happy marriage, kids a good job I should not be feeling as low and so preoccupied with health worries as I do.

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Undiagnosed :: Low White Blood Cell, Spleen Inflamed, Fever, No Cancer

I am writing to see if anyone has any ideas for my father in law in Japan.  He is in the hospital and the oncologists, and disease specialists cannot diagnose his condition.  He has had a fever for over a month, diminishing strength, trouble breathing, and inflamed lymph nodes and spleen.  It is my understanding that he has a low white blood cell count as well. 

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