Atrial Fibrillation - Electric Shock To Correct Heartbeat?

At the age of 51 i have just been diagnosed as having AF, it came on suddenly on fri and i was in hospital sat and sun , came home today, i am quite confused about this , i am still having palpitations and at times they can be very fast . I asked various questions and wasn't told a lot. I have to do injections at home , take Warfarin, amiodarone and a beta blocker. I just want to know if anyone has any info on how i can help myself, i have been told that i have to go back in 6 weeks to have an electric shock to try and correct my heartbeat.

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Dental Health :: Electric Shocks Like Pain Caused From Irritated Tooth Nerve

This started at the age of 19, now 25

My title basically describes my pain for the last five years. I've recently found out in August that my pain could be coming from my teeth. The reason why I found out so late is because doctors have been diagnosing me wrong, when ever I would tell them my symptoms and my college doctor diagnosed me with anxiety and when my psychiatrist gave me Dexedrine, the pain went away, which led me to believe it was anxiety. I took the anxiety meds this whole time and I feel so stupid sometimes that I believed it was anxiety because anxiety doesn't give you the pain I get on the daily basis.

I've gotten a lot of work done in these past two months to receive relief from this excruciating pain. I had three infections, two on the top and one on the lower left side. I was highly against the root canals, I did not want to risk the pain coming back and root canals ....

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Awaiting Hip Replacement :: Pain Relief ?

I'm still waiting for my op but lately my pain has become unbearable. I spend most my time just lying in bed because of the pain and if i do do something like go out or housework i will regret it because of the amount of pain it causes. I'm currently taking tramadol but trying not to take them to often as i know they can cause addiction. Im also keeping a hot water bottle under my left hip to try and help. Anyone got any other ideas?

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Interstim Device - Nerve Damage From Micro Electrical Shock

I had an Interstim device and the lead was moved during a different surgery. the lead was move into a nerve root in my lower back and I was electrocuted by the device for more than 60 min.  this was over a year ago and I am still in extreme pain every day and have yet to be diagnosed with anything.  will an MRI show nerve damage in my lower back and leg area?

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Nerve Disorders :: Lump On Lower Right Leg Causes Electrical Shock When Bumped

I have a lump on the outside of my lower right leg towards the front. It doesn't bother me at all until I accidentally bump it. Then it sends a pain like an electrical shock down through my foot that brings me to my knees. Any ideas what it could be?

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Pain After Septic Shock (sepsis)

I am 48 years old, female. Recently, I suffered from septic shock, was hospitalised for 8 days, 3 days in ICU. I experienced significant muscle wastage whilst in ICU and began walking around as soon as I was able to, increasing distances a little each day. Since discharge from hospital 2 weeks ago, my activity level has increased but I am experiencing severe muscle pain and weakness. The muscles in my thighs, upper arms and foot arches are the worst. Any activity seems to make it worse, it feels like my muscles are on fire. Is this normal? I was fit and very active prior to this illness.

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Anxiety :: Side Of Head And Neck Shock, Jolt, And Pain

So I suffer from anxiety. I have not been that anxious. A few days ago I was walking and randomly I got this jolt like shock in my neck and on the side of my head. Ever since then I have had a little pain there and if I turn my head sometimes it does the same thing, It feels like a shock wave and twitch in my head and neck but it is just on one side. Can anxiety cause this?

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Sharp Nerve Pain In Groin Private Area - Vaginal Pain And Itching

Does anyone that has back problems have sharp nerve pain in their groin private area? I have had back problems for years and sometimes would get a sharp pain up my vagina. After a bad muscle strain in my back and using the elliptical machine I've had twitching and burning all over but also in my private area. Like around my **** it will twitch or vibrate, and then I will get the sharp shooting pain up my vagina and around my butt. I notice it more if I bend over that's why I thought it might be my back. I remember when the stabbing pain started I thought it was a female problem and my OBGYN said everything looked normal with my cervix and my paps have always been normal so she didn't know. She seems clueless.

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Diabetes :: Nerve Pain? Severe Pain/tingling In Feet/ankles

My 50 year old husband has been a Type 1 diabetic since he was 21. It was a late presenting of juvenile diabetes or so they said then. He has always done well managing his diabetes, wearing a pump for the past 15 or so years. In the past week or so, he has begun to have severe pain/tingling in his feet/ankles - mainly at night when he is trying to go to sleep. He usually has to get up and walk several times before he can finally sleep - he is only getting about four hours of sleep per night. He has an appointment with his dr - but not until the week after New Years.

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Frozen Shoulder :: Nerve Pain - Forearm Hand Aching Pain

i can't cope anymore with the pain! All my nerves hurt neck scapula biceps pain all the way down arm forearm aching hand aching does anyone else have the forearm hand aching pain.

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Diabetes :: Nerve Pain In My Feet - Stabbing Pain In Ankle Now

I have had diabetes for several years now. I have nerve pain in my feet that is usually not too bad and comes and goes. Lately, my left ankle feels like there is a hair being dragged across causing a tickling feeling. Tonight, my right ankle has this sharp stabbing pain in it that has almost caused me to fall while walking. I have medicine for the nerve pain but don't like the side effects so I quit taking it. Could the stuff going on with my ankles be due to diabetes?

