Tension Headaches Due To Stress And Anxiety

I have been getting severe headaches recently and doctor just told me that it is tension headaches due to stress and anxiety. I have 2 children, 1 who is 5 and the other 8months old, I am due to go back to work and I work nightshift, I can't not go back as I need the money. My main problem is I have no umph! no desire to do anything apart from sleep. Does anyone have any ideas that could pick my mood up?

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How Much Naproxen For Tension Headaches

I have had constant tension headache for four weeks now I have been prescribed naproxen which I have taken twice a day for tension headaches I have used the whole 28 pack and now my gp thinks I have a rebound headache, they have advised me to stop taking it, I tried this the other day and by 2pm the pain was awful I could not even move. There has never been a point where the pain from the tension headaches got better so I never stopped taking naproxen

Has anyone has similar issues? How much naproxen do u take for tension headaches? Because from day one my headaches have been unbearable it's so bad that without the naproxen it's painful to just breath, confused.

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Cerebral Sinus Thrombosis - Tension Headaches And Optic Nerve Damage

I'm 32. It was only detected after suffering 2 weeks of intense headaches which eventually affected my optic nerves in my eyes. I wear glasses and after 2 weeks of intense headaches my eyesight actually became much better which baffled me. I was sent away from GP with the diagnosis of a tension headache (which I don't hold any blame for) but luckily I pursued further and booked an immediate appt with an Optician who found that my visual field was affected in my left eye. I was advised to go to the Emergency Eye Casualty who continued with further tests on my eyes. They discovered the damage to my optic nerves but at this point were unable to find the source and I was seen immediately by a Neurologist who at first thought it was benign cranial hypertension. He arranged a CT scan and said that he did not expect to find anything but was very surprised to see the clot on the CT. I was admitted immediately and underwent a lumber puncture. I spent 5 days in hospital and was discharged on Warfarin medication for 3 months. I have since undergone a repeat CT scan. I believe I was very lucky as any longer I could have had a stroke. I was advised to stop the oral contraceptive pill immediately as they said this may have been the cause but also that I have recently underwent a breast reduction 3 months before.

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Anxiety :: Tension Headache After Panic Attack?

One week ago I smoked weed for the first time after 9 months and something very strange happened which had never happened before. I felt like i was going crazy, everything felt strange to touch, I was having hot/cold flushes, was dizzy, every small sound was amplified and I just remember thinking it was permanent and I had caused myself to get brain damage from weed. Eventually after about what felt like an hour I dozed off feeling like I was dying. When I woke up about 3 hours later, I was feeling 90% normal but confused as to what had happened. After much research, the symptoms matched to an anxiety attack, which is strange because I haven't had any stress and I'm a really laid back person. No one else had any symptoms from the same weed, although they did comment that it was strong. But here's the real problem, from the day after I smoked the weed until now (1 week) I've had a constant pressure feeling in my head, just behind my temples on both sides. Paracetamol and nurofen have no effect at all but then again its not really pain, but its driving me mad. Nothing I do makes it better. What's happened to me? How long will this last? I can't go to the doctor because I'm not registered and living between 2 cities.

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Anxiety :: Headaches In Front On My Forehead

For over 2 years I got diagnosed with anxiety.I had every symptom possible and in my mind I had all this type of cancers.the recent one is I have been having for over a week headaches in front on my forehead , temples.all day everyday I'm so scared.a year ago I have done mri and was normal.

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Anxiety :: Headaches - Around My Right Eye And Goes To The Back Of My Head

So I've got a headache and took some ibuprofen and it has taken the edge off it a bit but it's still there. It's on one side around my right eye and goes to the back of my head at the bottom. But of course my anxiety is making me worry. Normally I'd say it's just a headache but today I'm thinking its other people things like I'm gonna have a hemorrhage or go crazy I don't know. Especially as the tablets didn't make it go away. Hate anxiety so much!

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Anxiety :: So Bad It Creates Throbbing Headaches?

Does anyone else stress and gave anxiety so bad it creates throbbing headaches?? And I'd this a normal symptom? Feeling worried.

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Citalopram :: Nausea, Headaches And Anxiety

I started citalopram yesterday and today I feel horrendous. Nausea, headaches and my anxiety is a millions times worse. I literally feel like I can't function. I'm going to take the tablet tonight as can't cope with feeling so bad in the day. Did people feel the same and when is the best time of day to take it?

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Anxiety :: GAD - Panic Attacks, Frustrated With Headaches

I've been diagnosed with General anxiety disorder a few months back. I've always been a little nervous nelly. in the past year its hit a peak. i had my first panic attack in november 2012. sent me to the hospital. and i've been in and out of the hospital ever since. at least once a month. i've had tons of blood work, ct scans. all negative. i wake every day in fear. that something is going to happen to me while im alone with my children. i feel like a bad mom, a bad wife.. i cry every day. because i want to know what the deal is and i have no answers. im very frustrated. i've tried many techniques to stay calm and collected. sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. i wake every day almost sick to my stomach, constant headaches, short of breath, dry heaving.. and now its getting to the point where i just don't want to get out of bed in the morning for fear of physical symptoms starting.. anyone else go thru this?

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Anxiety :: Headaches - Racing Heart And Migraine

Over the past year and a half, I have been struggling with headaches every other day.  I also have been having a racing heart, but not as often.  Once a month or so.  I've been to a PT, massage therapist, a headache specialist, and a chiropractor.  My chiropractor thinks it is from stress, but when I am visibly stressed - I don't get a headache.  I was thinking it was from something that I am eating, but I cannot find a common pattern in my food diaries.  Maybe gluten or dairy? or is it really stress??  

