Am I Pregnant? :: Implantation Bleeding? Brown Discharge And Little Of Blood

So I'm pretty on top when my period is suppose to come, & they're regular & pretty heavy. This month what I thought was my period (which was a week early) came & then the next day nothing. Usually my second day is the heaviest and a maybe a day or two after that I was getting this brown discharge and have been having it for a few days with a little blood. I took a pregnancy test and its negative. My period originally was suppose to come tomorrow but idk what could be wrong with me! Maybe I'm over thinking it?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Brown, Pink And Then Light Discharge - Implantation Bleeding

I was wondering if anyone can help me I've had two days of bleeding then third day brown discharge and then the fourth day I'm having red/pink really really light discharge which I can only see when I sip myself and also I'm having really bad period like pains and I always have 5 days of full period heavy until the fourth day the gradually turns light on the 5th.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Milk White And White Jelly Period Then Dark Brown Discharge

I had my period 2 weeks ago, after that i started having milk white and white jelly coming out, a day after i have dark brown discharge coming out, did do a pregnancy test it said negative, i have allot of tenderness on my breast,nausea and lite stomach paint and a headache that doesn't go away.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Intercourse? Late Period? Period Cramps? No Period? Workout?

Feb 15 my boyfriend n I had sex, we were quite into it but I guess I took the condom from him , it got stuck inside me but he got it out, I'm 19 very new to sex so I didn't know what to do. He told me not to worry.

I'm two days late for my period, feb 21 was my date for my period . I've been getting weird cramping it felt like period cramps but no period. I also started to workout 5 days a week started this past Monday (advanced workouts) . I just want to know why my period isn't here. My last period was off too. I just need advice and some help .

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First Period? Brown Discharge And Blood Clots Is This My Period?

I'm 12 and I've had clear stuff in my underwear for a while and yesterday it was brown and today I wiped after going pee and it was reddish pinkish blood I wiped again and it was gone I guess it's called spotting I just looked it my underwear and their is black clots on top of having breast soreness moodiness and crazy cramps

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Menstruation :: Period Like Cramps And Clear Discharge 2 Week After Period?

period like cramps and clear discharge 2 week after period?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Period Is Late, Having Something Like Period Cramps, Nausea

So here is the story, I had sex a week before my period suppose to start. But before I had sex, I've been having lots of stress and been skipping meals sometimes not eating much in a day. So I decided to have sex to relieve the stress, and on the day I had sex, I had finally gotten a good healthy meal.

During sex, I had it a couple of times, twice with condom and thrice without but he pulled out before he ejected.

After a week, or actually a few days. I started feeling giddy. And started to eat a lot and get really hungry often. I'm having body aches and feeling tired.

Sometimes I get cramps coming and going.. Recently it was more cramp than the first few ones I had.

After a meal I feel slightly nauseous.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Cramps Like My Normal Period But No Period

Having cramps Like my normal period but no period 6 days late but recently got rid of a yeast and uti infection .what are my chances of being pregnant

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Menstruation :: Odd Period, Red Blood One Day Then Brown Discharge

I had received what I had thought was my period a few weeks before I was actually due (around the 28/29th). It seemed like a regular period at first even though it came out of nowhere. It was bright red and it was a normal flow. However, the next day is was light and barely any, and when I checked my pad it was more brown than red. I just assumed that the blood had dried up quickly. However that continued, with the next day having barely any, but the day after that seeing a brown discharge, covered in the gel like substance (similar to ovulation), when I went to pee. I'm somewhat worried since it is the time that I am due and I don't have anything. To note, I also had a abnormally heavy period last month, so I'm not sure if that was a continuation or if it something more serious.

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Menstruation :: Bleeding A Brown Pinkish Spotting One Day After Period

I've been trying to find out what's going on. But I had my period for the 7 days it's always been like and the stoped that 7th day and then the very next day started bleeding a brown pinkish spotting with no smell I have had 2 kids and never have this happens to me could it still be my period or implantation bleeding I'm so confused?

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Trying To Conceive :: Brown Discharge And Bleeding After Sex ?

I am a female aged 20, don't have sex regularly but the last two times after sex I have had brown discharge and then bleeding, the first time I was due my period a day or two later so thought nothing of it, this time my period is not due for another 5/6 days, day 1 and 2 after sex brown discharge day 3 nothing and then day 4 more discharge but when i wipe there is also blood, put a tampon in there is also quite a bit of blood on this when taken out  .. should i be worried ?

