Contraception :: Depo-Provera Prolonged Period For 4 Weeks

I only had ONE depo shot and have been 4 weeks late to get another one due to finances...WELL I have had my period for 4 WEEKS! I am so exhausted and sore. Should I bother to go get another shot or should I just go on the pill? anyone else had this problem? It seems weird after only ONE shot

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Contraception :: Depo-provera Shot Causes Bleeding?

I have gotten the Depo Shot Birth Control last month and didn't get my menstrual period last month.But a few days ago,I started to bleed not a lot.When I urinate or wipe there is Blood.Should I worry about it? or is it from not getting it last month?

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Contraception :: Depo Provera ? Think Again

I used Depo from 1999 - 2006 on my G.P's advice that it was perfectly 'safe' and had no side effects other than no periods. In September '06 after reading online risks I demanded a Bone Density Scan and to my horror Depo has caused Osteoporosis. I am 30 yrs old!! My skeleton is equal to that of a 70 yr old woman thanks to Depo. I had no period for 7 yrs, my oestrogen levels are now extremely low and indicate I've gone through early menopause, my G.P refuses to test for this at this stage. I also had 4 stone weight gain - which I have now lost with extreme dedication, mood swings, blurred vision, chronic abdominal pain, lack of lubrication , exhaustion and more.I continued with the Depo unaware it was the cause for 7 yrs. I thought it was work stress causing it all. Only on a friends advice end 2006 I Googled Depo side effects, what I found was shocking. To all you women out there on this crazy drug, look up the side effects, go to the manufactureres website -, GET a copy of the patient info sheet,Google it, this is no good for you. I've been off it 4 months and no period yet. Side effects still there, I have had sore nipples for 5 days now, thought I may be pregnant but not - luckily! I have terrible hot flashes in the night I wake up saturated in sweat in the groin and underarm area, I still get totally exhausted toward the end of the day and have to just lay down, at my age!! Stomach pain has ceased now and still losing weight.

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Contraception :: Coming Off Depo-provera

I've been ill for 2 years with what docs say is anxiety,so 5 months ago I came off the depo to see if this helps,I had been on it for 6 years since having my son and was on it for 10 years before that with no probs,last time I stopped it other than it taking ages for my period to return I don't seem to of had any problems,but my god this time is different but then I didn't have anxiety main symptom is dizzy lightheaded ness which is with me 24/7 but for the last 2 weeks I'm hardly able to stand also I have the most horrendous pains in my groin hips legs and privates they feel sharp and heavy,I also feel sick,tired,headache,bad  breathing  and depressed but I have no period yet is this normal? Is it my hormones trying to get back to normal.i have these symptoms normally( not the pains) but it's like everything is 1000 times worse.


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Contraception :: Depo-provera Coming Off It

I took 2 doses (injections) of depo last summer. The first month into it I bled for 2-3 weeks and then slight spotting here and there up until september. My last shot was in September and then I decided to not go back for another dosage. Ever since last September I have not seen a period until late June. Ever since that period I had a period every 2 to 3 weeks. Is this normal or should I see my primary doctor? Also I've had a coloscopy in May so this might have been another factor. My last visit to the doctor a nurse told me it might take months or a year for my periods to go back to normal. Any one had a similar experience of periods coming every 2 to 3 weeks after depo?

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Contraception :: Anyone Gotten Pregnant After Depo-provera

HELLO Everyone, I received the DEPO shot back on 03/16/2015 and never went back for any additional shots since I started spotting enough to sometimes fill 4 tampons a day(I'm sorry if it is tmi)... lol, so anyways I continued bleeding all until January 15,2016. and just last week on the 02/04/2016 I had a confirmed pregnancy home test and a confirmed pregnancy at my PCP's office, I am going to my OBGYN's office on 02/23, so I have no idea how far along I could be or when I started ovulating again. But it has been almost 1 year since my last DEPO shot. I heard it takes anywhere from 10-18 months to get pregnant after your last DEPO shot. I will let you all know how far along I am after my OB appointment that way we will know how long after DEPO I became pregnant. Has anyone else gotten pregnant while continuously spotting/bleeding?

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Contraception :: Switching From Depo Provera To Copper IUD

I'm currently on depo provera and am switching to the copper IUD in a couple of weeks time (on May 11). I was wondering what it was like for any of you that also made this switch?

Also, has anyone else had issues with spotting/bleeding on hormonal birth control and then switched to the copper (non-hormonal) IUD? 

I have been on depo for just over a year, and have had constant spotting the entire time. Prior to being on depo I was on the implant (Jadelle) for two years, and had to get it removed because of constant heavy period-like bleeding. Prior to Jadelle I was on depo provera (also had spotting) and before that the combined pill (which I can't take anymore because I've since discovered that I get migraines with aura). 

