Frozen Shoulder :: Steroid Shot Before Surgery?

My Orthopedic Doctor had to go on a leave of absence.  Before he left I was scheduled to have shoulder surgery by him. The new Doctor assigned to me will not perform the shoulder surgery without a first giving me a steroid shot, My Doctor had advised me that the steroid injection would only be a temporary solution and it would just postpone the surgery I need in the end. What should I do, since I am refusing to have the steroid injection.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Injection, Acupuncture Physio Session

Had injection, acupuncture and this week had second physio session which yesterday and today I am in agony with it.

It keeps me awake at night and I'm in a desk job using the mouse on pc during the day.

Its now going into the neck and even though im on naproxen too twice a day and I have rolled my head from side to side and done gentle exercise, it's the worst its been today and I feel so sad from it and in tears most of the day just for some relief. Unfortunately no partner to rub it better.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Cortisone Injection And Acupuncture Helped Little

have had frozen right shoulder since dec. this really is a debilitating condition and it is good to find somewhere to vent frustrations and get advice. had cortisone inj in feb, this has helped a little bit, but still in pain. i started acupuncture 6 weeks ago and am finding that it keeps the pain at a manageable level. am aware now that this is not going to be a short road to recovery, but would love to put on my bra the normal way, get undressed myself, brush and style hair at back of head and take off a jacket without first going through the rigmarole of shaking the left arm til jacket fall off. sorry lowercase but can't hold down shift.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Syndrome Leading On To Frozen Hips?

About 9 months ago I suffered severe bilateral frozen shoulders. With Physio and various medicaments, 7 months on, it finally came back to 95% FRM and hardly any pain to speak of. Since then, the hips have gradually become very stiff and painful with similar symptoms as the shoulders...especially the muscles supporting the legs becoming painful as did the muscles of the mid-lower arms. Also the back muscles seem more affected than before. Has anyone any idea if the frozen shoulders affect the hips? I understand thyroid problems can be a predisposition...I have an underactive thyroid.

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Shoulder Rotator Cuff :: Frozen Shoulder - Constant Pain

I have a 'Frozen Shoulder'.

This was caused by an inoperative Humerus shoulder fracture because the orthopedic surgeon found an infection in my bone during surgery. ( I fell back on 10/6/14) Doctors were baffled how I ended up with an infection since I had no cuts and was in perfect health before I fell.
Surgeon put a drain in and closed me up. I was in a sling for 2 1/2 months and on IV antibiotics for over a month.

Dec 14 I started Physical Therapy, 3xs a week. Along with exercises at home. I have little ROM. Very stiff. Extreme tightness.

I have constant pain from the back of my shoulder to my elbow, bicep. muscles. The little knots are quite painful. I push, squeeze to ease the pain. Massaging the shoulder / arm eases it just for a bit.

Due to the infection that was found in my bone during surgery, three ortho surgeons said they will not operate on my shoulder.
Intensive therapy is all they said I need.

Ortho surgeon will not prescribe pain medication.

My primary care physician prescribed 10mg oxycodone which I cut in half. I only take a full pill when I have physical therapy. Scared what will happen when I run out of pills. Doubt my Dr will refill the prescription. (sad face)

I have tried Aleve, Excedrin, Advil, which doesn't help the pain. I even mixed them with benadryl to sleep. But that didn't help either.

Do to Medicare amount allotted for physical therapy, I can only go a certain amount of times. Which now, I only have a few more visits to go.
Been going to PT for about 3 months and haven't seen any improvement. This is really horrible!

PT said he will teach me what I can do at home and that I could pay $30 a visit if I wanted to.

But personally, I feel it would be wasting my money since I would be paying him just to rub my arm for 10 minutes since I do the same exercises at home. I bought a door pulley and therabands.

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Spinal Steroid Block Injection 3 Weeks Ago But Still Pain

I was told by my doc i have bulging discs and micro fractures in the bottom of my spine l5 i suffer with chronic pain from it both in my back and down both legs. I had a steroid block injection 3 weeks ago in the facet joints and they worked for a bit but now the pain is back with a vengeance! Is this normal? Im at my wits end i am taking morphine for the pain but doesn't touch it. I'm 26 years old and have tried everything so far. Apparently the facet joints are rubbing the wrong way? I really don't understand.

