Vitamin D Deficiency - Panic Attacks While Sleeping

I was vitamin D deficient a little over 6 months ago and prescribed 50,000 iu (once a week for 3 months). I barely got through 3 weeks as I started showing symptoms of too much vitamin D. The doctor ran another test and my levels were within range. Fast forward to this month and I started having panic attacks while I was sleeping. I went back to my doctor since it occurred three nights in a row. She ran some more tests to make sure my heart, liver, thyroid, etc. were fine and went ahead and checked my vitamin D levels again. Again, they are low! What I can't understand is that I've spent plenty of time outside in the Carolina sun! My Cholesterol levels indicate that I am eating enough leafy greens. I can't understand why this happens. My tests also indicate my bilirubin is a little high as well. I have to go back in a few weeks to have that tested again. My B12 levels were also slightly low. I have a swollen tonsil and may have been fighting an infection as my WBC levels were also low - I don't know if this would have affected it or not.

Maybe one of you is going through what I'm going through and can give me some direction on how to maintain my vitamin D levels.

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Menopause :: Vitamin B Complex / 5 Htp? Panic Attacks, Shaking, Sweating, Hot Flashes

Need help as I've been suffering terribly with menopause, severe panic attacks, shaking, sweating, hot flushes, legs like jelly!

I had severe chest pain, it woke up from sleep at 4am Easter Sunday. Ambulance came and took to A/E. Hospital said ECG fine but it was a heart spasm probably caused by panic attack in sleep, can that happen?

I shake at any sudden sound? Get that nervous pit feeling in your stomach, goes right through me! Even watching tv any sudden movements make me jump. My question is would vitamin b complex help plus 5 htp at night to help with sleep? I'm in the menopause also, have hot flushes during day and night. Have used menopace but not working now.

Any advice would help as I feel so not myself, low energy, nervy all the time even my speech sounds jittery !!

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Vitamin D Deficiency - Advice On Supplements?

Anyone ever told to take Vitamin D, my lab work came back that I was deficient in it, was told to take Vitamin D 1000 daily?  I don't know what my level was, but I am looking it up on the internet and see there is D3 and D2?  Looks as though the D3 is best?

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Hypothyroidism :: Vitamin D Deficiency - Supplements Worked

Hi.  I was diagnosed hypothyroid about three years ago and have been on varying doses of Levothyroxine ever since.  I was eventually fairly stable, (three-monthly blood tests) but then a lot of the original symptoms returned - utter fatigue and lethargy, painful and aching joints, weight gain, dry brittle hair - and palpitations on a daily basis etc etc.  I went back to my GP and said I wanted to have a moan about my thyroid because I was feeling so rubbish.  She sat back in her chair, said 'Moan away' and listened.  At the end of my whinge, she said she wanted me to have further blood tests to check my Cortisol and Vitamin D levels.  The Cortisol result was fine but she said I was quite badly deficient in Vitamin D.  For those who don't know, some hypothyroid people cannot absorb enough of this Vitamin (which I believe is actually a hormone) from natural sources.  So I immediately started a high dosage, six-week course of Ergocalciferol (Vit D + calcium) and within a few days I was feeling so much better.  The palpitations had stopped, my joint pain was easing and the extreme fatigue too.  Now, six weeks on, the doc has put me on a maintenance dose of Vit D and calcium, I am feeling so much better and my hair has even started growing again.  One thing that hasn't changed is my weight but that's an issue for another day.  The reason for this post is to say - if you are hypothyroid, taking levothyroxine and still feeling rubbish, consider asking your doc to have you tested for Vit D deficiency.  It might not be the answer, but it's certainly worth a try.  

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Depression And OCD With Panic Attacks?

I have had extreme trouble breathing lately, i can't take deep breathes and it feels like i have to yawn in order to get my breath. I also have depression and ocd could these just be some form of panic attacks?

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How Do You Overcome Panic Attacks?

How do some of you overcome your panic attacks ? Or at least make them a lot more comfortable to live with?

Any advice apart from deep breathing would be useful as I'm continuing to have them almost every few hours .

