Heart Disease Risk :: Cholesterol - Good Vs Bad Cholesterol

I had a general health check at doctors yesterday. Am a 41 year old male and am taking co-codamol painkillers and amitriptyline on regular basis for back/nerve pain. Try to be physically active when I can but have real issues with my back and legs that limits anything too physical or for any length of time, but in general I manage at least 30 mins of some kind of physical activity each day. My diet isn't brilliant but it isn't terrible either (can be improved I'm sure).

6ft tall, waist measured yesterday at 38" and I'm just under 80 kg in weight.

My health check said my blood pressure was good, and that my pulse was nice and steady but also that my good cholesterol was above average (over 1.5) but that my bad cholesterol was not where it needs to be at 7.2.

The bad reading has freaked me out a bit. I've never had a cholesterol test before so cannot compare reading to a historic level but nurse has requested me to have a further blood test and probably a chat with doctor.

So, question is does having an above average level of good cholesterol and good blood pressure help manage the higher levels of bad cholesterol? My overall risk of having some kind of cardiac issue in next ten years came out at 1.49% which seems fairly low, but I forgot to ask how low you can get this % ie a risk of 0.01%?

I can try to up my physical activity a little bit but how dramatic would you change your diet based on above? I have lost two relatives to heart disease on my father's side of family (his sister and his father) but both parents appear to be fine although not aware they have ever had their own cholesterol tested.

I'm going to try and lose a few kg in weight which I'm sure will help but any advice in how to better manage my bad cholesterol appreciated.

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Blood Pressure Variations Relation To Heart Rate

Lately I've been experiencing some concerning symptoms with blood pressure and heart rate. When I get up from either a lying or sitting position, after standing (or walking) for about ten to twenty seconds, I feel very lightheaded and on the verge of fainting. So I grabbed my blood pressure cuff today when this happened to see where I was registering. My BP was 77/57 and my heart rate was 127. And this was just from simply standing up. So I laid back down... And immediately took my BP in the lying position. It went to 149/87 with a heart rate of 75. It changed that much in 30 seconds.

I am currently trying to wean down from Carvedilol.. Was taking 3.125 mg four times daily. After complaining to my cardiologist about nasty side effects (including this drop in BP) he said to cut it in half.

I didn't take the larger dose very long.. Only about a week.
I just wonder if the larger dose could be the culprit.

I have never tolerated the beta blockers well at all. Metoprolol and Atenolol were disasters too.

I'd like to get off BP meds completely, but each time I tried to wean off, my BP would skyrocket.

One thing that is going on right now as well is some serious abdominal pain. Don't know if that's a side effect of Carvedilol or not.

I've had extensive blood work, endoscopy, colonoscopy, abdominal CT, chest xray, many EKGs, and wore a 30 day event monitor.
Virtually all tests were normal.

Here's what did show up though:

Found a small lesion on a parathyroid gland.
Free thyroxine was "slightly" elevated.
Mitral Valve Prolapse with mild regurgitation.
2 very small nodules in lungs (benign according to lung dr)
Some pleural thickening (probably scar tissue from old infection)
Event monitor caught some VT and SVT.

The doctors are telling me these things are insignificant and need no attention.
Family and friends think stress and anxiety are to blame.
But I feel like crap every day. Blood pressure spikes (highest was 210/110)
Heart rate escalates with minimal activity. Night sweats, horrible headaches, severe abdominal pain. Weight loss of 20 pounds in past 6 months. Brain fog and concentration problems.

I've read lots of things that can explain all this:

Chronic Fatigue
Food Intolerance
And of course.. Stress.

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LDL Cholesterol Is 204 - Would Be Facing Heart Problems?

I'm 35 years old. I can run (jogging) above 30 minutes. My blood test report says my LDL cholesterol is 204. What I do now? I facing heart problems in future? What can I do now?

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Testosterone Muscle Boosters And Heart Attacks

does testosterone booster from muscletech cause heart attacks, i see the class action lawsuit on tv, about this and wondered if i should keep taking it, the articles i found said it could reduce the chance of heart failure, well I'm 45 and just started taking it a couple of month ago and i can tell i'm stronger in the gym, i take a multivitamin which has all the vitamins that help raise testosterone, this this product T-booster is sold in wal-mart, or do you know of a better safer product.

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Cannabis Addiction :: Panic Attacks And A Racing Heart 24/7

I have been smoking weed everyday now for 7 years, but total of 16 years, it started off only at night so I could sleep but in the last 2 years it's been all day everyday. I have been having panic attacks, and my heart will never stop racing even when I don't smoke. Iv have been saying for weeks I'm going to quit and the very next day a friend calls and off I go, I have told all my friends that quitting is my goal but I will always smoke just only maybe 2-3 times a year, and if I like my sober state, then I don't have to really. I just want to get my life back together, if I look back it has been a mess for a long time and I smoke to forget my day and relax, but I think it has backfired. Anyone ever go trough this or know the best thing to do?

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Cardiovascular :: Insulin Trigger Heart Attacks In Young Adults?

