Ever Since My Spontaneous Pneumothorax, Difficulty Exercising

Ever since my spontaneous pneumothorax I have had a lot of trouble with exercising. All the doctors have given me a clean bill of health and yet I can't run a 1/4 mile without being completely out of breath. Has anyone else experienced this? I need help because I am trying to be a peace officer and it is what I have been working toward for years. I have to be able to run for this job and right now I can't.

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Spontaneous Spleen Rupture In Infectious Mononucleosis

Spontaneous splenic rupture in infectious mononucleosis. How will his body fight the infection without his spleen.

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Pneumothorax :: Smoking After Pleurodesis

Back in April 2014 I had an operation on my lung to fix it to my chest wall. (Pleurodesis) (VATS).

I used to smoke about 6/7 a day for 3 years before that.

I'm 20 years old now and it's been 16 months since I had the operation.

Basically I miss being able to smoke with friends at the pub or when I'm out etc. 

Would it hurt me or would there be bad results if I were to smoke 1 or 2 a MONTH. Literally only 1 or 2. (I barely go out)

I don't want to hear the "Smoking is never good." blah blah blah. I just need to know whether 1 or 2 a month would have catastrophic issues on my lung. 

It will be tobacco also (Roll ups) not cigarettes.


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Pneumothorax :: Collapsed Lungs X4, Two Lung Operations, One Sealed, One Stapled - 20 Years On

I had all my lung drama in the 1980s, two collapses on each side, then followed by each a major lung op, one side using a blebectomy (I think it was called) which was a partial lobectomy that was then stapled back together. The other was a filler where they used some seal to fill the space between the lung and the pleura. So many years later, I survived without needing other operations but heres what happened to my lungs...!

Not sure exactly, but my chest cage, lung cage, shrank relatively suddenly - the doctor noticed the xrays looked as if they belonged to different people. Then I experienced permanent shortness of breath, I have now lived with this for six years. It was accompanied by permanent elevated adrenaline and heart pounding, none of which has been diagnosed by the doctor who always say 'everything is within normal range'. I exercise as much as I can to keep my breathing in as good a shape as possible but I feel like if they opened me up they would find an awful mess in their. I cycle a lot and swim as much as possible - I was always super active - but my breathing capacity in exercise is so much less than it was. I am 50 now and know that damage is also due to binge smoking throughout my life but I haven't smoked for a long time. I'd love to know if other people have had this or varied reactions from their lung op history and what they did about it, especially what their solutions have been. MY SOLUTIONS HAVE BEEN variously holding my breath under water for as long as possible to try and expand my lung capacity - not for the pre-op pneumo people!, Yoga, Stretching, breathing in a spine stretching folded position, meditation, cycle till you are out of breath, Buteko methods of CP and green juicing for best method of getting positive amount of super nutrients to the brain and blood stream oxygene. This might have helped someone, it helped me but it took me years to discover all the different methods I now incorporate. My condition puts me in a state of constant panic that I need to daily manage.

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Cardiovascular :: Instant Fatigue When Doing Explosive Exercise

I'm male 26. I'm a boxer training 4 times a week and i've done so for many years. I'm in very good physical condition but around 8-10 months ago I started noticing I was getting tired and lacking energy during training.  This has got dramatically worse to the point that 2 minutes into my first round of pad work my muscles instantly fatigue and I have to stop. 20 seconds of rest and im back to normal, but it happens again and again. It's become so bad that I have to go down on one knee to recover and sometimes I feel dizzy. I can normally do 12 three minute rounds on pads with ease. I feel completely fine other than this. I can jog 5km no problem, I only seem to have the problem with explosive exercises. I've been to my GP but I don't think she knows what's wrong with me. I had blood tests which showed I had a virus but at that time I had flu for two week so I think that was more to do with that. Can anyone tell me what's wrong? 

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Cervical Spondylosis :: Sudden / Instant Fall To Sleep

I have had c/s at levels C4,5,6 and 7 for 5 years now. It is progressively getting worse. Instant sleep- I sleep between 6 to 8 hours on average each night, sometimes solid, thanks to my meds, sometimes not. However over the last 10 to 12 weeks something weird is happening. I suddenly fall asleep. Not a few winks but solid sleep, instantly. So I get up , walk around and pick up my laptop and go to my Emails or whatever and sit down to read, only I instantly fall asleep again, wake up looking at my laptop, tell myself to "buck up" and fall back into a sleep. If I sit down to watch t.v. with my wife we will be watching something, chatting about it and suddenly I am asleep again. Could it be that the osteophytes at levels C6 and C7 which are pushing into my spinal cord are progressing to the point that my brain is becoming starved of oxygen?

