Heart Disease :: Jaw Pain After Stent Placement

My Dad had a Stent placed after a heart attack one week ago.  He has been having jaw pain all day.  Should we be worried?

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Sjogren's Syndrome :: No Treatment Options

i have had sjogrens since I was 41 years old, I'm now 74 . I've been told there's nothing can be done for it, it's just as I've got older I ache more and get extremely tired,I do go out walking with my dog to get some exercise, have a sit down , then do a few jobs , then sit down and so forth , sjogrens is not life threatening, but it changes your life completely .but it's nice to keep in touch with people who has this horrible condition.

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Interstitial Cystitis - Treatment Options?

I developed excruciating burning in my bladder within the last two weeks. After ruling out a bladder infection, and after doing much Internet research, my symptoms (burning 24/7) seem to match interstitial cystitis. Has anyone received this diagnosis? It appears that the condition is chronic and very very difficult to treat, and that there are no proven treatment. There are treatments but they are pretty extreme (you can Google them under treating Interstitial Cystitis.) 

So what a low blow. Can anyone out there help me? I see a urologist for the first time tomorrow. Can anyone tell me what I am in for to cure this horrible burning?

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Thick Uterus Lining And Treatment Options

I was having some bleeding for about 3 weeks and it is being investigated now. I had ultrasound, biopsy (awaiting results) but I am just looking for my options. If they find something bad in the biopsy of course it looks like a hysterectomy. But if nothing shows I,m still stuck with the thick lining and bleeding. I have heard horror stories about the ablation, and I have heard its not a good idea with a previous C-section. My doctor thought I may be lacking progesterone or in fact estrogen dominant. I am currently taking progesterone to help with the bleeding for 10 days. It is working well and I feel great, and other symptoms I was having have stopped. Anyone have a D @ C with or without hormone therapy and did it help. I am 47.5 years old and if I can just coast for a few years until menopause I may be able to avoid a hysterectomy.

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Varicose Veins :: An Overview And Treatment Options

Varicose veins are in some cases unavoidable.  Many times, there are ways to naturally prevent and soothe them.

Get plenty of exercise to get your blood circulating, Elevate your legs on pillows daily for 10 minutes or more, Avoid excess weight gain, Dry-brush your legs daily to improve circulation. (This can prevent varicose veins from forming.) Use a natural-bristle brush with a long handle that allows you to reach all parts of your body. Gently brush your legs from the ankles up in a circular motion. Do this before you shower, so you can wash off any dead skin you brush off. Follow with moisturizer or body oil. Don't brush areas with existing varicose veins because you may irritate them.

Take sociable garlic and vitamin E capsules to improve circulation and vitamin C and B-complex vitamins to strengthen your blood vessels, Massage your legs with upward strokes, flushing your blood up to your heart. Use a massage oil made with 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop of peppermint oil in a coconut oil base (use unscented coconut oil), or put only the essential oils into a small spray bottle filled with water and spray directly on your legs.
St. John's wort oil helps with inflammation of veins. Avoid sitting for too long, especially with your legs crossed,
Wear loose clothing.

Try acupuncture or reflexology treatments to get your circulation moving and to move any stagnant energy.

After a bath, apply castor oil directly onto the veins. Massage using upward strokes from your feet straight up your legs. Avoid standing for prolonged periods of time.

Apply a cool compress soaked in witch hazel on your legs. Add a few drops of rosemary oil to stimulate circulation.

Flex your feet up and down and circle your ankles to the left and to the right twice a day.

To help varicose veins, make sure you're getting enough of the following:

Calcium-rich foods, since varicose veins are aggravated by a calcium deficiency

Pineapple, to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cherries, as they contain a pigment that strengthens the walls of the veins

Foods high in fiber Plenty of water, to keep your bowels moving.

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Varicose And Spider Veins Treatment Options?

How do you treat spider veins and varicose veins without vein clinics?

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Parkinson :: Treatment Options Other Than Levodopa And Pramipexole?

Father suffers from parkinson's, My father has been suffering from parkinsons since 1992, he is 59 years old today and on tablet levodopa and pramipexole. Could anyone suggests other treatments to make him feel better?

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Hallux Rigidus - Fusing Or Cheilectomy - Treatment Options?

My body has been working on this big toe issue for years. I finally decided to see what it was and what I could do about it.

I have two choices: fusing or a lesser procedure called cheilectomy.

I am looking for feedback from anyone who has had either of these procedures done.

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Permanent Calf Muscle Pain - Treatment Options?

For 11 years I have suffered with this condition. The 1st diagnosis was claudication, 2nd arthritis, 3rd peripheral artery disease, 4th nerve interference from protruding spinal disc , 5 6 7 8 9 10 etc. I have taken every known treatment . Where would you suggest I try next ?

