Diabetes :: Regular Hiccups In Diabetic Patient

Regular Hiccups in Diabetic Patient. suddenly start from before some time.

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Diabetes :: Not A Diabetic Patient But Had Hyperglycemic Attack

A few days ago I had a hyperglycemia attack. I am not diabetic and had a good health throughout my life. The attack lasted for several hours. after two days i had an headache and it still persists. Can hyperglycemia cause brain damage ?

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Diabetes :: What Diabetic Patients Are Allowed To Eat

Hello my mother has diabetes and she is trying to Control it, I was wondering what she is allowed to eat? cereals or any other things like that. I have searched online but unable to find something that she can actually eat. I know she's not allowed to have carbohydrates but I can't find things without it, I think 50/50 bread and brown paste are allowed but she can't live on this diet forever.

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Diabetes :: Can A Diabetic Person Have Honey Instead Of Sugar?

Both honey and sugar will affect your blood sugar level, is it true?

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Effect Of Tadalafil In Diabetic Patients?

What is the effect of tadalafil in diabetic patients..

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Gabapentin :: For Spaced Out Feeling (diabetic)

I have only got them today, i am diabetic and got loss of feeling in my fingers, does this spaced out feeling go away ? i took one gabapentin 300mg and if i feel like this all the time i would rather not have them

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Being Patient With Your Achilles Tendon

After a period of much indulgence at the end of 2015 I am pleased to say I can touch my toes.  Having suffered a ruptured soleus on one foot followed by achilles tendonitis on the other, the biggest problem I faced was not being able to run; ironic considering this is how I caused the injuries.  Now in the recovery period I have clocked up some distance walking, but have learnt some valuable lessons. Before doing any walking, stretch thoroughly the affected area.   On days that you don't walk, stretch as if you were going to walk anyway.  Finally, rest.  Muscle-tendon units are essentially springs.  They work better when they have warmed up, so bouncing or ballistic stretching is counterproductive.  Whilst a common problem found during recovery is underestimating the amount of static stretching that is required before exercise, the long period of recovery also leads to side effects of under- and over-using other muscles leading to compensation problems.  Stretching therefore needs to be comprehensive and include all muscles in the legs to ensure the recovery process is not a step backwards.  Happy New Year to all.

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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patient Took Unwanted 72

i had intercourse with my girlfriend. she's a SLE patient and v had protected sex. but it got torn and later i had to give her unwanted 72 !! will this effect her health in any way and is this SO contagious that i will also be affected??

and that night she complain of a bit bleeding!!! is this any way normal?

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Naproxen For Patient With High Blood Pressure?

I am currently taking lisinopril 20mg 2x daily and Metoprolol 100mg 2x daily to control my blood pressure. I was have been diagnosed with sciatica which has driven my blood pressure up to 130's/90's in the past week. My question is, my doctor prescribed me Naproxen 500mg to take as needed for sciatic pain. Has anyone had any issues using Naproxen short term and interfering with their blood pressure?

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Backache :: Right Side Neck Pain - Asthma Patient

My son is eleven years old..today he is suffering with neck and back shoulder pain...he is asthma patient

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Hyperthyroidism :: Natural Treatments For Graves Disease Patient?

I have posted to this Board before about what has made a difference to my recovery from Graves. In addition to the medication Methimazole, I started on Regular L-Carnitine and then later Acetyl-L-Carnitine and vitamin D supplementation. Others on the Board have posted about the addition of selenium as well as other natural herbs such as Melissa and Bugleweed. I saw this posting on another Hyperthyroid Board and the author has given me permission to copy it to this Board as follows:

I am shocked that our doctor's don't know more about the thyroid, autoimmune disease and its connection to the gut. I went to a naturopath when I was first diagnosed in 2012 because my husband and I didn't like what the endo suggested. After seeing the naturopath we made a connection between my occasional IBS type symptoms, bloating and my thyroid. We started a probiotic and immune support vitamin called Moducare. Then she ran food sensitivity testing through All Tests labs (some MDs are skeptical about this but it worked for my stomach). I had all four antibodies for graves and Hashimoto's and I had symptoms from both and almost undetectable TSH levels. She removed gluten and dairy from my diet and pulled out foods I tested sensitive to like yeast. Then added Lycopus Virginicus and lemon balm tincture to my routine along with vitamin D, B complex and CoQ10. I finally figured out though that the real cure for me was going gluten free and dairy free. No more bloating, no stomach cramps, gas or the big D. Then I found out there is a link between Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, leaky gut and Thyroid disease. There is a natural graves treatment FB page I am on and a lot of us have cured ourselves of Graves using dietary modifications. I went into remission within 3 months of this diet. I have been normal for over a year now. You really need to be tested for celiac before you start the diet. If you don't have it (it can lead to thyroid disease and then other autoimmune disease when left untreated) then you are sensitive to something you are eating and are most likely dealing with leaky gut. Someday the MDs will catch up with what is really going on here. Our pediatrician is so progressive and knows all this stuff but warned us that a lot of her colleagues are not there yet when it comes to medicine."

