Accutane For Acne Will Help Fordyce Spots As Well?

I have acne and have just started accutane course (two weeks in). I also have fordyce spots on penis before treatment, fairly little and i could live with it. I read online many people think accutane gets rid of them and they do short term unitl you stop the drug but when they come back they come back 10 times worse. I really don't want this to be the case, and am seriously thinking stopping the course coz i dont want my penis covered when before I had them but could live with it just about.

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Acne :: Ruined My Life - Accutane Will Work?

I'm 17 a soph in college and i've struggled with acne for 3 years now. i used to have amazing skin and then started getting mild acne here and there.
but now it has gotten so horrible that i can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror. my self esteem is down the drain. i don't go out at all, not even with friends or family. i just stay at home all day feeling like crap.

it has gotten so bad that i even broke up with my 3 year boyfriend. he says he loves me no matter what but i feel like he's lying. i just feel so ugly and disgusted with myself.

i have tried everything out there possible. every pill, every over the counter med, and every prescribed med there is. im starting accutane next month and i know it's supposed to do wonders but i just don't know what to do with myself till then.

i feel so hopeless and helpless. college is starting in 7 weeks and i wanted to have better skin before then but i don't even think that's possible. i hate being the only one with bad skin amongst my friend group. it seems like they all have flawless skin and im so ugly. i know it will get better after i start taking the pill but for now i feel so low and i feel like im crying all the time because of this.

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Acne / Skin :: Sun Spots On Neck? Possible Accutane Side Effect?

I'm 16 years old and I recently discovered just a little area of brown colored skin on my neck. I reverently finished a 7 month course of accutane and I know it can affect your pigmentation in many ways.

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Acne :: Pink Looking Bumps Midway Up Shaft Of Penis

For about a year, I had a small bump about midway up the shaft of my penis. Every indicator seemed to me to be that of an ingrown hair, so I basically ignored it. Now, about five or six weeks ago I noticed this bump was much larger. I also noticed 4-5 similar ones around it, not right next to it but in the same general vicinity. I have plucked a hair from the middle of the original one and am treating it 2-3 times a day with hydrogen peroxide. I also plucked a hair from two of the others, the remaining ones look like these but I have yet to find hairs growing out of them. My question is, are these most likely ingrown hairs? Is it possible to get several at once? I'm pretty sexually active and was a bit of a wild man in my past, so I have had exposure to other sexual partners, although I have slowed down a lot in recent years. Do I simply have ingrown hair or should I be concerned about something worse?

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Acne :: Face Is Really Itchy Around Edges

My face is really itchy right around the edge of my face from under my ears down to my chin. Usually the right side but sometimes the left as well. It comes on randomly and usually lasts hours to days. It has been happening for a few months now and it gets so bad that I am scratching it like mad without realising it and leaving angry red marks all down the side of my face! Do you have any ideas what it might be?

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Acne Appears On Face With Masturbation

19 years old. I have acne on my skin and small pores/holes on the cheek area which make the skin look old and bad. I wanted to know if masturbation causes acne, because I have noticed, when there is a period of weeks when i do not masturbate, my acne starts curing on its own and ones do not come. But if I masturbate, theirs a new one the very next day. Can someone please help me out on this so i can avoid it completely. And also, what should I do for the scars/pores/holes on my cheek areas in order to cure them, because that doesn't seem to heal no matter what i do. I've been putting tomatoes on my skin and that has helped me skin glow a lot, but these pores/holes/scars do not fill up.

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Acne :: Is It Eczema? Face Is Dry, Red, Flaky, Itchy

My face is dry, red, flaky, itchy, and peeling but only on the right side. I work in a warehouse and was very sweaty this past week so I wiped my face off with a towel during the day, possibly further irritating and drying out my face. I also have purple pimple like bumps on my face but again, only on the right side.

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Acne :: Face Skin Swollen Red Marks

I am 29 Years old. I was having problem on my face skin. So i visited a Doctor who prescribed me Adalen and Glycolic 6. After using that, it was better.

Now I had a function to attend so i used tan pack and have done facial.

After that the affected area got swollen and red. I applied ice cubes and Lacto Calamine. Now the swelling up is not there but the red patch mark is still there.

The affected area got very dry and..when i stretch the skin and leave it. The skin gets lines and squeezed type.