I am on microlite pill quite a while now.

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Bleeding/Brown Discharge Between Periods?

I am 16 and still a virgin so there's no way I'm pregnant. My last period started at the 22nd January (maybe just after) and has since finished. Everything was fine until two days ago I noticed a little brown discharge, I didn't think much of it until it carried on yesterday and today. There's not lots of it, just like regular discharge with bits of brown (and I think i saw some red blood there too..) It's getting quite scary after reading all the things that can cause it. I am on iron tablets (have been on them for 2 months) but I don't think that can cause anything can it?

I have an appointment with my nurse on Fri for a blood test to check my iron so I will bring it up then. Nothin like this has happened to me before and my periods have been pretty regular since I was 11.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Cramps Similar To Period

me and my gf had sex on 15th july her period started on 5th july We used a condom but from last one two days she is having severe legs pain and cramps similar to period. could she be pregnant?

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Menstruation :: Brown Discharge - Implantation Bleeding?

My gf period was from the 16th to the 20th. Two days after she wanted to have unprotected sex, she put it in, but literally 5 seconds after I made her get up. I didn't ***. And I know precum can have sperm if I ejaculated earlier and didn't go pee before sex. But I know for sure I went to the bathroom after my last ejaculation because it was probably a couple days ago. Anyway. She ovulated on the 29th; The 14th day of her cycle. I think this was the day because she had light cramps and was craving sex. On the 2nd of June she has bleeding. A brown discharge. It was enough that she would have used a tampon for, not spotting. At first I was scared of implantation bleeding but it says on average is happens 9 days after ovulation with a range of 6 to 12. It had only been 4 days. I know she has been stressing, and she tried weed for the first time recently. But could that really cause this discharge. After considering all these factors, even if my precum did have sperm it's a very small chance that the sperm got to the egg with having to last 7 whole days to ovulation. I know ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, but Its just not adding up to be implantation bleeding. What else could this be?

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Menstruation :: Vaginal Bleeding - Brown Discharge

On December 14 I fell pretty hard, the next morning I had vaginal bleeding, most brown discharge but some red also, this lasted about 2 days. No pain, dizziness, headache, nothing. I had my regular cycle on December 22, which was completely normal. On December 30 I got a tattoo, and again I had brown discharge for about 24 hours. On January 2 I bumped my elbow, and again brown discharge for about 24 hours. Yesterday ( January 3) I cut my finger pretty bad, and started to bleed almost immediately after, not brown discharge, but bight red blood. I know that I should go to the dr, but I don't have a regular Dr, and the er just pushes you through without any real answers then refers you to a Dr, which will require insurance, which I don't have.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Brown Discharge And I Am In Pain

I have brown discharge in my knickers not much I have pains in my back also and have not had my period yet does this mean it's on its way or could I be pregnant

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Brown Sticky Discharge Related To Implantation Bleeding?

My period has been very wacky lately. I've had spotting on the 28th-31st of Dec, then again on the 13th-18th of this month, and then yesterday I had light spotting that was brown. Later last night it turned into a pink spot, then back to brown. Today I've been having light brown sticky/stretchy discharge. It is only while wiping and I don't need a panty liner or tampon.

I'm not sure which out of these three random times is my real period. Also, my fiance and I have had unprotected intercourse on both the 9th and 23rd.
Is this possibly effects caused by my bc? Or is it possibly implantation?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Brown Discharge 10-14 Days After Ovulation Mean Implantation?

My boyfriend and I had sex on Aug 18, we used protection and he didn't finish, I ovulated on the 19-25 of August. I was supposed to get my period today (September 7th) but instead I got this brown discharge. From what I was reading online it says that if you get brown discharge 10-14 days after ovulate it means you have implantation bleeding from the fertilized embryo is pushing into the uterine tissue. Basically what I am getting at is am I pregnant?

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Am I Pregnant? :: Brown Discharge, Tender Breast, Headaches

last week was my period week, but i had brown discharge throughout the week, with tender breast, my emotions were uncontrollable, headaches, backaches. could this be implantation bleeding? also, i bleed somewhat the following week on that monday but stopped. but the next day i woke up and have been barely bleeding throughout the day. i figured it was just my late period but its irregular compared to my usual periods. could i be pregnant? note: i still have sore breasts and everything. (very sore breast) and faint cramps.

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