Hemorrhoids :: Hemorrhoidectomy Countdown

41 year old male. Had piles on and off since I was 15 (damn exam stress). Last year things got worse, explosive toilet sessions, blood everywhere... Decided to go see my GP, it was a new doctor, heard my symptoms and immediately referred me to a hospital. A few months later, saw the conflating (nice chap) and advised to go for the chop.

was due to have a pre-op on 22nd Feb but they had a cancellation so moved my procedure to 11th!

is there anything I can do to prepare myself in the remaining few days?

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Hemorrhoidectomy For Hemorrhoids After LUPUS Flare

I had a hemorrhoidectomy on 3/12 and I just had my follow up appointment. My doctor didn't even look to see if I was healing properly. He asked about pain and discomfort then offered to write another prescription to get me through even though I told him I stop taking the prescribed pain pills and moved to over the counter Tylenol after a BM. Let me rewind, this was my first case of external hemorrhoids which occurred during a LUPUS flare. On top of me having LUPUS, my first case of hemorrhoids were thrombus. Anyway back to the concern at hand. I still see what appears to me as two hemorrhoids, one red, and constantly bleeding and the other itching like crazy. I'm not sure what I can do for the discomfort due to one of the hemorrhoids appearing to be open, I'm afraid to put any type of medication on them due to the fear of pain returning. This surgery was my first surgery, I've never had kids, so the pain I experience during these last three weeks had me on the verge go asking God to take me now. I'm not sure if I should be concerned and schedule another appointment with the doctor and request him to take a look or if this is the normal healing process.

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Hemorrhoids :: Hemorrhoidectomy - Swelling After Surgery

I am two weeks post surgery and I have a lump where the surgery site was and the stitches. This was external hemorrhoid surgery. I would like to know if this is common and how long does it take to go away? ?

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Hemorrhoids :: Pain Relief After Hemorrhoidectomy?

I had my op 2 days ago and at first I thought that the pain was bearable,what I didn't know was that it hadn't even begun!

I have suffered with painful piles for many many years, I had them injected which eased them for a while the doctor at the hospital told me it was necessary for me to have surgery.

I prepared myself as best as I could by getting healthy. I ate a healthy diet and walked for an hour a day as well as working a 40 hour week.

But nothing prepares you for this. I have been in terrible pain all night, I passed my first motion in the early hours and the pain was so severe I was sick everywhere at the same time, which put a further strain on my bum. The pain since has been so intense that I don't know what to do with myself. I laid in the bath for half an hour which gave some relief but once out the pain was back.

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Hemorrhoids :: Scar Tissue After Hemorrhoidectomy

I had a Hemorrhoidectomy in October of 2012 and I did have some complications with it. It is now 3 years later and things have gotten a little worse. Over time I have developed some internal scar tissue at the site of the wound (this was confirmed today by a Colorectal Surgeon) which has resulted in me having a hard time defecating and constant constipation. The outside of my anal opening is a little irritated as well and he gave me a topical cream for it. However, he told me not to worry about the scar tissue....that I wouldn't have never known it was there until he told me. However, I knew something was wrong because of the narrow stools. So I'm not trying to determine if their are any OTC creams i can use internally to smooth out or get rid of the scar tissue. I remember reading somewhere awhile back about non surgical treatments for scar tissue due to Hemorrhoidectomy surgery but I can't remember where.

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Hemorrhoids :: Fecal Incontinence After Hemorrhoidectomy

I'm curious about others who have had this experience after the procedure. Mine seems to be getting worse everyday. I'm on day 9 post surgery. I've had a very difficult time going to the restroom when on the toilet, generally I just sit there for a couple of minutes hoping for something (I'm afraid to strain so I don't push at all). It seems to only happen when I'm not on the toilet, and it has been happening almost every hour at this point.

And I'm barely eating, I've lost 20 pounds over these 9 days (I'm a big man, but not obese). What I have eaten has been strictly fiber rich foods. And I'm also taking fiber, along with lortabs for the pain and milk of magnesia at night to counteract the pain killers.

There is no warning though, I simply lose control of my bowels and can't stop it until it wants to stop. If anyone else has experienced this please reply to this. I'd like to know when it stopped. I desperately want to get out of my house but cannot until this ends.

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Hemorrhoids :: Thrombosed And Hemorrhoidectomy Experience

I'd like to post my experience with these awful, awful hemorrhoids. Let me give you all some background first....so I have a habit of bringing my phone in the bathroom and reading articles, checking emails, social networks, whether, bank accounts, credit cards, bills, but the point is my BMs generally took a few minutes but sat on the toilet far too long, anywhere from 15-30 minutes and maybe longer. I saw having BMs as a perfect break point in my super busy life to get updates on emails and such. DO NOT DO THAT, please God do not make the same mistake as me.

