Diabetes :: Normal Blood Sugar Level After Meal But Have Strange Symptoms.

I have been suffering from tiredness, eye weakness, tingling and sometimes pain in my feet and forehands. One month ago My blood sugar level after 3 hours of meal was diagnosed to be 123 mg/dl. Am i at risk?

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Blood Pressure :: Diltiazem Raised Blood Sugar (diabetes 2)

I was on diltiazem (cartia) for several years. It eventually raised my blood sugar level and I was diagnosed with diabetes 2. My blood pressure was not going down, so they took me off diltiazem 240mg, and put me on lisinopril 5mg.

The lisinopril gave me a dry cough, so I was put on losartan 25mg. I asked why not 5 mg and my NP told me because it doesn't come in 5mg....

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Diabetes :: Blood Sugar Spikes Overnight (Type 1)

I have a 13 year son and he was diagnosed with Type1 Diabetes September 2010 and it has been a struggle every since. As a mother, I get so scared because I seem to cant control his sugar. Lately he has been waking up to high readings, over 300, and I'm not sure why it gets that high. We have had problems in the past when he would sneak and eat chips and candy, the stuff that he knows he shouldn't be eating but he promises that he doesn't eat after dinner and is positive that he doesn't know why his sugar is high in the mornings.

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Diabetes - Type 2 :: High Blood Sugar After Breakfast

I have diabetes type 2 and i take 3 pills of diamicron 30mg before start eating breakfast . I eat 1 cup of milk and 2 brown toast and today i test my blood sugar before taking my oral medication it was 216mg/dl (very high i know I'm doing my best to lower it) and after 2 hours i do the test again and it was 324mg/dl now I don't know if the oral medication stop working for me or something else.

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Diabetes :: Natural Ways To Reduce Blood Sugar?

Both my parents have type 2 diabetes. How to lower blood sugars naturally. My mum is on Insulin and recently she has been struggling to lower her sugars and has had to up her insulin. So I would love to find something natural which could work. As I worry about the potential harm that out of control blood sugars could be doing to her body.

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Diabetes :: Sugar Went From 146 This Morning To 240 At 4pm After Lunch

Sugar went from 146 this morning to 240 at 4pm after lunch. I feel weak, dizzy, blood pressure 139/78/pulse 68. What can i do to decrease the sugar level?

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Diabetes :: Can A Diabetic Person Have Honey Instead Of Sugar?

Both honey and sugar will affect your blood sugar level, is it true?

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Pregnancy :: Gestational Diabetes - How To Lower Sugar Level

I just told that I have gestational diabetes and I am 26 week of pregnant. Any advice on what to eat or do in order  to bring that sugar level down, I don't want to do the insulin because it sounds too scary to inject something in your abdomen while pregnant.

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Diabetes :: Type 1, Sugar Level Is High At Night

My husband is 80 years old and has type 1 diabetes now it is found to be difficult to control his blood sugar level especially at night. when he goes to bed, sugar level is 17 mmol and in the morning his blood sugar level has dropped to 3 mmol.  This problem occurs only in night time. 

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Thyroid :: Nature-throid With High Blood Sugar

I finally saw a naturopathic physician and she agreed that TSH levels over 4 were not good. So, she put me on a half tab of Nature throid to start. I see her again in a week.

This is my first time on meds and I'm just wondering what I should be looking for as far as results? If they work, is it like coming out of a fog or something? How long does it take to start to notice the effects?

I've been this way for as long as I can remember, so suddenly having energy or feeling perky or something like that would be really strange for me. I'm not expecting a miracle, but I can't say I'm not hoping for one.

I also have high blood sugar, so I'm supposed to cut things like beer and sugar, etc. out of my diet. She also thinks I have a dairy allergy, so I have to cut that out for a week to see how it goes. I note that Nature throid has lactose in it though... Weird.

Anyway, I'm just looking for some advice or guidance through the process.

She's a great doc and, I have to say, that actually having someone listen to my symptoms and BELIEVE me was dang near one of the best experiences of my life. I got all choked up when I left!

Oh, and meanwhile, I still haven't even received a call from my PCP's office regarding the blood tests I took over 3 weeks ago. Nice.

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Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers :: Losartan Affect Your Blood Sugar?