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Lichen Planus - Aids, Cures And Treatment Options?

I want to start a thread that concentrates on anything that helps - or anything tried that doesn't help.

I've been prescribed Dapsone, Allegra and Advantan - no improvement after 14 days

I've read that Ultraviolet B was completely successful for 70% of patients after 10.9 weeks and I can email that study to anyone interested. Ultra Violet B is provided by the sun but one person on this forum reported getting worse after spending time in the sun.

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Alcohol :: Can I Drink With Vulvar Vestibulitis And Treatment Meds?

I was diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis, a condition where the nerves in my vulval area are hypersensitive and cause swelling and itching upon the slightest disturbance (i.e. tight clothing, vibration from car rides, etc.). This was about 8 months ago, and my OBGYN prescribed me amitriptyline (25 mg)/ night and lexapro (10 mg)/day to calm these nerves over time. Can I have a drink or 2 with this condition? I really want to but am afraid that it will make my vestibulitis worse. Anyone else out there with vestibulitis who is facing or has faced this problem?

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Heart :: Failed Stent By Blood Clot - Trouble Breathing

I'm 44, athletic, vegetarian, never been hospitalized or seriously sick until Mid-October 2013. In mid October I had a heart attack, doctor put in stent but stent became blocked by blood clot several hours later; they couldn't get it re-opened. So it is permanently blocked...10-15% of my heart is dead. Dr said heart attack was in a good spot and I should do fine without the 10-15% of my heart. EF right before leaving hospital was 48 according to echo, EF at my checkup 5 weeks later was 46 according to an MRI. Because my heart rate was already really "athletic" and my blood pressure was good; the dr just put me on 12.5 mg metoprolol twice a day and of course plavix, aspirin because the heart attack was apparently caused by a large artery which still remains. Anyway, I just started a very low dose of ACE inhibitor Lisinopril (5 mg) about 5 weeks ago. Anyway....

Lately it seems like I have the desire to try to get a deep breath and I can't really. I can breath but it seems limited when I try to breath deeply.

Could this be low blood pressure (I'm really lethargic and dizzy when I first stand up after sitting or laying down)? Or could it be anxiety? When I'm busy doing something it doesn't really seem to bother me.

I know I need the ACE inhibitor and Beta to hopefully help my EF and hopefully keep me from getting worse.

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Hypothyroidism :: T3 Meds And A Pounding Heart

I have recently been been going through the transition of switching from levothyroxine alone (125mg previously) to a combination of this and liothyronine. I was given too much of both at the beginning of this transition and was told to stop Levo completely and I've only been taking 10mg of liothyronine for the last 4 days. 

I'm starting to feel tired and colder (as I am now under replaced), but I am still feeling a pounding in my chest.

has anyone else experienced this side effect of liothyronine and does it get better?

i'm desperate to stay on the T3 as it helps a lot with the tiredness and brain fog and Levo alone just doesn't work for me.

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Heart Disease :: High Blood Pressure / Slow Heart Rate

I have a heart rate most of the time from 42 to 50 BPM , my blood pressure is usually 145 to 160 over 75 to 80.  My cardiologist has me taking  75 mg, of Lopressor, 360 mg, of verapamil, .4 mg nitroglycerin  patch. And now he wants to add 10 mg of Ramipril ( Altace ) a day, my recent cardiograms have have shown sinus bradycardia. That's before starting the Ramipril , I'm just very leary about starting the Ramipril in first of all the highest dose there is, and second of all it could further lower my heart rate and send my heart into an AV Block that could lead to many things not good !

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Fissure In Ano :: Tips / Treatment Options - Chronic Anal Fissure

Anyway, I was at uni and going through a bad time in my life, whenever I get stressed my guts go into turmoil. As a result I was off uni for a week with severe rectal pain and feeling lower than a snake's belly. I booked an appointment with my GP as I had experienced similar symptoms before.

My GP recognised the symptoms immediately, I thought I had piles, she said I was too young so had a look. The digital examination wasn't fun, in fact she said she had never seen anyway change colour so quickly but it was worth it because I was referred to a colorectal surgeon.

I took my sick note back into my tutor and as I was doing a clinical degree, he said straight away that fissures were worsened and sometimes caused by stress. The penny dropped.

As I said I was going through a very very bad time in my life which necessitated me going on antidepressants (Cipralex) for my emotional state. When this was added to wall climbing agony due to fissures I was near breaking point. I remember after one bowel movement almost fainting with the pain, I was lying at the top of the stairs at my mum's house and clawing at the wallpaper with my fingernails - I have had a broken leg and in terms of pain that fissure was far worse, trust me.

