Birth Control :: 12 Days Delay In Periods Already After Taking An Ipill ?

My girlfriend is 17. We had unprotected sex and I don't come inside and it's been 12 days her periods have been delayed (took ipill within 72 hours of intercourse) . Has the ipill worked or no?

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Birth Control :: Delayed Periods And IPill

Hi this is regarding my delayed periods. My actual date was 13 but due to having unsafe sex twice a month i had to take i pill twice and i bleeded twice just after a week of taking pills but my actual chums have still not occurred and both the times bleeding was normal and happened for 2 days

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Birth Control :: No Periods After 7 Days Of Taking Unwanted 72

I had sex with my gf and she had taken unwanted 72 within 48 hours.but after 7 days still not getting periods.

So can it take more time or is she pregnant?

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Birth Control :: Started Taking Viorele Birth Control 2 Days After Checkup

it's been 1 month and 1 weeks since i had my baby i went Dr on my 1 month check up for birth control started taking Viorele birth control 2 days after Dr checkup and I took 2 pills on tuesday afternoon since I missed Monday continued taking 1 pill at 7am for Wednesday ,Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday had unprotected sex Sunday afternoon and took the pill in the morning at 7 am can it protected me from being pregnant or not.

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Birth Control :: Unwanted 72 Bleeding Since 7 Days

We had protected sex and still to be on a safer side i had unwanted 72 pill within 24 hrs. Next day i experienced heavy bleeding and my periods were due that day too. I m bleeding since 7 days now. What to do?

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Birth Control :: Cerazette - Spotting (no Longer Than 3-4 Days).

I've been on cerazette for almost 2 years. During that time I've pretty much had no periods but every now and then a little bit of spotting (no longer than 3-4 days).

Since December I have been spotting pretty much every day, every other day. I haven't changed anything about my routine.

I was wondering if this had happened to anyone else?

I spoke to my sexual health clinic and they said that I had no STIs and my cervix was fine so they didn't know why I all of a sudden have a problem. They said I can change my birth control but I was happy on cerazette until last month and not keen to use the coil or injection which are my only other options.

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Birth Control :: Left Nuvaring For Three Extra Days?

I have been on nuvaring for about three months. This month I left it in three extra days. During that time my partner and I had unprotected sex and he came in me. What are the chances I could be pregnant?

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Birth Control :: Unwanted 72 During Periods?

Sir can i take unwanted 72 during periods?

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Birth Control :: Irregular Periods And OCP

I am 23 years old. I already have a baby and after that I had irregular periods like lasting for more than 15 days with heavy bleeding. So I took microgynon Ed for three months and still my periods are not regular. So can I continue taking pills? And I have a plan for 2nd baby. After stopping this pills can I get conceive or they I'll stop fertility temporarily?

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Birth Control :: Having Sex Right After Periods - Safe?

My boyfriend and I wanted to have sex the 2nd time around. We are both 19 years old and still not ready for any pregnancy. We were planning to have sex the day after my period (which I think would be on March 26) and we agreed that he should STILL wear condoms for extra protection. We used condom before, before he reach climax he pulled out of me, removed the condom and worked on his buddy for about 3 minutes and ejaculated. Someone on other site that pulling out with condom is unsafe, that's why i'm a little confused now. So my questions are:

1. Is our plan of having sex right after my period okay as one of our birth control methods?

2. Is pulling out (w/ the condom on his penis) before he ejaculates really unsafe?

3. Sex right after period ends plus condom: are there still any chances of me getting pregnant?

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Birth Control :: Taking The Pill - Non Stop Bleeding For 16 Days

I had my implanon removed the beginning of October and immediately started taking the pill. I have now been non stop bleeding for 16 days. Should this be happening even while taking the pill? I would think the bleeding would be stopping or at least slowing down at this point, but it's not!

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Started Taking Birth Control Pills Days After Unprotected Sex

I had unprotected sex w/ my boyfriend, Friday. Today, which is Monday I started taking birth control pills. Is there by any chance I could still get or be pregnant? If so, will it hurt my baby?

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Birth Control :: Bleeding After Nuvaring Fell Out After Two Days In Toilet

My nuvaring fell out in the toilet after only being in for one to two days. I didn't realize it for a day or so. I was on vacation so couldn't get a replacement. I have been bleeding ever since it fell out. Will the bleeding stop? Or will I bleed for a month?

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MonoNessa Birth Control Pills :: Period Early By 4 Days

I have been taking the brand MonoNessa of birth control combined pills for almost 2 years now, at the same time every night (I have an alarm on my phone set to ring at the time to take it). I started taking them because my periods were so irregular.

I'm not supposed to start my period until next Tuesday/Wednesday, but this morning i woke up and as i was in the bathroom noticed some watery blood on my underwear, the same kind i get the day before my period usually begins. I put a pad on and just now I went back and noticed dark brown discharge on the pad. Is this what is called spotting/breakthrough bleeding on the pill?

My boyfriend and I are sexually active, but we don't always have sex, preferring to do other things. However when we do have sex we always use condoms. This month we have not had any sex at all, again preferring other things.

I can honestly say I have never experienced this before on the birth control pills. BUT I have experienced this before I started taking the pills. I have had perfect "periods" every month that start on the same day and have the same symptoms. Currently I have 0 symptoms of what my pill period is usually like.

Like any young adult who is startled by something appearing for the first time I immediately googled my symptoms and found that a lot of other people seemed to have dealt with this before. But now I would like a professional on here to give me some much needed advice; is this normal? I am pretty sure I am not pregnant, since we didn't have sex this month and the times we did do stuff the semen was no where near my vagina. Is any birth control pill supposed to do this? This has never happened to me before. Will it happen again? And can I expect my normal period to still happen even though I'm having this stuff today?

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Birth Control :: 50 , No Periods 4 Years - Still Take Pill?

I had hormones tested and I am in menopause. I have not had a period in 4 years. Only been off the pill for a month after being on it for a long time. I am told I should still use condoms for birth control, which myself and hubby don't like at all. Chances of getting pregnant may not be likely but can happen. I really prefer to use nothing, but I don't want to end up with a pregnancy at this age. Anyone in their 40's and 50's have gone through this? What was your choice of birth control when the doctor takes you off the pill? Should I not worry about it and use zero protection? Do you think my doctor is being ridiculous?

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Birth Control :: Periods Just Started - Should Take Unwanted 72?

I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the same night just after 2-3 hours my period started. Should i take her unwanted 72, as i don`t want to get pregnant? Is it safe during periods? Or is there no reason of worry?

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Birth Control :: How Long Are Periods After Unwanted 72

after the use of unwanted kit , how may long a girl have her period.......

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Birth Control :: No Periods After Implanon Removal

I've had my implanon out for two weeks after having it in for 2 yrs and 8 months. I did not have a period the whole time I was on it. Now after 2 weeks I have had a couple days of brown discharge and 1 day of light pink discharge. I have not had sex since having it removed but did have sex about a week prior. Does anyone know how long after removal it takes for flow to return and why I keep getting the discharge?

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Birth Control :: Implanon No Periods For 4 Months

I've been on the Implanon Birth Control for a good 4 months now. I had a weird discharge of old blood a week after it was effective. Since then i haven't had a period at all. It's been months now. Also having stomach pains every night for the past 2 weeks. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

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