Depression :: Duloxetine Reviews

Been given duloxetine to to try for my depression and wondered if anybody has been using it what your reviews are on it 

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Mirtazapine :: Causing Depression After 6 Months

I've been on mirtazapine for about 6months now. 3 months at 30 mg and 3 months at 45 mg. I was put on it due to generalised anxiety and mild depression from a buildup of stresses in my life. It hasn't been plain sailing and to be honest the only thing mirtazapine has done is help me sleep. My anxiety is much reduced compared to before I went on, but I genuinely feel like I'm only as good as I am because I've done it myself with life changes etc. I've just gone back to work and it's really good for me socially. 6 months into mirtazapine and I'm starting to become upset by the constant feeling of numbness, miserable mood, irritability, and the weight gain is starting to make me miserable. I can deal with a bit of weight, as i was skinny anyway, but like all my work clothes I purchased a month ago are all now too small. It's becoming upsetting and I can feel the anxiety creeping back in. I feel like the fact the mirtazapine is making me feel miserable and low, is setting off my anxiety again, and I am wondering if anyone else has in fact felt better after stopping mirtazapine? I have a docs appointment to discuss coming off in a few weeks. 

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Mirtazapine :: Anything Positive? More For Anxiety Than Depression

Has anyone got anything positive to say about this med, just had mine increased to 45mg more for anxiety than depression,

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Depression :: Mirtazapine - Weight Gain?

I have just started using Remeron (Mirtazapine) but i am really worried about this weight gain thing. Often when I read side effects for medications I can conclude that side effects do not appear that often as it seems and that only the affected people are active on the forums. But in this case I can only find people saying that this will cause you to gain weight, and none that says it does not. Have not felt the extreme craving yet I think.

Does anyone have any experience on the subject?

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Depression :: Delayed Withdrawal Effects Mirtazapine

Just wondered if anyone had experienced delayed WD after tapering off an antidepressant, especially mirtazapine? I don't mean a few days, but feeling great for a few weeks and then suffering WD symptoms. I stopped mirt just over 6 weeks ago after a very slow taper and felt great for the first four weeks. Then a couple of weeks ago, I completely lost my appetite and have dropped lots of weight. No nausea, just having to force every morsel of food down me except for sweets which I can tolerate. I also have severe fatigue and restless legs. I do have stage 3 kidney disease and am awaiting the results of blood tests the doctor got done for me yesterday. All symptoms are indicative of a worsening kidney disease, but they are also WD symptoms. I personally can't believe WD could start suddenly on week five after stopping a drug, but just wondered if anyone else had experienced it?

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Depression :: Mirtazapine Have Stopped Working After 3 Years?

I have been really happy on this drug for three years now and envisaged staying on it for ever because it suited me so well. I was on 15mg at first which stopped working after a few weeks and then went up to 30 mg which I have been on for three years. My depression has been controlled and I was sleeping really well. Before the mirt, I had to take temazepam every night, but for the past three years I have only had to take it once a fortnight or so, but it is very difficult to get doctors to prescribe it now. Anyway, I have suddenly stopped being able to get to sleep. I have frequent need to urinate and my heart is beating too fast when I can't sleep. This used to be only a couple of nights a month, now it is every night virtually. Also, my depression and anxiety have suddenly worsened.

Do you think the mirt has stopped working? I am reluctant to up the dose if it is going to poop out again, as it will make it more difficult to withdraw from it should I need to. Has anyone else been on this drug long term and had similar experience? I have a doctors appointment a week tomorrow, but was wanting to hear others' experiences before I go.

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Depression :: Mirtazapine -> Pregabalin -> Lofepramine - Nothing Worked

Have lost lots of time on medication that has not helped this year. From start of year have had depression/anxiety issues, for a time was on Mirtazapine, and then also Pregabalin. Things got worse and dose was upped of Mirt, progressively until we tapered me off it and moved me on to Lofepramine. The Preg/Life seemed to interact with negative side effects physically and I ran down the Preg, with no negative impact. So for a while was on Lofepramine only and I seem to have neither improved nor got disastrously worse, but have still really found the negative feelings a challenge. Sleep was patchy, but slowly improving, mornings though not as bad as when on the Mirt were still slow and tricky. I'm condensing months of this here. Sorry if its a bit of a brief summary.