So this behavior has been going on for quite some time and a week or so ago is when it all went downhill. Now I always shower after BMs if I'm home, so I started noticing these bulges in my anal area during my showers. They just went away and they didn't really hurt or anything and my initial thought was, "huh...hmmm that's weird". But other than that, I totally ignored it.

I didn't even really know what hemorrhoids were. So then one Friday night a few days ago I had a BM. Hopped in the shower (as I was home) and noticed another bulge in my anus and initially I was like, "huh, what is this weird thing". Towards the end of the shower I noticed that this time it didn't go away. At this point all I was thinking was, what the f***....so I began googling and soon educated myself on hemorrhoids and made the self diagnosis that I now had a thrombosed hemorrhoid. I immediately called my family doc and Monday afternoon I had it checked out. He confirmed my self diagnosis and referred me to a specialist whose literal job is to look at hemorrhoids. By the way, that weekend while waiting for my appointment was awfully painful, I had a hard time playing with my dog, making love and BMs were the absolute worst. Anyway, my family doc said that the specialist would probably make an incision, drain the dreadful roid and then I'd be fine....WRONG.

So I called the specialist (over 25 years of hemorrhoid experience) and scheduled an appointment later the same day (Monday). I went in optimistic, however, after the specialist checked it he said, "Chris, this is a pretty big thrombosed hemorrhoid, and I'm going to have to remove it. You also have a rather large internal hemorrhoid that needs to be removed as well, I can't just drain it at this level". By the way, it was about the size of a decent grape tomato. So surgery was scheduled for the next day (Tuesday) , a hemorrhoidectomy.

This being my first surgery ever, I was scared out of my mind. I watched the medical procedure on some college website which only worsened my anxiety (please don't do that). The surgery went well and I felt perfectly fine in the recovery room (the drugs hadn't worn off yet). However, the pain started to present itself after a few hours being at home. I tried to have a BM that night but nothing but blood came out, no pain though. After my BM attempt I made a warm bath and sat in it for maybe 30 mins, which really relieved the pain. So this brings me to today, this morning (Wednesday).

I'm currently sitting in another warm bath and the pain is minimal in the water. I have a difficult time walking around as I can't stand up straight. So far the pain has been tolerable and overall not as awful as some other posts suggest. I still haven't had a BM since the surgery about 14 hours ago. Honestly, I'm terrified too. I'll try to keep updating this with comments as I progress through recovery.

I have the idea that when I attempt to have my first BM, it will be in a warm sitz bath. I'll clean it out then hop in the tub, as I heard having a BM in the water is much less painful, gross but I think it will be effective and absolutely worth it. Just remember to stay as clean as possible. This is my first forum post ever so bare with me as I attempt to update. Thanks for reading and wish me luck.

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Hemorrhoids (stage 3) :: Does Hemorrhoidectomy Worth It?

Hi! I'm going to preface this post with some background information: I'm 19 and I've been suffering with constipation for my entire life (my parents have videos of me straining to have a BM when I was still in pampers). It wasn't until last year that I was diagnosed with constipation by delayed colonic transit and put on Miralax to help move my BM's.

Unfortunately, because this diagnosis came so late, I've been straining to have BM's for the past 19 years, changes in lifestyle (diet, exercise, fiber supplement, etc.) all for naught. This straining led to hemorrhoids, which brings me to this forum. I've been dealing with hemorrhoids since elementary school, and when I have a flare up, I'm practically debilitated from the pain– my last flare-up kept me awake for 3 days straight and gave me multiple migraines. The flare-ups happen once every few months, but can last up to a week. 

I wanted to know if anyone on here has had a hemorrhoidectomy, and what their experience with the procedure was like. I'm figuring that my hemorrhoids are AT LEAST a stage 3, and the surgery looks like the most permanent option. Also, if anyone has constipation by delayed colonic transit and as a result have developed hemorrhoids: how have you dealt with it? What has worked for you? 

I see a lot of the post-op for a hemorrhoidectomy has to do with the intake of fiber, but too much fiber can actually make me MORE constipated. :( 

Any thoughts, opinions, or personal experiences would be a LIFESAVER. Thanks for listening to my rambles! 

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Hemorrhoids :: Hysterectomy With Hemorrhoidectomy - Pain 2 Days Post Op

I had my hemorrhoidectomy and they also removed my right ovary in the same operation on 30 March 2016.

It is now 3 April 2016 so it has been 4 days since my op. I had no pain the first 2 days and then the local anesthetic wore off!

Now it is excruciatingly painful. I have found that bathing in a little lukewarm water with 2 hands of salt for 15 minutes help a lot.

And for constipation you can go to your local pharmacy and buy an enima ask them for one that you can drink!

Trust me it is much better than to put a tube up your sore bum!!! The doctor can also prescribe a numbing ointment that helps a lot!!