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Sertraline :: 100 Mg For Panic Attacks

I first started sertraline in 2012 after getting pnd and fluoxetine not suiting me, then I stopped sertraline gradually in march 2014 as I felt I no longer needed them. First few weeks I was fine, then panic attacks came back awful maybe 7/8 a day for no reason at all :-( In august i went back on sertraline and started on 25mg and it has took Me all of this time to gradually build up to 100 mg due to anxiety. I have been on 100mg for 3 days now and suffering awful headaches, feel as though i'm going to fall over when I walk,(this scares the life out of me) and chest pains, I can deal with these as I have for over 4 years. Its the new symptom of feeling I have excess saliva and swallowing all the time, also upper stomach pains that is worrying me. I have lost weight and have no appetite but the actual panic attacks have subsided almost. Just wondered if anyone is on 100mg for panic and if they feel normal.

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People On Sertraline Still Get Panic Attacks?

I have been on sertraline for about 4 months starting on 50 mg and now on 100 I have started to feel better but today had a panic attack I'm also on propranolol I was just wondering if people on sertraline still get panic attacks it wasn't as bad as others but still scary ...

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Pregnancy :: Anxiety And Panic Attacks

So my hubby took me into the hospital last night. Since Thursday I had been having a hard time breathing and yesterday my chest got really tight and no matter what I did just couldn't catch that breath... so of course I started to panic. It turns out it's just he baby really pushing on my chest diaphragm. Apparently I have serious anxiety. I didn't realize how much I don't sleep and eat until they gave me meds to sleep and I got a full nights rest. I woke up this morning SO HUNGRY and ate like I hadn't eaten in ages. Before I was eating little at a time. So even though this trip to the hospital was pointless... it actually is helping me in the long run!

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Propranolol :: Panic Attacks - Can Have A Drink Or 2 Again?

I've had panic attacks for a year and half now i take 40mg x3 propranolol and 10 mg x2 citalopram a day. Which has touch wood seemed to cease my attacks now for 4 months. 1st 1 was bad an hour and 10 mins of thinking i was dying plus i have 2 set of twins who were following me round watching it all.! However i really really miss having the occasional wine as i quit drinking and quit smoking weed a year and a half ago i wasn't a major pot head i had 1 or 2 j's on the night 2 chill me out. Now any sort of buzz puts me off so i quit everything including caffeine. So my question is is there any way i can have a drink or 2 again?!? i do miss my odd glass of wine but as soon as i try my heart races so i don't bother. Help any advice welcome i think i know what will be said! Just don't drink.

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Sertraline :: Not Working For Panic Attacks

Well I've been suffering with panic attacks for about 2yrs now and I can honestly say it's taken a lot put of me to the point where I can't or don't want to leave my home or I can't watch tv without it being triggered I sometimes tell myself why are you anxious there is notHing to be anxious about. But I've been taking sertraline 50mg for about 5 months now and buspirone 10mg and nothing is happening here sometimes makes me wonder if these meds even help you. Any suggestions on what meds actually help for panic attacks?? I also take lorazepam when needed but sometimes I have to take it everyday

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Anxiety :: Gabapentin For Panic Attacks ?

The doctor prescribed me gabapentin 300mg 3x a day for panic attacks instead of klonopin... there are tapering me off .. does anyone know how this works for anxiety if you have had success. . I have severe anxiety.. heart palps all day constant anxiety.. I'm getting on effexor xr 150mgs now it's been 2 weeks since I've upped from 75mgs. Feels like anxiety is getting worse.. hopefully this ad will kick in soon.. any positive thoughts about this medicine would be great.. I need some support I've been trying everything to get this anxiety under control..

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Anxiety :: Xanax 0.5 For 15 Years - Panic Attacks

i've had panic attacks for 15 years and take xanax 0,5 for 15 years i started at 3 a day now 6 a day but its not better i get up in morning it starts i'm afraid my wife sees me like this so it seems to get worst what to do?

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Anxiety :: Sinus Pressure And Panic Attacks?

i recently had surgery about 8 months ago now and got a severe infection that required emergency surgery to remove the e coli infection.  It took forever to go away and was very sick through this to the point I wondered if i might die.  Then after I was better I was nervous and on edge.  Then now three months ago my aunt that I worked with and have for 21 years was diagnosed with brain cancer.  She had surgery but died from the cancer growing back.  I was devastated.  Since all of this I had my first attack in the middle of sleep one night.  I awoke from a dead sleep with right hand numb , nausea, feeling of death, chest hurt, shaking and crying and went to the ER and heart looked fine and no heart attack.  So they put me on ativans.  I am on wellbutrin also for this time to help me get through my grief.  Since then I have them more and more.  I might skip a night but they will return or in the later day at work when i'm tired and stressed,  Is it normal to have them so much?  Its a feeling of sacredness just to go to bed at night.  I also get sinus pressure during these attacks and dizziness.  Any others with this?