Our 25 year old athletic marathon running/bike riding daughter with good sugar and cholesterol levels most of her life had a massive heart attack recently.  Has anyone studied the effects of "insulin" in young adults to see if there is any correlation between taking insulin and heart attacks in young adults?

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Cannabis Addiction :: Derealization, Slow Heart Rate And Panic Attacks

So basically it all started a few months ago back when i had a terrible panic attack on weed. I smoked a blunt with a friend, i don't know whether the weed was laced or anything, but my friend seemed perfectly alright so i don't think it had anything in it. I thought i was going to die, my heart beat really fast, i felt sick and i thought i was going to be insane for the rest of my life. The next day after the panic attack i felt slightly weird and a bit paranoid when i woke up in the morning. I then went to work as usual and i realized that something was a bit off. I didn't know back than that it was probably derealization. Anyway two days after my experience everything was fine and i didn't waste to many thoughts on my experience. Until about two and a half months later...

It was pretty much a stressful time period in my life and i worked quite a bit. I didn't touch anything after that experience, but one day after work and a work out at the gym i had a bad panic attack which was sort of like a flashback to my experience as well. It hit me when i was walking in a park at nighttime and i felt very bad for an hour. Eventually it wore off and I went to sleep that night. The next day i was thinking about what i had experienced the last night, but i thought i might have been just really tired or didn't eat enough. The next days i had small attacks which were bad, but didn't concern me too much, but little did i know that i was getting a flu. During my flu which lasted a week the derealization hit me again. All the lights were really bright and i felt in a dream like state. Those feelings eventually passed with the flew after about 2 weeks. 

A few weeks back from now i had another big panic attack which also felt a bit like my first panic attack on weed, so i guess it was sorta like a flashback. At that point i didn't know what was happening to me. Why was i always getting these attacks?? Did the weed trigger something or am i psychotic now?? I was really afraid to go insane and lose my mind. I was researching about schizophrenia and how panic attacks/derealization are a common symptom of it. I felt constantly like i was drunk/high, i had long after images, objects were breathing when i looked at them, lights were always too bright, everything felt unreal like in a video game. This made me feel really anxious all the time and i think this got me deeper into the derealization. The panic attacks have passed, but until now which has been probably about 2 months with more or less derealization i don't know what to do. I don't know how it got triggered, whether i do have a ptsd from my weed panic attack which i have to think of very often these days as i see it as the point where everything started. I am constantly worrying about losing my mind and don't know what to do. Do you think i might have a psychosis or is it more a ptsd or a anxiety disorder? Please let me have your thoughts.

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High Cholesterol :: Cholesterol Vs. CPK Number

For several years I took Simvastatin lowest dose (cut in HALF) and had good cholesterol numbers that satisfied the internist. That doc retired and new internist did a CPK test last year (my first one ever) and found it elevated to 243 so stopped the statin due to fears of muscle damage.

A year later (last week) the retested CPK, after taking NO statin for a year, was 303 and chol. numbers were back up (see below)!! So, doc says go ahead and take atorvastatin because there is a percentage of people who have high CPK with no other apparent problem. He said atorvastatin is more effective re chol. lowering than simvastatin which I'd had years ago. Is that so?

I am female, 64 years old and at age 55 had a calcium scan of the heart which showed ZERO calcium score. This was because I had similar TC numbers to current numbers and one doc (a cardiologist!) said 'have the scan' -- "find out if you need a statin." When he saw the ZERO calcium score for someone 55 he laughed and said I did not need a statin.

Years later, however, this new internist/gerontologist says that's fine but that is just the hardened cholesterol seen in the zero score, not the 'soft,' which is what travels and causes heart attacks and stroke. Great! Money spent for nothing on the test! Guess I need to educate the cardiologist?

My current chol. numbers before re-starting a statin last week were: Total Chol: 251; HDL: 77; LDL: 157; and Trigs: 87. Ratio is 3.26 -- Doc says he does 'not like' the 157 LDL.

So... a week ago I started on atorvastatin at a super low dose (I cut the 10 mg. pills into quarters so 2.5 per day. I have read in multiple places that it's stronger than simvastatin so wanted to start LOW and research shows that 2.5 is often enough to bring numbers to reasonable levels. I am not aiming to have the world's lowest cholesterol.

Last night and today I developed sharp pains in upper mid section and read the 'side effects' -- sure enough -- it's a possibility. Have also experienced increase in heartburn since taking these pills for a week. Started almost immediately. Is there a connection?

NOTE: Gallbladder removed in '04, before ever starting on any statin at all -- I'm one of the many who still has occasional GB related pains, likely from sphincter of oddi problems (sludge or stones formed by liver). It is called SOD III and it's not uncommon and since it's not a frequent occurrence, there is nothing to do about it per gastro doc. I have not had an episode in three+ years until last night/today, though this was mild.

Any relation to start-up of atorvastatin and these pains? Who knows? I would prefer taking NO statins since they are known to raise glucose a little and can bring on Diabetes type 2. My fasting glucose is high normal already at 98 and type II runs in my family at older ages. Swell.

