Anxiety :: Lexapro To Prozac During Pregnancy

I have been on lexapro and latuda for over 2 years. I have been completely stable with my anxiety and depression.. my husband n I decided that we wanted to have another baby.. the doctor told me the best thing to do was switch to prozac.. I withdrew from latuda n lexapro within 2 weeks .. and started 30mgs of prozac.. I had every side effect known to the prozac where I had to be hospitalized for 5 days .. I went thru hell for 3 weeks hoping the prozac would kick in and the side effects would go away but that never did.. while in the hospital they stopped the prozac and put me back on latuda n lexapro .. I'm still having alot of anxiety .. nausea .. sleeping issues.. I just started the lexapro and latuda this monday and stopped prozac fully sunday.. does anyone know when this anxiety and depression will stabilize again.. I can't take the fear.. panic.. n anxiety anymore.. will I be normal again?

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Lexapro 40mg To Prozac 20mg - Severe Depression And Anxiety Changed From

Came off Lexapro 40 mg bout week and a half ago and have been on prozac 20mg for 2.5 weeks. Dr upped it today to 40 mg.

First week and a half on prozac 20mg i felt agitated and really really anxious...panicky thoughts, felt like i was going crazy.

But this morning just woke up totally depressed..cried all day pretty much, no motivation, huge brainfog, extremely tired, low concentration, not interested in doing anything- not enough concentration to do anything. Don't feel like eating.

I am wondering if it is too low dose after coming off Lexapro 40 mg...or maybe it just hasn't kicked in yet all....can anyone, from their own experience, shed some light on this....i am feeling completely lost!

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Lexapro And Omeprazole During Pregnancy?

I'm currently taking lexapro for anxiety & depression and Omeprazole for Gerd and just found out I'm 4 weeks pregnant.  My doctor said the benefIt's outweigh the risks but I'm reading some really scary defects online and I'm wondering if anyone here has had good/bad experiences with them?

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Mirtazapine Combination With Other Antidepressant?

does anyone use a combination of a low amount of mirtazapine for sleep, combined with an antidepressant ?

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Does Anyone Take Lexapro, Effexor And Xanax?

Does anyone take lexapro,effexor and xanax? my new primary doctor has me going off effexor saying it is basically the same as lexapro.

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Hypertension :: Lisinopril & Norvasc Combination Works?

I have been taking 40 mg lisinopril for over a year now but my blood pressure still is elevated at times. I have anxiety as well and recently went to Dr who prescribed me 5mg norvasc to take with my 40 mg lisinopril. Does anyone else take this combination and if so how does it work for you ?

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Birth Control :: Plan B In Combination With Nordette?

My partner and I had unprotected sex during my period (on 3rd/4th day). I'm to start using birth control pills for the first time on the 5th day. My period usually lasts 7 days.

Unfortunately I'm in a foreign country and pharmacies are closed till Monday which will be about 60hrs later when I can take plan b, and by then I'll be taking birth control pills.

Should I take plan B in combination with the birth control or should I simply go ahead with the birth control pills.

I am aware that what happened was irresponsible and unfortunate especially as I had already planned on being safe. Help and advice would be much appreciated.

If it helps, the Birth control brand name I am meant to begin using is Nordette. Doctor said I can start having unprotected sex once I begin using.

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Right Combination Of Vitamins For Cholesterol, Kidney Stones And Osteopenia

I recently turned 40 and have had an interesting year with health. I went from excellent cholesterol to very high, developed kidney stones, learned I have osteopenia and have developed chronic back pain caused by bone on bone. I am not a fan of medication and am trying to find the right combination of vitamins to help with these problems. I cannot take Calcium because it is causing kidney stones, but I am thinking Vitamin D and Omega 3 Fish Oil would be a good start. Any suggestions on other vitamins/dosage?

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Postnatal Depression :: Mirtazapine 30 Mg Combination With Venlafaxine 75mg?

I'm currently taking this combination for postnatal depression my baby is 10 weeks old! The Venlafaxine was started alongside the Mirtazapine three weeks ago and at first my anxiety came back slightly however for two weeks now I've been feeling great and back to myself and been very happy😃 but now all of a sudden since yesterday I've been having feelings of anxiety again, having hot flushes and have this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach like a churning sensation! I have been rather upset today because I've been feeling so good because I was in such a dark place a few weeks ago! And now I'm feeling like this! What should I do? Will this pass?

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Alcohol And Mixing Drugs (Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Xanax, Ambien)

A friend of mine is on Wellbutrin, Lexapro, Xanax, Ambien, and alcohol (wine, vodka). How dangerous is this in the short/long term?

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Outcome Of Amitriptyline For IBS?

I've been prescribed a low dose of Amitriptyline for IBS (10 mg per day). Can anyone advise if they have taken this for IBS and what the outcomes have been?