I went to see the colo-rectal surgeon a few weeks later, I was terrified, but he was a lovely man, very very considerate. He told me that I had a large fissure that could be helped with an ointment. I told him my background so he talked a bit more openly and said that fissures are an incredibly debilitating condition. He once had a 16 stone rugby player openly weeping on his consulting couch with the pain - I can understand why.

I was prescribed GTN ointment and started using it as directed. I had a slight headache which I could live with, but this was far better than the agony of the fissure and this headache was pretty much gone after the first week. After a week of use the pain from the fissure had also subsided to nothing. After six weeks I went back to the surgeon and I was healed.

I wish that was the end of the story but it isn't, I have probably had four or five bad flare ups since and dozens of other twinges, spasms, bleeds and itches since but I am nowhere near as bad as the first time - I can live with this now. I have seen the surgeon twice since and he has offered surgery but my frame of mind precluded me from that, I was simply terrified.

My GP is very understanding and I can get GTN on prescription whenever I need it. I was prescribed Anoheal by the surgeon as well but this didn't work as well as GTN for me, but I have seen cases in work where this has been incredibly effective.

As I said earlier, I was doing a clinical degree, which I have now passed, so I feel that I am pretty well qualified to offer a bit of advice, so here it is.

1. Go and see your GP. Don't be embarrassed, your doctor has seen dozens of these - they are very very common. If you get fobbed off or feel that you haven't got anywhere, go back and tell him/her that you are not happy and you will go elsewhere i.e. change your GP. Changing your GP hits their bank balance, and as GPs are notoriously greedy, they will do something. Nobody should have to suffer with this.

2. Take something for the pain but NOT codeine. Ibuprofen worked best for me.

3. Drink plenty of fluids and lay off the alcohol while you are healing.

4. Eat lots of fibre and fresh fruit and veg, switch to brown bread and have something like Weetabix for breakfast. This softens stools and makes them easier to pass - less pain and less damage to existing fissures.

5. Use a stool softener, one Movicol sachet daily really really helped me. You can buy these over the counter from your local Pharmacist but tell them what it is for. Alternatively get them on prescription from your GP.

6. Lay off the red meat, there is some science to this as meat increases the residence time in the gut and predisposes to harder stools. This really helped me and I have seen a few accounts here where sufferers also say that.

7. Try to relax, easier said than done, but try simple things like having a hot bath instead of a shower. If anything helps you, no matter how crazy or off the wall it may sound, carry on doing it. Going out for a drive helped me. Staying active also helps constipation and makes you feel better. Don't stay in and stew - stay positive.

8. Stick to the doctor's directions of any drugs you are given. If you are told to apply a cream for 6 weeks into the anus, then make sure it goes into the anus for 6 weeks. And into the anus means into the hole - not nice, but a lot nicer than the agony from an untreated fissure.

Remember you are not alone, these things can be cured. You will feel terrible and you will feel like nobody else understands what you are going through but believe me, these things are very very common.

And if all the above doesn't help there is a simple operation that can be done on a day case basis that has a 95% chance of curing it for good.

If you are reading this you are no doubt feeling horrible but believe me, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Heart Disease :: Amphetamine Addict - Possible Heart Attack?

I'm going to be completely honest and as thorough as possible, I'm an addict, and I've had an addiction to stimulants for the last year and a half (consisting of about 95% amphetamine usage, never used methamphetamine). I usually keep my doses anywhere around 10-60mg cause I never wanted to over do it. Unfortunately, last week I dove in deep to my addiction due to a recent break up, about 4 days ago I did around 130 mg spread out through the day, I felt fine until I took my very last dose (30 mg about), at that point it only increased negative side effects.

After a while of feeling odd and stuff, I began to have trouble breathing and chest pains (I can't remember which started first), it kind of felt like they coincided, but I still would get very minor and infrequent pain without breathing, it felt like I couldn't take a full breath of air, and when I did the chest pain would kick in (more), it felt like a tightening pain. My left arm soon became somewhat numb and tingly, not numb like when you accidentally sleep on it, but just a little numbing that felt like it stretched down my arm through a single vein, the numbness was generally more intense under my armpit and bicep area, and would intensify when I rubbed certain areas. I had a very sore/stiff neck, especially around the area between my shoulder blades and neck, it wasn't on one side, it was mostly in the middle (my neck and back are still sore after this experience, as well as the tingling sensation in my arm but its not at all that bad, and it comes and goes). I had anxiety during this event, and I felt like when people would talk to me I wasn't truly comprehending what they would say, but yet I still was able to reply to them, I just didn't say much or think about what I was saying, I only could pay attention to what was happening to me. I felt like things were kind of slowed down and I was very fatigued and zoned out. I felt as if I was slowly meeting my demise. I believe I got cold sweats a couple times, but not much. I had some heart burn later that night, and the next but its gone.

