Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) Always Had Troubles

I already had my baby almost 10 months ago. I got the mirena for my birth control. Ever since I got it, I think I've been having troubles. If you have or have had it did you have troubles with it and if so what were they?

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Birth Control :: Reliability Of Mirena IUD?

I've had the Mirena IUD since October last year and up until now my boyfriend and I have been using condoms as a second form of birth control. We are both monogamous and have been tested for STDs and STIs so I was wondering if not using a condom and relying 100% on the Mirena for preventing unwanted pregnancies was a option?

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Birth Control :: I Think Mirena (IUD) Has Fallen Out

I was on mirena for 4 years I recently think it had fallen out... I had two periods in a row and that never happened while I was on it so I assumed it did... Anyways a long story short I had gotten two pregnancy tests cuz I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if I was pregnant after that and it had taken a while for it to become positive I now know about the evaporation lines that can come and the rest of the pregnancy tests I took were negative, I had a friend say this happened to her while she was pregnant with her triplets... Any suggestions why that would be? I had another friend said that happened to her too...

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Birth Control :: Removed Mirena Myself

I removed my Mirena IUD on Monday night. I hadn't had a period at all since i had it in last year. i had a couple days of cramping but that has seemed to be gone. Last night I started having light but thick brown discharge. Is this normal? What signs of a problem Should I watch for? I did it but then I've been worried because I read it can cause problems if taken out by myself. If there was no bleeding at the time I didn't cause any damage did I? When should u expect a period?

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) - Cramping Is Normal

I been on mirena since last Monday and Sunday the 6th I have been cramping is it normal for that?

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Birth Control :: Mirena IUD - Side Effects?

I'm getting the Mirena in a week or 2. They didn't really explain much since it's pretty much the only choice of birth control I have. They only told me that my period could stop and it was good for 5 years. what are the side effects?

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) Fell Out Today

I am very concerned and confused because my mirena fell out today.  I am having symptoms of pregnancy. I didn't think that was possible

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) - Loss Of Libido

My gf went to have her Mirena replaced by a new on in December 2014. She had no issues during the first one. The first one had grown stuck and it was a VERY painful experience to remove it.

After having the new one fitted, its been more than a year now where she has ZERO interest in sex. Before that she was normally the one initiating it at least once a day! Now we've barely had any sex in a year.

So after much convincing and offering to pay for a follow up from my side, she went back to the OBGYN in September. He did a bunch of tests and checks and says everything is normal, the Mirena can't possibly cause it. I just have a hard time believing its not the Mirena as the problems started exactly when the new one was fitted.

For the sake of completeness I should mention that during her checkup the OB GYN picked up that she has high blood pressure and cholesterol. He referred the results to her GP who now has her on medication and the matter seems to be under control, except that she's fainted twice in 4 months from low BP.

Should we spend the money on seeing another OBGYN for a second opinion, or is the first guy correct that it can't possibly be that? My idea is to remove the damn thing and see what happens for a few months, if things do improve I will consider getting a vasectomy. Opinions?

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Birth Control :: Mirena For 2 Years And Now Unable To Get Pregnant

Getting pregnant was never a problem for me. Simple, he'd look at me, and bam I have two children. That is until I had the Mirena (5yr) left it in for 7 yrs due to no insurance at that time. I am now 31 and had the mirena out for over a year with no luck getting pregnant. There are times I feel like I am pregnant I get sore breasts, cramping but then I start my period. This month however I am having the same symptoms and my period is late. I knew I was ovulating BC of the egg white like discharge(sorry if tmi)that was about 14 days ago I took a test this morning and result was negative. Maybe i don't understand how all this works completely lol idk but my periods are either at the end of the month or the first of the month. There's no way i could be having symptoms of pregnancy this early and its just my period warning sign. I'm starting to think that leaving the mirena in for 2 years over the time it was supposed to come out and not having periods in 7 years has done damage to my body.

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Birth Control :: Mirena (IUD) Removed - Pelvic And Sex Pain

After a year of pelvic pain and pain during sex I had my mirena removed today.  I had one ultrasound done at my gp doctors office, a year ago when the pain during sex started,that stated my iud was seen within my endometrium and extending into my lower uterine segment.  My gp, that obvious isn't familiar with iuds at all, wasn't sure whether or not this meant it was embedded.  So I went to my gyno who did an ultrasound and said it was in place.   I've had 4 ultrasound showing small cyst over the past year but nothing to really explain my pelvic pain.   My gyno has been suspects endometriosis. Today I visited my gyno again with increasing pelvic pain and pain during sex mainly focusing on my left side.  I had an ultrasound that showed 4 small functional cyst on my left side and one on my right but no real cause for the pain.  So I asked to have my iud removed because I feel like I have to eliminate that as a possible cause before I could ever consider laparoscopy to check for endo.