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Amitriptyline And Ear Ringing

Is anyone else getting this?  If I come of the amitriptyline will it stop?

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Vertigo / Dizziness With Amitriptyline?

So I'm 8 months into my latest debilitating 24/7 dizziness. After a clear MRI, a neurologist suggested my imbalance might have a migrainous element to it. There is such a thing as vestibular migraine.

At this point, I'm willing to try anything, so the Dr has out me on Amitriptyline as a migraine preventative. I've been taking 10mg per night for the last 5 days (I can go up as high as 60mg by gradually dosing up).

I know it can have side effects that take a while to wear off and that it might not become effective for several weeks. But honestly, it's making me feel much worse already. I wake up every morning with a pounding head as if I'd drank a bottle of vodka, which is worse than the cannonball-head feeling I had already. Plus, I think it's making me woozier and dizzier than before (which was already so bad I've been off work for 3 months).

Has anyone tried it? Does it get better? I'm finding it really hard to cope with the side effects on top of how I'm already feeling. Many thanks.

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Tramadol To Amitriptyline To Aid Sleep

after using Tramadol for several months with limited success I have now been prescribed Amitriptyline also to aid sleep. I was constantly waking up at night in pain but this is seeming to work thankfully.

Is it a concern though that it does knock me out and I do work night shifts..... 

Perhaps I need to change my shift pattern temporary?

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Gabapentin And Amitriptyline Withdrawal

Was on 600mg Gabapentin 3 times a day for peripheral neuropathy to little effect. Was prescribed Amitriptyline, took 25mg for 3 days then 50mg for 5 days - replacing the 2 Gabapentin at night. Reduced Amitriptyline to 25mg after awful side effects. Took for 2 days with 300mg at night (in addition to the 600mg in morning and new GP said stop Amitriptyline and increase morning dose to 900 mg. Was OK for a while, but then feet and lower legs started severe pins and needles, difficult to walk. Disturbed sleep last night and feet and legs still bad. Is this withdrawal from Amitriptyline? How long will it last? GP rang and said gradually increase Gabapentin to 900 mg 3 times a day and if necessary go to 1200 mg 3 times a day. Any suggestions? Will this gradually get better?

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Side Effects :: Amitriptyline With Fluoxetine

I've been on Amitriptyline for 6 months for pain management - lowest dose 10 mg in evening and I am getting on fine after the side effects at the start!

This week I've been started on fluoxetine 20 mg per day for other issues. GP said it might interact with the Amitriptyline but might not so give it a go.

Has anyone else taken these two medicines at the same time? How did you feel?

I've taken fluoxetine before so I'm ready for the crazy initial side effects (off work for 4 weeks so I can get through it!)

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Pain Management :: Amitriptyline Vs Nortriptyline

I have suspected Piriformis Syndrome & SI Joint Dysfunction also causing sciatica, have also had some nerve pain in the back of my thigh, occasional calf cramps, foot cramps, and foot pain. Since my last Cortisol injection into my SI joint it has made everything horribly worse, I cannot sit now for very long without severe left foot pain that makes me feel nauseous it's so horrible. I have informed the consultant of this and am on a waiting list to go back and see him, this is the 2nd time the injections have caused me extra pain so have now lost faith in these and want to try alternatives.

My consultant previously wanted to put me on Amitriptyline but I have been on this before and was taken off it due to serious sedative side effects (even fell asleep eating in a restaurant) was on a small dose and still didn't improve with time. So I've read that Nortriptyline is an alternative with less side effects, can anyone advise if they have had less sedative side effects with this than Amitriptyline please?

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Amitriptyline To Nortriptyline - Sleep Problems

I've been taking a low level of amitriptyline (10 - 20mg daily) for chronic pelvic pain for about 5 years (possibly longer).  Recently, my specialist suggested I change to Nortriptyline (10mg daily) as it has less side effects - particularly the 'foggy-head' feeling in the morning that I often experienced.

I spoke at length to my GP about this and they assured me that I could just switch from one to the other, which I have done.  Whilst I am definitely feeling less zombie-like in the morning, I find I can't sleep at night.  With the ami, I zonked out quite easily, but with the nor, every night since I switched, I haven't slept properly at all.  I'm quite run down at the moment so I'm a bit concerned that I'm going to make myself ill if I'm not sleeping.

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Amitriptyline :: Taking 25mg - How To Stop It?

Ive been using 25mg amitriptyline for migraine headache, i was told by dr that it will block headaches from coming.. for 4 days i've been taking this med. & it has me sluggish, tired, dry mouth, & delusional thoughts ( is this normal) Although the few nights i have taken it, i haven't had a headache, i just feel tightness & delusional thought in my mind, feels very scary, want to stop taking them. Everyone around me says, im not the same person i once was.. feeling sad/ very emotional..

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