Sinusitis :: Back Of Neck/side Of Neck Stiffness / Swelling?

I've had chronic severe sinusitis for a couple years now and now am bedridden from it from being too weak and toxic feeling. Anyway, Most of my infection is on the left side and I have swelling on the left side of my neck and swelling/stiffness on the back of my neck too.

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Multiple Sclerosis :: Stiffness And Pain In Neck / Back Of My Head

Just joined and recently diagnosed with RRMS.

I am going out of my mind with worry over some unpleasant symptoms I have been having the last six days.

It started with stiffness in the right side of my neck and at the back of my head, similar to a tension headache but more severe. I have intermittent pain in my right ear, occasional muffled hearing, my neck feels sore to touch, especially at the gland. When I lie down or lean forward/bend over, I have a whooshing sensation in my ears like I can hear the blood pumping.

I have felt dizzy and unsteady at times with waves of nausea.

As I have had no follow up since being diagnosed by the Consultant and have not had an appointment to see an MS nurse yet, I consulted some online MS sites to try and make sense of the symptoms. I thought I may have a muscle spasm and mentioned it to my GP when I saw her on Friday. I was 'told off' for Googling symptoms and told to "stop trying to hang everything on MS".

She ruled out an ear infection or virus and said it was more muscular, however, poo-poo'd a spasm and said it was more likely it was muscular tension following the diagnosis, worrying and getting myself worked up.

It is a different pain to the tension I am used to and tension has never caused me to feel off balance and nauseous. I was given a five day course of diazepam to relax the muscles, however, have only taken one at bedtime on 3 occasions as I need to be able to drive and function at work. They haven't helped particularly.

I was given a 5 day course of Methylprednisolone, 500 mg by the consultant, for neuropathic pain, I finished these last weekend (26th June). A friend who has RRMS suggested it could be side effects of the steroids as her neck and face always swell after she has taken a course and she feels unwell for weeks afterwards.

I am finding it really difficult to function, I just want to lie down all the time and can't get anything done. It's causing me massive anxiety not knowing what is causing this.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Neck Pain And Stiffness

Since having frozen shoulder, I have also suffered with neck pain and neck stiffness. It's not the same dreadful, unbearable pain that you get in your shoulders and arm, just a dull, persistent ache. Does anyone else have this? I have been told that I have a slight amount of arthritis in my neck, but that this is 'normal' for someone of my age (53). I never had this pain before I had frozen shoulder - there is probably a connection but I'm not sure if it's the frozen shoulder causing the neck pain or if the neck problem may be the cause of my frozen shoulder!

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Spinal Cord :: Stiffness After Facet Joint Injections In My Neck

I had five facet joint injections in my neck yesterday and I am in a lot of pain.

I have a lot of stiffness and can not move my head that well without being in pain. Anyone else experience this?

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Headache :: Head Pain And Pressure With Neck Stiffness For A Year

Started over a year ago with head pressure in back of head and upper neck causing nausea and dizziness. The symptoms also come with neck soreness and stiffness. Sometime it's a burning pain up the neck to where it connects to brain and radiates to forehead. It's so miserable. I have had sinus ct scans, Mri, mra, and tons of blood work and can't find nothing. The weirdest symptom I get and want to find someone with insight on is that during this my top of head and neck get ice cold to touch.

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Propranolol :: Dizziness, Neck And Upper Back Pain, Tingling Gums, Sore Neck Glands

Had stroke 13 years ago. Have suffered anxiety ever since. Mainly dizziness. Recently came off citalopram after 8 years, started on sertraline. Never felt worse in my life......including severe diarrhea. Dr now stopped sertraline and put me on propranolol one week ago. Still feel awful and dizziness possibly worse. Will anything ever work?

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Undiagnosed Constant Water / Kidney Infections - Sever Back Pain

For the past few years now i have suffered with constant water infections, its always pain in my right side, sometimes i'm sick with it and my back feels like it could break. It can also go into my groin area and down my leg also. I've had CT scans and another type of test which all came back as normal which was last year. I don't understand how it can be nothing as the pain is horrendous and all they do is take a urine sample and give me antibiotics. Does anyone else suffer with this? I wasn't sure if it was when i drank alcohol which is very rare but sometimes i get a water infection and sometimes i don't. The hospital put me on antibiotics for 6 months changing them every 2 months and i still managed to get a water infection on them. I am now having blood tests again and will presume i may have to go for all scans again but just wondered if anyone has had the same problem and had any advice on what it could be or what i could do?