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Allergies :: Instant Or Filter Coffee? ( Itchy Legs )

Baffled my GP, but eventually I found that the cause of my itchy legs (mainly around the joints) was when I changed employer, and started drinking instant coffee all day instead of filter coffee.

I 'cured' myself by going onto green tea for a few weeks, then changed to filter coffee - and hey presto, no itchy legs any more, and have been fine now for 11 years.

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HIV :: Instant Tests (1-2 Spots) Are Valid? 4-5 Weeks After Exposure?

I would like to ask if these instant tests (those with the one spot - two spots) are valid 4-5 weeks post exposure.

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Bartholin's Cyst :: Instant Relief With Q-tips And Cotton Swabs

Every time I feel an abscess coming I do this very simple steps and trust me! Trust me! when I say INSTANT RELIEF! I've had bartholin abscess recurrence since 8 years ago. I've had it maybe 15 times. I've tried everything except surgery. I just did these steps literally 10 minutes ago because I felt an abscess coming and when I checked my vagina I was right my right labia was starting to swell up.

All you need is q-tips or cotton swabs, and a mirror. (I use the magnifying mirror it's easier to see) Sit on the toilet, place the mirror in front of your vagina so you can see. Find your bartholin duct/opening... Using your index and middle finger spread the labia - I don't know if it's the same for everyone but my bartholin opening is just right beside my clitoris. It's a very small hole. Position the q-tip/swab on the swollen gland then press to squeeze the puss out. Keep doing it until the gland is empty. The relief ahhhh if I had known this procedure 8 years ago (I discovered it by accident -(tried everything out of desperation) omg all those suffering from pain and not being able to walk and sit.

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Pregnancy :: Anyone Developed Lactose Intolerance

Has anyone developed lactose intolerance while pregnant? And did your baby have it after being born? My husband has always been lactose intolerant and just recently I've become the same way and wondered if it was actually the baby's way of making me avoid it..

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Frozen Shoulder :: Anyone Developed Migraines?

Ok, has anyone developed migraines with FS?  After my cortisone shot fiasco a few weeks ago, I have been having awful headaches. I have never  had migraines before, and had one yesterday.  Called the doc and she wanted me to go to ER, but I frankly could not drive and no one was home. Finally just fell asleep (somehow). I feel so off today. Will call doc in a bit, but wow, really do we need to add more to FS? At least it took the focus off the pain in my shoulder and arm! LOL

I have never had a headache that bad in my life.  Maybe it was something from the Kelalog 40 they injected in my joint, I did have an allergic reaction to the iodine or something and ended up in ER same day as the injection a few weeks ago. Is this a normal thing the, the nasty headaches.. that rest of you have experienced?

Mind you, I have no curve in my neck right now (doc said due to the severe pain I am in) and the headache  yesterday was from my shoulder, up my neck to the back of my head. 

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Orlistat :: Developed A Nasty Rash

I've got a rash between my legs and on my thighs it's really sore has anyone else had this?

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Mental Conditions :: OCD Developed After Puberty?

I recently noticed that some mild OCD I developed before entering high school has gotten worse. While it used to be compulsive list-making about memories it has turned into touching things/thinking things/blinking/breathing/walking either two or four times. If I touch something on one side, I have to touch it on the other. Many rituals have to do with time, and sometimes if I'm reading a page it's more about completing a symmetry task than actually reading. Memories are "things" which can be visualized like I'm currently living in them. This gets worse during times of high stress.

My question is, why did this develop when I was fourteen? I was always a bit sensitive to certain sounds and dirty surfaces, but those mild obsessions are NOTHING like what I experience now. I assume that every ritual is a stress-relief technique and that since my mind's always racing, my brain feels a need to organize things. But I'm not an organized person, and when I'm feeling low, I almost never complete my work. I can obsess over certain past actions for hours and analyze situations to the point where I'm practically making up other people's reactions or pretending I'm inside their head.

