Sarcoidosis :: Mri Scan - Found 2 Small Nodules In Lung

I had a Mri scan for back pain, result found 2 small nodules in lung. Seeing specialist in July, I get a little short of breath and a little wheezy at times nothing to alarm myself, but I have terrible fatigue also have red lumps on forehead chin and buttocks. Worried this could be sarcoidosis my father had this sadly died 26 years, I have read different views on this being hereditary, so worried seems ages till July I am female age 55 & a smoker, any thoughts ?

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COPD :: Stage 2 With 61 Percent Lung Function

I was told way back in August of 2013 I had copd. Smoked for 33 years. Started when I was 13. Did stop smoking in October. Now on 12 meds daily and get out of breath doing just about anything. I own a lawn mowing biz but getting harder and harder to do my job and getting ticked off clients because I cant keep up. Have been getting real depressed about everything. Someone told me to keep a daily blog about my life with copd. Started that about a month ago. Its somewhat therapeutic, it at least lets me get stuff off my chest so to speak. And maybe someone will read it and go hey i'm going through the same crap. In my case its hard to find folks going through it or those that do who even want to talk about it. So if your getting depressed i would recommend doing a blog. No one may ever read it, but you will be able to get out all the stuff you want to say. Thanks for listening and i hope you find what you're looking for. 

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COPD :: Noncalcified Nodule In The Middle Lobe Of My Right Lung

I am a 49 year old woman and I have a 8mm noncalcified nodule in the middle lobe of my right lung. For some reason, it does NOT show up on an X-ray but it was found on a CT. Shouldn't it show on an x-ray also?? The ER found it by accident...they thought I had a blood clot that had travelled to my lung...nope! It's a nodule. It was found 51 weeks ago and I did have another scan 2 months after it was found and there was no change in the size. But, since I don't have health insurance, I have been unable to have another CT scan as recommended (every 3 months). My husband makes too much money for us to qualify for any financial assistance but we can't afford a pulmonologist or scan. I have been a smoker for 30 years and I do get backaches and I can't do much without getting short of breath but that doesn't mean it's cancer. My main question is why is it not showing on an X-ray...I've had 2 since they found it on a CT scan so unless it mysteriously disappeared, I don't understand. I have been checked for histoplasmosis and other things like that and they were all negative. Can anyone tell me why it's not apparent on a chest x-ray???? Thanks!!

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Diagnosed With Endometriosis Of Lung

I have been diagnosed with Endometriosis in the lung. I was wondering if any one else out their had this condition? It's such a rare condition doctors don't know what to do...

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18 With 2 Thyroid Nodules And High Blood Pressure

So a couple of months ago I found out that I have 2 small thyroid nodules. Of course I freaked out but now calm and just waiting for the results of my 2nd thyroid ultrasound. I am also struggling with my blood pressure. For the past months I have been nervous all the time because of all the stuff that has been happening to me (different tests). My doctor keeps on saying that I have high blood pressure (which is weird cause I am younger than 18) because it would be 130/80 to 150/90 to 145/80 or around those readings. But when she does check it I am always nervous and freaking out and shaking. I am wondering if its cause of that. When I do check it at home, it sometimes is high or normal. Since my doctor and parents have been talking about high blood pressure and what it could do to your body I have been scared to take it being afraid it would be sky rocket high. Im wondering if it is my thyroid, fast heart rate (which my doctor thinks it's because of my nodules) my nervousness, my family history, or just me. I'm going to a cardiologist to check with my heart next month which is freaking me out.

*Now my doctor is prescribing me hypertension medication (Enalapril 5mg once a day) when im not even 18 yet! I am very young having to take BP medication?? My doctor thinks my hypertension is because of my thyroid or, nervousness.I feel so old. I feel like when I take this medication, my blood pressure will drop tremendously. Not I don't even know what to do now.

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Headaches :: Thyroid Grew Nodules And Became A Goiter

I suppose a little history would be fitting first...I've been hypothyroid since birth (born without thyroid function), and was placed on a regimen of Synthroid for years. From there, my thyroid grew nodules and became a goiter, and at the age of 23, had to be removed completely. Since then, I struggled on the Synthroid, and finally found a doctor who agreed to try me on Armour. At first, I seemed to do well on it. I've been on Armour for about 2 1/2 years now.

Over the past year, I've developed migraine- like headaches that completely incapacitate me. For the most part, these would come on a frequent basis but I could go about my daily routine without disruption...until about four months ago. The headaches became non-stop. There is no break in the pain (the doctors don't understand this concept- they keep calling them "episodes"). The intensity changes, but the pain is ALWAYS there. I've been treated for migraines, but the medication for it doesn't work, and the pain isn't quite the same as a migraine. It's very hard to describe...almost like a twisting sensation in my skull and across my forehead.

That's not all of it. The pain gets worse with exertion. If I try to go out and run a few simple errands or do some household chores, my body heat goes through the roof- along with a lovely fever and I'm done. I can't do anything else for the rest of the day because I'm in too much pain (from the headache AND body aches from the fever).

I'd love to say I'm making this all up. But would I really put myself through all the blood work, a lumbar puncture that went awry (yes, it was downright awful), and bounce from doctor to doctor? I finally found one who had a brain in his head that said "it could very well be your thyroid!"

The biggest problem I've had is that every doctor I've seen has said "your thyroid levels look fine!" But they've only tested my T4 and TSH...shouldn't they be testing my T3 as well? I know I'm no doctor but...