Goodluck to all my buds out there!!! I know how it feels!!!

One question i have is it normal to still have the swollen loose skin on the outside of your anus?

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Hemorrhoids :: Extreme Pain Post PPH Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy

Three months post stapled hemorrhoidectomy. Still experiencing terrible pain throughout rectum and butt cheeks. Feels like someone crushed glass, poured alcohol on it, then smeared it inside me. Symptoms indicate prolapse as well, but surgeon has examined multiple times and says that is not the problem. No hemorrhoids present and surgery has healed normally. He does not know what to do though. I did have similar pain for many years before the surgery, but more like sand paper was rubbing against my skin and rectum and only half as painful. Anyone else with this experience?

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Hemorrhoids :: Hemorrhoidectomy, Rubber Band Ligation And Other Solutions

I'Ve had hemorrhoids my whole life, i'm 35 and overweight and not active.  I sit for hours on the toilet and usually only eat meat.  I have fast tracked surgery and am now terrified to get it done.  My piles have since become a normal part of my life, but every once in awhile ill have flare ups when i eat something i KNOW my bowels don't like, like pork fat or beef fat or if foods were cooked or defrosted improperly, like rotting meat etc.  AFter every flarup i usually go through what i ate and i can pinpoint what it is by buying what it is and trying to only eat that product for the day to see how my bowels react.    My question is that should I get this surgery done to remove my internal and external piles?  I have heard that people lose the ability to control it and my own parents have both had hemorrhoidectomies, and my father has had leakage ever since that surgery.  Needless to say hemorrhoids run in my family.  I want to be able to eat whatever foods and enjoy my life.  I hate having to live in fear of food and how it totally screws my life up for work and play.  I just want to live a normal life like all the normal people who eat whatever they want and don't get hemorrhoids.  I realise that even when I get the surgery I still cannot eat anything that will cause my bowels to flare up because it will just cause more "new" hemorrhoids to flare up?  Proper diet, exercise etc will make sure that I never get them again, but should I get the surgery done?  I have had rubber banding done and I had a real bad flareup after it so I booked surgery instead of spending a year of rubber banding my anus.  My uncle told my mom that he had the rubber banding done and still had to have surgery because they can come back after the rubber banding!  My doctor said that it could take more than 1 surgery to remove them all and I'm terrified at having to have one surgery let alone 2?  I'm at a place right now in my life where I can cope and live with it, and live with the flare ups, but i keep wondering that if there is hope i can live a normal life without hemorrhoids, should i take that chance?  Please I need help from fellow sufferers of this affliction, or medical professionals.  I tried to talk to my surgeon and he wants to continue rubberbanding and then discuss surgery.  I then went to see him again to talk about surgery and that I had heard that they can come back even after banding and that I want them removed and never to come back again, and he then said that he can do the surgery and scheduled my hemoroidectomy in 2 weeks.  Should i just continue with RBL(rubber band ligation) although painful flareups for two weeks happen afterwards?  Should I just keep my surgery appointment and get them cutout and then deal with whatever consequences?  Im scared reading about people getting fistula's or puss and bleeding and other complications from surgery which turn their lives into a living hell.  living with hemoroids seems much better than having your *** swell up so huge and be constantly painful and having to have more surgeries or procedures to cut and drain the puss from absess's or fistula's that are a result of surgery.

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Bowel Disorder :: Hemorrhoid One Week After Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy?

On March 13th, I had a hysterectomy along with a Hemorrhoidectomy. The hysterectomy was performed first and then the Hemorrhoidectomy.

I haven't seen the hem surgeon since my initial appointment. He didn't come see me during pre-op, nor did he visit my family to let them know the results when the surgery was over. He didn't even come see me for discharge. I have received nothing from him, which means I have absolutely no idea what occurred during my surgery, nor what to expect during recovery.

Exactly one week to the day of my surgery, I developed what I think is a hemorrhoid. It is swollen, painful, stings, burns and itches just like one. I called his nurse, alarmed. She basically brushed me off. She said I could see him in another town on Wednesday, go to the ER, or see him at my scheduled follow-up appointment on Friday. She didn't even address my concerns that I have a hemorrhoid right after the surgery to remove them.

Can anyone please clue me into the recovery expectations from the stapled Hemorrhoidectomy procedure? I plan on letting this man have it when I see him at my follow-up appointment.

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Hemorrhoids :: Internal Hemorrhoids Can Give A Positive FOBT?

Do you know if second degree internal hemorrhoids can give a positive FOBT test if you do not have noticeable blood.

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Hemorrhoids :: Thrombosed Internal Hemorrhoids Not Responding To Injections

My internal hems. are not responding to a doctor's injections. They (3) are not major, but I wish (almost) they would become thrombus so it/they could be cut out. I had that years ago.