The upshot was for a few weeks I was reduced down to half a 70g Lofepramine, and although things were still difficult my judgement was they were not particularly doing much to help step up from the mood I have had for quite some time now. So for 4 days I stopped it altogether. Now I have really struggled the last 2 mornings and have often been under a cloud. I think partly this could be just paranoia about stopping, but I gave in and took the decision to step the Lofepramine back up again and started on 70mg again today. At this point I am not really sure what to do and maybe need to reassess again with the doctor. Its probably fair to say Lofepramine may have helped more than anything else I have tried this year but I am not convinced it does enough.

So considering options. Have not yet gone down the road of an SSRI, so Sertraline, Escitalopram, or what or maybe I should have stayed off Lofepramine for longer to get a better view of whether I am just getting over some withdrawals from it and needed to persist.

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Mirtazapine - Causing More Depression - Weight Gain

I was diagnosed with depression just before christmas, I had quite a traumatic year with a series of bad events occurring, I was also getting married which I think was the only thing keeping me going, looking back now I realise I was slipping into a depressive state for about 2 months before I finally broke. I fell into quite a catatonic state being unable to function at even a basic level, it was as if my brain had just shut down.

The doc started me on sertraline but this made my anxiety so bad that I couldn't even go into my back garden, unable to leave the house or speak to anyone for a month, he then gave me citalopram, this reduced my anxiety but gave me insomnia, so I spent another month sleeping (or rather not sleeping) on my sofa and only getting a few hours of sleep here and there.

So my doc decided to try mirtazapine, my depression has reduced dramatically but I've have gained a lot of weight, which at first I thought was a welcome side effect compared to anxiety and insomnia but now this is really starting to lower my mood again,

When I was at the beginning of my illness and was unable to function, eating didn't even enter my head and I lost around a stone and a half (my usual weight sticks around 10 - 10 1/2 stone) to 9 stone, I looked really unwell at this weight, but since being on mirtazapine I have gained 2 1/2 stone in the first month (I'm into my second month now) and it's just staying there. I have tried changing my diet and exercising but I'm stuck at nearly 12 stone.

I look overweight, none of my clothes fit me and the worse part is that I look 6 months pregnant and because I am only just venturing out again after months of solitude, a lot of people think that I am pregnant and that's why they haven't seen me, I'm struggling to keep my smile and tell people I'm not as I am infertile and this has been one of the issues that led to my depression in the first place.

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Depression :: Mirtazapine Making Me Eat And Sleep All The Time

I've been taking Mirtazapine for a little over two weeks, and apart from making me eat and sleep all the time, it's having no effect. I know it can take a while to work (I've been on a few others before this) but I was wondering if anyone else had experience with it? How long did it take to work for you, if it did?

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Severe Depression And Anxiety - Sertraline , Mirtazapine And Now Venlafaxine

i had an assessment after struggling with depression and anxiety for yrs , finally went back on ADs just before xmas, after trying sertraline , mirtazapine i'm now on venlafaxine , over the last 6 weeks it's increased to 225mg. My assessment came out with a high score in the range of severe depression and anxiety . I have previously had time off work due to this , however i'm doing my best to stay at work as i'm only p/t and work with some fab ppl . However i feel like everything is getting too much again , i had gp last wk and i just said all was ok , it wasn't but my child was in the room so couldn't speak ,  Also had my first cbt session today a ' panic workshop ' one , even with them discussing panic attacks makes me feel edgy and haven't been able to shake the feeling off since , i feel like i'm fighting a losing battle and just cant cope. So much has gone on recently , 7yr relationship breakdown / ended . Problems with child behavior , time off work last yr for an op that didn't go to plan ( should of been day surgery - 3 days in hospital , 7.5 wks off work ) moving house , family disagreements ( not to do with me but get dragged in ) Just so much - i don't know what to do , i feel like a whinge if i go back to gp again.

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Postnatal Depression :: Mirtazapine 30 Mg Combination With Venlafaxine 75mg?

I'm currently taking this combination for postnatal depression my baby is 10 weeks old! The Venlafaxine was started alongside the Mirtazapine three weeks ago and at first my anxiety came back slightly however for two weeks now I've been feeling great and back to myself and been very happy😃 but now all of a sudden since yesterday I've been having feelings of anxiety again, having hot flushes and have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach like a churning sensation! I have been rather upset today because I've been feeling so good because I was in such a dark place a few weeks ago! And now I'm feeling like this! What should I do? Will this pass?