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Fertility? Linda Pinkham Products For Type 1 Diabetic On Insulin Pump

Type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump and I'm thinking of using Linda pinkham products but not sure how to use a them, do you recommend it. Plus I'm 35 and wanting to have a baby. How can I know when I'm ovulating, when to use the product?

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Menopause :: Alternatives To Hormonal Replacement Therapy For Cancer Patient?

I had a problem with breast cancer (which means I cannot do hormone replacement therapy).

What now ? I'm going nuts right now. Emotions are rampant, I feel like there is no alternative for me.

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Cyclizine Reaction - Patient With Neurological Problems? Yellow Card Report

I have just had heart surgery . And given iv. Cyclizine. I suffer from dystonia. I believe you shouldn't be given it if you have neurological problem?  I had no coordination , trouble talking , walking, just kept seeing circles, drinking gallons.. Notes on record, patient was disorientated, ha what a joke!. I will look at this yellow card. I haven't heard of it.

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Pregnancy :: Gestational Diabetes Related To Type 1 Diabetes In Children?

I'm scared that all the sweets I crave and eat throughout the day will cause me to have GD.

but even worse, I'm wondering whether that could cause my baby to be born with type 1 diabetes? what are the effects of GD on the baby?

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Heart Disease :: High Blood Pressure / Slow Heart Rate

I have a heart rate most of the time from 42 to 50 BPM , my blood pressure is usually 145 to 160 over 75 to 80.  My cardiologist has me taking  75 mg, of Lopressor, 360 mg, of verapamil, .4 mg nitroglycerin  patch. And now he wants to add 10 mg of Ramipril ( Altace ) a day, my recent cardiograms have have shown sinus bradycardia. That's before starting the Ramipril , I'm just very leary about starting the Ramipril in first of all the highest dose there is, and second of all it could further lower my heart rate and send my heart into an AV Block that could lead to many things not good !

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HI Cholesterol Level With HbA1c Level Closed To Pre-diabetic

I had a blood test around 7 months ago which showed my blood sugar Hb1AC to be close to pre-diabetic levels, which freaked me out.  My cholesterol was also a little high.

I cut down on sweet things (which I love!) a lot, and had my blood tested again a few weeks ago.  good news is that the blood sugar levels have dropped, triglycerides low, liver function great.  HOWEVER, my cholesterol has leapt to 6.6!  So annoyed!

The nurse quizzed me on my diet and the only thing we can pinpoint is that I eat a lot of cheese, so have started eating low fat cheese or not eating as much in general.  I generally eat what I consider to be a healthy diet, oily fish, veg, etc but not sure what to believe.

I read that a high fat diet is now the way to go with low carb, but whilst this seems to have helped with blood sugar, it has not done my cholesterol any good.

I have to go back in 3 months.  Anyone else had this type of result?

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Heart Disease :: Amphetamine Addict - Possible Heart Attack?

I'm going to be completely honest and as thorough as possible, I'm an addict, and I've had an addiction to stimulants for the last year and a half (consisting of about 95% amphetamine usage, never used methamphetamine). I usually keep my doses anywhere around 10-60mg cause I never wanted to over do it. Unfortunately, last week I dove in deep to my addiction due to a recent break up, about 4 days ago I did around 130 mg spread out through the day, I felt fine until I took my very last dose (30 mg about), at that point it only increased negative side effects.

