Vertigo / Dizziness :: Gabapentin Side Effects?

I have been on Gabapentin for 6 months. I was taking 300 mg only once at night for one month and then 400 mg for the other 5 months. weaned off  would drop it 100 mg every 3 weeks. with no withdrawals. maybe a little headache here or there. tiredness. I am now down to 100 mg every other day   by the end of this week I will be completely off of it. Can you get withdrawals at this point?  I can't even explain how I feel. Like I'm in another world. another orbit. getting headaches. my head feels like it swells I know this sounds crazy! I am still on depakote 500 mg at night. Does anyone know anything about this?  Almost feels like I have a virus but I don't. my legs even hurt. Taking this med for migraines associated with vertigo.. Although that's what they say. I will get maybe 0 to 5 minutes several times a day where I say to myself thank God its passing...

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Vertigo / Dizziness :: Gabapentin - Horrible Side Effects

I was down to 100mg every other day and then OMG felt horrible  headaches and dizziness. finally called doctor after 6 days taking 100 mg everyday. Now I just feel horrible my head is in spins....

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Gabapentin (Tegretol) And Lyrica Together

does anyone take both Tegretol and Lyrica together for TN?

My Neurologist does not want me to take more Tegretol because it does not go well with the Warfarin i have to take for my artificial heart valve. He has suggested that if i get pain breakthroughs consistently i can add Lyrica. GP seems sceptical but i am sure that's what he said to me.

I dont think Lyrica alone would be a good idea as it seems to have a lot of nasty side effects.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Sharp Pain In Right Side Of Face

For the past couple months I have a sharp pain that comes and goes throughout the day. I live off Motrin just to keep myself sane. I get intense jabs in my jaw, ear, eye area and sometimes my head. Does this sound like TN? I don't really have a trigger or anything. Sometimes the pain is so awful I have to hide under a blanket and just try to take a nap til it passes. Other times (like now) the pain is dull but the jabs are still painful. Anyone experience this? 

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Gabapentin With Morphine - Side Effects?

I've been having lower back pain for over a year nearly after a rear end shunt. I was told I had a slipped disc only for the MRI to show it's clear. I don't trust MRI scans though as it was clear when they scanned my knee but upon operation, the cartilage was shredded! 

Anyway, i've been on morphine for pain relief for 2 1/2 months now. The GP has now put me on Gabapentin on top of the morphine. Will there be any side effects which are common I should watch out for?

the GP has basically given up solving my back pain. Kind of sucks really as I'm only 28 and he told me to live with it! I'm hoping when my solicitor gets me seen by a consultant he will forward me to a specialist to solve it!

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Gabapentin :: Side Effects - Fluttering In My Chest

For over a year now I have been suffering with severe back pain, some days worse than others, recently it has been hard to get through the day, I am on tramadol and an anti inflammatory tablet - recently my Doctor put me on gabapentin, within minutes I had a headache and cough - within hours I started to suffer from "fluttering" in my chest - having only taken a few tablets I decided I would rather put up with the back pain than the side effects - has anyone else had any of the same problems.

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Gabapentin :: Side Effects To Sudden Stopping?

Are there any side-effects to sudden stopping of Gabapentin?  I thought I had a months supply left but took the last one last night.  My GP doesn't work Wednesdays.  I take 300mg nightly for neuropathic neck pain & have noticed they no longer work very well now.  Any ideas?  

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Fibromyalgia :: Gabapentin - Anyone Experience? Side Effects?

Has anyone of you used this drug for symptoms of fibro? If so did it help? I read weight gain can be a side effect.

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Disc Prolapse :: Gabapentin Side Effects?

Just read your reply on the Gabapentin, how long did the side effects take to come out. Was the operation you had very painful and how long in all did you have to wait, I find trying to get up in the morning the worst , takes about 35 mins to be able to get out of bed then about 2 hours to be able to walk properly without the spasms.

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Lupus :: Gabapentin - Weird Side Effects

Right now I'm being treated with gabapentin during this process(not diagnosed yet), but I'm having weird side effects. I was told it would make me sleepier, sleep better (although I already slept like a rock for 10-18hrs day), and help with pain.

I can say, it did help with fatigue - too much so. I went from sleeping a minimum of 10 hrs + naps to sleeping 4-5hrs. I wasn't sleepy during the day but my body would crash and get emotionally/physically exhausted, but unable to fall asleep. When Id finally sleep, I think I slept OK but it wasn't as deep as I'm used to.

It did not help with pain at all, in fact my pain has been slowly increasing since starting it.

My rheum's only suggestion was to increase to 800 mg, which worsened the sleep issue more. I started flaring again Jan 1, may be partially due to lack of sleep. But it was like a bus hit me again. Actually, the flare might have started before as I was having hair loss christmas week - scalps getting pretty thin from temples to the nape of my neck.