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STDs :: Prostatitis Developed After Gonorrhea

Few years ago, i was diagnosed with gonorrhea and I was left untreated for 1.5 months.

Later, my symptom of gonorrhea has gone. However, symptoms of prostatitis developed and lasted till now (its almost
3 years). I have taken so many antibiotics for a year. But finally they seemed useless to my pain of prostatitis (so i quit it). Now the symptoms are mild. But it really bothers me. I have thought to suicide, because I think i am still contagious of STD. I am afraid gonorrhea is hiding in my prostate, causing prostatitis.

I have done so many tests (PCR of semen, prostatic fluid). They came back neg. However, I wonder if these tests are false neg (because the false neg reports made me left untreated my problem of gonorrhea. I am afraid i would pass STD to my gf...I am afraid i could not father a child..these problems annoy me so much..Sometimes i would think its better to die rather than suffer..can someone professional or experienced help me?

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Bisoprolol :: Taking For 8 Weeks And Developed Eye Twitch

been on 2.5mg bisoprolol for 8 weeks suddenly developed a twitch in both eyes - have glaucoma and take ganfort 0.5mg daily does anyone have same problem only going to warfarin clinic for first time today and will need to mention this

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Herpes :: Developed Watery Pimples On Penis

I had Developed watery pimples on my Penis and its itchy could that be herps? on other STD?

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Developed Septic Arthritis After Joint Replacement

Had knee replaced 2009. Last year developed cellulitis and septic arthritis one day prior to having other knee joint replaced.

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Cannabis :: Developed An Anxiety Disorder From Smoking Weed

I am 18 years old and I think I have developed an anxiety disorder from smoking weed. I had 2 small puffs of weed from when I was in my early eighteens and I got a bit high but not much at all. I was with some good friends and the effects of being high wore off. When I joined University I smoked less than half a blunt with my new friends because it was late, I couldn’t go home and it was the only thing they were doing. I had this bad anxiety attack when I was shaking, my throat was dry and I was tired. I could tell this was a bad panic attack and I felt like I was fighting for my life. I had to go to sleep to calm myself down. The next day I felt fine, I had a shower and continued with my life. A month later, I was with two of my mates and they bought a bit of weed. I had two puffs of it to regulate the amount in my mates University room and tried to remain as calm as possible to avoid a panic attack. It worked and we went to a night club. The next day I felt a bit anxious. The day after I went to my friend’s university corridor and knocked on it to let me. However, I smelt a tiny bit of weed through the door and I started to panic again. I had to lie on my bed and I missed two days of lectures. I was having fast heart palpitations, I was shaking and I couldn’t stop worrying about weed. Every time I am in a stressful moment such as getting to lectures on time makes me slightly panicky and have moments when I can feel in my head an adrenaline rush which is how the panic attacks start. I had a panic attack in one lecture while sober and I thought to myself that when I learnt my lesson not to go near weed it was too late. I have become more anti-social because I feel too anxious to be around the friends I have smoked a bit of weed with. It took 3 weeks for my panic attacks to go but my heart feels it beats a bit faster than usual. I also have this ache in my chest. I went to my GP and he said it was not due to the weed because I did very little and it was due to stress and anxiety. When I do University work and I stress a bit more my heart starts to palpitate and I don’t know how to calm myself down. Every day I have this feeling of anxiety all over my body. The weed couldn't have been laced with other drugs because my mates would have seen it was. 

I worry about hearing weed and I have this big anxiety attack when I smell it which makes me not want to do anything. Has the weed damaged my body in any way? I know quite a few people who have smoked weed and they are fine. I became sick once because I smelt weed. Will my brain ever repair itself to make me feel normal again without this big anxiety attack and chest ache? I guess too much of anything is bad for you but for me, that is not the case and I hate how I feel every day.

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Dental :: Wisdom Tooth - Pocket Developed On Gum Line

I have one partially erupted wisdom tooth on the upper left side. None of the others have erupted. It has the flap over the back half that hasn't erupted. I had worked very hard to keep it cleaned out as it didn't become painful when it stayed clear of debris. Now I no longer have to worry about the flap, but a pocket that has developed on the outside of my gum line in the tissue next to the tooth. As if where the cheek connects with the top of the gum line. It is quite painful and produces a foul taste in my mouth, especially in the morning. Has anyone had this happen before? What is it and what should I do?

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