I am on Losartan for about 3 years and i am 63 years old I had to cut my medication in half because of the very bad side effects I went to the dr and ask him to change my medication because of the side effect he just told me to continue with 25mg instead of 50mg but when I had my blood result my blood sugar was pretty high and i'm not diabetic and nobody in my family are and I have the reputation to eat healthy more the everybody and I exercise I read on the internet that losartan can affect your blood sugar is it true because I'm thinking to change to dr.

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Diabetes - How Exactly Does Alcohol Affect Blood Glucose?

I have never had any alcohol before (I am a minor). But I am wondering, how exactly does alcohol affect blood glucose? Alcohol itself, not just sugary alcoholic beverages.

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Diabetes :: Fast Again - Inconclusive Glucose Blood Fasting Test ?

My Doctor gave me a call last week after having my bloods done because of feeling tired and she said my thyroid was borderline and need to go back in 6 weeks.

I've had a call today again from the GP surgery that my glucose blood fasting test was inconclusive and I will need to fast again in 6 weeks and have that done. What does it mean?

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Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, And Obstructive Sleep Apnea

I have Diabetes, high blood pressure, and obstructive sleep apnea.

I'm trying get control of my health problems but it seems all I do is make things worst. I have a overeating problem will eat when im board, when im not hungry in fact I eat one meal a day, a meal that last all day and in the middle of the night. Recently I have felt terrible I have constant headaches, back and stomach pain and constipation. I take mega doses of Novolin R insulin, so my sugar which would 500 is only 165 or better. recent urine test revealed trace amount ketones and sort of high protein levels. I have told my doctor my bad eating problems that I can stop, but he blows it off. I was thinking of committing myself in a mental hospital in hopes to save my life. I know death is knocking (Yes im overweight 455 lbs) The mental hospital said they couldn't commit me unless a doctor or court says so.

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Diabetes :: Normal Blood Glucose Levels For Pregnant Women.

What is the normal fasting blood sugar level for pregnant women? I'm wondering if it is higher for pregnant women due to having extra blood volume in the body? 

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Menopause And Blood Glucose Levels (Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosed)

I am wondering if anyone else going through menopause has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes that only began with the onset of menopause?  I have never had an issue with BGL's until the start of menopause, now they are out of whack and Dr has diagnosed me with Type 2 diabetes.  I don't agree with this diagnosis as my gut feeling is that it is all related to the menopause and hormone regulation through the liver.  My question is if anyone has had this experience and did BGL's return to normal after menopause.  I am not on any medication, trying the diet and exercise thing first (mostly because I am in denial about the whole thing)


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Eating Disorders :: 10 Laxatives Before And After Every Meal

I am wondering whether I have an eating disorder? I am currently diagnosed as having Borderline Personality Disorder with Psychosis.

I go through stages of starving myself, then bingeing, then repeating for quite a while, but now I have started to take 10 laxatives in the morning before breakfast, then 10 laxatives before eating dinner, then 10+ laxatives before bed. I am starting to get worried about what this could do to my body, but I can't seem to stop myself from taking them.

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Anemia :: Headaches When You Skip A Meal?

Does anyone get a headache when you skip a meal? I do. Is this a symptom of anemia?

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Acid Reflux :: Heartburn After Every Meal

So, about three months ago, i noticed my stomach started to feel weird between breakfast and lunch. It's like an anxious, nervous, acid-y almost jittery feeling that's hard to describe. Yesterday was one of the worst times of it yet! I had my usual breakfast of hot quinoa topped with almond butter, a little maple syrup to sweeten, and bananas and strawberries. It was a pretty small amount, but just enough to fill me up. However, a half an hour later, I started to get that terrible acidic, nervous, anxious feeling that feels like i had a ton of vitamins on an empty stomach or something. So I ate a bunch of bagels to absorb any acid, and i felt great. This morning, I had a heartier breakfast of a vegetable tamale and some baked beans. I got that feeling again! So i ate and felt better. I usually don't get this feeling any other time of day, however, a few nights ago, i couldn't go to sleep because i had that feeling, but accompanied by hunger, so i got up, ate, felt great. Most of the time when I get this feeling after breakfast, it's after i had had a HUGE meal the night before. Is it acid reflux? I get heartburn after practically every meal. I don't know, i'm just SOOOOO afraid this is something terrible! Is it GERD?

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