I did notice today that I had a monster migraine when I got to work.  I was anticipating a very stressful day at work (it was fine though) and after I got home and had dinner - my headache was gone.

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Anxiety :: Constant Headaches, Detached Feeling, Trouble Sleeping

Okay, so I’m 16 and I’ve been suffering for about a year with constant headaches, although sometimes it feels more like pressure building up on my head, and sometimes it feels like its at the back of my eyes, I also find it hard to sleep because I have this weird pulsating feeling in my head. I don’t know if this could be connected but I also get some days when I just feel detached from everything and everyone and just totally spaced out and I have
to think really hard to remember things, like literally what I’ve done in the day, I have to recall my whole day to remember what I have done and I have a
really bad memory.  I also get random shooting pains up my back, I would really like some help to find out what this is if anyone has experienced similar or has any tips?

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Anxiety :: Physical Symptoms - Constipation, Headaches, Heart Palpitations

I'm 21 year old female college student and have to get my feelings out there. Since someone very close to me was diagnosed with cancer almost 3 years ago I have developed severe undiagnosed health anxiety, and every time I bring up the fact that I have bad anxiety to my Dr. we kinda just laugh it off/it isn't taken seriously. I have had physical symptoms (constipation, headaches, heart palpitations, indigestion, difficulty focusing my eyes, neck pain, TMJ, fatigue, overall anxiety about everything, and i feel lightheaded when standing up too fast) and I'm here to ask if you think these symptoms are caused by my anxiety or an actual health issue. I always feel every little pain or "off" feeling in my body, and immediately attribute it to some sort of cancer or disease. I think seeing all of these stories on social media of sick people etc. hasn't helped. i've had blood work, a CAT scan of my digestive tract, a holter monitor twice, and an ECHO since these things have happened, and they've all said things were normal. I would really appreciate any input as this is causing real stress.

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Menopause (46) :: Headaches, Anxiety, Depression, Acid Reflux And Hypersensitive

Severe pressure headaches, anxiety and depression.Tinnitus,weak legs, balance problems, acid reflux, hyper sensitive,can't get any sleep 😕

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Menopause :: Migraine Headaches And Pressure Headaches

I've been having migraine headaches, pressure headaches, dizziness and nausea. I kept chalking it all up to menopause. Because as most of you know, so many of these symptoms are menopause. 

Last Friday, Jan 2nd at around 7:30PM my boyfriend and I were leaving a restaurant, suddenly I started getting shocks in my right leg like my leg was falling asleep, while I was walking to the car. This shocking feeling quickly radiated up my arm and into my head, all on the right side. My boyfriend quickly started toward the hospital. On the way I lost the ability to formulate sentences and words. I would say one sentence and a totally different sentence would come out. I would try to say one word and a totally different word came out. Being a former medic the only word I wanted to relay was "stroke". It felt like someone had tasted my right side. It was the most frightening thing I'd ever experienced and I was awake for the entire ride. After getting to the hospital I was in the ER for about 3 hours. Then sent to Neurology/Stroke ward. For the next few days I had a battery of MRI's, EEG, EKG's, CT Scans, Blood Work, Ultrasounds and a Spinal (Lumbar Punch). Within 6 or so hours I was able to formulate sentences and say words again. I forced myself the entire time. My right side started getting feeling back within a few days. I still have some numbness in my right hand and am experiencing peripheral neuropathy symptoms in my right leg and foot. 

The neurologist found a mass in my brain. Thanks be to God that it is benign. I just found out yesterday that I am cancer free. However, they still don't know what the mass is. It could be a tumor or a jelly bean I stuffed in my nose as a child. (joking) But we won't know for a while.Also it might be inoperable too. I will be seeing the Dr on the 13th for an MRI Rx. In a month we'll do the MRI and see what has happened with this mass. Is the edema gone, has it shrunk or grown? Things like that.

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Migraine Along With Tension Headache

I am someone who suffers from tension headache as well as occasional migraine and I have found that any antihistamine with a combination of paracetamol induces sleep and controls pain.

Medications that control pain the best are:

Codeine 30mg (prescription only)

Solpadeine Max - contains paracetamol

Nurofen Plus - contains ibuprofen

Syndol - contains paracetamol

Those medications that cause sedation but don't necessarily control pain as well are:

Covonia 'Night time' cough mixture - contains diphenhydramine

Allergy relief (Chlorpheniramine Maleate)

The medicine that works best in my experience is Syndol, although it has less codeine than Solpadeine Max it is effective and non addictive.

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Tension Headache Or Possible Migraine

Has anyone ever experienced a burning sensation in your head from a tension headache or a Migraine? Or any kind of burning sensations from any kind of headaches?

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Best Tension Headache Remedies?

I have tension headaches on and off and this week I've had a lot of them. The muscles at the top of my neck/base of my skull on the right side and my right trap stay tight/knotted. I usually do massage therapy on a fairly regular basis that helps with this and usually keeps the headaches away. Because of a really busy summer remodeling our house, I haven't been able to do this and have kind of gotten "behind the ball". I'm having a hard time getting them under control. Anyone been in this situation and what works best for you?

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24/7 Tension Headache For 30 Years - Relief When Lay Down

When I lay down flat, my Head & neck quit aching

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Menopause :: Tension Headache In Perimenopause

I'm a little worried as I have had a tension type headache for approx 5 days during my period ? Anyone else had this please ? Should I be worried ?

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