The pain is not so great as to cause bleeding, toilet trouble but the pain is there every day for two months.

Putting on ointments in public toilets all the time to cool the pain. Awful. Inconvenient and interferes with daily life.

Gets worse with stress.

Getting desperate, looking online - Venapro. But online wonder-meds never seem to work so I'm sceptical.

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Advice On Chlamydia And Gonorrhea?

I have a girlfriend, about a month ago I had sex outside my relationship with an escort.  The condom broke. I was worried about chlamydia and gonorrhea immediately. Although I never got any kind of burning sensation or coloured discharge.

few days after the encounter I saw my GP and asked him for treatment, without testing. A positive test result cold potentially have devastating effect and word would get out believe it or not. So the doctor gave me a course of azithromycin for 5 days along with a course of doxycycline for a week.

Two weeks after that I found our that the medicine he gave me does not cure gonorrhea only chlamydia. Also at the same time I was told by my girlfriend that she thinks she has a yeast infection. to be on the safe side I treated her and myself again with cefixime 400 for 1 week and 1 gram of azithromycin on the first day followed by 500mg the second day.

We are now a week on from that treatment, and I still have doubts about myself. My girlfriend's "yeast infection" has cleared up almost completely. But for me I have a weird feeling in my penis, almost like a slight itchiness inside. Also I feel as if there is always a drop left that I need to squeeze out, and when I do squeeze it I get the teeniest drop of clear fluid that comes out, also my testicles feel itchy (not sure if this is related). At first I just thought it was my mind overthinking and me worrying that was doing this... but now I'm quite sure that things are not normal

I dont want this to ruin our relationship as we have two children together, and I need any treatment to happen in secret. I can get my hands on any medication that is required quite easily.

1- What do I do about myself? Is there any additional meds I need to take? Do I need the intramusclar injection of Ceftriaxone??

2- Do I need to do anything about my girlfriend? especially since I cant tell her what has happened for the sake of our kids!! Is she fine if she is symptom free? Could she be cured with the course of antibiotics I gave her?  Please note she also took anti fungal meds at the same time.

Would really appreciate any advice I could get.

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Pregnancy :: Constipation Any Advice?

Any advice or tips to get things moving?

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Laparoscopy For Endometriosis? Need Advice

Long story short, I've been suffering from excruciatingly debilitating cramps every single cycle,this started three ish years ago I spend hours in the ER I've been admitted few times as well and it's the same bloody routine every single time

I'm in immobilizing pain, cold and hot flashes, nausea, vomiting fainting poor appetite dehydration low blood sugar levels heart palpitations weakness fatigue exhaustion crankiness moody insomnia etc etc

All these symptoms I experience up to two weeks before my period then during the first 3-4 days of my period then total exhaustion few days after my period and I'm symptom free a week before my period give and take. I should also mention that I've had several x-rays, ultrasounds and all kinds of blood tests and everything comes out good healthy and no problems yet I have these symptoms that just don't seem to go away, last stop for me was a visit to an endocrinologist and he's taking care of my thyroid problem given a new doze a little over a month ago and things are looking fine on that end I had a referral from him to see a gynecologist in mid September but having been bed bound with all the symptoms and persistent pain on my right abdomen I spent the night in the hospital and everything came out good both the blood and the urine tests and the ultrasound and regardless of how many drugs were given to me via an IV I was still experiencing bad persistent tedious excruciatingly painful pain on the right side of my abdomen so the gynecologist today discussed laparoscopy with me and I felt so comfortable around her and being as fed up as I am with all this pain I said I'll go for it

It will be a Diagnostic Laparoscopy for Endometriosis she put it as urgent and she'll be the one performing the procedure I'm happy things will finally start to clear out and hopefully I'll be in my way to some kind of cure hopefully but I'm so nervous please help any words of comfort or advice will be greatly appreciated. I did half the paper work already and I'll have some more to do the day of I have a really good doctor guiding me thru this call me weak or crazy but I'm incredibly nervous.

It would be nice to hear from anyone who's done this kind of procedure please BTW I'm 23 years old, healthy no health complications non smoker or drinker

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Any Advice Regarding Gestational Diabetes ?

So, just found out i have gestational diabetes. How many of you moms have this and do u have any advice?

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Pre Hip Replacement Advice / Tips?

My LTHR had been scheduled for next week. During my pre op session last week the dr remarked that the pains down my left leg may be due to a spine issue, while the groin pain would almost certainly would be due to my bad left hip. He is suggesting that I see his spine colleague before he definitely goes ahead with the hip op.

My question to you hippies: before your hip op did you have pains down your leg(s) including ankle? And (this is the important bit) did the hip op get rid of the leg pains? I am thinking that if your answer is yes to both questions then maybe I should get a second opinion from another surgeon.

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