The removal hurt. I hand multiple sharp pains and I felt popping while he was pulling my strings but it did come out.  After ward the iud had clear-yellowish stringy tissue attached to the top and bottom of the middle cylinder of the iud.  Does this sound like it was slightly embedded or is it normal. And if it does sound like it was slightly embedded is there anything I should watch out for or suspect post-removal?

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Birth Control :: Sudden Bleeding With 2nd Mirena (IUD) After A Year

I'm on my 2nd Mirena coil. I had my 1st one placed 5 years ago. I had a solid 6 month period widen my first was placed and have not had one since. My 2nd one was placed a little less than a year ago. I didn't even spot.

Today out of nowhere with no warnings, I started bleeding rather heavy and it's bright red. It's nothing like my cycles were prior to Mirena.

I did take a pregnancy test and ruled that out.

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Birth Control :: Mirena Causing Watery Yellowish Discharge?

Ive had the mirena in for about a year and I get cramps monthly and have watery yellowish almost gooey discharge. Is this normal?

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Birth Control :: Constant Uterus Bleeding

Hello there,i really don't know how to start ask a question. Well this past few months i was starting to take a contraceptive pill coz im not ready to become a mother they say it's dangerous and risky for the women who's haven't tried of pregnancy (i don't know if it's true) well, here's my concerned the pill that im taking everyday is not finished then suddenly the blood came i cant say that its not normal coz it always coming out when i go to the bathroom and make pee. What could be reason for having this blood? and i feel a bit pain from inside.

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Birth Control :: Started Taking Viorele Birth Control 2 Days After Checkup

it's been 1 month and 1 weeks since i had my baby i went Dr on my 1 month check up for birth control started taking Viorele birth control 2 days after Dr checkup and I took 2 pills on tuesday afternoon since I missed Monday continued taking 1 pill at 7am for Wednesday ,Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday had unprotected sex Sunday afternoon and took the pill in the morning at 7 am can it protected me from being pregnant or not.

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Birth Control :: Lemon Juice Interfere With Birth Control Pills?

I want to use lemon juice to lose weight,so I was wondering if that will interfere with the birth control pills that I'm currently taking?

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Birth Control :: Cyclafem Birth Control Pills Effective?

I have been taking cyclafem birth control pills. Sunday I started new pack but its by a different name. The name is sprintec. How effective is it?

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Birth Control :: Ovulation And Birth Control Pill, Still New To Taking Pill

I consider myself to still be new to taking the pill as a form of birth control. Just when I think I have it figured out, something new would happen which would make me doubt it's effectiveness.

I am currently using Chateal, which contains 21 active pills and 7 placebo pills. After 6 months of taking it as directed, I assume my body should be used to the side effects. I would get nausea from taking it so I switched to taking it at night. I have been taking it that way for 3 months now.

But I have noticed since first started taking it, I would get severe cramps and backaches during the second week of the pack for a few days. I assumed I was ovulating while on the pill because I noticed my cervical mucus changes throughout the month. My understanding though is the pill is to prevent ovulation thus preventing pregnancy.

Can you ovulate while on the pill? Is my birth control pill type too low of a dose for me? Could it be something else?

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What You Believe Is The Best Birth Control?

Does anybody have advice on what you believe is the best birth control?

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Birth Control :: Could Get Pregnant At 55?

I know this is going to sound strange, but I seriously want to know if anyone here has the answer to this question. I am going to be 55 yrs old in March. I have been on birth control pills most my life, but I went to a new doctor (GYN) years ago, and she told me that I didn't need to be on them because there was no possible way I could become pregnant at 53 without medical intervention.

I left her office happy until my sister told me that the doctor is WRONG and that I could get pregnant at 55! I don't have any idea if I have been through menopause, but I've not had any signs if I have. I called the doctors office back and talked to my previous doctor who wouldn't "confirm" if I could or couldn't, but she suggested I take the mini-pill (progesterone only). I am really sick of the pill and wanted to just stop taking it, but don't want to be foolish. Does anyone here know if this is a fact or not that at 55 I wouldn't be able to become pregnant anyway if off of the pill?

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