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Mirtazapine Weight Gain Making Depression Worse

I have recently been prescribed Mirtazapine as the Dr says it won't affect my libido or make me gain weight. I have gained even more weight, (recently fought to lose a stone from rapid weight gain from antipsychotics) and feeling very cross. I feel more depressed and my state is becoming angry every day. Has anyone else experienced similar effects. I used to take Fluoxetine which worked wonders but he won't allow me to take it anymore as he says it makes me too hyper.

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Anxiety / Depression :: Mirtazapine Helps Physical Symptoms?

I will probably be starting Mirtazapine next week and wondered if it has helped anyone with the physical symptoms of anxiety or depression. Does it help anyone with pain relief at all ? 

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Mirtazapine :: Weight Gain On Mirtazapine 30mg

I have just started on the 30m Mirtazapine and it's my 3rd night taking them ans i have read up on a lot of different forums that there are patients gaining weight off these? well i would like to know what the odds are of gaining weight because i have always had problems with weight gain, i can never put on any weight, no matter how much i eat, i have a fast metabolism and i am wondering, will the mirtazapine surpass my high metabolism. also in some cases i've heard it slows your metabolism down too..   but it would actually be a benefit for me to gain some extra weight.

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Mirtazapine :: Tapering Off Mirtazapine - Spinning Myself In Circles

For the first time in a very long time, I'm finally in a good enough place to make the step in coming off my Anti-depressant. I've been on Mirtazapine 45mg for the last 4/5 years and before that a string of various of medications.

Despite my anxiety been kind of excessive at the moment, after a discussion with my GP, he was happy to let me begin tapering down the dose. The problem is with my anxiety I feel it mainly physically rather than mentally so it makes me a little oversensitive to any changes that take place in my body.

I guess what I am searching for is some reassurance so I can stop driving myself up the wall, exhausting google search on mirtazapine withdrawal. 6 nights ago I started my first reduction so 45 mg to 30mg. In all honesty it's not been that bad, a few waves of nausea, headaches and random aches and pains. Those I was expecting so don't mind too much. The trouble is that for the last 3 days, I've found myself a little short of breath for most of the day. It's nothing that's outwardly noticeable at the moment, but it's there and is slightly concerning. Has anyone else experienced this when tapering?

I'm kind of freaked out a little because one of my fears that's arisen since the mirtazapine is the that i will develop random allergies and my brain is wondering if I've suddenly developed an allergy to my meds (ridiculous, I know!) The other thing is that the rest of my family has had either viral chest problems lately so maybe I've just picked up that and it's a coincidence? Or it could just be the anxiety.

I'm totally spinning myself in circles at the moment so any wise words are most welcome at this point. If I know it is just withdrawal and nothing that can actually hurt me then I'm fine with whatever effects it throws at me.

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Anxiety :: Propranolol Reviews? Anyone?

Just been prescribed 10mg for my physical Symptoms.. Does anyone else take them? I've seen good reviews about these, was just wondering if anyone on here takes them?

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Pregnancy :: Fetal Dopplers? Reviews?

Are they worth it? Do they work? What's the best brand? I'm 13w and I'm really considering getting one if it's worth it.

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Hip Replacement :: Experiences / Feedback / Reviews - Anyone?

I am on the waiting list for a new hip and I am a bit worried that I won't be able to do normal young person activities with my new hip. I am 37 years old and have been doing Zumba for years now and I really want to go back to it at some point. I also live in a flat so have stairs to deal with everyday.Will this be a problem?

I would really like to talk to some people of a similar age who have had the op and hear about their experiences of having a hip replacement. 


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Uterine Fibroids :: Myomectomy - Any Reviews / Feedback?

I have (5-6) small multi cervical fibroids and one approx 7cm pedunculated, in consultation with a very supportive medical practitioner I have decided to have, well it is my only option now because of the size of one the pedunculated one, a myomectomy. I feel ok about the decision as my periods are getting increasingly heavier and I know have constant lower back pain, which may be related to the fibroids. I need to have 4 injections every 4 weeks to try and shrink the fibroids to a more manageable size, however, this will bring on menopausal type symptoms. I have been given a prescription for Livial, which I am loathe to take. Has anyone had this procedure recently or within the past few years? I am concerned and a bit worried, to say the least, about having the procedure as most of the testimonials I have read appear to be generally dissatisfied, as the side effects were severe.

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