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Lateral Ankle Reconstruction OR Strapping, Rehab And A Steroid Injection

I'm after some advice, anecdotes etc. Two years ago I sprained my ankle quite badly and it never really healed. It has bothered me quite a lot since, particularly after walking and running but seven weeks ago I broke the head of the fibula on the other leg and the ankle has become very angry as a result of having to take almost all my weight for so many weeks.

I mentioned it to my orthopaedic consultant at my last appointment, was x-rayed and it was then explained that there is a two year old avulsion fracture there; the bone and ligament never reattached. As well as this, I also have sinus tarsi syndrome. The ankle is very painful and unstable and he strongly recommends a repair. I have a podiatrist friend who suggests strapping, rehab and a steroid injection.

Has anyone had anything similar and what route did you go down with what result?

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Nasal Congestion - Nothing Works - Steroid Sprays, Antihistamines, Saline, Capsaicin Prays

My problem started about 6 years ago. I don't remember triggering it, but my nose got fully blocked, I couldn't breath through my nose at all. I went to see an ENT specialist, done the allergy test. He said that I was allergic to dust mites, and that I needed a surgery to trim my middle turbinates so the nasal spray could get through. 

After the surgery my nose was fine for fine, but it was very short lived. After a few weeks it was just as bad as before. 

I tried different nasal steroid sprays, antihistamines, saline, capsaicin prays, acupuncture, and noting, not the slightest improvement.

My ENT said that the hot humid weather was the problem and if I moved to a cooler climate it would get better. So I did, and indeed it got better. I no longer live there, moved about a year ago, but still having nasal congestions. At night times one side is always congested, during the day it's better, but sometimes it can get really bad, no idea from what. Maybe the change in the weather, pressure. 

I also noticed, that if I bend forward my nose immediately starts to get blocked.

I also read that it could be a nerve damage in the nose, and that the blood vessels lose the ability to constrict.

I think doctors looking that problem from the wrong way. Trying to reduce the inflammation in the nose without knowing what causing it. It's like if you had a swollen gum from a bad tooth, and they would only treat the inflammation. There wouldn't be any point to do that without treating the tooth itself, which causing the problem at the first place right?

So I assume that's the case with this awful sinus congestion, cause unknown therefore most treatments  fail.

I'm very suspicious from ENTs, I heard many horror stories where surgery not only didn't help but made things much worse! 

I'm wondering if anyone had or having similar problems and how you managing it.

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Gabapentin For A Frozen Shoulder?

I have got the most horrific pain in my right shoulder and currently waiting to go for an ultrasound scan. I have been in pain for around 3 months now and have been prescribed various opioid pain relief from my GP: codeine phosphate, tramadol SR but sadly to no avail, I am still in agony but in a zombified state. Long story short, I went back to GP today and he has prescribed 300mg Gabapentin....I am a little apprehensive about taking it (1 today, 2 tomorrow, 3 the day after etc). I am desperate to be free of pain and to sleep so OF course I will take it, I was just wondering if anyone else has taking it for FS pain and how it has worked for you?

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Frozen Shoulder :: Anyone Developed Migraines?

Ok, has anyone developed migraines with FS?  After my cortisone shot fiasco a few weeks ago, I have been having awful headaches. I have never  had migraines before, and had one yesterday.  Called the doc and she wanted me to go to ER, but I frankly could not drive and no one was home. Finally just fell asleep (somehow). I feel so off today. Will call doc in a bit, but wow, really do we need to add more to FS? At least it took the focus off the pain in my shoulder and arm! LOL

I have never had a headache that bad in my life.  Maybe it was something from the Kelalog 40 they injected in my joint, I did have an allergic reaction to the iodine or something and ended up in ER same day as the injection a few weeks ago. Is this a normal thing the, the nasty headaches.. that rest of you have experienced?

Mind you, I have no curve in my neck right now (doc said due to the severe pain I am in) and the headache  yesterday was from my shoulder, up my neck to the back of my head. 

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Frozen Shoulder :: Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)

I just recently join this forum and would like to hear everybody's experience with their frozen shoulder.  I just turned 47 years old.  My right shoulder started to "freeze" last November.  I had tried steroid shots, acupuncture, cupping and regular PT since Feb.  Now I only can pick up my arm without bending my elbow about 90 degrees from my body.  I feel the stubborn pain from my shoulder daily and very sad that I can't dance any more.  Now I am also considering Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA).  Advice please? Worked?  Recovery time?