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Pregnancy :: 20 Weeks Panic/ Anxiety Attacks

Does anyone experience panic/ anxiety attacks? Last night I woke from sleeping and very suddenly I felt intensely cold and shivering.  The temperature in the house was normal. I grabbed a blanket and tried to warm up to no avail.  My teeth were chattering and my extremeties cold and rigid.  I had difficulty catching my breath inbetween shivers. The symptoms lasted 30 minutes before I got warm.  I'm 20 weeks and just starting to show. My stomach felt cold and hard too. I am worried about my expectant little one. I have appt tomorrow with a fetal care specialist. I have had this happen before when my house was broken into. any suggestions on what to do? Can these attacks hurt my baby?

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Anxiety :: LSD Induced Panic Attacks With Weed

I took LSD quite a few times and I was absolutely fine, then one night I drop 2 trips and it turned really bad, I was shivering and cold while inside a warm house, I thought everyone was talking about me and I even imagined my own friends were plotting to kill and bury me, I was freaking out and just kept asking everyone to take me home and apparently I kept asking every couple of minutes. My friend told me to smoke heaps of bongs so I would fall asleep and I smoked a whole bowl of weed completely to myself and it just made me worse, they took me home eventually and just left me there alone, from that night onwards I suffered revisiting that 'bad trip' for a few weeks, and I was a heavy pot smoker before the bad trip, but now everytime I smoke weed I freak out, my heart starts beating so fat and irregularly and I honestly think I'm going to die. I quit smoking weed now, but even still, sometimes in certain situations around new people or big crowds I flip out and have to be alone just like I did on the night of the bad trip.. What is this? I'm too scared to goto the doctors, I refuse to take any medication. Has this happened to anybody else?

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25 Weeks Pregnant And Exhausted With Panic Attacks

Is there anyone going / been through this? I am 25 weeks pregnant and I am exhausted! 😔

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Anxiety :: GAD - Panic Attacks, Frustrated With Headaches

I've been diagnosed with General anxiety disorder a few months back. I've always been a little nervous nelly. in the past year its hit a peak. i had my first panic attack in november 2012. sent me to the hospital. and i've been in and out of the hospital ever since. at least once a month. i've had tons of blood work, ct scans. all negative. i wake every day in fear. that something is going to happen to me while im alone with my children. i feel like a bad mom, a bad wife.. i cry every day. because i want to know what the deal is and i have no answers. im very frustrated. i've tried many techniques to stay calm and collected. sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. i wake every day almost sick to my stomach, constant headaches, short of breath, dry heaving.. and now its getting to the point where i just don't want to get out of bed in the morning for fear of physical symptoms starting.. anyone else go thru this?

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Cerazette (for 18 Years) - Anxiety And Panic Attacks

I have taken cerazette for about 18 years now. I was 17 when I started. I never really thought about it but having read all your stories I am now wondering if this pill is the reason I have been so scared and anxious for that long! I started having bad anxiety/panic attacks that same year. It lasted for a year back then and then kind of stopped. Never knew what caused it but doctors were kind of like 'your mum is very anxious and you are her daughter so it's in the genes' kind of thing. Just the thing I did not want to hear but never mind. I was so stressed out i lost loads of weight that year, I wouldn't go out anymore as I would be terrified of everything... very irrational, i became withdrawn it was awful. At 22 i fell pregnant despite being on cerazette and i remember being all over the place, my anxiety was back with a vengeance! Unfortunately at the time I had to have an abortion. Since then my anxiety has never properly left. It can disappear for a year or a few months but it always comes back!! Furthermore, i have put on weight too, i have lost my libido big time which is obviously causing issues in my relationship, very tired, feeling really low at times for no particular reason, have become mega sensitive to noise... it's literally ruining my life. I have been on citalopram for 15 years for my anxiety but when it's properly there the medication won't help at all. Could this all be due to cerazette and I just never realised?! I've stopped it last night after reading so many stories about it. I do need help as this is stopping me from doing so many things. I now associate my parents house with the bad memories of my 17th year and I rarely go back there or see them because of it. I love them dearly but this is how bad this anxiety disorder is affecting me. What do you think? Could it be the reason or just pure coincidence? I guess I'll see how I feel in the next few weeks, I guess only time will tell but if you have a similar story or any advice please let me know.

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