What do YOU experts think of this? Would you be concerned about taking atorvastatin (or switching to simvastatin, which I took with no obvious problems for a few years?) Or would you just say forget the statins and live your life and don't worry about it? There is NO history of heart attack in anyone on either side of my family before age 80 and no 'strokes' at all.

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Overeating Relation With Stress

I am glad I am retired, no more stress eating.

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Time Of Sex In Relation To Periods?

What's the possibility of me getting pregnant if my husband and I have sex almost every night from the moment my period stops until the next month when my period starts?

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Masturbation And It's Relation To Wet Dreams?

i have been mastrubating from the age of 18 till 29 age . i started this because i was having wet dreams from 14 age . sometimes this thing helped but sometimes not . now i am having normal erections with ejaculation time during sex varying from 10 min to 2 hr . i am physically fit as i was an athlete and i regularly do exercises . but i am still facing wet dreams . i mastrubated with a one month gap at least but sometimes gap decreases to 3 days and sometimes 3 months. But normaly if i mastrubated twice with 3 days gap my third mastrubation gets at least 1 month gap or even more in between i have stopped for more than 1 year .now i am not mastrubating as i am having frequent sex. my urine test done today shown 4-5 puss cells 1-2 ep cells with bacteria as i stored it room temperature for more than 4 hrs . i want to know that had my past habits got something to do with my potency ? and are my wet dreams normal?

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Hepatitis B :: GGT Relation To Smoking

I am a 27 old man ,hbv carrier .i want to know if there is any study about the relation between ggt and smoking.my ggt after a 2 month of quiting smoking was 22.and when i resmoke a 2 pack per day four 2 month it become 26.i read that ggt is better under 20 u/l.

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Relation Between Accutane And Sjogren's?

Is anyone aware of  a linkage between isotretinoin (Accutane), used for treating cystic acne, and Sjogren's, which is linked to the epithelial cells?  At 21, when Accutane first appeared, doses were higher than current (I remember my skin bleeding when scratching lightly with a fingernail).  I am now 51, and have had Raynaud's for a number of years, and was just diagnosed with Sjogren's.  Just curious if anyone has seen this?

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Trigeminal Neuralgia :: Any Relation With Migraines

initial trigeminal neuralgia in my case may have been triggered by a gum infection.

I have suffered migraines since the age of eight. Is this condition related, a correlation between the two ?

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Crohn's Disease Relation To Hemorrhoids?

I know something about crohn’s disease. However, there is something else that intrigues me. I was wondering if this disease can be manifested with haemorrhoids. As far as I know, those are two different entities, so I would like to know if they can be linked in any way.

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Vitamin D Relation To Weight Gain?

I have been taking vitamin d for around 2 months now (2000 UI daily) and noticed my weight has been increasing and i have not really changed my diet. Do these go hand in hand?

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Diabetes In Relation To Kidney Stones

I just learned I am diabetic, A1C is 9.0 with an average blood sugar of 211.

Likely I was thrown into a higher diabetic state due to a low purine diet for about a year now which was necessary due to uric acid kidney stones. I was eating more foods that was bad for a diebetic such as bread and potatos since I could eat those on a low purine diet. Note I was likely high in blood sugar already which may be a contributing factor to kidney stones as I found one study that indicated a 40% increase in uric acid kidney stones with diabetics.

Of course now I'm really messed up as foods I can eat on a low purine diet I can't eat on a diabetic diet and foods I can eat on a diabetic diet I can't eat on a low purine diet. So that leaves hardly nothing that I can eat.

It's only been 5 days since the change in diet due to diabeties. I can't seem to get it regulated by diet. It goes up overnight as I sleep which doesn't make sense, I'm not eathing anything!

Readings before meals at different times of day have been 189, 159, 161, 160, 138, 132, 168, 138, 236, 182, 150, 142, 193 taken at different times to the day. The 236 reading was 2 hours after a snack. Mid-day seems to be the lowest. I'm eating so little I'm having trouble maintaining weight. Over the course of the low purine diet I've lost 30 pounds. I could stand to loose a tiny bit more but not much.

I'm starting to exercise some and plan on increasing it as soon as I receive excersise equipment...

I just don't understand the changes in sugar levels, can't seem to attribute it to any particular food necessarily. We are trying diet first before meds. I'm taking Urik-K for the kidney stones.

Just trying to figure out why the rise overnight when it is basically fasting and it rises which I would think it would lower since I didn't eat anything for a period of time?

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa Relation To Smoking

Just enquiring how many people on here smoke, i've had hs for 10 years now and my doc has said stopping smoking will help i've cut down a lot gone from 20 - 25 a day to 10 which is great for my health i will eventually stop but i just want to know is it related to this condition because these days i can go drs wiv my leg falling off and he would say stopping smoking.

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Osteoporosis Relation To Parathyroid Disease?

I have general query regarding parathyroid disease in the context of women with 50+ years of age. Is osteoporosis a symptom of this kind of disease ? Or, does it need to be both vitamin-D3 & Ca to be high in Blood too ? For example, if x-ray shows osteoporosis & also vitamin-D3 (25 OH) is too low (i.e. < 15), can we simply rule out parathyroid disease here ? Or, to be sure, we need to test serum Ca as well ?

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