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Frozen Shoulder :: Pain After Acupuncture

I have been treating my frozen shoulder with traditional physical therapy.  About three weeks ago I started acupuncture.  After the first session my calves started to ache.  They do not put needles in the back of my legs.  I was doing exercise in the doorway that would put stress on my calves for 2 months prior to acupuncture.  At that time my calves did not hurt.  I find it strange that the calves began aching with acupuncture.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Upper Arm Pain?

I've been dealing with FS since Fall.  That's when I noticed the dull achy pain that I thought was from a new bra strap digging in.  In December I started having the zinger pain that would shoot down my arm with sudden movements.  I saw a Ortho doctor in February who gave me a Cortisone shot and sent me to 6 weeks of physical therapy.  Very painful, still can't raise my arm all the way, but I haven't had that zinger pain in a while so I believe I might be starting to see the light at the end of this long tunnel.  

What I'm experiencing now is an almost constant dull aching pain in my upper arm, like where you would get an injection.  I also have a lot of tenderness in the area around my upper back behind my armpit.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Bilateral (left And Right)

I have bilateral frozen shoulder - idiopathic.  Several professionals have stated my left is "severely affected".  Right is manageable and seems to be on recovery but full ROM is not there yet.  Ortho is considering MUA with a scope to clip any scar tissue on the left.  I'm wondering what is the true pain level of this surgery?  How soon after were you to "functioning"?  I have 3 kids (9, 6 and 3). 

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Frozen Shoulder :: Sleepless Nights

I had this debilitating condition for fours years first in my left shoulder than in my right. the first 6 months in both shoulders is absolute hell. the pain unbearable, sleepless nights and the incapability of doing anything ´normal´. It feels like it might never pass but it does the process of healing was for both shoulders the same and took just as long but now it´s like it never happened and I can use my arms freely.

As for work yes your employees should take this very serious and realize that it will pass. During the worst period, depending on the work you do, they need to make adjustments to accommodate your injury and specifically jobs that require arm strength or raising your elbow any higher than shoulder height will not be possible for at least 4 - 6 months. but after that slowly your capabilities do come back and most of the pain is gone.

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Frozen Shoulder Symptoms Last For Up To 12 Months

I was diagnosed with Frozen shoulder last week after having pain for 3 weeks. The pain seems to be subsiding, which is great considering it's only been 3 weeks. My concern is that is short lived and that the pain will return as Frozen shoulder symptoms last for up to 12 months.


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Frozen Shoulder :: How Long The Pain Will Last?

I had a capsular release and an extensive debridement for a frozen shoulder about a month ago under GA. My ROM is much better but I am still in PT for internal and external rotation. Does anyone know how long the pain will last? I thought 4 weeks post op I would start to feel some relief. I am still waking up every 2 hours in pain and taking pain medication and a muscle relaxant.

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis With Frozen Shoulder

I am suffering from both M.E. and a frozen shoulder. I am finding these two disabilities very difficult to live with. with no support from family and friends. I thought that M.E. would be the only one that no one understands, but now I get the feeling that they think I am exaggerating the pain of the frozen shoulder, so maybe they have always thought I was making up M.E. how bad makes me feel .if anything I play it down. It is getting me down so much. I am doing my best to keep going. I have to spend so much time resting. I am so exhausted. Too tired to carry on writing.

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Frozen Shoulder :: MUA Therapy Experience

I didn't chicken out and had it done. They said it was one of the worst they have seen. I got though my first aggressive therapy this morning with nerve block still working. He was able to get it to 180 woohoo,! The block is wearing off now and I feel sore but not like ti thought at all. They also gave me some heavy meds. It was so nice having a great night's sleep that I haven't had in 3 months. Now to push through the next 2 weeks of therapy and staying positive . Again, Ty so much for your replies.

4 days after MUA sore but nothing like before. Therapy everyday is rough but pushing through. Range of motion is almost back to normal. Bending the elbow and forearm out is the hardest one. I am so happy I went through with it. The only other problem is insurance not wanting to extend more therapy. If you are only doing therapy and thinking about MUA keep this in mind as therapy here is $80 half hour. 

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