Pregnancy :: Genetic Testing?

I turned it down but I wanted to know if anyone else got it done...

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Pregnancy :: Anyone Gotten A False Genetic Testing?

has anyone gotten a false genetic testing . They have told me my baby neck is 6mm away and it has to be 3mm . Has anyone gotten the same problem and later everything was fine ?

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Pregnancy :: How Accurate Is Genetic Testing?

How accurate are blood test

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Pregnancy :: Genetic Testing - How Long To Wait For Results?

I'm 39 years old and this is my third child I go tomorrow for my genetic testing at 12 weeks I was wondering if anyone else has had this done and how long before you got the results back

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Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia :: Genetic Testing?

My neuro ophthalmologist has ordered blood test for genetic testing and my insurance has finally approved it. I am wondering if anyone has had this test before. I don't know why he does not do a muscle biopsy instead but I don't really want one. He is pretty sure I have CPEO.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :: Genetic Testing To Rule Out Causes Of Fatigue?

I am just wondering whether anyone has had genetic testing to rule out causes of fatigue? Myself and my brother both suffer with extreme tiredness and I'm wondering if it's worth asking for it to be investigated down the genetic route.

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ADHD / ADD :: Adderall And Gabapentin

I am on day 7, of 20mg of Adderall. I also take 900mg of gabapentin. I have noticed that I Have only been eating one meal a day and Exercising cardio for an hour a day but my Weight is still the same... Is this normal?

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Severe Depression And Anxiety? Due To ADHD

I feel like depression has a hold on my life, a really tight hold, and at this point I don't know what to do anymore. Its so severe that it has affected my way of living so much. I'm not the same girl I once was. I am hurting so much on the inside, even though I have to keep a strong face on for the world to see. I think that is where my anxiety comes into play. That and my ADHD. School has always been so so hard for me. That made me severely depressed starting in middle school. I could not understand why I was so bad at math. And I got mediocre grades/gpa because of my math problems. I was in Catholic school my whole life, and having to go to public high school was very hard for me. I was not used to that environment and was bullied and picked on. I know its really not a big deal, but I was only 14-15 and it really did affect me I feel. I was bullied about how ugly I was, how short i was, I was physically bullied and had stuff thrown at me in class all the time, teachers would do nothing (in fact one teacher even made it worse and chose the side of the bullies, aka the favorites of the class, and my school therapist at the time had to defend me). I would skip class to avoid my tormentors. My anxiety worsened because of this, my parents did nothing, made me stay at the same school, and I would have to hide, in the bathroom and the library, could not even have lunch. It was so hard for me. Now that I'm in college its amazing that I don't have to worry about any of that. People are so different, but I'm so depressed about the fact how hard math still is for me, and classes in general, and the fact I have no friends at all, none whatsoever. No matter how hard I try I feel like I lost my ability to socialize with people like I used to. For fear of being made fun of. I also don't want to be left (I have abandonment issues because of my dad leaving). So i figure there is no point in getting close to someone if they are just going to hurt and leave me. I feel like such a loser, I'm in my second year of community college and I don't even know what to do. I don't know how to drive (I had a very strict mom and stepdad, they never taught me how to drive, didn't want me driving) so by the time i was 18 i just kept putting it off I guess. I don't even have a job yet. I've been looking and its so hard to find. I feel like everyone is passing me by, and it really makes me feel like the biggest loser in the world. What hurts most is no one understands how severe my depression is, my mom thinks I just don't care and am "lazy" when in fact its the complete opposite. I want nothing more than to be better and healthy so I can move out of this house. I don't know what else to say besides I want help on how to get my life back on track. I'm on meds but I still feel terrible. My psychiatrist didn't prescribe me adderall even though she saw how severe my ADHD was, and felt it was more important to treat the "depression" which is stupid, because I'm just not depressed for no reason. Things cause depression and I feel my ADHD is a big cause of my depression. Anyway I'm rambling and don't know what else to say besides I really want advice, and hope I'm not the only one in this situation. I have no one to turn to.

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ADHD / ADD :: I Forget Everything And Misplace My Belongings

I am 18. The past 3 months I've been losing everything and I feel like I'm getting worse. Generally I forget things but lately I misplace my belongings more frequently ( wallet, keys, phone). It also happens at work, in less than 2 weeks i forgot to punch out 3 times. Last weekend I misplaced my wallet 3 times, and today I left my keys in my friend's car. I feel like I have no control at lot, i try so many things and nothing works. I read an article saying that it can be caused by stress(I'm a college student, and part time work) but the fact that I have always been the unattentive one between my Friends makes me wonder if I have ADD.

Side note: My brother has ADHD and I would like to know if my mom having major depression when she was pregnant with us( not twins but one pregnancy right after the other) can influence this.

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Breastfeeding - Mom With Diabetes And ADHD/anxiety

I really want to breastfeed my son I breastfeed my first son 8 years ago but this time there are third medications that would have to be changed in order to make that possible. One is for diabetes, changing that could be dangerous. The others are for adhd and anxiety, I need to go back on to be able to function to the best of my ability. But breastfeeding is so good for the baby is easier and cheaper. I feel like i'm being selfish in away if I don't breastfeed but if I don't have my meds. That could prove to be bad to.

