I Want To Stop Taking Citalopram

I'm so fed up! I don't see how my life can go from so good, to this complete isolation within a couple of weeks. I'm constantly anxious about my future, and what lies ahead for me. I feel so insecure, and feel like i'm living my life day by day, to survive. Citalopram is just making me tired at strange times of the day, i have NO motivation to do anything at all. I tried to see friends yesterday, but didn't enjoy it at all, i just wanted to be at home, this is not me? I feel like i've got someone else's personality.

Work is so hard, to just be in. I feel like there's no one there for me other than my Mum.

I seriously don't know how i'm going to get through this now. I'm so scared.

I'm seeing my counsellor later today, its the only thing thats keeping me going today.

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Alcohol While Taking Citalopram?

Does anyone else drink alcohol while taking Citalopram??

I was off alcohol for about 8 weeks when I started citalopram but I have started to have sociable drinks again but I have noticed o have a hangover even with 2 drinks and I feel very very anxious the next day

Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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Taking Gabapentin And Citalopram Together?

Is anyone taking gabapentin and citalopram together cpn is stopping my diazepam 2 mg to put me on gabapentin as she thinks I should still stick to my 30mg of citalopram even tho I'm getting terrible anxiety.

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Hyperthyroidism :: Taking Carbimazole And Citalopram Together

I've just started taking carbimazole and Citalopram and wondered if there is anyone else taking these meds together please?  The Citalopram is for anxiety caused by the hyperthyroidism. Has anyone else been in the same position and have you found they've helped or have you had any side effects?  

I take my meds at night before I go to bed.  So far, I've had a terrible headache and when I get up in the morning I feel almost 'spaced' out and really groggy but nothing major and I'm hoping these will pass once my body gets used to it?

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Taking Steroids For Fibromyalgia

Now my husband has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and is taking steroids. The pain in his legs is eased but he sweats all night. I have sent for

Dripose which is for fatigue. He is still taking bp pills but not statins. He is diabetic.

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Started Taking Citalopram And My Head Feels Weird

I have just been put on citalopram 3 days ago on 20 mg. I'm so tired and have not left my bed in the past 3 days. My head feels weird and i do feel really sick till round the afternoon. I'm thinking of taking the tablet before bed see if that makes any difference as i might sleep through it. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms ? Will this actually work , i know it doesn't work straight off but will i start to feel better in time ?

I have zero energy , i feel constantly down , i hate leaving the house and i have shut myself of from the outside world. I have lost my friends but that was through my friend who went out to ruin my life and turned everyone against me. I really hope these tablets will help me get back to the person i was. Im going to start the gym once im more confident and have controlled my anxiety.

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Depression :: Started Taking Citalopram And Crying For No Reason

Today may 24 I just started taking my citalopram 10mg and at first I was okay. But then I felt overwhelmed. I felt like my head wasn't getting any oxygen. Like someone was sitting on my head. When for a car ride with my wife and just felt motion sickness. All day I didn't feel normal and then all of a sudden I just started crying for no reason. I had to force myself to eat. I feel really tired and drained but I can tend to even take a nap. I just don't know what to do.

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Just Started Taking Citalopram - Feel Panicky And Dizzy

Iv started citalopram yesterday 20mg but the dr only told me to start with half to start with. I am 22. Never been on any tablets like this before so I am really scared. I constantly feel dizzy like I'm going to die and pass out and sick and feel like someone is standing on my head. Does anyone know when the side effects will go? And are these tablets any good? When you start seeing results? I know the dr told me to only start taking half but I already feel panicky and dizzy. 

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Citalopram :: 2 Days Of Taking - Felt My Head On Fire

I was recently put on this medication for PPD and anxiety, I was hesitant from the beginning. Last night after 2 hours of taking my 10 mg dosage I felt so out of it and felt like I was dreaming, shortly after I felt my head on fire. Soon it moved to the rest of my body. I was so scared, fiancé decided to take me to the hospital because he saw how I was. He also noticed my eyes were extremely dilated. The doctor that seen me just pretty much said stop taking it and call your dr first thing but it's the weekend so I'm out of luck. Right now I'm still feeling out of it, sweaty palms, anxious. Not really wanting to leave the couch. I feel worse now then when I started this medication. I regret taking this drug, it completely scared me to take any sort of antidepressant.

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Fibromyalgia Syndrome :: Taking Gluten Out Of The Diet

I am wondering if anyone has tried taking gluten out of their diet. Has this made any improvement to them?

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Stopped Taking Citalopram - Yawning, Shaky And Teeth Grinding

I've just started taking Citalopram a day ago but already feel the side effects starting. Is it normal for them to start so soon? I feel weirdly sleepy and keep yawning. I also feel a bit shaky and for some reason I can't stop grinding my teeth. Are these symptoms or am I just imagining them because I know that I will be experiencing them soon? I would love for some people to share their experiences with the drug, it's taken me a while to get to the point where I've been comfortable enough to finally talk about my depression and start taking them.