I know I should be under the care of an endocrinologist, but they are really hard to find around my part of town (at least one that's any good). I just want some other points of view here before I subject myself to more poking and prodding.

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Thyroid :: Primary Hyperparathyroidism Sickness - Nodules Removal

I have recently been diagnosed as having hyperparathyroidism and I am currently on the waiting list to have two nodules removed. On reading up on the condition sickness is a symptom but for some reason my consultant wouldn't say that my continued sickness for the last 18 months is being caused by my overactive glands. I am getting desperate now so is there anyone on the Forum who is suffering /  suffered the same problem and after having the op felt human again ?.

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Respiratory Disorders :: Medication To Remove Lung Scar

Is there a medication to remove the scar on my right lung?

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Pneumothorax :: Collapsed Lungs X4, Two Lung Operations, One Sealed, One Stapled - 20 Years On

I had all my lung drama in the 1980s, two collapses on each side, then followed by each a major lung op, one side using a blebectomy (I think it was called) which was a partial lobectomy that was then stapled back together. The other was a filler where they used some seal to fill the space between the lung and the pleura. So many years later, I survived without needing other operations but heres what happened to my lungs...!

Not sure exactly, but my chest cage, lung cage, shrank relatively suddenly - the doctor noticed the xrays looked as if they belonged to different people. Then I experienced permanent shortness of breath, I have now lived with this for six years. It was accompanied by permanent elevated adrenaline and heart pounding, none of which has been diagnosed by the doctor who always say 'everything is within normal range'. I exercise as much as I can to keep my breathing in as good a shape as possible but I feel like if they opened me up they would find an awful mess in their. I cycle a lot and swim as much as possible - I was always super active - but my breathing capacity in exercise is so much less than it was. I am 50 now and know that damage is also due to binge smoking throughout my life but I haven't smoked for a long time. I'd love to know if other people have had this or varied reactions from their lung op history and what they did about it, especially what their solutions have been. MY SOLUTIONS HAVE BEEN variously holding my breath under water for as long as possible to try and expand my lung capacity - not for the pre-op pneumo people!, Yoga, Stretching, breathing in a spine stretching folded position, meditation, cycle till you are out of breath, Buteko methods of CP and green juicing for best method of getting positive amount of super nutrients to the brain and blood stream oxygene. This might have helped someone, it helped me but it took me years to discover all the different methods I now incorporate. My condition puts me in a state of constant panic that I need to daily manage.

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Thyroid :: Natural Ways To Dissolve Thyroid Nodules

I have 3 thyroid nodules and 1 cyst. I have been advised to have a thyroidectomy. I do not want to go this route yet and am searching for some natural remedies. I have heard of using iodine but to be careful do to the fact that that might enlarge the nodules. I recently found out that I am very iodine deficient from a lab result. I have heard of iodine trapping, whereby the iodine taken in when their is a severe deficiency is immediately 'trapped' and held in the gland in order to preserve some iodine for the use of the thyroid. I would like to proceed with caution and try the iodine therapy.

Does anyone on this board have any experience with successfully dissolving or at least reducing the nodules/cysts?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Measuring A Little Big

So I'm 34+5 and my fundal height is 35.5cm.. Does this mean I am measuring a week ahead? I know it's not abnormal because 2 cm up or down is abnormal but could I have baby before due date?

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: Measuring Behind

I went from measuring a day ahead to two weeks ahead.  Last doctors appointment i was measuring a little behind not by much but the doctor said if im still measuring behind at my next appointment ( which is in a week) they will give me an ultrasound.  Has anyone else experienced this? What will happen if I am still behind!?

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Pregnancy :: Measuring Big (30 Plus Instead Of 27 Weeks)

At my doctors appointment yesterday I was suppose to be 27 w 5 d. When my doctor measured me she said I was measuring at 30 plus weeks.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Did ur baby arrive closer to measurement or to your due date?

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Pregnancy :: Measuring Over (38 Instead Of 32 Weeks)

So I'm 32 weeks and will be 33 weeks tomorrow but when I went to my doctors appointment Monday I was measuring 38 weeks. Can somebody tell me what does this mean and they say my health is good so I'm confused.

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Measuring Ahead

For about a month and a half now, my uterus has measured four weeks head. My doctor hasn't really given me a lot of information about this, except that baby and fluid is a lil big but they aren't changing the due date.
I'm just curious if anyone else is measuring that far ahead or has with a previous pregnancy and what the outcome was.

I'm not due until January 14th but with measuring four weeks ahead, I'll be 40 weeks on Wednesday. Is it likely I'll make it to my due date and just get huge? Or will I have him early?

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Measuring Ahead ?

Today I went to my doctors appointment and he measured my fundamental height for my uterus . I'm measuring 34 weeks but I'm 32 weeks today. At my last appointment two weeks ago I was 30 weeks measuring on track . So I jumped from 30 to 34 in 2 weeks . Is it more likely my baby is measuring ahead now or that my uterus is just measuring ahead

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(Age 18-24) Pregnancy :: Measuring Bigger Than It Should

My baby is measuring two weeks ahead of schedule is this normal? Anyone else have this problem?

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(Age 25-34) Pregnancy :: 37 Weeks Measuring 34

Had my appointmenT today and the doc measured my belly n said it was measuring at 34 and im 37 she didnt say anything about it but it worries me

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Pregnancy :: Measuring Small - More Scans?

I am 28 weeks pregnant with my second baby had midwife today and i'm only measuring 26 weeks.. I measured small with my first but went on to have a healthy 9lb 7oz baby!! But this time they have referred me to have more scans.

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