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Lymphadenopathy :: Itchy Lump At The Back Of Neck (7 Yr Old)

my 7 year old son has had a lump on the back of his neck for a few months now. I took him to the Doctor and they said its nothing to worry about and put him on AntiBiotics but it didn't do anything.. It moves and can see it clearly. he says it gets itchy and it does cause him a bit of pain. especially when his shirt rubs on it.

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Anxiety :: Back, Neck And Stomach Pain With Nausea

i have been in so much pain today my back has been sore achy and a heavy feeling felt nauseous all day pains in my stomach and like a burning sensation does anyone else get this 

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Pleurisy :: Severe Pain Back, Neck And Tummy

i got pleurisy through having flu, which was diagnosed last friday. i was given antibiotics. i only went to the doctors because i'd had the flu for two weeks, i only had a sharp pain in my back. i've nearly finished the antibiotics but the pain has got a lot worse around my back, neck and tummy i wonder how long this will last. i am taking ibuprofen but it's not doing much.

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Neck And Back Pain Because Of Computer - Head Going Forward

I have a problem with something. I'm on computer every day for a really long time. Because of computer games and programming. I recently noticed that my head is tilting forward and that my posture is really really bad. My head's going forward and it look really weird. I'm asking if you guys could give me some tips on how should i fix/improve my posture.

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Little Pimples Over My Shoulders, Face, Neck, Back - Shingles After Effects

I am 27 years old and I had chicken pox when I was 2. When the shingles came out, it took me down like nothing else. It has been almost a month since I noticed the rib pain. It started with sharp rib pains that hurt really bad and thought it was my spleen. Then about 4 days later I noticed a round sore right under my breast where the rib pain was occuring. Then a couple of days later, it showed up on my back, directly across from the other ones. I had no idea what this was... I waited to go to the hospital because I thought it was poison ivy! I waited about 8 days to go to the hospital. Had I had known what it was, I definitely would have gone immediately. Oh, the pain was excruciating! Ibuprofen did not even touch it. I was prescribed Acyclovir, Prednisone, and a cream that did not help. I was also prescribed Dilauded for the pain and Promethazine for nausea. It has been a week since I finished all of the medication. The shingles are almost gone but there are about 4 really bad areas and they do not look like they are healing. Since last week, I have developed little pimple like things all over my shoulders, face, neck, back and buttocks. I have no idea why they are there. Did anyone have the same reaction? They will not go away! Please help!

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Vitamin D3 Deficiency :: Muscle Pain (mostly Upper Back And Neck)

I've had some blood work done because I was extremely tired and have been for the last couple of months, muscle pain (mostly upper back and neck), headaches, muscle weakness, being emotional (bursting into tears) mostly because extremely tired. digestive issues etc.

Results came back, only thing wrong is D3 level at 6 ng/ml (minimum should be 30). I was prescribed 25000 UI a week for three months. I also sent a mail with the results to my endocrinologist. She says she doesn't think my symptoms come from a vitamin D deficiency. Now I respect the woman a LOT. She has helped me in many ways in the past and she's been the only one to find what was wrong with me years back when I had severe health issues and every other doctor thought I was just "depressed".

I am though very surprised by her answer. I've read of a lot of people having very similar symptoms with vitamin D deficiency, and for most of them the symptoms just flew away when their vitamin D level went back up.

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Back And Neck :: Severe Migraines Due To Pain Is The Base Of My Head?

I've been having a hard time with neck pain, I'm guessing in my C1-C2 region. I say this because I can literally hear my vertebrates grinding together followed by a sharp pain that runs all the way to my temple and the top of my head, which in turn is causing severe migraines and fatigue. It's gotten to the point where I'll be lucky if one migraine only lasts 3 days. After it goes away, it returns 3-4 days later. It's gotten extremely worse over the past month. I've tried a few physical therapy exercises the relieve the tension but I've found little to no relief. I'm baffled because I'm only 23. Being this young shouldn't suggest long term damage, but the pain tells me otherwise. Any advice or information on some form of release would be more appreciated than anything.

