Depo-Provera Injection :: Horrible Experience To Stop Heavy Periods

I was given one injection of Depo Provera to help with my heavy periods and I bled constantly for weeks! I am 53 years of age. Not to mention other side effects which one is stuck with for three months plus until the injection wears off! It has been a horrible experience for me and I would not recommend this form of treatment to anyone.

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Pregnancy :: Horrible Swelling That Won't Go Away

My whole pregnancy I have had a little swelling in my hands, feet, lower legs and ankles.. But I've never had anything like this with ANY of my other pregnancies, just a little swelling that comes and goes. This is now different n has gotten bad the passed couple days  I can no longer see where my ankles are, my feet are so swollen it hurts to walk on,them,or bend them. I've tried eating bananas, I don't add salt when cooking, tried to soak my hands and feet, even tried putting my feet up..

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Horrible Muscle Spasm In My Back

I have horrible muscle spasms in my back, sometimes they seem like cramps though. I turned 18 about a month ago, will a doctor prescribe me a muscle relaxer for this? Is there a different class of medication to look into that might be more effective? My dad recommended baclofen. I have read about some health complications using this though. Not asking how to get a RX. WILL they write me one or blow me off as an 18 year old drug seeker, and WILL it help (possibly). I've done trigger point injections, deep tissue PT for years and nothing helps. The problem comes back like a week after stopping and my insurance only covers x appointments. My therapist noticed my ribs keep elevating up and need popped back in place. This may be due to muscle spasms? I'm just tired. Tired of pain, doctors not doing anything, and nothing changing.

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Cannabis :: Horrible Day After Smoking Weed

I'm 21 years old and yesterday (sept. 28) was my first time I smoked weed and I took 4 puffs of it with two other friends. I had this horrible trip and really do not want to ever smoke weed ever again. It was scary and I felt like I was really going to die. I went to sleep and had my full 8 hours of sleep and woke today (sept. 29) feeling better, but I still feel strange. I can hardly concentrate. I'm experiencing paranoia and anxiety and according to some posts, I guess it's from the THC level intake. I probably have low tolerance since It's my first time smoking it. I'm really scared that whatever it is I'm feeling or going through is permanent. Should I call the hospital? Will I be charged with marijuana use?

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Contraception :: Horrible Depression Due To Pill

I had taken THE pill for only 3 months and since then i am having horrible depression.i am now 3 months off bc., but no improvements in My condition.
i am seeing a psychologist and she says that i should wait another 3 months and then only try for anti-depressants. I thought that being 3 months on THE pill is not long.

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NuvaRing - Horrible Migraine On First Time Use

A few days ago I tried the NuvaRing for the first time. The first two days were fine. Then yesterday I was at work and I got this horrible migraine and then I turned pale. I was nauseous and dizzy, it was so bad that I slightly fainted and my supervisor told me to go lay down. When I got home I had a low grade fever and abdominal pain. I took that damn ring out. Birth control has never done this to me. I have been in bed trying to sleep off the fevers. I think I may have an infection. I'll be calling the doctor Monday.

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Vaginal Health :: Horrible Smells

I shower everyday or every other day, and my vagina smells like 1 day old urine, or lard.  I am so embarrassed to say the least.  I have tried Vaginal washes, Douching, just water, and nothing seems to get rid of this horrible smell.

Can someone please give me a solution as to what I should be smelling down there.  Some women smell like flowers, and some women have no smell at all?

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Pregnant? Diarrhea And Horrible Cramps

diarrhea and horrible cramps. The bleeding has been going on for 3 weeks, the discharge has always kind of been there and the diarrhea just started about a week ago. Pregnancy of course is possible but after 2 years we kind of don't think of that anymore. My ob/gyn isn't available until the first week of february and I'm a little on edge. I have been stressed over a few things.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Can't Sleep Horrible Contractions Down My Sides

im so excited to go to sleep right now but I'm keep Getting horrible contractions down my sides to my hips and in my lower back....