It came across to me that maybe this was a panic attack but the pain lasted 2-3 hours, after that it wasn't horrible, but it was still somewhat there, and the mental aspect of a panic attack wasn't that intense. I also do think that my left arm may just have "mouse arm" (cant remember medical term), cause I use a computer a lot, a part of my muscle/tendon in my hand has been sore for a while, and it is somewhat acting up now as I type. I really am not sure if a lot of this is me overreacting, or just a placebo effect (I hope so). I've had minor chest pains since I was 13 (I just turned 18), and every time I went in to get my heart checked out, they said I was fine, and that I had a slight irregular heart beat but it was nothing to worry about and a lot of people have it but don't know.

I also have this weird problem with my thought process either that started the night of the incident, or I haven't noticed before. The only way I can explain it is as if my brain buffers for a moment when I go back and forth between two thoughts, it's like I over excite the neurons responsible for those thoughts and I end up overriding my brain for a brief second with confusion, then it's fine. I do have some chest pains now, but it isn't very often, and honestly happens mostly when I think about it or worry about it (same with the left arm), which is why I think I could be conning my self about this entire incident, because I've had panic attacks before but they weren't as bad and were more mental than physical.

It's dumb of me but I never went into the doctors cause 1. I was too paranoid to go in, and 2. I don't want to worry my mom or waste her money just so the doc's (possibly) find nothing. I haven't lately because all I've been doing is researching about this stuff, off and on I think I'm fine and then I don't. So I came here to settle it once and for all, I have a doctors appt. next week anyways so if you guys don't think its serious (I don't, but it could be denial) I'll just wait until then, if it is then I'll go now. I know everybody says "If its your heart then don't risk it", but every time I go in for my heart, it's always nothing.

My family nor myself have a history of heart disease, diabetes, or just flat out obesity. I'm very fit, just oddly muscular for my age, but I don't work out as often as I should now-a-days. I also smoke cigarettes, and my heart pains/arm numbness do come back a bit when I have a cig, but then again it could just be my head. The last time I had any form of a heart test was probably about a year or two ago, it was an EKG and I believe a blood test, but my memory is a bit foggy in that area. My heart rate is normal, I don't know about my blood pressure, but I believe I got a test for it lying somewhere around my house. My last dose of amphetamines was today, yes I know its stupid, but it's literally my last dose (I weaned myself off).

Oh and I did have sex last night, being in the moment I may have over did it (I usually get this feeling just without the numbing), my heart pounded like hell, I got heart burn during it, my left arm and leg became pretty numb, I was kind of tremor-ish, and that's it. Once I orgasmed the numbing went away (except for under my armpit area), and my heart was fine, but beating pretty fast (110bpm).

So do you think I likely had a heart attack? Or do you think it's something else? Or a combination of things? Or simply nothing but a placebo affect or panic attack? And by the way how long does numbing of the left-arm and chest pains last after having a heart attack?

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Cardiovascular :: Trembling Heart - History Of Heart Disease

Recently my heart has been trembling a lot and i find it hard to sleep because i can feel it beating. I used to feel pain in my heart on occasion before, but i have not had that recently. When I drink coffee the tremors are more noticeable and more frequent. 

On my mother's side, she has history of high blood pressure and heart disease, her father died at 50 from a heart attack and my cousin (32 female) has a pacemaker. 

Other symptoms include: 

Redness under my eyes 

Pitted and grooved nails 

Personal profile: 

25 y/o male 

Smoker - 10 a day 

I used to use cocaine infrequently for around 2 years (a heavy session once a month)

I don't drink alot maybe once a week

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Perthes Disease :: Suitable And Correct Treatment?

My son who is two years old he, after the X-ray and MRI examination it was found that he is suffering from perthes disease .

I would like to ask for the suitable and correct treatment for this rare medical case which usually occur in four years old.

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Diagnosed With Perthes Disease At 18 - No Treatment For Next 10-15 Years

My doctors tell me I developed the problem when I was about 8 but was never diagnosed because I didn't complain of any pain. They said my case is very rare.

As I am now fully grown I can no longer be treated for the disease other than by hip replacement, although they said I will have to wait 10 - 15 years until the pain becomes unbearable as I am too young for the surgery at the moment. Until then, I basically have to put up with it an have simply been told to not wear high heels and to not put on any weight!

My left hip is left flattened and shortened and my leg in almost an inch shorter than my right. It constantly feels uncomfortable and sometimes extremely painful, especially when walking long distances, laying on my left side, sitting for too long (eg. during long car journeys) and I end up feeling very frustrated!

I have tried physiotherapy, pain killers, a digital pain reliever and swimming to help the pain - all with very little helpful effect.

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