Hemorrhoids :: A Small Painless Bump Outside My Anus

I Don't drink soda, Only water every day. But I do Have constipation, but it's not painful. I also don't bleed when I do use the restroom. I Do Exercise often (Army JROTC pt) but I have a Small bump on the outside of my anus. (it's not painful)it also doesn't hurt when I sit down, but it is visible. Do you think I do?

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Hemorrhoids :: On Bowel Movement Protruding Bump From My Anus

I have a protruding bump from my anus when I have a bowel movement. It comes out when I have a BM and then goes back up when I'm done. Sometimes it will stay out for a day or two. There is also occasion minor bleeding from this. There is sometimes shape pain while having BM and sometimes no pain at all. Sometimes I have diarrhea and sometimes it's harder to come out. There generally isn't much pain except when the bump/lump won't go back up. This has been going on for years. I am 33 year old female. What could this be?

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Hemorrhoids :: Very Painful Quarter Size Bump On My Anus

I have a very painful quarter size bump on my Anus, on my cheek. I read some things about it and some people are saying it's cancer and others are saying it's just a zit like thing. I'm not going to pop it, though it feels like there may be pus or blood underneath. It's very painful and I've had it for days please help! I've had something like it before on my anus but it just went away. Do I need to see a doctor?

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Hemorrhoids :: Painful Bump On My Sphincter

I had a bump on my sphincter and it was slightly painful. It showed up Thursday night after I went to the gym and yesterday it seemed to have popped. The size of the bump has gone down but now there is some blood and clear liquid coming out. I can't see it since it is near the hole (sorry for the image). What could it be?

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Hemorrhoids Or Swollen Anus?

The other day I felt a sting in my buttocks. Upon further inspection there appears to be at least one definite purple lump around the anal hole but if I push like I would during a bowel movement the whole anus gets purple and puffy with the same looking lumps as the original one. Pain and itching is accompanied to this. Is it actually hemorrhoids? Should I go to the doctor even though it's embarrassing or is it really even embarrassing?

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Hemorrhoids :: Dwellings Around The Anus

I have some dwellings around the anus ... They are just at the entrance. They aren't painful and there isn't any bleeding .. I'm ... I guess naturally worried as to what it is but I'm scared to go to the doctors as I've had a couple of bad experiences.

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Hemorrhoids :: Pea Like Growth Outside My Anus

This is sort of an embarrassing question...Recently I found out that there is something unusual just outside of my anus. It has grown like a pea. When I touch it, it is sort of hard but smooth red colour,and it hurts a bit. What should I do ?

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Hemorrhoids :: Someone Was Jabbing A Knife In My Anus

For about a week I've been having a hard time passing stool. It all started last Thursday when I came home from school and sat down to use the toilet. When I pushed i felt excruciating pain and it felt like someone was jabbing a knife in my anus. Also it burned. The burning came from an excessive amount of hot sauce intake (I love hot sauce and eat it with everything). Friday through Sunday was horrible. I drank tons of water and ate a lot of prunes and eventually went downstairs and bought some milk of magnesia. That seemed to do the trick and by Sunday my stool was soft enough to come out and the burning wasn't as bad. But ever time I did use the bathroom my anus would hurt and burn and swell. I thought everything was okay, but today when I arrived home from school I sat on the toilet and again when I pushed I felt like a knife was jabbing me in my anus. It hurts so bad! I just want to use the bathroom normally. This has never happened before and truthfully it's terrifying me. Do I have hemorrhoids? How can I stop the pain?

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Hemorrhoids :: Protruding Piles From My Anus

I am 40yr old female from Zimbabwe Africa. I have one external protruding pile from my anus & I don't know what to do. I'ts not painful, no bleeding but i hate the way it's been sticking out for the past 20 years. Sometimes when i use the toilet it feels like there is still something wanting to come out & if i push it sticks out more. I never consulted a doctor over it. Anyone with a remedy?

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Hemorrhoids :: Swelling Outside My Buthole (anus)

How can I feel better cause my but hole is swelled up and it hurts when I sit down

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Pea Size Nodule At My Anus

i have internal hemorrhoids. but now i found a new small pea size nodule in my anal opening that nodule bumps.

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Spot Like Lump Next To My Anus

I have a small spot like lump next to my anus and I have no idea what it could be. I am so embarrassed to go to my doctor straight away and was wondering if anyone could be of service?

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Lump Right On The Opening Of My Anus

I have discovered a small lump right on the opening of my anus.

It is about the size of a pea and looks almost blue or black in colour.