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Citalopram :: Missed Taking 3 Days - Loose Stool And Dry Mouth

So I lost my prescription of citalopram 10mg and missed taking it for 3 days while I waited for a new prescription. I've started my new prescription about a week ago and experiencing symptoms like loose stool and dry mouth etc, is this due to re starting the tablets again? Has anyone else experienced this?

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Quetiapine :: Itching Reaction

I have been on quetiapine 25mg tablet 3 times a day for 3 weeks! Within an hour of 1st tablet I started itching but carried on with tablet as I was told it was anxiety! Went to see gp yesterday who told me to stop them as I had a rash! Has this happened to anyone and if so was it down to colour of tablet? I am sensitive to some colours! Do I ask psychiatrist if I can try a higher dose that's a white tablet but cut it up?

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Depression :: Quetiapine Worsen Your Mood?

I've been on Quetiapine for the last two weeks (as a 'booster' to the antidepressant that I'm on).  At first I felt better, however this may have been my antidepressant kicking in, but now I feel much worse.  Can Quetiapine worsen your mood?  I take 50mg twice a day.

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Propranolol 40mg + Quetiapine 25mg - Mood Swings

Hi I'm currently on 40mg log propranolol for anxiety but still getting mood swings / sad phases so my doctor has added 25 mg quetiapine, the propranolol can make me tired so worried the quetiapine will worsen this?

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Benzodiazepines :: Zopiclone Withdrawal

Very interesting to read the discussions on this forum. And especially helpful for me since I am on day one of stopping zopiclone and feeling a bit wobbly after just one night of no sleep (well, actually about two hours in fact), nightmares, sleep paralysis episode and sweating. I've been on Zopiclone since 2001, having been given it as a last resort after several years of chronic insomnia. I started with 3.75 and have increased roughly every four years. Now I've been taking 11mg, supplementing the 3.75 dose still prescribed for me with internet orders every few months. Somehow I couldn't admit to my GP's that I was doing that. I'm now retired and living a stress free life, so all the presenting circumstances for insomnia A&E way in the past. When I moved to a new life in a peaceful island environment at the end of 2012 I decided to come clean with my doctor about using internet 7.5 doses. But I've continued to take the 11 mg dosage until now. I haven't slept naturally for at least 14 years so I'm very scared of stopping. But the effects of the drug have got worse and now I want to stop. For a long time, my brain has felt foggy, I have a horrible hangover for half the day, really fatigues, forgetful and speech stammer. I've been reading up since last week and this is the most informative and supportive forum I've found. I looked at the CITA site and the advice seemed to be not to go cold turkey but to do a crossover to an equivalent dose of diazepam first and then reduce from there.

I met with my GP yesterday and he is supportive and has given me 2 mg pills of diazepam to make the tapering easier. He's also going to monitor me and see me once a week to check progress.

i feel really scared about this, for all the same reasons I've read here. Zopiclone has given me the security of going to bed and knowing I will lose consciousness. That's been huge and I've traded that off against the feeling of being dulled, impaired and drugged in my daily life. I've done lots of amazi things over these last 13 years, lots of achievements, but all against a background of feeling crap. 

Last night was my first night without Zopiclone.  I took 9 mg Diazepam at bed time (probably too late I think) and set up relaxation cd I've been using, a radio, a corner of my spare room to curl up in with my book instead of lying in bed sleepless. I was awake until around 3.30, when I think I slipped into a two hour dose. But had mini hallucination about the radio playing ( it wasn't) and me ripping the batteries out (I didn't) I also had a nightmare, which I've never had before, and some sleep paralysis on waking from it. My temperature went up and down too, with some sweating.

i  will go on with this but would so appreciate any support or ideas. Many of you know too well how savage the effects are of acute insomnia and I know I'm in for a rough ride. I've bought some Phenergan but didn't take it yet. I'm also sending off for 5 HTP. 

So that is night one over. Any words of encouragement welcome. I'm not at all sure I can do this, with a supply of Zopiclone still in my bedside drawer. But being sleepless and not on the drug feels better than sleeping badly with it.

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Benzodiazepines :: Zopiclone Withdrawal

Want to taper off zopiclone can the gp just stop my zopiclone or do they have to allow me to taper off the right way.

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Benzodiazepines :: Zopiclone Not Working - Insomnia

Why is not working? taken 2 x 7,5 mg of zopiclone ...i so awake and it's 6 am ...

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Nasty Drug Zopiclone - How To Withdraw?

i just start zopiclone for two day, now I think I'm addicted to it I have only taken 4, please someone help me to withdraw this drug

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