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Chiari Malformation With ADHD - A Lot Of Cognitive Issues

I am an adult with ADHD, 15 months ago I had decompression surgery as I had a syrinx almost the full length of my spine and Chiari malformation. The syrinx has reduced massively but is still large. I have had many symptoms following surgery but am wanting to know if any chiari patients also have experience with ADHD as alot of the cognitive issues I am having now are similar to ADHD like lack of concentration and taking in information. From what I can find there is no official info about this so I was hoping to hear from anyone who has a personal experience of this. I don't know if I can expect to return to normal as alot of the cognitive symptoms I already had but on a much smaller scale.

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Cannabis :: Marijuana For Bipolar / ADHD And Eating Disorder?

i've been taking meds for bipolar disorder and ADHD since I was about 6 or 7, when I was about 13 I was taking a total of 17 pills everyday, it wasn't until about 9 months or more that I was put into a hospital for an immediate detox. my doses have always been as high as I can get. Right now I'm taking bupropion 450 mg, vyvanse 120 mg, intuniv 300mg, and at night I take zolpidem 20mg; everyday! But sometimes when I don't wake up and take my pills in the morning I get stomach pains and I feel like c**p. My mom said that I need to go see a doctor and have tests done to see if I have liver damage, but all I keep hearing is that I should smoke weed. It would help with my stress and anxiety and my eating disorder ( I sometimes put off eating when I feel bloated). Is marijuana the best option?

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Pregnancy :: Drug Testing

So I've been reading a lot of posts that say they've been drug tested while they've been pregnant? When exactly do they do that right before you give birth or right after?

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STDs :: Testing Periods

When is the best AND final time for testing with blood work. This is for all stds, there seems to be alot of confusion with the time testing that is why people in here have a hard time accepting their results even if it gives them an answer,  does it go by weeks? Months? 12weeks 16weeks 3months 6months or for a one time exposure so anything under this times are not the correct answers? Anything after the 12weeks period is a relief for finalized testing?  

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Labor :: Alcohol Testing

If I had 10 drinks 11 days ago how long before a peth test will be negative

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Antivirals For Herpes Interfere With HIV Testing

I am a female that was diagnosed with genital herpes 11/22/2013. That is when I had my first outbreak. (I am not sure if I have type one or type two yet). Well I have been waiting as long as I could to take an HIV test because I wanted to be sure. So I think 6 months is a practical time limit, I hope. I took the Oraquick HIV swab test yesterday which was 5/17/2014 (which is almost six months since I been diagnosed with herpes and of course possible exposure to HIV). Now I can't be too certain of the dates, but I am pretty sure it was at the end of November. Anyway, I digress.

Now, I have been taking valacyclovir since I got diagnosed with herpes. Does taking antivirals interfere with an oral swab test from Oraquick?

I am getting an HIV blood test on Monday from a lab, which leads to my secondary question. Will taking the antivirals for my herpes interfere with my blood HIV test from the lab?

I think most of you know why I am asking this, but in case you don't; I read somewhere (forget where), but please don't mark my words because I have a bad memory, but I think it said that the test is not accurate for people who are HIV taking antivirals . I'm very confused about that because who would take an HIV test if someone already knows they have HIV? But again, I could be wrong on what I read. But I do know I read somewhere that taking antivirals could interfere with an HIV test whether it be blood or oral, but it was more about for hiv patients and cancer patients? I want to know more about the oral test if possible for that is my main concern tonight. I am in state of panic and worry. I took two test and they came out negative, but I am still worried, not only because of the antiviral situation, but also because I think I messed up the swab portion of the test both times. I am a nervous wreck.

By the way, the Oraquick 1-800 number is terrible. I tried calling them and they were not very helpful. They seemed really bored being there. They mumble when they speak like teenagers. Very disappointed in the 1 800 number.

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Negative OraQuick Testing At 10 Weeks?

I had unprotected sex with a CSW of unknown status. I got a rapid test using finger blood at 9 weeks, the result was non-reactive. And another OraQuick testing at 10 weeks, the result was non-reactive as well. Is this a good indicator of my 13 weeks result?

Also, CDC recommended to test at 3 months and even up to 6 months - I took
Isotretinoin a couple years ago as this drug was originally designed to treat skin cancer.. I was wondering if this will delay seroconversion?

Should I keep testing until 6 months after the exposure?

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Platelet Donation False Positive HIV Testing

I donated platelets back in March and I just got a letter in the mail the other day saying that I am no longer eligible to donate blood because I tested reactive to the anti HIV 1/2 test, but tested negative on their confirmatory test (they didn't specify what their "confirmatory" test was)
I have never had a blood transfusion, never used IV drugs, and my one and only sexual partner is my long term boyfriend (we have been together for over 7 years, always wear condoms, and we were each other's first partners). I live in the US.

I do have piercings, the oldest one I got in 2010, and I gave blood after receiving it without a problem. I also had my wisdom teeth extracted last March and I did get a flu shot in September (6 months before the donation)

At the time of donation I was sick, I had a bit of a head cold but I was on my way to recovery (but still sick..)

Could the fact that I had a head cold (stuffy/runny nose, sore throat, cough, fatigue) during the time I was donating cause a false positive?

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Fighting Against Anxiety Without Meds?

My question is that is there anyone out there that is fighting or cured anxiety without meds?

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