It feels exactly the same as a pea - solid behind the skin covering it.

I am extremely worried as I don’t know what it is. It is very sore, especially when passing stools.

Initially it wasn't painful at all and now it is. Yesterday I got it little open using surgical blade and small amount of blood came out.

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Anus Balloons, Mucous, Puffy And Purple - Hemorrhoids?

It started out with some swelling in my perineum. Eventually my anus become swollen shut (now constipated for 5 days), and my anus has balloons around it, mucous, and it's puffy and purple. Preparation H makes the swelling decrease a little bit, but I'm worried because I cannot flex my perineum so I have erectile dysfunction. It feels like my perineum is disappearing.

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Hemorrhoids ? Swollen Anus - Now Pea Sized Lump On Opening

I have had a swollen anus for about 2 months now, it was painful to begin with and then settled down but now there is a little pea-sized lump on the anal opening that is tender. I can push it back in and it usually come out on the toilet along with some swelling. My knickers are wet today, also with slight urge to itch anal area. What could this be? Is it haemorrhoids? How should I treat it?

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Hemorrhoids :: Small Lump On My Anus Which Is Extremely Sore

I have a small lump on my anus which is extremely sore. I was hoping to get some advice of a diagnosis and treatment required to get rid if it. I have recently had anal sex. It's almost like a swollen blood vein that has popped out.

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Hemorrhoids? Stomach Pain, Constipation And Itch Anus

so I've had an ongoing stomach problem caused by a bug for a few months earlier in the year which now with the right treatment seems to be going/gone.

however the tablets I take have caused me to be severely constipated.

i'm 26, have never suffered with constipation, or piles for that matter but for the last 6 months - 1 year I have had an itchy bottom.

basically when I went to the toilet 3 days ago I was pushing too hard to pass a stool. Afterwards when I wiped I noticed some bright red blood in the tissue.

i went to see my doctor yesterday who said it's probably piles, hasn't given me anything for it except some high fibre drinks to help with the constipation.

i'm worried now that with the previous stomach problems it's something to do with that. My dr never examined me. But Surely I would have pain if a pile had popped and I don't have my, there's also nothing around my anus so I'm presuming they must be inside

i've been to the toilet this morning and there's still some blood when I wipe, how long does this last?. 

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Hemorrhoids Or Worms - Itchy Anus - Garlic Clove?

I hate to think I might not be able to ever truly get rid of these pinworms. It started around October of 2014 where my butt was itchy and thought it couldn't be normal since it happened almost every night. I went to the Dr and explained to him what was happening and even said to him that maybe it was parasites. I didn't know at the time if it was or not but being from a Hispanic culture where if your butt is itchy you assume it's parasites. The Dr just said it was normal that some people had an itchy anus and gave me some cream to put on that area. Fast forward to march where I had to go back in because it didn't stop and had another Dr check and said maybe it was hemorroides so I was prescribed something for that. Then the itchiness came back and I FELT something squirm in my butt I was horrified, I checked and yup, it was a pinworm. I went back to the Dr and assured her I had worms so she prescribed me some pills. I toOK one already and am suppose to take another in 2 weeks. But the itchiness is horrible, I have kids who sometimes stay at their father's house and feel horrible that if they have them then the bed sheets or anything else might be infected. I told him to wash everything and explained how important it was, but he won't do the whole cleaning every day thing. I have washed all my sheets and towels and kids stuffed animals and had my carpet washed and everything but I work and go the class at night and can't wash every single day the way it's suggested. I've been changing underwear and washing daily and going crazy with hand sanitizer and lysol but I read lysol doesn't do anything. I was spraying lysol ever day and night all over my house but I guess that does nothing? I was wondering if maybe rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle might help instead? I need to know how else to keep the house clean if I cant wash the sheets daily. I am going insane. I want to get rid of these little monsters!! My mom told me to take a garlic clove and grind it up with a bit of this liquor called Aguardiente which is like liquorice but just a few drops and eat that early on the morning like 4 am or 5 am before I ate anything else, that what her grandma gave her when she was a young girl to prevent and get rid of parasites.

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Hemorrhoids :: A Lump/cyst Looking Thing On The Opening Of My Anus

I am a 28 year old male. I have a lump/cyst looking thing on the left opening of my anus. It was red in color yesterday and very sore. Today when I got off work, I found that half of it is black. It bleeds very little ( only when wiping) and I am not sure if it leaking some clear fluid or not. It is about the size of a quarter. Is there any diagnosis you could give me. Or possible home remedies to try and fix the problem.

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