After a while of feeling odd and stuff, I began to have trouble breathing and chest pains (I can't remember which started first), it kind of felt like they coincided, but I still would get very minor and infrequent pain without breathing, it felt like I couldn't take a full breath of air, and when I did the chest pain would kick in (more), it felt like a tightening pain. My left arm soon became somewhat numb and tingly, not numb like when you accidentally sleep on it, but just a little numbing that felt like it stretched down my arm through a single vein, the numbness was generally more intense under my armpit and bicep area, and would intensify when I rubbed certain areas. I had a very sore/stiff neck, especially around the area between my shoulder blades and neck, it wasn't on one side, it was mostly in the middle (my neck and back are still sore after this experience, as well as the tingling sensation in my arm but its not at all that bad, and it comes and goes). I had anxiety during this event, and I felt like when people would talk to me I wasn't truly comprehending what they would say, but yet I still was able to reply to them, I just didn't say much or think about what I was saying, I only could pay attention to what was happening to me. I felt like things were kind of slowed down and I was very fatigued and zoned out. I felt as if I was slowly meeting my demise. I believe I got cold sweats a couple times, but not much. I had some heart burn later that night, and the next but its gone.

It came across to me that maybe this was a panic attack but the pain lasted 2-3 hours, after that it wasn't horrible, but it was still somewhat there, and the mental aspect of a panic attack wasn't that intense. I also do think that my left arm may just have "mouse arm" (cant remember medical term), cause I use a computer a lot, a part of my muscle/tendon in my hand has been sore for a while, and it is somewhat acting up now as I type. I really am not sure if a lot of this is me overreacting, or just a placebo effect (I hope so). I've had minor chest pains since I was 13 (I just turned 18), and every time I went in to get my heart checked out, they said I was fine, and that I had a slight irregular heart beat but it was nothing to worry about and a lot of people have it but don't know.

I also have this weird problem with my thought process either that started the night of the incident, or I haven't noticed before. The only way I can explain it is as if my brain buffers for a moment when I go back and forth between two thoughts, it's like I over excite the neurons responsible for those thoughts and I end up overriding my brain for a brief second with confusion, then it's fine. I do have some chest pains now, but it isn't very often, and honestly happens mostly when I think about it or worry about it (same with the left arm), which is why I think I could be conning my self about this entire incident, because I've had panic attacks before but they weren't as bad and were more mental than physical.

It's dumb of me but I never went into the doctors cause 1. I was too paranoid to go in, and 2. I don't want to worry my mom or waste her money just so the doc's (possibly) find nothing. I haven't lately because all I've been doing is researching about this stuff, off and on I think I'm fine and then I don't. So I came here to settle it once and for all, I have a doctors appt. next week anyways so if you guys don't think its serious (I don't, but it could be denial) I'll just wait until then, if it is then I'll go now. I know everybody says "If its your heart then don't risk it", but every time I go in for my heart, it's always nothing.

My family nor myself have a history of heart disease, diabetes, or just flat out obesity. I'm very fit, just oddly muscular for my age, but I don't work out as often as I should now-a-days. I also smoke cigarettes, and my heart pains/arm numbness do come back a bit when I have a cig, but then again it could just be my head. The last time I had any form of a heart test was probably about a year or two ago, it was an EKG and I believe a blood test, but my memory is a bit foggy in that area. My heart rate is normal, I don't know about my blood pressure, but I believe I got a test for it lying somewhere around my house. My last dose of amphetamines was today, yes I know its stupid, but it's literally my last dose (I weaned myself off).

Oh and I did have sex last night, being in the moment I may have over did it (I usually get this feeling just without the numbing), my heart pounded like hell, I got heart burn during it, my left arm and leg became pretty numb, I was kind of tremor-ish, and that's it. Once I orgasmed the numbing went away (except for under my armpit area), and my heart was fine, but beating pretty fast (110bpm).

So do you think I likely had a heart attack? Or do you think it's something else? Or a combination of things? Or simply nothing but a placebo affect or panic attack? And by the way how long does numbing of the left-arm and chest pains last after having a heart attack?

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Cardiovascular :: Trembling Heart - History Of Heart Disease

Recently my heart has been trembling a lot and i find it hard to sleep because i can feel it beating. I used to feel pain in my heart on occasion before, but i have not had that recently. When I drink coffee the tremors are more noticeable and more frequent. 

On my mother's side, she has history of high blood pressure and heart disease, her father died at 50 from a heart attack and my cousin (32 female) has a pacemaker. 

Other symptoms include: 

Redness under my eyes 

Pitted and grooved nails 

Personal profile: 

25 y/o male 

Smoker - 10 a day 

I used to use cocaine infrequently for around 2 years (a heavy session once a month)

I don't drink alot maybe once a week

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