I am so frustrated by this med, I stopped taking it for a couple days. Now I'm immediately back to being tired a lot and wanting to sleep (and able to sleep) 10+ hours. Is there no middle ground? Would anyone have any suggestions here of what to ask rheumatologist?

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Spinal Cord :: Gabapentin - Loss Of Sensation As A Side Effect

Hi, I have been reading this forum for a very long time. I have been on Gabapentin since October 2011. I injured my neck January 2011. Lost the use of my left arm. Had C6-C7 acdf September 2012, fell 3 weeks later due to ataxia that came on after the surgery. X-ray showed everything in place, Cervical MRI showed C5 disk herniated minimally. For the last couple of months I've been losing sensation feeling in my hands sometimes up to my elbows. It goes to one side and the other or both at the same time. My doctor thinks it's a side effect of Gabapentin and my gut says it's not it. Has anyone heard of this side effect? I have not found this loss of sensation as a side effect in my research.

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Migraine :: Gabapentin - Side Effects Long Term?

My husband has been suffering with unbearable headaches for 15 years. Over the last few months they have become so much worse to the point that he is in a ball, crying in pain, he can't see, can't walk, he was ranting during one attack that he was going to take all of the tablets he could find. He has no memory of saying these things when the headache has eased. He tells me the headache is there constantly but gets worse really quickly. He usually wakes up with the headache although they sometimes come on during the day. They are usually at the sides of his head above his eyes but swaps sides and sometimes goes down his neck. He gets them everyday for a week then has a few days to a week then they start again. He has had a number of GPs all of which have said he doesn't need to be referred to a specialist it is migraines as if it was anything 'serious' we'd have known by now ie nOt a brain tumour. He has had many preventative medicines but none have helped. His latest GP has prescribed gabapentin which was prior to his last and worst attack so far. When we explained what happened she merely raised the dosage and gave imigran for pain relief. I just wondered if anyone has been prescribed gabapentin long term for migraines and if there are any long term side effects as I've heard there are a number namely vitamin B 12 deficiency, pulmonary problems, long and short term memory loss.

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Gabapentin :: Depression / Suicidal Thoughts - Side Effects?

My doctor wants me to take Gabapentin for some disc fragments giving me pain in my back. I'm worried because the side effects say that the side effects are depression or suicidal thoughts. Has anyone ever had these type of side effects or problems in general with this drug? Did it help them with their back pain!

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Gabapentin :: For Sleep Disorder - Withdrawal And Side Effects?

My doctor just put me on this today, to help me sleep...I haven't taken it yet, as I get scared with taking new meds. Should I take this medicine? Is there major withdrawals, if I forget? And does it actually work? What symptoms r most common? Sorry for so many questions...I'm just a worry wart. I already went through withdrawal symptoms a few months back, b/c I quit Effexor slowly, and switch chef over to Wellbutrin. I had shocks, shakiness, panic, was scary...and I don't want to start a new med that's going to do the same can someone please help me? Thanks.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Tegretol 600 Mg

I have been recently diagnosed with TN I'm 27yrs old I have been taking tegretol 600mg and I have been referred to see a consultant and awaiting a MRI scan has anyone had the scan or went private for treatment? Waiting list ATM is 39 weeks. Having really bad flare ups and constantly exhausted have now changed to palexia twice a day and feel horrific both pain and weakness. Only been taking this a few days has anyone else taking this tablet before?

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Laser For Trigeminal Neuralgia?

Has anyone tried the laser treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. I have read that people have great success with it. As I understand it the laser is low level and non invasive.

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Gabapentin :: For Sinus Headaches - Moody And Anxious - Side Effects?

I was prescribed gabapentin by my ent specialist for sinus headaches which i still suffer from after three operations. I have been taking 300mg six times a day for about 18 months and have found that i have become moody, anxious, and find it very difficult to unwind or hold a decent conversation with anyone as my concentration level seems to be next to nothing. Does anyone think this could be the tablets?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Any Relation With Migraines

initial trigeminal neuralgia in my case may have been triggered by a gum infection.

I have suffered migraines since the age of eight. Is this condition related, a correlation between the two ?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Carbamazepine And Alcohol

Last August 2015, I drank 2 glasses of wine two hours after having taken Carbamazepine - I'd mixed the two before, coincidentally, not deliberately, of course! The result was that I had 2 seizures, passed out, vomited, bit my tongue and wet myself - the full works! I have only just been given the 'all clear', after waiting over 6 months for an MRI scan and EEG to confirm that I have no permanent brain damage or possible tendencies towards epilepsy!

So, if you are taking this drug - usually the 'drug of choice' for TN, be warned! Don't drink! You may have been fine so far, but so was I and then.....

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