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Cervical Spondylosis? Neck And Back Pain, Nausea And Dizziness

I've been getting neck pain for some time and over the past 6 months or so it has become considerably worse. I get the usual pain at the back of the head, moving to the front. The change has been noticeable with nausea, dizziness and bed-ridden for usually 2 - 3 days at a time. Pain killers (over the shelf are not doing much for me) the sickness means that fluids and solids do not stay in for long and sleeping is out of the window.

Off tomorrow for a MRI scan hoping that this is going to shed some light on the problem and hopefully a diagnosis that makes sense.

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Angina ? Chest, Neck, Upper Back And Jaw Pain - GERD With Prilosec

I am 26 almost 27

Overweight (working on it)

On anxiety med and blood pressure medication.

For 6-8 years I've had on and off chest pain, left arm pain, neck pain, upper back, even pain in both jaw sides.

I've seen 3 cardiologists in the last 4 years. Blood pressure is a little high and also cholesterol is a tad high (again working on it)

They all say my heart checks out (like 6 ekgs, treadmill stress test, ECHOs and all checks out clean) been about 2 years since last echo and almost 3 since that stress test.

I also have GERD. Take Prilosec.

The last 2-3 weeks tho... On and off I've been having left arm, left breast pain. Throbbing. Stabbing. Aching. On and off. My neck has been hurting on and off too. My upper back, same thing. My jaw both sides on and off.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Shoulder Neck And Back Of Head Ache

I feel mostly well but lately my only annoyance has been shoulder neck and back of head ache. This is mainly located at the right side of my body but occasionally spreads to the other side. It's more of a constant dull ache which is relieved temporarily by icing it. Does anyone else get this? Sometimes I feel like the pain is also in my left ear. saw my gp a week or so ago and he didn't seem concerned. I just wondered If anyone else experiences this. Yesterday I felt like it hurt to swallow in my throat but only at the side where im getting the rest of the head pain.

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4cm Sliding Hiatus Hernia - Chest, Neck, Shoulder And Back Pain

Just recently been diagnosed with a 4cm sliding hiatus hernia after suffering for 2 years with horrendous chest, neck, shoulder and back pain! been to A&E a least 5 times this year thinking I was having heart problems! had an endoscopy 4 weeks ago and was diagnosed! so now what? I was sent home with no advice whatsoever. been on all the PPI's for the last 15 years as I suffer with GERD and IBS! I feel bloated all the time, I burp, fart, feel sick and light headed and now I get a pulsating throb from my tummy through my chest into my throat If I eat the wrong thing it feels like I got a tennis ball stuck behind my sternum, really fed up with this now. I won't go the operation route, it's not got a good success rate! so it's maintenance, put the head of my bed on two blocks 8 inches high, given up gluten and dairy and all spicy foods eat 3 hours before I got to bed and have a swig of gaviscon as a nightcap! I take a multivitamin and magnesium supplements. the next step is stop smoking and drinking red wine what else can I do? the omeprazole makes me feel crap, so I've gone back to ranitidine.

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Dermatitis / Eczema :: Arms, Armpits, Neck, Chest, Back Of My Legs And Wrists

I'm a 20 year old university student struggling to cope with the constant pain and irritation of my eczema. 

I get it all over my arms, armpits, neck, chest, the back of my legs and my wrists. Its scabby, sore and irresistible to scratch at. I have on too many occasions scratched it until i bleed but i really cant help it. I have had severe eczema all my life but in the past two years, it has really started to get me down. I have applied prescribed steroid creams, Hydrocortisone, E45, Doublebase.. showered and bathed in prescribed shower and bath gels and swallowed countless anti-histamine tablets in the hope of them taking away the itch and the urge to scratch.

I'm writing this as i am so fed up, just like the millions of others suffering from eczema out there, and hope that one of you out there can help me, or atleast give me some tips to reduce the irritation.

Currently i am applying Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturising Lotion after i shower. It does reduce the itch and calm my skin, but the redness and dryness returns when the cream is absorbed or whenever i start to sweat. I can't partake in exercise or sporting activities as i am scared, actual fear, of how itchy and sore my whole body becomes.

As i sit here repeatedly itching up and down my arms i'm hoping there is someone out there who can give me some advice, i've had enough of being embarrassed and fed up of my skin.

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