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Bad Foot Pain After DeNovo Surgery - Nerve Pain?

I had DeNovo surgery on my ankle 4 months ago - lesion was 11 x 13. Surgery went well. I was NWB for 6 weeks, then in boot for 4-6 more weeks with PWB. Started PT at 10 weeks and was out of boot at 12 weeks. No problem with recovery or PT until that point. After I was fully weight bearing I had much more pain. On sides and bottom of foot as well as at surgery site. Still have lots of pain and sensitivity if I walk barefoot. PT was successful as far as ROM and strengthening but he doesn't want to push me any further because of pain.

OS says too early to say it did or didn't work, but I think it didn't and he won't do MRI until 6 months. He'll give me pain meds, but I don't like them and don't react well to them. The foot pain is bad! Could it be nerve pain?

I knew this was a long recovery, but I wasn't prepared for this! I ran for 30 years, which could have contributed to this problem, but now I'm wondering if I will ever walk pain-free again?!

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Zoloft Withdrawal - A Brief Electric Charge Is Sent Through My Brain

I have a lot of unanswered questions about the withdraw process of Zoloft.

In my desperate attempts to wean myself or completely stop taking it all together, I find myself just going back to my regular dosage of 150 mg a night. this medicine has changed me as a person all together. I was diagnosed with stress induced asthma 2 years ago and since then been on zoloft. I am no longer the outgoing, energetic, and spontaneous teen that i was and i have had just about enough of it.

Well now its day 4 of my withdraws My mind is racing and i cant focus on one particular thought.

every few minutes it feels like a brief electric charge is sent through my brain and body.

sex is not of interest to me (girlfriend= not happy) I feel weak, very very week. No energy to do anything, i just want to sleep. easily annoyed and angered (almost impossible to control) dizziness and fatigue are setting in. headache from hell.

if any of this sounds familiar or you can relate to and you have tried this for yourself. Let me know if its possible to just STOP.

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Lower Back :: Electric Current Sensation Triggered By Some Kind Of Movement

Randomly during the day, triggered by some kind of movement I will get a sort of electric current sensation always starting in my lower back and spreading to my arms and legs. Never above the neck. Sometimes only the left side of my body, sometimes only the right side.  I could also describe it as the feeling you get when you cut circulation off your arm from sleeping on it wrong, and when you wake up and move it so that the blood flows freely again, that kind of numb tingling you get.  It kinda feels like that throughout my whole body. It usually last about 30 seconds and can happen several times a day.  Anybody with any ideas? this has been going on for years, and has become more frequent.

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Had Two C-section - Awaiting Third One - Anyone With Experience?

I have had 2 c sections and recovered well from both. Now I am heading for a 3 rd c section and I am now 37 yrs old. Wondering would the recovery be harder this time. Any of you ladies had any experience of this.

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Mononucleosis :: EBV And Nerve Pain

I have recently been diagnosed with EBV. I didn't present with the "normal" symptoms. I first experienced joint pain, then muscle pain, followed by extreme fatigue and muscle weakness. That lasted for about a month, then I developed sharp electric pains in my nerves and associated muscle weakness and numbness that comes and goes in my arms and legs. The nerve sensations have lasted for about 2 months. I seem to be healing

As I haven't experienced as many sharp electric pains, just numbness and tingling. I have been to a neurologist and have had an MRI of the head and neck which came back normal. Has anyone ever experienced anything of this sort of nature? I've been experiencing symptoms from EBV for 3 months now.

It's also important to note I was tested for Lyme and other blood work was done. Everything was normal except the ebv (which showed I had either contracted ebv in the last 6 months or it was.

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Arachnoiditis :: Arm Nerve Pain

I've been having issue with my arm for 6 months now, tingling, numbness, burning in my forearm, hand and up to my shoulder. I also have a stiff neck. It all started with pain in my hand,thumb and wrist while using the mouse (I am a computer IT analyst) and slowly started to affect the whole arm, shoulder and neck.

I have had an ultrasound to check for tendonitis, Nerve studies to check for Carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel and they didn't find anything. I had an MRI of my neck and it's normal apart from some cysts adjacent the nerve roots.

One doctor wants me to see an orthopedic surgeon to have them checked and another thinks they are asymptomatic and aren't the cause of my problem.

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Awaiting Tarsal Tunnel Surgery

Awaiting tts surgery. Can anyone tell me how long i will need to take off work . I work 45hrs weekly in retail . So i am on my feet all day

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Foot / Ankle :: Nerve Pain

I have been dealing with pain in my feet for several years which has gotten progressively worse. The past 6 months or so have been so bad that 3 months ago my doctor prescribed Gabapentin which helped significantly for a brief few weeks, but I am at the highest levels now and there is a new pain in my right ankle that will just not go away. I am weaning off of the Gabapentin so that I can try Lyrica. I am being scheduled for a nerve conduction test to try and determine what is wrong exactly. I am not diabetic. I believe it is from too many years of standing/walking on concrete (I'm a caterer/chef) without proper foot support. My doctor seems to support this opinion, she does not seem to have any answers. Just had blood work done, I am in excellent health otherwise! Am so worried that I'll be unable to continue working. Pain is relentless. Cannot live on pain pills, just do not want to go down that road! Anyone out there have experience with this sort of problem? How about Lyrica?

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