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Early Puberty :: Eyes Irritation, Swollen Eyelids - Acne And Face Oil

My 10 year old daughter is in puberty, her pimples and clogged pores on her face is the evidence, lol!  My concern is her eyelids have clogged pores or glands few times this year. One time leads to little irritation (itchiness), but warm compress and cold compress get it over in a couple of day. In 2014, she woke up with a swollen eyelid (eye infection on eyelid)!  Is the hormone at puberty a factor as she is producing more oil? How to prevent that from happening? Should I have her use diluted baby soap to wash her eyelids daily? Or some OTC eyelid wipes? Or warm compress twice a day? She has been taking a potent omega-3 capsules the past half year, is this increasing the oil production as well?  She is moderately myopic, too.

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Relation Between Accutane And Sjogren's?

Is anyone aware of  a linkage between isotretinoin (Accutane), used for treating cystic acne, and Sjogren's, which is linked to the epithelial cells?  At 21, when Accutane first appeared, doses were higher than current (I remember my skin bleeding when scratching lightly with a fingernail).  I am now 51, and have had Raynaud's for a number of years, and was just diagnosed with Sjogren's.  Just curious if anyone has seen this?

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Swollen Spleen Due To Mono - Accutane?

My 15 year old son has had a mono like virus (at least that is the diagnosis) for approximately 5 weeks. Tests have not shown it is mono but the doctor feels it is a mono like virus. Other bloodwork has all come back normal. He has had severe fatigue, on and off fever, and swollen glands especially his spleen. No sore throat. I know in some cases mono can last between 1 to 2 months (or more in severe cases). It is very frustrating not having a confirmation that it is mono. One other thing, is that he was just finishing up 7 months of accutane for acne. Here are a few questions:

1) if it is mono, how long would the swollen spleen last. I had read elsewhere that the swollen spleen if present typically goes away after four weeks.

2) if it is not mono but another mono-like virus, are there any tests to do that would tell you what it is?? Without having a confirmation, it has been extremely worrying to us, his parents.

3) is there any possibility that the accutane has anything to do with the swollen spleen. I read elsewhere that people with mono should not be taking accutane or drinking alcohol or taking tylenol. He had just stopped taking accutane when he started showing signs (ie. swollen spleen). Could a problem result if he was taking accutane prior to showing symptoms of mono during the incubation period. IF so, any recommendations for tests to do or things to look for.

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Accutane Will Clear Fordyce Spots

Will accutane clear fordyce/sebaceous prominence, how much and fur how long should I take accutane for my chronic fordyce condition?

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Asymmetrical Crying Face, As I Age, My Face Twists More

I'm 40, and was born with ACF. As I age? My face twists more. My neck muscles are obviously larger on my right side, and now my neck aches from constant strain. My parents always said it was no big deal. Any help? I don't know where to go, I'm not sure my Dr. has ever heard of it.

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Acne :: What Really Clear Up Acne

I'm sick of all this taking antibiotics and cream and not seeing any difference I have acne on back and chest it cleared up a lot on face but no change on rest.. 

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A Small Red/pink Lump On The Top Of Thigh

I have a small red/pink lump on the top of thigh which looks like a bite. It's about the size of a bite, a bit smaller than a 5p. I went to the doctors about 4 weeks ago and he didn't seem concerned and said it was an inflamed hair follicle. I was wondering whether if there has been an infection or inflamed tissue it takes a long time to go away or it leaves scarred tissue. I am really worried about cancer as my mum had breast cancer last year. I am only 20 but im paranoid that its a cancerous lump as its hard and doesn't move.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Wipe Pink And Then Brown

I had a normal cycle Oct. 18 thru the 21st. Then in Nov. Had nothing except all the symptons. Then DEC. 12 had sex and on the 13th was wiping a lite pink, then brown lasting till 17th. I took test but is neg after masterbating lastnite now I'm wiping brown again and back hurts. Any idea

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Am I Pregnant? :: Spotting Again Very Light Pink

I've been trying for 5 months to get pregnant. I had my last period November 27th 2014 lasted 3 days(medium) then very light spotting for 4 days. Not I'm spotting again very light pink. Lots of milky white looking discharge, can I be pregnant? My next period isn't due till December 27th 2014.

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Am I Pregnant? :: Spotting Pink For 6 Days

I've been spotting pink for 6 days it'd actually pink red peachy and my DH said he noticed my frequent urination and my boons getting big I'm so new I don't know what to expect

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Am I Pregnant? :: Started Have A Pink Spotting

Yesterday(Monday 02.01) I started have a pink spotting .. Then it became light brown and then disappeared . This morning I have a creamy discharge with a little pink . My period is suppose to come on the fourth which is two days away now .. What could this be because my periods normally start with light pink spotting and then into a heavy flow later in the day .

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