I got an ultrasound done which found that my ovaries and everything down there is physically sound, which seems to suggest that my bleeding has been caused by hormones. Prior to starting any birth control, however, my periods were 100% normal.

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Contraception :: Antibiotics Affect The Depo-Provera

If on the depo shot, can taking an antibiotic cancel it out like when on the bc pill? I just took one antibiotic pill today as i was wondering if antibiotics cancel the depo shot like it does the birth control pill.

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Contraception :: Depo-Provera Cause Panic Attacks?

Can Depo-Provera cause panic attacks, generalized daily anxiety, depression, loss of labido, hair loss, agoraphobia(where i can barely leave my house) and feeling of off-balance. I was great except for headaches i have had my tubes tied but the dr. said this shot would stop my headaches all she told me was that i may gain or lose 5 pounds. She didn't tell me i would lose my mind and all passion in my life! Is there a way out- i have been suffering for 16+ months and tried so many things nothing works. I feel stuck and scared. Also any links you can send me to would be greatly appreciated. I used to love my life now i don't have one!

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Contraception :: Depo-Provera Withdrawal Symptoms?

Depo-Provera withdrawal symptoms?

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Contraception :: Depo Provera Side Effects?

I got the shot on September 17th of this year and am due for another on November 22nd. I had not had a period until the 1st of November, which I am still on now. I know ongoing periods are normal, but I do not want it to continue and I am so worried that it will. I have also been very moody. I find myself angry at the littlest of things, and crying more often than ever. I wanted some outside opinions on whether or not I should continue with the depo or if I should try a different form of birth control.

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Contraception :: Brown Discharge From Depo-provera Shot

It's my first time taking it. I am pasted the due date, no sex. Have no idea if brown discharge is bad for the depo shot? It kind of has a odor... Someone help me?

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Birth Control (Contraception) :: Depo-provera Antidote?

I had my first Depo shot two weeks ago and for the past week and a half I've been an emotional mess, I cry for no reason, get angry for no reason and feel really weird... is there any solution for this?

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Depo Provera And Prolonged Period

I just recently got the Depo Provera shot last month and I got my period 1 week later than it suppose to be. It's been almost 2 weeks now and it seems not to be stopping! Is it normal? My boyfriend and I want to be intimate with each other but I keep on bleeding.

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17 And Depo-provera Injection - 5 Months Prolonged Period

I got the Depo-provera injection and it has caused me nothing but problems. I've got a prolonged period and i'm into my 5th month of bleeding. I'm only 17 and I feel so alone. I've been told that I shouldn't have been given the injection because I am too young. Is this true? I need to talk to someone else who has also had this injection or knows someone who has.

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Women's Health :: Bleeding After Depo-provera

I had my daughter 5 months ago, and at my 6 week checkup I opted for the depo shot. I didn't like the side effects, so I didn't go back to get it a second time. Right before it was time for me to get it again, I started bleeding. And it's been a month and I'm still bleeding. It's not super heavy but like a normal period, but it NEVER stops. I had to take iron after c-section bc I lost a lot of blood and was anemic, but only for 2 months. I'm wondering if I should take iron again since I've been bleeding so long. And I've called my ob and she said I could go to planned parenthood to get checked since I don't have insurance right now. But other people have said it's normal, so I keep waiting. Anyone been through this?

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First Depo-provera Shot :: Non-stop Bleeding

I had my first ever depot shot on Nov 20th 2014 I was fine for the first week than I got my period and it hasn't stopped since. after the 12 weeks I decided not to get my seconded shot hoping this would stop the bleeding because it is driving me insane but the bleeding continued heavy enough to go through 2 pads or tampons a day it is now the 14th of March 2015 and no change I am going insane my boyfriend has been great about the whole thing but I can tell he's not as happy anymore I'm getting more stressed and depressed because of it I need help / advice can anyone share any advice for me?? Any natural remedies anything that could help ?

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One Depo-provera Shot :: Bleeding For Almost 6 Months

In January I decided to be put on birth control because my boyfriend at the time didnt want any babies or anything of that sort. I had a horrible time with the depo shot with continuous spotting through the 3 months. It was finally the end of march when my shot was supposed to be up and I did not want another dose. Well it is now the end of july and i have been bleeding every day since. Its not a lot but it really is annoying and i am starting to get worried. I am also terrified of doctors so that is my last resort. Did any one else have this problem? Will it eventually stop?

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Birth Control :: Depo-provera Shot Bleeding

Okay so I was on the depo shot since feb. Of last year (2013). I've been getting it every three months. Well I was suppose to get it on feb. 28 but I decided to stop. I was bleeding lightly before I was suppose to get the shot. After the day I didn't get it my period got heavier and now it hasn't stop. Is it normal or should I be concerned?

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