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Headache :: Horrible Head Pain - Slight Changes In C5 And C6

I have been experiencing horrible head pain for the past 6 months. I've been to a neurologist and had multiple tests (MRI's/CT scans) performed and everything has come back normal. The only thing that has come up has been "lordosis" in my neck and "slight changes in C5 and C6" in my neck. My headaches started back in May when I was moving out of my apartment and seemed to have strained myself. I have been going to a PT and that has not helped. Additionally, I have had 2 nerve blocks, trigger point injections, and dry needling, none of which have helped. I am scheduled to get botox injections in my neck and lower head to hopefully help. Additionally, I am going to a neck/spine specialist. Both happening next week. Can anyone relate to the pain that I have been having? My pain seems to start in my neck and travel all over my head, on one side of head to the other, behind eyes, behind ears, etc. It feels like a stinging, uncomfortable pain. Someone please help, give suggestions, relate to me!! Feeling desperate and feeling like my head will never get better.

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Rotten Potato Horrible Smell From Vagina

I have a rotten potato smell coming from my vagina. I have been treated for bacteria vaginosis for over a year now, on and off. The smell is back almost immediately. I had a pelvic pig skin graft put in 4 years ago. I am thinking the pig was alive when implanted and has now died inside of me. Seriously the smell is horrible and my life is ruined. If there's no cure or help then my life is over. No women wants to live like this. Time will tell. My mental stability right now is at wits end. I am so done with life if this smell doesn't go away

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Sertraline :: Day 28 Zoloft - Having Horrible Vivid Dreams

So I'm on day 28 of starting Zoloft & I'm feeling worse than before I started the meds. I'm sleeping okay but having horrible vivid dreams. I've had a few good days but now if I don't feel anxious I feel depressed & Iv zero enthusiasm for anything 😞 I'm unsure whether to persevere or up my dose.

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Anxiety :: Trouble Sleeping And Horrible Nightmares

Well my boyfriend is having trouble sleeping but when he does sleep he has horrible nightmares that feel really real and now he won't sleep cuz the dreams terrify him what should I do?

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Hyperthyroidism After Coming Off Lithium?

Anyone ever developed Hyperthyroidism after coming off lithium?

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Sore Throat Due To Hyperthyroidism

I have what feels like a sore throat but further down my throat. It comes and goes but it's more late afternoon when it comes on. I don't want to eat as it feels like my food is stuck or talk because it's so sore but when I wake up it's ok? I went to doctors Last week they reduced my beta blockers because I was so zapped out. I mentioned my throat but he wasn't concerned and barely looked. He seemed miffed that the specialist mentioned I need to be careful about sore throats due to thyroid med and white blood cells. He was annoyed about having a blood test. Dr hasn't rung back so I guess that's ok but is my throat normal problem for overactive thyroid.

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Hyperthyroidism :: Ears Pop When Swallowing

i was diagnosed with hyperthyroid 6 weeks ago, started taking metoprolol 25mg twice a day... on the 4th day i noticed my ears were popping every time i swallowed... and have been ever since.  went to ENT today and had a scope done of nose and throat w/everything fine... anyone else had this type of issue?  

I finally see specialist tomorrow and hope to get on meds... i have tremors all over body, anxiety, fatigue, high heart rate (120 at times)

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Hyperthyroidism :: Propranolol With Carbimazole

Have just been given carbimazole 5mg x 2 a day until I see my endocrinologist in December. I am on propranolol x 10mg x 3 a day. Just a query- when do you stop propranolol?

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Hyperthyroidism :: Depression With Propranolol?

Just wondered if any of you had experienced depression when taking propranolol? I am sure it effects me? Had to go back on it recently as i was experiencing palpitations and very fast pulse! One week in, i can feel dark cloud feeling! Does anyone know is it only beta blockers that stop palpitations?

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Hyperthyroidism :: Benefits Of Selenium?

My daughter has hyperthyroidism and thyroid eye disease, her Ophthalmologist suggested she take selenium, along with her usual block and replace medication. Is anyone else taking this? Any comments would be welcome. 

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